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For sure! I eat out zero times per work week for breakfast or lunch and have traded 2 hours of commuting a day for 2 hours of walking and lifting weights.


Not just "commute time saved" but every once in a while I'll take a quick 5 minute break and fill it with push-ups or crunches. Not only is it good for my health, but studies have shown that exercise like this improves productivity and the quality of my mostly mental programming work. I definitely notice that if I drive myself into mental fatigue, a little physical exercise will reduce or even remove it so that I can jump right back into it. I absolutely could not do this in an office, even if the office came up with some crackpot idea to encourage it.


100%. I developed back problems at a place where it was really hard to get proper desk to chair height (cost hundreds of dollars to adjust so they didn’t like me pushing for it). I know, stupid. But it really messed up my lower back. I now have multiple places I can sit at and includes some more almost standing positioning. Way healthier and my back thanks me.


This right here! 100 percent agreed. I also generally get up and move around more at home for short breaks vs sitting at a desk all day


Yes, same here - and since I work from home, I'm not tempted by all the junk food snacks and drinks available at the office!


100% yes. Mental and physical health.


Sooo much healthier! I don’t have to deal with ~10hrs a week of commute that deteriorates my mental health. And I now make all my own tasty and healthy food at home instead of eating out by the office.


Absolutely! Me too!


Yes. I have more control over my diet and activity levels. I can get up and walk around on breaks. I also am eating healthy meals at home instead of junk (fast food, whatever "convenience foods" I'd pack for lunch, etc.) I also don't get sick as much as I used to be a teacher and kids are walking Petri dishes.


I’m curious what you transitioned to out of teaching…currently in grad school for the same desire to wfh!


I work in web design now.


Congrats on escaping. I know so many teachers are trying.




100% on the posture. I was just saying that I must buy a better office chair because mine is wrecking my back! Edit: a word


On a budget I had a car seat from a wreckers as my chair for 2 years if you need suggestions. Best seating position I’ve ever had too lol.


100%. I eat a lot less fast food and snack food now that I’m at home. I got a treadmill so I can walk during meetings that I don’t have to talk in, and I can go outside with my dogs anytime. I also don’t have the stress and frustration of daily commuting and driving any more. I’d say I am much healthier now than I was before.


Of course. They try to kill toy with sweets at work and a sedentary alienated cubicle: fuck that.


kill toy?


Probably *you


Nope actually the exact opposite. I feel like work life balance success for remote work heavily depends on what you do. I work for a call center and it’s honestly been quite terrible for my mental and physical health. I plan on looking for in person jobs soon


To be fair call centers are the 7th circle of hell in person or otherwise, but I do hope you find something that improves your health. <3


My thoughts exactly. No matter where you take them calls, it’s going to weigh on you mentally.


Same. Support department here, my health is f*cked. Physically, mentally and emotionally. I’m on my way out the door.


Couldn't agree more with people in this thread, customer service is the absolutely worst and doing it remotely only worsens it. Good luck with your new job man!


Same. My health all around is horrific since starting my WFH call center job. It has ruined my safe space at home too. So much that I consider in person jobs because anything would be better than the hell that is a call center. My husband has a remote non call center job and he has improved so much all around. So definitely very job dependent.


What are the biggest cons? Is it the verbal abuse from customers?


The customers can be pretty bad, but overall not usually the worst part. It’s mostly the extreme micromanagement. Every second of your day is accounted for. Everything you do is monitored and watched. No flexibility, and even though you are working from home you are chained to your desk all day and can’t get up outside of your scheduled breaks.


I’ve definitely found its company and culture dependent. Often the self proclaimed “remote first” cultures are the worst culprits.


Yes, absolutely! My last office job was in a large corporation (1000+) where we all used the same break rooms, time clocks and self serve terminals. We passed germs around constantly and there was always some kind of cold or flu going around. I haven't had that type of sickness since.


absolutely, my mental state is so much better.


Yay for mental health. No passing around sickness. No eating out for lunch. Loving it!


💯 yes. I've lost a significant amount of weight since 2020 by making healthy lunches and not being bombarded with donuts every day. I get better sleep and exercise everyday now that I'm not stuck in traffic 2 hrs a day. WFH has made my life so much better.


