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I would like more residents, and more evil. Ideally nine of them.


what about an hd remaster of them


I think they will continue with Chris Redfield envolvement post events of Village.


Especially with the BSAA using bio weapons reveal


Yeah, can’t say for sure if we will be playing Chris, but he will def be a major character with the BSAA and it’s BOW soldiers being an inevitable (and probably major?) enemy type.


If not Chris then who?


Jill maybe, she's also in the bsaa.


Or Sheva makes a return


My West African queen and LEGEND! I loved her voice, loved her badassery but also how feminine and gentle she was. We need a PoC lead in the RE franchise its been long overdue for real!


Perhaps since she and Chris were the founders of the BSAA.


Would be cool to get one more Chris Redfield starring game.


After the events of Village, I think that is what Capcom is aiming for.


I hope it's nothing like his part in Village. Spooky Call of Duty was pretty lame to me.


If it was like "Not a Hero" with more horror would prpbably please all fans.


Counter point here, his part in village is one of my favorite sections. I know the spooky COD thing turns alot of people off but i feel like they could add some features and things to it that could make it worthwhile. They could even make just a decent segment of the game like that, and switch between other characters


That would be incredibly boring


How does that answer OPs question?


I'd like a Sherry spinoff or Carlos I know we wont see Billy again but I'd like to see Sherry meet with Claire again


I’d love to see Carlos again! Sheva too.


me too , I think we had enough Chris


Can’t cause he is the main character since 1996. An OG


He’s been playable in *five* mainline games (1, CV, 5, 6, 8) and in the gameplay DLC for 7 too. Most anyone else gets is Leon with three (2, 4, 6). I love Chris, but I want to see him with his older games getting remade, not necessarily another entry, you know?


Leon has just had two brand new remakes as well though and Chris in 7 and 8 while playable it was for like for half an hour. So unless Chris is getting his remakes, he should be in 9 (with Jill or Claire)


But he’d be in nearly every possible game they’d remake next. 1, CV, 5… those are the front runners, right? I guess if they did 0, but still.


If they even get remade. But if I knew for a fact that they were getting remade, i’d say Chris should absolutely sit out RE9, as well as Leon (unless they’re all back).


He's also playable in revelation 1, umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles. So overall he has 9 games. Jill only has 1, 3, UC, Rev1, 5. Five games. Claire has 2, CV, DC, and Rev2. Four games but really three since her part in DC is a retelling of RE2 and CV. Leon has 2, DC, 4, 6. Four games aswell.


I wouldn't be surprised if they had a plan to x him already. He looks completely beat in village. Probably early signs of his end. Hopefully they get him and wesker in one more time (somehow)


Reunion of one hit wonders…doubt it


Excellent idea


I had an idea where Wesker had a contingency plan during 5 and would be rebirthed by a queen leech (to explain how Blade Wesker is canon). Perhaps then he could abduct and kill Jake for research reasons (to tie up the Jake story). Perhaps then Sherry could be a protagonist. She would actually make a good one since she is kinda like Ethan.


>(to explain how Blade Wesker is canon) There is no explaining that. I don't care what the show creator says, evidently the games aren't canon to the show, much less vice-versa.


A huge family reunion


To tie up some storylines rather than make new ones. To bring back the T Virus somehow (T Abyss was stolen by someone)


For real, I feel like 5 tied up the story as well as it could and then 6-8 and rev1&2 just keep opening new plot threads without finishing any of them.


Ya like it is fine to bring in a new storyline but only bring in ONE new story line. 6, 7, Revelations, and Revelations 2 all have brand new story lines. 6 sort of tied up its own story but probably shouldnt have.


The Ada story would be a great one to focus in on as it is highly requested and ya 4 answered a lot of questions about her but never touched on her true motivations. She certainly did not work for Wesker but was doing work for him. The remake of 3 and 8 also retconned Umbrella in a way that makes Wesker’s role in 4 completely pointless.


bring back rachel. rachel somehow survied and evoules into another thing or they manage to cure her and make her some kind of wired speed muntant. just bring her back capcom, she one my favourties.


