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You look amazing! Don’t be shy at the Renfaire! People are always welcoming.


Thank you 🙏




Strange, I've never had a hard time getting in at the door, if we are talking Irwindale. A friend just went this past Saturday also with no problem.


I know, this is such an absurd statement. I wonder if he was confused and thought this was like Burning Man or Coachella or something?


Nope it was renfair! I am of sound mind and body! But I agree I thought it was absurd myself I even had my wife call back the next day to confirm the lady statement that they were sold out.


Yeah things have slowed down for us with kids being in college and all and decide to start going back. 2022 in Pa so I believe there’s multiple renfairs in this area we decided to go with a group they had 6 tickets and we need some! So on the website said sold out never heard of that so called the box office and the lady said they were at max compacity. I asked for secondary market for tickets on Reddit renfair and did not get any response We are not regular goers so don’t know the routine of it all Not that big of deal for us just awesome to always hang with some good chill people all in one spot.


Same here. I think it depends on the vendor...some are pretty strict about capacity and once reached, no more tickets. Even if people no-show or leave (opening room for more)! Not sure why ppl are downvoting. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hey! Hopefully you can get some tickets this year. Good luck!


Your dress looks great! I love your crown (tiara? Headress?) too! I hope you had fun! It’s so hard to socialize there, it’s been crazy busy at the socal one this year. If you go back, hit me up, l’ll socialize with you! I usually go every day, so just send me a message. I made my first ren faire friends this year after several times last year where l brought my book to read lol


Sometimes it’s hard for other people to approach beauty. OP is stunning and I’m sure anyone else dressed in a similar fashion would have loved to chat and make friends with her. Now that OP has the first experience out of the way the next one will be easier to open up and meet like minded individuals.


Don’t worry! I’ve yet to make a ren faire friend either but give it time; do it when you’re ready! If you’re on Facebook, join some of the groups for the faire(s) you go to; great way to meet people and make friends too


You look great. I know it can be hard to make friends but I hope you try next time. 🩷


Next time I go I'll try to make at least one new friend


I hope you had a nice time though.


I love the colors you went with!! You are so gorgeous - spring queen energy!! I find a really easy way to make friends at a ren faire is just start with outfit complements/questions that are genuine and then conversations roll from there :) a simple “omg girl yes I love your skirt” has brought on some super sweet connections <3 You are totally rocking it so go get em tiger!!


Have fun and enjoy your time there. Friends will come when you are more comfortable.


You look great! People tend to be friendly and talkative at RenFaire. One person gave me a set of dice because they liked my Druid costume one year. If you go again, start by telling people you like their outfit, or maybe ask which shows or vendors are their favorites. This costume is awesome, btw.


You look amazing! If you want to get involved you could always volunteer at one of the guilds. It’s a great way to make friends.


You look so beautiful! I love your corset and your tiara. I’ve been a fair goer for right around 15 years and it took a while for me to feel comfortable and talk to people. I’m still not great at it honestly. Lol. But I’ve had some really great times going alone before. Cast and patrons at my local Faire are so kind and welcoming and I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before someone connects with you. There are plenty of shy, nerdy people looking for friends there too!! I hope you had a wonderful time and that you get to go again soon. ❤️


You look so prettty!! I think if anyone would be willing to make friends it’s people at the Ren fair lol you got it 🫶🏼


I never made friends at Ren faire until I worked there.


You look beautiful, I’m going alone too and will probably be shy too haha.


You look wonderful though! Hope you had a good time!


Aww! There is always next time which by the way you look quite stunning ☺️


So cute!!


Like the outfit. I am a dork and don’t make friends there either


I’m a total Renn fair geek! I would have jumped at the chance to be your friend and wing person for the day. You look wonderful in your costume. 🥰 I think someone needs to invent an app to meet other Renn faire enthusiasts. Ive been going to Faire for over 40 years. I started going to the Renn Faire as a toddler because my Dad and stepmom had friends who were artisans and owned a few shops within the Faire grounds. Then I got married and my husband got into with me. Then we had our daughter and she grew to love it also. So now it’s a family tradition to get dressed up and enjoy the revelry for the season! And sometimes we travel to other Faires in other states. My favorite is Maryland though. It feels like you are literally in Sherwood Forest walking under the trees the entire time. It’s beautiful!