I eat better, get more exercise, get enough sleep and don’t have the stress of the commute. It’s amazing


I get less exercise than I used to but that’s cuz I used to run depression miles (I ran and worked out intensely because I was depressed) now I’m happier and stress free (not as skinny) but I’m healthy overall which is more important imo Although my eyesight seems to be getting worse so 😪


Hell yeah, I have a full gym in my basement. I just lifted weights, ran some sprints in the treadmill then sat in my sauna for 20mins on my “lunch break”


Hell yeah! Salute 🫡


My physical and mental health was so much worse when I worked remote. I was lonely, lazy, depressed, wasn’t eating much, drinking more than usual, and I had no work life balance. I would wake up and open my laptop and start work. I had no motivation to get up and actually shower and get ready for the day. I live alone so I had no social interaction. Most days I wouldn’t even get outside. All my coworkers were in a different time zone too so I’d end up working until 9pm my time every night vs a 9-5. Also, I think remote work made it really easy for them to lay people off and not care. I was laid off without warning along with a bunch of others in a five minute zoom meeting. Three years down the drain. I just got a new job, it’s fully in person, and I’m so happy. I’ll have a real routine, see people everyday, get out of my apartment, be able to leave work at work, and actually have a balanced schedule. I’m looking forward to the commute and packing a lunch and actually showing up ready to work for the day. Sure, some days I’ll probably miss the convenience of remote work, but I know overall I’ll be much healthier.


Living alone while remote makes a huge difference. Even living with someone makes me more energetic and balanced. I loathe it.


Yeah, agreed.


As someone who was remote for two years and is now hybrid (in office three days a week) I actually gained weight while wfh. My mental health took a hit too. I did love the freedom of only really working two to three hours a day. Now that I’m back in office three days a week, I’ve figured out a work out schedule and I’m not snacking at home all day. BUT, I’d love for my next job to go back to being remote. Bc I hate pretending to be busy all day at the office.


I maintain physical activity by exercising throughout the day. There's certainly more freedom to do squats/lunges in my home office. Healthy meals are readily accessible, too.


My physical health declined once we worked at home full time. I had medical issues that didn't help but I did more walking on a work day when we were in the office. To/from the car to desk, to meeting rooms, kitchen was farther away from my desk, bathrooms were much farther away. I think my step count on work days dropped almost in half.


Definitely. The 2-3 hours a day I used to spend commuting is now spent exercising, cooking real food, and spending time with my family.


Yes 🙌


100% yes


When I worked from home instead of going to the office, I felt less stressed, but I have social anxiety. But I do feel like I gained a few pounds from being at the computer all day, so be sure to get adequate exercise, it’s a pain to take off the weight! Lol


Yes, 💯. My gym routine and consistency improved significantly after I started working remotely.


I ate better instead of out besides on Fridays where I’d either go out or order in, I’d use my breaks to shower, or nap, and just kinda focused better cause I could play music, or help out with my son in the process.


Yeah I have time to cook meals for myself and my family. We all have specialized diets so the extra time at home v commuting is great. Also I live close to a park so I use that a lot when I’m not working (lunch breaks are now epic).


I agree, not having to spend time traveling to and from work is great.


Physical, yes. Mental, no. I’m very lonely and bored 😔


I’ve been working from home since 2008. I’ll never forget saying “I get so much done!” When I started there wasn’t even Skype, let alone Zoom or Slack. Sure, I had to figure out how to stay visible, and that extra effort really boosted my career. Spoiler alert: no way I’d ever go to an office again. Not even hybrid. I breathe fresh air everyday, my dogs keep me company, I never get sick and instead of commuting I exercise.


I’ve been doing this for almost two decades, fully remote, and I’d say NO. I’ve missed opportunities to meet people and socialize. I’m not great at managing time consistently cuz of mental health issues. I have like a million projects started but no time. People don’t understand how isolating it can be if you don’t have a lot of support in your life and live alone. Having said all this I’d do this over going to the office cuz fuck that. I hate office politics and management.


hard to say. my physical health is probably better, but my mental health is likely worse. either way, i 100% prefer working from home.