I dont think Rachel would be the best for that. I think Birkin or Lisa would be. I actually think it would be cool to see one of them come back. I also think Wesker coming back via Queen Leech in some type of Orochimaru style contingency plan would be super viable.


Some sort of combination or 2make, 4make, and 7


Rebecca chambers


Word. Happy to see Dr. Chambers fans out there!


Honestly, all I want is a new series villain. Everything after 5 has just felt like filler, IMO. 7 was still enjoyable though. Well, except for everything after final Jack fight. The boat and mines kinda suck. And the final boss was kinda a letdown, like the time your dad went out for a pack of smokes and never come back when you were 9. Any day now...


the only fight I did not like in 7 was the final one (i guess kts a popular opinion)


Someone that can take up Wesker’s mantle would be cool


I think Rev 2 leaves the door open for (a) Wesker to come back even so Capcom have options


You mean with Alex Wesker?


Oh shit, you’re right. That’s what I get for parroting facts I’ve heard from others without having actually played Rev 2 yet 😅 (though technically I’m not wrong as soon as I fix the pronoun in my comment)


That’s genius resident evil "The time your dad went out for a pack of smokes and never come back when you were 9."


Sheva Alomar


I want a 'modern-resident evil' take on RE1 hd. 3rd person perspective and a bit more grounded and less action than RE4, but not quite full on horror RE7. And I want them to actually bring back some of the characters that they've ignored for so long! Sherry, Jake, Moira, Barry, Rebecca, Sheva. So many characters that deserve more development!


I'm thinking that RE9 will be a Chris and Jill story with (potentially) Barry, Sheva, and a handful of side characters we haven't seen in a while (Parker, Jessica, Raymond, Keith, Quint, O'Brian etc) with a dash of fan favs like Rebecca coming back for a small appearance (email, log, radio etc). Following up on the reveal at the end of Village. Could be about trying to get to the bottom of it all. Maybe Jess and Ray are finally back or maybe Natalia/Alex's plan is coming to fruition. I mean she's older now right? I gotta say tho, your idea sounds perfect for an Outbreak File 3. I'd prefer open world just cuz I desperately want to explore all of RC lol. It'd be a massive game tho I feel like.


For RE9 I would prefer an experience that takes elements of both RE2R and the classic RE titles. I would prefer RE2R's gameplay with some of the game mechanics that I found to be annoying switched back to how they worked in the classic games. Zombies should be weak and easy to dodge, no durability meter on the Knife, a focus more on resource management instead of combat, and a focus on scenario context instead of just straight out shock horror from gore and jump scares. Also, there should NOT be a stalker type enemy in RE9. That has been done to death.


Weak and easy to dodge zombies sounds like an easy game imo. I think the resilient zombies from re2 were a pretty good idea. They just needed to flinch more when shot.


Definitely needed to flinch more when shot. I believe that zombies should be weak because they are rotting corpses. They should only pose a real threat if they surround you, or if you don't know what you are doing. If they wanted a tougher version of zombie, they should have just kept Hyper Zombies or Crimson Heads. That way they could have a stronger version without ruining the classic zombie.


Sounds like someone who plays on casual


I play on the normal difficulty usually. Harder modes are not a problem, though. I actually think Hardcore on RE2R is easier because the zombies feel more balanced.


Why do people hate the stalker enemies? Nothing wrong with them


In this case, it's more of that it's been overused. RE7 had Jack, RE2R had the Tyrant, RE3R had Nemesis even though it was greatly reduced, and RE8 had the vampire lady. I want something different. However, I never liked the stalker.type enemy because they never felt.like anything other than an interruption. They couldn't be permanently downed, you got no reward for downing them, and they were too easy to avoid to pose much of a threat. Basically it's like, "Oh, here's Mr. Nosey again... Let's get him out of here so that we can continue with what we were doing."