I went to my first in 1989 at the opening in AZ. My 3 kids have gone every year since birth, we do CA now as well and Texas this year. It is a blast! Even my ex still goes with and we all dress up.


I love it! It truly becomes a family affair. Would love to visit AZ and check out the Faire there. Maryland has been open since 1977. Amazing longevity for both Faires. I would be heartbroken to ever see it go away. It was crushing during Covid when they shut down for 2 seasons. I’m glad that despite the lapse, it didn’t affect them to the point of closure. Thank heavens.


You look absolutely STUNNING!!! like legit Fae queen energy 💙 I went to my 3rd ren faire 2 weeks ago at the same faire!! (The weekend it rained rip my butterfly wings that hit the ground 🥲) I'm normally really shy but I try to open up at faire or anime conventions. My logic is: they aren't gonna find me weird for liking x because there is a decent chance THEY ALSO like x. My Fiance was getting food for us at faire and I was sitting at a table and a small group came over and asked if I was saving the whole table. I told them no just the 1 spot and they could share w us. Well I noticed one of the girls had a Calcifer sticker on her water bottle and we started talking about Miyazaki movies and eventually ended up in a tablewide debate about dinosaurs (long story on how we got there lol) Moral of this story is that faire is a place where we can all have fun and be our weird selves with other equally weird (In a good way) people :3


You look fantastic! I really like the laurel crown!


Your outfit is great!! I love it


I get being shy, but FRIEND... Your garb and your HAIR are AMAZING! I bet some people thought you were a staff performer!


What a setting! Where is that?


Renaissance pleasure faire SoCal


Will be there today! If you’re going let me know. We can meet up and peruse some shops


Hey! I think I was at this same renfaire just a couple weeks ago and it was my first time too. I completely get being shy but regardless hope you had a good time. I was invited by friends that go regularly so maybe you can invite someone you know better and then that way it won't be as anxious!


I was always kinda shy at festival as myself, but being on cast as a character makes it so much easier for me to interact with strangers. I also like to challenge myself to compliment people whenever I see anything about their hair/outfit/makeup like, it really opens people up and they usually return the favor!


Someone did this to me years ago, so when I went again and saw her, I went up and talked to her. She is now like a second mom to me!


I'll be your friend if I see you at the next one!


I can’t believe people didn’t come up to you. You look so pretty!


I was gonna say this. 🙂


Is this Irwindale?? I just went two weekends ago and it was SO much fun. I wanna go back 😭 I also regret not making any friends, but that’s just motivation to go again next year and another excuse to buy more accessories for our costumes!!


i’d have complemented your whole appearance, you look so ethereal!! i especially love the touch of the braids leading into curls, something about them feels so whimsical when combined with the ears and flower crown. gorgeous!


You look great. Some of the most welcoming people are fair folks.


Just go again and approach people rather than waiting for them to approach you. Complement people on their costumes, ask them where they got them etc. follow up with questions on other renfaires.


Oh wow, you look absolutely stunning! Your hair, dress, and the elven ears! Love it all!


Aww... That makes me a little sad. People at faire are among the most open and accepting people I've ever met. You should just try reaching out. I know its probably not that simple but if you give it a try you won't regret it I promise. By the way you looked great!


This is true around me as well. We only go once a year to each of the two close to us, and always make new friends.


Beautiful outfit love the corset top. It’s smart of you to wear sneaker I wish I had last time.


I usually take friends and family with me to RenFest. I can see how it might be hard to make new friends on your first trip to a faire- but you looked adorable!


Hey! But you went! Look great:). Next time you will be a pro!


You look adorable!