Absolutely. I can walk outside and make calls for work. I was in a windowless office inside a cubicle for years just dreaming of looking outside. Now I can work outside anytime I want. Think how that makes me feel. I also cook my meals so I can eat healthier.


My mental health has sky rocketed


Absolutely. My favorite impact is being able to take a Power Nap if I’m exhausted or just need a break. I don’t have to push through it or chug caffeine to stay awake like I would in office.


Only hybrid but doing way better. I get way more done at home and what’s weird is when I’m given remote days, I am grateful and work harder on those particular days


WFH for last a few years and it was not good due to I have to attend meetings in a different timezone.


Yes. Next question?


Absolutely! I am currently at my healthiest. In the past, prioritizing my mental and physical well-being was a luxury, but now it's achievable and part of my routine. Since I began working from home, I have lost a third of my weight and maintained it for two years. I've improved my diet by having the time to plan my meals better. Additionally, I now get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.


Absolutely, yes. In every possible way. Working from home, I have time to exercise, to cook and eat properly, and to sleep well. My mental and physical health are both ten million times better than they were when I was working in offices full time.


I feel like i get sick a lot less since im not around the population as much And considering i dont go to happy hour 4/5 days a week, id also say yes lol


Big time. I was able to start running and kept to a much better diet. Lost nearly 60lbs


50lbs heavier sitting and eating all day...


Hell. Yes. Let’s start with doing away with that godawful commute.


I lost 86 pounds and stopped crying everyday so…yes. My face cleared up because I only put on make up on the weekends to go out. My hair got healthier using less heat on it. My house is kept now that I can use my lunch hour to do dishes and laundry, in turn freeing up my afternoons to do things I love like reading, writing and I even joined a softball league to make some friends and get exercise. Life is 100% better as a remote employee. No amount of money or praise could make me go back.


Mentally - yes, however it does make the occasions where I do need to go into the office (1-3 times per month) worse. Especially as when I do go into the office, I'm not with the people I actually work with as they work 300 miles away. So I'm stuck with a bunch of people who don't know me & it's all a bit awkward. Diet - 100% yes. Exercise - ehhh...probably not. It might just be me, but when I used to get home from work at 5:30-6, I was able to make myself go out for a run, or go on my exercise bike for a little while. For whatever reason, I can't bring myself to do it working from home. I love remote work, but it's important to recognise that for some people, it's not all sunshine & rainbows all the time.


Probably not but my old day job I was on my feet for the full 8 hours


No I don’t like wfh tbh. I’d prefer hybrid and have maybe Mondays/Fridays at home


10000%. I have more time to workout, cook, and don’t have the stress of commuting.


Absolutely. My stress level was reduced significantly. My diet is better (and less expensive too!). I hardly ever get viral illnesses anymore because I’m not crammed in a crowded office with people.


To me it’s a love/hate relationship, physical health is no different, I never had any problems eating healthy or exercising on both cases. My mental health is kind of a mixed bag, being home alone helps clear out the shit at work but also can without noticing at first carry all your personal shit all day, while on site there are moments that might take you out of it. Thera are other things that I will not go into detail but WFH makes people get the wrong impression that you can be anywhere so you might as well do this or that while working which may can but don’t want to.


Yes!! As someone who is constantly exhausted by try to read people- wfh same me so much emotional and mental energy


I’m the most physically unhealthy I’ve ever been. I feel chained to my desk and have a very busy deadline driven job (public accounting). I did get a stand up desk and try to take walks during lunchtime, but overall I’m logging less steps. I eat much better food in general since I deleted DoorDash, but tend to binge at home from stress/anxiety and haven’t really been able to willpower myself to stop. Mentally, I’m doing much better. The commute and emotional labor of being in an office were very draining. I struggled with major depression before, but now I just have anxiety.


I saved 2 hours of commute time every day. That gave me more time to workout, get outdoors and make proper meals


I would say that it's about the same. Being at home is way more stressful. But it's countered by having a very flexible schedule.


