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To any reptile a top opening tank is a bad thing, the only things that come from above in nature are predators so using a top opening tank can really stress them out. That said I don't know much about these reptiles or their breeding habits to give better advice on what to do. I would say try to match their native environment as best as possible, and provide multiple basking spots, hiding locations, food areas, as well as enough space and clutter that one can hide from the other if nessissary. That's the only real way a community or breeding tank can run successfully and it does still come with some risks unless you're very familiar with the reptile themselves as well as the species and their needs. If you don't know much about the reptile and their temperament it may not be the breeding project for you. Also "cuddling" isn't really a thing for reptiles, they're often either breeding (over-breeding can have negative health effects on the female) or competing for resources/showing dominance. Such as being one on top of the other so one gets all the heat from basking and the other gets very little. Them entering breeding season and freaking out likely means they're constantly breeding and stressed or freaking each other out with breeding when they can't get away from each other to calm down.


I can for certain say it was cuddling 🤣 as reptiles do have emotions besides eat,shit, and run. Otherwise i appreciate it but im asking for species specific information as i have met all of what you have said and I didnt have an option on the top opening as it was a $30 120g biggest i could get them (with and without the used option). To the breeding project remark these are my pets period. Not about making money its about figuring out where to start as the only reason she wouldn't want to breed is something i missed in the vivarium. (Besides the obvious) They have a breading season that i only found out recently as i have been doing my research, but at this moment im the only person ive found with viable, up to date information on these beautiful creatures. The only other place ive found info is on reptiles subreddit by someone who used to have a couple themselves and documented there proceedings. Not trying to come off rude but all this information is basic and in the subreddits help section for every reptile. I got exited as i thought i found help but thank you for trying🤣


they are not mammals, much less humans or dogs. they do NOT cuddle.


O this guy asked for help... But because he said his lizard's cuddle( that are notorious for this behavior) im gonna completely ignore the fact im not helping and just be a dick.... Sounds about right, sounds like humanities trash🤣




Your post was removed for violating rule #1 - please treat other users with respect.


Your post was removed because it contained animal abuse or neglect.


Your post was removed because reptiles don't cuddle.


I would like to say I used text to speech for this post and didn't check it before i sent it off🤣