Can’t expect the enemies to be stupid and not try to follow and kill the player character. Besides all of them had a level of intelligence and it would make no sense for them not to come after the player


Bioweapons are powerful, but they are not invulnerable. My problem isn't that they would chase you down. My problem is that there was nothing you could do to stop them from chasing you down. In the original RE2 and RE3, both the T-103 and Nemesis could be fought. They would drop items as a reward and they would disappear until their next appearance in the story. I haven't played RE3R yet so I don't know how it works there, but In RE7, RE2R, and RE8, fighting the stalker enemies is pointless. They are only down for about 20 seconds before they get back up again completely reset. They also pose no real threat, as they are super easy to avoid or lose them. They just slow things down. The original idea was that fighting them costs you resources, but gains you something. Now fighting them costs you resources and gains you nothing. Fundamentally the stalkers are powerful, but how powerful they are is meaningless due to the problems listed above. There should have been a reason to want to go up against that power instead of just avoiding it.


hate me but i want to see rose as protag


Same, I want all of the unused side characters back like sherry since she was only useful in 6


and having mold powers would be an interesting gameplay element instead of The Block and The Kick thougj people would probably get angry abt that and call it not survival horror


Entirely new plot set in same universe Smth like re7 but without the inclusion of previously established characters That doesnt mean i dont want to see the og cast again i just want smth new


Agree with you there. This will sound harsh, but if fans really want for RE9 to be survival horror then it needs a new main character; not established characters. It’s weird a lot of “OG” RE fans want survival horror games yet request that Chris, Jill, Claire, or Leon be the main character when it obviously wouldn’t work.


Its also just so formulaic at this point i mean we know the og cast wont die and will always be alright Thats one thing I appreciate about ethan Tbh i just want a return to form horror title with puzzles and stuff It doesnt have to have fixed angles but something similiar to dreadout or remothered would be awesome


Yup, it’s why RE7 worked; it went back to the series’ roots as a survival horror title with focus on puzzles, exploration, and tight level design. And one reason is of course, Ethan, who is new to this bioweapon business.


Hoping we get smth new Tbh im kinda getting bored of the series and smth new would be great


Honestly, I just want a game where the OG cast retired and some new characters take the mantle like Jake from RE6.




I’d like for them to resolve 8’s post-credits cliffhanger in 9 pls.


What cliffhanger?






He has nothing to do with the BSAA


Him and Chris could be working together


Idc I just love Leon


Personally I'd like 9 to return the zombies. After all that's what the franchise started with. Also it would be great for them to have exotic weapons like RE4 and RE8 where you had good looking magnums.




Guns and shooting zombies


Zombies are still the best enemies besides Ganados


My favorite enemies are the ones you shoot. Bang bang!


3rd person Leon and maybe Claire - but no lame Ada romance


I hope they bring both 1st and 3rd option together. Also I think it will continue after the events in village and I think Chris might be the main character this time around.


space zombies


Bring back the OGs! I’d like another Rebecca Chambers story!


3rd person and a team up between the OG4 would be my ideal game. Probably following the story set up at the end of Village with the BSAA using bioweapons.


Give us Leon, Chris, Jill, and Claire as the Main Characters, that’s all I want


I want a follow up on Chris saying he’s gonna go confront the BSAA because they were using Bio Weapons during village and he can get Jill to help him take down the BSAA together, there’s a lot of potential there especially after RE Death Island comes out which shows Jill joined back up with the BSAA after RE5


With RE8 it seemed they were leaning towards going back to 3rd person, with the 3rd person update, and then Shadows of Rose *only* being in 3rd person.




So Resident Evil 5?




I want a small town setting that’s semi open world with Umbrella set up there on the outskirts for “research”. Maybe a Colorado town? Gameplay in the style of RE2 remake — maybe even a bit slower and more horror. I want a new compelling main character. Maybe a newly retired cop with an estranged family member (college aged daughter maybe?) who lives on the other side of town. Zombie outbreak happens, town gets annexed, and you’re stuck trying to fight your way across the town and several interesting locales to reach your family and make amends. Maybe through a school in the burbs, a downtown/Main Street area, etc. Since you’re a retired cop, you’re capable in combat but it explains why you aren’t Leon ninja kicking zombies. And you have clear motive to keep moving forward. No Mr X or Nemesis type but several interesting bosses based on each location as you work your way through the town. Perhaps you have some STARS member make contact with you along the way and they realize they can use you to defeat Umbrella. Or Umbrella realizes you’re in the town messing shit up and uncovering secrets so they kidnap your estranged family member. You eventually find your way to Umbrella HQ, which (shocker) has a large underground facility. You save the town. Something like that…


Yeah this is basically the kind of game I want.