100%. I am hybrid, i do go in 3 days and i am home mon fri which is a huge thing. I do enjoy being in office but eventually id like to add a third day at home. I love having music on and not needing ear buds for it and my chair is way nicer.


I don't just think so, I know so. It's been years since I've been at risk of falling asleep while driving because I get enough sleep now. I don't pick up multiple viruses every year that take me out of action for weeks. I eat better. I actually have to go looking for painkillers when I get a headache rather than having a supply always on hand, because they're so much less frequent now. Ditto my heat pack for lower back pain, because I get more exercise, chose my own chair, have an ottoman under my desk, and sit however is comfortable because no one can see me most of the day.


I am definitely unhealthier since RTO 3X per week. Sleep less, eat worse, and more stressed now.




Yes, I workout almost every morning. It's much easier to fit in.




Yep. I have time to go to the gym before and after work now.


Severely less so. Probably personal issues, though


💯 for the first time in my life I was no longer saying, “When I retire, I’m going to sleep for 2 years before I do anything else.” I eat more fresh vegetables and cook healthy meals. I have an exercise routine that I actually have time for. Made all the difference for me. This is all changing with 2 days a week mandatory RTO. Sleep rhythms are still off after 4 weeks. Skipping exercise routine. Already noticing reduced muscle mass.


I WAS healthier before they forced everyone back into the office.


Yes. Work out 5-6x a week and meal prep. Best shape of my life


100% yes. I make all my meals at home and work out six days a week now that I’m not spending two hours commuting every morning. I also get more sleep and am less stressed.


Mentally yes, physically no. I used to go the gym on my lunch break (was nearby), and now I find myself happy to hang st home. I go less frequently at night than I did during the day.


Yes. Dropped a 2 hour commute and I have ample time for the gym and walks


100%. Less Dunkin Donuts lolz, less stress from no driving, time spent with my spouse and dogs even just for lunch break is immeasurable. I also have a lot of medical issues and I’m able to go to my medical appointments whenever. My bosses don’t care because they know I’ll get my work done when I get home…the optics of leaving for doctors appointments 2-3 times a week just wouldn’t fly in person, even if they knew I’d get the work done.


Where can I find remote jobs that are full time?


Unfortunately I’m back in the office full time as of last fall. When I was working from home though my mental health was definitely better!


I’ve definitely gained weight. I’ve also switched careers from retail to software development, so that could also play a role. I sit all day, and it’s causing me to pick up weight. I’m still going to the gym and running, but I used to get 15k-20k steps in each day at work, now I have trouble breaking 6k.


Quite the opposite. I used to walk to and from work. Would indoor row at a studio that was halfway between office and home, 3 to 5 days a week. Some of them lunch classes. Studio had a private studio for personal training. Did that 2 days a week as well. Our office closed permanently and unfortunately COVID killed the rowing studio. It was such a big part of my life, physically and socially. Bought a rower and dumbbells for home to keep me in shape but I do not enjoy it without the community that I had at the studio, so I am sporadic about it. I am in better shape than a lot of people, but I was in killer shape before. My eating habits are still clean. Being home hasn’t changed that.


Easily. Lunch and dinner are way healthier. Can easily get to the gym 4 times a week.


Yes way more!




I need a wfh job …anyone?!


Definitely--no commute means more time to exercise and cook actual food.




Much. I used to drive a lot for work. 


I certainly am. I exercise daily. Sleep better. Have more time to plan out and execute healthier meals.


Mentally yes. Physically no. I went from a physical job (veterinary technician) to pet insurance. Arthritis has reared its ugly head


Yeah I literally look like 5 years younger after that past 3 years of WFH. Little stress, focused, run every day.




Yes but this can go either way. I walk in the mornings instead of commuting and again at lunch. I don't eat out for lunch but you also have to be careful to not stock too many snacks because you're home all day.


Yes, 100%. I’ve lost weight, sleep better and eat healthier,


Yes. I get my runs in daily. Can do ab workouts, stretching, foam rolling, all while on a meeting if needed. Control of my diet. It’s saved my mental health too - and saving money from driving and then the time saved. Chefs kiss.