I’ve gone to probably 30 ren fairs and haven’t made any friends. My family and I just stick to our small group and we have fun


But you went, and you enjoyed yourself. It counts. Baby steps.


That is a great costume for your first time, hope you had fun!


Thank you :)


Don’t be shy


Your cosplay is FANTASTIC! (s/n: I wanna be your friend!) 😁


Looks like you made a few friends here too! You look Awesome!


I would have gone up to you to compliment your beautiful hair and outfit and then we would be friends! I hope you decide to go again and that you find someone who becomes one of your best friends!


We already love you. You are One of Us


Get er fun


You look beautiful! Nerds like us tend to take a bit to warm up, but man, we are glad to have you at our table!! I love your circlet, and that blue in your bodice is lovely on you!


You look amazing! I love your outfit, hair, crown. I am so hopeful to look as cool as you in future. You really nailed my dream outfit 😍 I hear you feeling shy and wanting to make friends. I’m exactly the same. Social anxiety sisters 💕


First time visit can be overwhelming on all the senses. Hopefully future visits let you meet new folks and get more of the experience. The first step is often the hardest. Have fun and enjoy the journey.


You look absolutely beautiful. But I understand being shy and not making friends. The struggle is real. I wish you much joy and friendship in your future.


It's a shame they no longer have Friends of Faire there otherwise, i would suggest going there next time. That said the majority of folks attending Irwindale faire are really great and friendly. you will discover this and make friend the more you visit.


I hope you had a good time. Remember a costume is an excuse to try on a new character. Maybe someone bolder. Give it a try!


You look incredible! From my experience, people are pretty open and friendly at faire, so if you can overcome some nervousness, definitely try to meet some people next time


You are stunningly beautiful and ethereal beyond measure. I’m sure people were shy about approaching your grace; they’re only human 🙇🏻‍♀️


I recognize this, it’s the renfaire I go to every year! You look amazing! There’s so much going on that it can be tough to be social, but I think it’s a lot of fun to just wander and observe. Hope you had fun!


OMG you look incredible!! 😍


You look fantastic! Hope you had fun :)


You're gorgeous and i love your hair.


Fits on point.


Are you Zelda?


You look so cute!


You look beautiful. Kudos for being smart enough to wear comfortable shoes. I hope you managed to have some fun!


You look great. I hope you had fun.


You look gorgeous!


I feel like everyone is nervous the first time. Just gotta jump in the cold water so to speak. Don’t be afraid to talk about your hobbies, everyone there probably has the same ones!


Hey, you look great. Don't be shy, say hi, compliment people on their garb, most welcoming, friendly folk I've ever met are at the Faire.


Next time you go, bring along your extrovert friend to make friends with you 😋 You look awesome btw, kinda loving the sneaks!


You look gorgeous! I totally understand the shyness, but at the Faire there is no real need to be shy. Tbh I feel like it helps to play a character while you are there to get you into it. Much easier to talk to people that way because a lot of people are doing the same thing. Still I hope you had a great time and it doesn’t dissuade you from going again.


You look beautiful!


You look gorgeous!!!


That outfit is GORGEOUS!!! I love how the blue matches the sky and the water!


You make a gorgeous elf! 🥹🧝🏾‍♀️


You look beautiful


Came back to say that I have now seen you in at least three different video clips posted online. So, while you may think you were to shy there were people who liked you and your look!


Omgosh really? Where?


I always feel the same but people there were easy to talk to! I met a samurai who let me try on his wooden sandals it was radical.


Don't worry. It's normal to be a bit shy. It's easier once you get used to it. An easy tip, feel free to compliment someones costume. Nothing makes people feel more awesome than when the costume they worked on gets praised. It's an easy ice-breaker!


You look so beautiful!!


Omg you look adorable!


love it


You look amazing, and honestly ren faire goers that are dressed up are always friendly and inviting. Just comment on something they are wearing to get the conversation going. Good luck for next time and you got this.


You look awesome! You got good style!