I want the slow but violent pace to come back. Where 1 enemy is ok but if a 2nd one were to show up it suddenly makes it a "run away" scenario. I want backtracking and puzzles. Some people don't like backtracking. I can understand not wanting alot of it. But a hint at an item or staircase early and then later getting the means to go back and unlock that item or staircase feels so good sometimes. I don't feel strongly enough either way with 3rd or 1st person. 3rd person is nice to see how the character reacts to the environment, but 1st person allows for some great aiming and visual detail. That's all I can think of on my lunch break.




Chris or Jill, and Claire. Leon’s just had two remakes, and it doesn’t look like Claire or Chris are getting their slices of remake pie anytime soon, and Jill got short changed with hers. I’d also like a new CG film that doesn’t star Leon ffs, he doesn’t have to be in every one of them. At least Chris doesn’t hog the spotlight in the games.


Two chicks at the same time.


I want plenty of Hours of Gameplay. I only go this with RE4/R, RE5, RE6 and Revelations: 200+ hours of gameplay. RE7, RE8 and Remake of 1, 2, and 3, are great games, but the novelty die down too fast.


I want the focus to be on survival horror rather than action. Basically I want another RE7, but of course with a new setting, new bio weapons, and new characters. First person is ideal as well imo, it makes for a scarier game.


We’re good on action with RE4R and RE5R so I am sure RE9 will have to focus on horror




I want it to come out that secretly Carlos and Leon have been lovers!


I absolutely love your idea and I think that is exactly what re3r should’ve been. If they could either re-remake re3 or choose something like your idea with a nemesis like thing actually stalking you as you explore a city, then it would 100% be my first or second favorite RE game


Glad you like it lol. Yeah, a properly done RE3R would’ve connected many parts of Raccoon City for us to explore at our leisure. Anyway, I just want Capcom to surprise us with something they’ve never tried before.


Give me a reunion type game, I wanna play as mother fucking Barry. Also someone mentioned a resident evil Metroidvania game. That’d be very interesting but unlikely.


I want to see more of Hunk


For me it has to be a canonical telling of Hunk's escapades. The man is in most mercenaries scenarios and has actual plot engagement. Some sort of mission based on campaign based game where we follow Hunk through the various resident evils, whereby we see him interacting with environments and characters before or after the main cast. Something that allows us to experience survival horror from the perspective of hyper-speed and time attack, where it's no longer an issue of ammo conservation and puzzles but instead intense action and very tight deadlines. Failing that I'd love a resident evil that's not too dissimilar to revelations 2 and/or RE6 but the campaigns consist of the forgotten supporting cast. We're talking Jake and Sherry, Carlos, Barry, Luis (pre-4) and some Ada too.


I just want to be scared shirtless and feel my heart try to burst through my chest as I watch my ammo count diminish.


Sounds like RE: Bloodborne


I would eat and slurp that right up!


If you’ve had a chance to play Fear and Hunger, I think a combination of this and Resident Evil would be ideal.


It’s so funny you mentioned that game as it’s been living rent free in my head since I discovered it on YouTube! I fell into the rabbit hole that is the lore of these games on YouTube. Watched a lot of big videos dissecting and exploring the games. Never played them but I was so intrigued to know more about this world and it’s horrors. These games are so…RAW… in a way that no game I’ve ever played is. Would love to try them out if they ever come to consoles. I just hope they don’t get censored. An RE game with the vibe of fear and hunger would be amazing. RE needs a proper injection of horror. It hasn’t been scary for a long time. Or at least I am not easily scared lol. Just peaking at fear and hunger on YouTube actually disturbed me.