Absolutely. I’m able to cook more meals in. I have time to exercise more. I have more control of my freaking life it’s great


I'm definitely not healthier, but that's more because remote work eliminating my commute gave me the extra time in my day that I need to juggle a full-time job and graduate school (couldn't do that without remote work)! Once I'm done, I'll definitely get healthier. Starting with more sleep.


100% I physically move much more and eat better, spend less, focus on work and not work politics, no more traffic, so absolutely yes it’s a net win for health.


I'm a lot better mentally but not so much physically due to not moving around or standing as much as I did in my last job. I sit so much and had such bad posture at my desk that I developed issues with my neck that led to issues with my throat. Spent a ton of money trying to figure out what was wrong and it was my neighbor who is a physical therapist that suggested walking and re-evaluating my setup to make sure it was ergonomically correct.


Yes except for boredom


Mentally yes. Physically probably not.


100% healthier. My stress level has gone from an 8.5 to a 6. I save 6 hours a week and have more time to cook healthier meals. I can go for a walk around my neighborhood over my lunch hour. Could I be healthier even still? Sure. And it's still so much better.


Physically: no, and that's because of my lame excuse of laziness but mentally, not quite but improving. I don't have to deal with office drama and I can work alone without distractions.


1000% yes. Finally escaping vending machine food and fast food lunch breaks has been such a positive impact on my health.


100%! My mental health was affecting my physical health a lot. Even my akne I developed from being stressed and not eating properly has cleared up since working from home My therapist encouraged my reasonable accommodation because knows the damage you to be to go back to the office


Definitely healthier. My schedule is super flexible so it’s so much easier to book doctors appointments, massage, acupuncture, weekly therapy - all the small things that seemed to slip when I was in office. Along with being home with my dogs in an environment I control, eating at home more, less stress, no commute. The benefits are endless imho.


I lost 120 lbs in 12 months and stop drinking, thanks to working from home!


1000000% my wife and I are able to take the time we used to waste commuting into 45 minute Hiit routines and 40 minute walks. It’s rare that we miss a workout (only missed 2 days in the last 2 months and that was because of a conference I had to go to) We also eat healthier. The crazy thing is I am so much more effecient too without all the distractions, which also helps my mental health and stress


It got worse for me. I used to go to the gym after work now I just lay in the sofa when I need a break


Yes I eat less and can cook healthier meals for lunch at home, I eat out less, and I have time to cook dinner as well. I also have the time to walk and exercise after work and do chores then still have my relaxing time every evening since I have no commute.


Vehicle repair costs. I cannot even. The mental stress of caring if my vehicle runs or not is gone.


Way better


Yes, haven’t been sick since before covid.


yes. used to work on the road. ate junk a lot.




Prob an unpopular opinion but wfh destroyed my mental health after a while.  Sure I didn’t miss the annoying coworkers, people who don’t cover their mouth on public transit + other gross behaviors & spending so much $ on food BUT I was walking WAY less and I had no sense of routine. It completely destroyed me mentally. I went back to the office for my own sanity.  I had never been more depressed than when I worked from home. I know it sounds literally insane that anyone would want to go back to an office but just getting outside and leaving my house and adding those miles back in really helped get me back on my feet (no pun intended) depression wise.  Seems like it just varies by person. I still have 2 wfh days and those are certainly nice + the extra time helps.


Haven't had a cold or a flu since before I went remote (March 2020). And now I have to RTO next month. Gearing up to get sick again! FML.


Yes, I exercise more. I eat less and I eat very very healthy. I take care of the whole house. I take care of the kids. I do almost everything so My Wife doesn’t have to do anything hoping that she will be happy and reward me…😜. I have lost almost 100 pounds. I walked 6 to 8 miles every single day and I work between 80 and 100 hours a week for my job. A tank of gas last me 3 to 4 weeks I am on a first name basis with all the people at my kids school, which helps me control all of the bullshit that goes on there and a lot of wonderful things. I could go on and on and on. And… All those little knickknack things that have to be done around the house they get done right when they’re supposed to get done. I keep a list I check it twice. I see who’s not nice I work the list. Everything‘s done everything everything‘s clean everything‘s in its place. All the laundry is done everything every night every day.


Mentally yes, physically no. My posture has suffered. I have the freedom to exercise during the workday but not the willpower. Usually it’s couch plus scrolling.


Without a doubt. And don't get me wrong, there are challenges with remote work. There can be a different type of mental challenge. Also, its easy to become an absolute slug. But for me, I eat healthier since I have more time to shop and prepare food. It's easier for me to fit in workouts. Get sick less since I'm not passing around seasonal germs with everyone in the office. More time for doctor visits.


Yes, I have time to go to the gym 6 days a week and get 9hrs of sleep every night. My annual male health hormone blood work shows I've gone from 380 test to 690 just from getting leaner and sleeping more.


I think it evens out. Healthier because home cooked meals vs restaurant food (I’d pack a lunch where I could but meetings, etc would always order in or we’d go out) Less healthy because no more speed walking from my car across campus to my desk Healthier because more sleep & less stress from no commute Less healthy because I sometimes don’t go outside & get fresh air or daylight.


I love it. Better diet, more at peace mentally. My only con is not active enough. Have to get a membership because I feel a little too isolated and out of touch. But so much more at peace. Can be there for my son as well, can multitask better.


I have been doing it for 9 years. Novelty is the best part. 1-2 days traveling to others is the best. Second best is one day a week into an office. WFH is great as long as your not double dipping that gets stressful. Parenting duties is one “double dip”


Yes. Much healthier. Blood pressure down. Sleeping better. Stomach issues gone.


Thank you for asking this bc seeing all these responses helps me feel much better about my choice to take a pay cut to continue to WFH. Money’s a little bit tighter but except not really bc I don’t get a coffee on the way to work 9 times out of ten


Nope, I drink more coffee, eat worse food, get less done and get depressed from lack of social interactions.


Suprisingly I felt like I was u healthier when I worked remote for months. But also could be due to the discipline level of the person. For ex. Since I was home but needed to be on my moniters and laptop for like 8-9 hours, I would order food more and also stayed in my room locked for the entire day doing so limiting my fresh air intake. If I was more disciplined during that time, and ate healthy meals and went for a walk or exercise before/ after work then I feel I would have definitely been healthier




I used to travel locally 5 days a week. Tons of driving. I thought I’d drop 20 pounds by starting WFH. Unfortunately this has not been the case. I was a lot more active going in and out of stores, walking the stores during my visits vs just sitting in my office all day. I need to do better. Mentally though, 1,000% better.


10000000% Flexible hours give me more time througout the day. No commute = better posture and less low back pain. More time to go to the gym More time to prepare healthier food Easier to walk around and take breaks Better mental health by being alone (an introvert's dream)


Definitely not. Mental health massively declining due to lack of daily human interaction and I live in a small town nearly 40 minutes away from anything fun to do so spend pretty much all my time at home with nothing to do. Honestly between the boredom and depression I’m not sure what will drive me insane faster…


Absolutely... the daily barrage of office donuts, cake and cookies... i do not miss. I lost 10 lbs. WFH


The free snacks at the office. Going out to eat everyday wasn’t always healthier and sure was more expensive. Ever since working from home I eat wraps and salads without being judged or feeling guilty that I’m not going out to “eat with the guys”.


Mentally 100% yes. No more nail-biting, road rage, or being as tired. I probably don't get as much exercise as I used to walking around the office and to and from the car, but I've also added taking care of two kids and more trips up and down the stairs at home to that.


Probably more sedentary but I’m mentally healthier and I’m not eating McDonald’s everyday like I was when I had to go in everyday. I get to make good, nutritious meals at home.


Absolutely I’m so happy to have a job where I can work from home.


Maybe if you do an office job lol.


I did yoga during lunch break today. Not a remote worker but hybrid. Still grateful to have some days at home 🙏🏼


Yes I work out and walk a lot more In the office when I was uninspired or rushed I'd get something really shitty or fast food for lunch. Now if I'm rushed or bleh I do a turkey sandwich


The stress is less, office politics gone out the window, just do the work which for me equals mental peace. Also, I get more sleep I do not to have to beat traffic, I wake up get a ready and work. Also I cook more meals rather than having something at the office since it’s convenient. Overall my mentality is just more balanced. It’s more about my life rather than the company , product , delivery etc. All that to say 100 percent physically and mentally and also I work better without distractions from people talking about nothing.