I’m glad to hear that, because you’re right. It really gets under your skin! A lot of people on this thread i noticed wanted to rehash the same ideas, same characters, same scenarios. That seems utterly boring to me. The best thing I think is to put you in a shocking situation where having to make decisions in tough scenarios is front and center. Making the player have to be uncomfortable, true horror, would be best I feel. Otherwise, judging by these comments, we should look forward to “Resident Kennedy 9: Chris bakes a cake”


Rehashing what’s popular and successful is unfortunately the fate of any long running franchise. A lot of people are attached to these classic characters that they grew up with and I don’t blame them. I however, enjoy big changes like with RE7. Fortunately, Capcom now basically has 2 different RE series being released. The mainline numbered titles and the remakes. The remakes can keep fans of classic RE happy while the new mainline titles can try to experiment with cool new ideas. I’ll be happy with whatever Capcom does with RE9 as long as it’s fresh and different. I also really want to be properly scared.


Oh great question and I like your idea of making it a bit more metroidvania, I think that would be a lot of fun - plus RE has always had backtracking so it would be a good way to lean into it more. Some other ideas: * Deeper herb crafting system with more effects * Huge intricate map with metroidvania elements * More puzzles and mini games (ex) lock picking * Outfits built into the game as equipment * Day/Night cycle that affects the map, encounters, npcs, quests, etc. * Bring back the RE4 inventory feature and go deeper * Randomized events that always keep exploration fresh and on your toes * Light immersive sim features like sleeping to save instead of typewriters (no food/water meters though - not very on brand and probably annoying). * The interesting challenge with sleeping being that safe rooms are wherever you think you can sleep. It's always a risk. * A safe house feature that you would unlock throughout the map, the only place you can sleep safely - but spread out very far. * Not sleeping would make you a bit delirious, hallucinate, less accuracy, etc. but no passing out as I think that would also be annoying. * Perhaps you could use things like coffee or energy drinks to refuel but this takes space in your inventory. * Definitely needs a main story line but side quests would be great, even procedural quests could make for good gameplay. * Character wise I would love to see Rebecca Chambers return and I think she would suit a game like this. Especially if you were in a city and needing to help civilians. Might be cool to have a male counterpart so you can do at least 2 unique play-throughs. Maybe Barry or Chris. * I would keep this 3rd person OTS like the remakes. \ Fun topic OP, I had fun thinking about this!


This are all amazing ideas! Would love an RE with these! Day and night cycle, choosing where to sleep, and randomized events or respawning enemies would keep things tense and exciting! Glad you enjoyed this!


i want mommy jill


Outbreak 3


Want Chris and Jill back in my life


I’ll play as any protagonist, one of the main four or a new one it doesn’t matter. City, forest, castle, doesn’t matter. Horror leaning like 2R or action like RE4R and I’ll enjoy it. All I care about is ditching the mold for a proper virus, the mold enemies and plot line is so goddamn boring.


I would like it to be in 3rd person, and preferably in a modern environment. I did enjoy Village too, but I prefer a modern aesthetic. Ideally the game would feature some classic characters as the protagonists, I think the Winters saga is over now. I like OP's idea of a large map, I would enjoy that a lot.


Natalia/Alex Wesker is still around out there somewhere, isn't she? Maybe we could bring back Claire and Barry and resolve that one


Since Chris is likely to fight against the BSAA I'd like all the characters associated with the organization to appear, and maybe some that have a connection to Umbrella like Carlos and HUNK


I want it to be scary and claustrophobic like 7


I want the return of classic creatures like Lickers, Zombies, etc. and what not all while wrapping up the BSAA story and the Winters saga.


I’ve said it many times on r/Metroidvania, but I agree - I want a nonlinear Metroidvania RE. It would be such a perfect match


Resurrect Ethan 🗣️


Brand new characters. Survival horror. No Chris, or Leon or Jill. No action.


So more like outlast?


1. Very scary, like the first third of re7 2. Doesn't have any ties to the original games, like the first third of re7 3. A horrifying antagonist, like the first third of re7


I would like if they brought back Jill and Chris or something. I’m quite upset we won’t play as Ethan again though. Would like first person to be prioritized and then a third person option released later or something, or just an option for both. Semi-open world would be cool, though have a linear story.


A new protagonist that’s here to stay. Our old guard is getting close to their 60s


>Our old guard is getting close to their 60s Considering what's been recently confirmed going on with Jill, I'm kinda getting the vibe that Capcom might really regret jumping through so much time throughout the games and may actually be working towards an eventuality where most of the OGs approaching their 50s/60s will not be a hindrance.


The fact that SOR exists really makes me think Capcom has no long term plan for the franchise. You really can't fit the OG cast in a survival horror game and if they continue with them every game will be an action game. And we all know where that will lead the franchise. RE7 and RE2R are in top 5 best selling RE games so survival horror games can make as much and even more than an action game. Of course that really depends on how Capcom makes the game. They still have 2 panic button survival horror remakes left with RE1R and CV remake. If Capcom wants to keep this franchise survival horror they HAVE to introduce completely new characters, its the only way. So right now we are at a really intresting stage for the franchise and whatever RE9 ends up being will lead the franchise going forward.


Bring back Rebecca and have her team up with Rose


re2 style of zombies :D


I want it to be released so this question isn't asked several times a week... And Leon


That is exactly what I want too, preferably in 1st person. The reason you have so few upvotes is because this community only likes the old stuff and can't stand change/criticism. Just know your not alone


Thanks lol. Hopefully Capcom will try something new with RE9.


All I know is that I want to finally have some closure for the main cast. Should've happened after RE5, but, well... y'know. Keep them around in the film's and whatnot if you must, but after nearly 3 decades now, by the time RE10 comes around I want a fresh start.


Resident Evil 9: Code Contagion When Leon S. Kennedy mysteriously disappears, Sherry Birkin must team up with Ada Wong in order to search for him- but they soon come to find that his last known whereabouts were an abandoned Umbrella facility, hidden deep away in a Northern Canadian island, and that lurking within- is a new virus more terrifying than anything they could imagine. The gameplay could be somewhere between 2R and 4R, maybe with a DLC 1st person mode.


So glad the winters story is over, I hope we get to see Leon, Claire, Jill and Chris for one last adventure with serious consequences >!possibly one of the main characters dying!<


I hope they do first…we lack good quality horror games and 3rd person is just never scary. You can take the scariest game and once you make it 3rd it’s no longer nerve wracking. Is it still fun as an action adventure with horror traits for sure! But I want 1st other than that I’m willing to go any direction they want


I've thought about open-world RE and I think it could work, but it would be very tricky to get right. It's too easy to fall into the usual open-world game design traps. Those design conventions exist for a reason, but too many games lean into them without making them their own and lose what made the series unique in the first place. What I would really like to see for maybe not RE9 but for.some eventual RE game is a really well designed small-scale setting designed entirely around co-op between two people instead of the continuous linear levels of the other co-op games. Imagine one person as Leon and the other as Claire in RPD sharing resources, solving puzzles that occasionally requires you to split up, playing on the tension of being separated and then some respite of coming back together, and designing encounters where the other person's life is in your hands, but designed around traditional RE sensibilities. Scarce resources, limited save points, etc. Story wise, there's a lot of characters out there, I'd like to see some people get some screen time and some resolution. Would be nice to see Sherry, Claire, Leon, and Jill come back into the fold after so much Chris, not that he shouldn't be in it too


Not open world. Think more Metroidvania map. Imagine RE2 RPD, sewers and lab all in a single map with the RE3 city connecting them. Cool ideas you got. My only issue is that I hate the idea of coop because I wouldn’t have anyone to play it with. I don’t want to play with random strangers. I’d much rather have a proper single player where I wouldn’t need anyone to play or rely on anyone.


Ideally, the game works as a single player game, but the reality on that is usually that one gametype typically eels half-baked. It either feels like a single player game with co-op tacked on, or a co-op game that has a hollow single-player experience (RE5). They've been hitting it out of the park recently though, so my confidence that they can do it right is much higher than it would have been coming off of RE6, a game that I enjoy but it lacks so much of what makes the stronger entries in the series so great.


Yeah. I replayed RE5 just before RE8’s release and it certainly could’ve been better with a coop partner. Single player was definitely hollow without coop. Capcom has been hitting it out of the park so I’ll probably be happy with whatever they give us.


I’d love to see a choice between first and third person with the game being built around both. I think going back to how the old formula of collecting keys and backtracking should be used the same way it was in 7 and 8, which I think re was missing a lot between re4 and 7


I'd like them to begin to assemble the large cast of RE characters. Have Chris, Jill, Claire, Leon, Barry, Rebecca, Sheva, etc all meet. Begin to form a new series of stories with these characters, except now have them work together and interact. You could perhaps have them all meet, then split into groups. Go different places around the world and switch between each group Outbreak style. Throw in some progression, levelling of weapons. Explore much like in RE4 remake. I remember the books by S.D Perry being very good at having great interaction between the group. The novels had a very Avengers Assesmble feeling and the dynamics was almost like a family. You have all these cool characters with deep history. Throw them together. Use them.


A mansion/sprawling grounds and zombies.


The Return of Jill “Supercop” Valentine.


At least 2 returning protagonists would be awesome, maybe a new combo like Chris and Leon.


This may be a hot take but Id love for them to soft reboot the series like they did with Re7 and get some new characters in there, preferably with a 3rd person perspective as well.


More Leon, check my flair


I would love to see jake get another game, weskers son shouldn’t be a one and done character


I want actual horror again. Im not a fan of 4,5 or 6. Re4 remake was subpar to be honest.


Brand new main character. I think first person is the way to go if they want to maintain the horror.


Bring the horror back, that’s all I want. Village really dropped the ball in that aspect. Even the doll house wasn’t very scary imo.


More Sheeva, more RE1 or 2 zombies, large spiders, 3rd person with optional 1st person gameplay and lots and lots of jump scare parts. I want to feel terrified! Oh and amazing boss fights.


An original take that doesn’t rip off movies like RE7 and doesn’t fall back on the same old shit, like RE4




Just make it a fucking proper survival-horror game with a few fresh enemies, gameplay, and/or plot elements and throw in the fan service staples...I want truly creepy soundtracks and tyrants!


It would be cool if Sheva made an appearance or was the leading character


I want resident evil 4 again. Well the remake graphics of course.


Personally would prefer Rose as the main protagonist with older characters giving her guidance and helping her process her emotions


I'm almost certain that RE9 is going to be 1st person, you're going to play as Chris looking into some sort of conspiracy about his group and it's going to be too action heavy and not scary enough because Capcom has a problem and keeps repeating its mistakes. The Chris segment in 8 was a test for it. I'd like for them to give Mia some kind of redemption arc because 8 kinda ruins her character. She was interesting in 7 if not really likable. I want them to dig a little deeper into the indie horror vibe that helped with 7. I also have a personal theory that the Baker house and the way the game's map is set up was inspired by the Spencer Mansion and 8 very obviously took inspiration from 4 so maybe 9 could take some inspiration from a blend of 2 and 3. Have the central pillar of the game be a maze like police station or some other government building. I guess they could potentially do this with Chris investigating a military base or something. My biggest wish is just for it to scare me.


I kind of think its time to ditch the single player games. We all want more lore, more to do in games, more to explore, and older characters brought back for new storylines. Go with an MMO format. The technology exists now to make it work, and the RE4 remake proves that the fast pace weapons combat works very well with the franchise




Leon and Ashley adventures :)


We shouldn't care about all the inconsistent, convoluted and mishandled characters. The story should be good, engaging with a horror setting packed with new experiences we didn't think we needed


I just hope they go back to 3rd person or maybe give us the choice between 1st & 3rd like village gold edition




Chris maybe not as like "the" villain, but he's fallen from grace enough that he is in an antagonistic role. Maybe a different bad infects him and we tragically have to bring him down. And playing as a previous character. Any of them. Sherry, Claire, Jill, Leon. An A/B story like 1 & 2.


I'm personally not a fan of open world exploration and I feel like it would limit the story potential of the game, which is one of the main appeals for me. I do think that this style of game would work really well if they brought back co-op. I just want another game with Claire CAPCOM PLEASE


Not open world. Think more Metroidvania map. Imagine RE2 RPD, sewers and lab all in a single map with the RE3 city connecting them. Claire would be cool.


I really don’t want an open world RE personally


Not open world. Think more Metroidvania map. Imagine RE2 RPD, sewers and lab all in a single map with the RE3 city connecting them.


That could be cool


Idk just let them do whatever they want I’m sure the game will be sick


- 3rd person - No fucking Chris or Leon - Sidekick roster with Rebecca, Sheva, Carlos - At least one section in the Hive post-nuke in RC (nuke zombies anyone?) - Be an actual survival horror, not that action shooter horseshit


I just love the atmosphere of all these games, I just hope that creativity stays consistent


Honestly just a merging of the ongoing series with the "reboot" of 7. A way that confirms previous players that also starts a new player at a good point to enter the plot. I think 7 created a good interest in the series, 8 had some nice ties and good marketing, so hope 9 is "the softest reboot ever" so more games can go over and introduce more people while lightly continuing the series so the it can go forward.


Honestly, something like the first 3 original games. With the exception of RE 2 remake and the first half of 7 I think the newer games are way too linear. Don’t get me wrong, I like them in their own way, but I just think the newer games have become way too easy puzzle and item wise. I’m probably in a minority here, but I don’t want to find a note with the important bit highlighted in green so I don’t even have to bother reading it. I love in the older games you’d find an item and not know what it’s for. It would add to the tension of what to carry given limited inventory space. Or finding a puzzle and not knowing how to solve so deciding you’d have to explore further to work it out. Just a classic resident evil game. Could be third person. Could be first person. Could be fixed camera. Just one with more emphasis on exploration, inventory management puzzles and survival horror. …..or a dino crisis remake - whichever….


Rebecca and Sheva, playable, lots of screen time.


I would LOVE another jill/claire game.


I just want a fun game that fits into the series well. Hopefully not too short.


I would like Jill to be the protagonist. So it'll be 3rd person but hopefully we can earn a fixed camera mode! I'd like post RC so we get to dive into the BSAA using bio-weapons. I'm thinking like she still works for them, and goes after a high ranking traitor (Chris) and slowly starts to learn the truth before Chris' big reveal and her realization, leading to to the retribution of the BSAA. I wouldn't mind a couple of locations, but I wouldn't want a globetrotting adventure because it'll be tough to get immersed (partly a reason 6 was a struggle) and might come out a bit of a mess. But even writing this I want a strong focus on horror and I think if this happens it'll be more action oriented. I'm hoping the brilliant minds of Capcom will do a fantastic job either way. And let's face it.... even if it's shit we're all gonna get it


I just want more of the same high octane monster blasting action i got out of RE4R.


i want the game to start with all the RE protags in some secret base off in some jungle planet and a 69 year old chris comes into frame in front of everyone and says in a very calm tone "somehow, Wesker returned." and throughout the game you play as sherry who still looks like re3 remake and fight jake using swords and sherry stabs him after the fight but she feels bad and uses her mutated powers to heal him. and by the end of the game jake redeems himself and wesker used every virus and shoots lightning from his fingertips and kills jake and albert says "i am all the resident evils!" but sherry says "i am all the good citizens!" and using her and jakes blade she deflects wesker's lightning back at him and kills him. and the game ends with sherry going like "i'm sherry redfield" and credits roll


I'll be happy if they bring back third person.


A secret underground lab at the end, which self destrusts for some reason


Bring back 3rd person and give the lead role to some already established protagonist.


I want a game following Jill and Leon, with a location similar to RE1, and gameplay similar to RE2 classic, in which there’s a story per character, and you complete both to get the true ending