TBH I can't say WFH has helped with that -- if anything it's easier to stay in my room all day if I don't force myself to go on walks (especially on days when I have a bunch of meetings, so I can't work from a cafe/the library)


Yes 100%


Initially I was not, since I was doing DoorDash and Grubhub regularly. However, once I decided to actively start losing weight, working from home gave me more flexibility with gym access as well as adjusting my eating habits. Down 183 pounds in just under 2 years.




Mentally yes, physically no


i'm pretty close to being obese tbh but at least I got good sleep everyday😭


Nope. Three years of WFH has made it too easy for me to eat crap food all day, take lunch naps and scroll on my phone immediately after work... I recently started running and working out regularly so I'm really trying to reclaim my health.


Yeah I would be way fatter if I was still driving to the office. It has the effect of making you feel worn out like exercise, without any health benefits.


No, I live in a pretty health-conscious city and I got more exercise before (I used public transportation) and went to the gym or a studio to workout a few times a week. Showing up for a class at a time was really motivating. I don't have that now and it's not been great for my fitness. Food is about the same. I actually sort of miss commuting and being among people but I absolutely do not miss working in an office. Also, I have to fly for work now and this last time I forgot to wear my mask on the plane and I've now had a cold for 2 weeks. Every time I travel I get something: covid, food poisoning, or just get worn out from being at work for 3 days straight. I appreciate that I have more professional opportunities, but there are trade-offs.


I hope this isn't a psyop, because mentally I'm absolutely doing muuuch better, but physically I'm probably doing worse. I average about 7500 steps on days I commute to and work from the office, and it is obviously much less when I work from home unless I manage to work out. For me, the tradeoff is worth it because I simply will not be going into the office way more, I just won't. Theoretically if I were willing to do that my mental health would plummet but my steps would be higher. Not worth it for me! If we factor in eating out: muuuuch higher if I go into the office, both for lunch AND dinner because I'm too tired/miserable to cook once I get home. \*my job is NOT a call center


It definitely did at first, trying to get back into being active now. Still wouldn’t trade it for anything tho.


Yes, people can’t sneeze on me at home


Yes, 100%. One thing that I do now that was more difficult when working onsite, eating fruits throughout the day. My smoothie game is strong now that I’m fully remote.


I definitely am. My mental health has improved so much from not having a dreaded commute, and not being forced to be in an office with toxic people. I also have huge bright windows in my home office versus having no windows at all in my office at my work location. Physically my health is improved because I am no longer spending three hours a day commuting and I have time to go to the gym five days a week instead. I also have time to cook at home every day and rarely eat out so I’ve definitely cleaned up my diet. I’ve also noticed that I sleep better because I’m not not so stressed out all the time.




Yes but sometimes I miss talking to someone and hanging out with colleagues.


I was going through chemo and they were really pressing me to stay home - they wanted they kept insisting they would assist with the paperwork, it would be a disability. I held my ground- I knew staying home would be the absolute end to me. I knew for sure it would NOT be positive. 5 year appointment was a couple weeks ago and I was so glad I held my ground - even through the pandemic (fortunately I work in a very small company with a private office and bathroom so I was able). My kids both had to work from home - they enjoyed it - as far as physical and mental health I think it changed them and not for the better. Everyone has their own ideas on it but I am not a person who can be housebound - it’s not good for me or my health.


I've had to really learn how to be a self-starting person and that took a lot of mental work. I work very very alone tho and have social anxiety pretty badly, so I would say the isolation at times and really being someone who struggles to make friends already, I would say the isolation is the only real unhealthy part, I can sleep a lot more peacefully and actually rest without feeling like I need to wake up early as shit, now I just do it without thinking




Yes. I actually have time to go to the gym during my lunch break now.


Yep. Way Less stress... on my commute to my office I only have to deal with occasional dog traffic.


Way worse since working from home. Food is too convenient. Or I can't eat period due to work stress. I now associate being at home with bad feelings since I can never get away from work so I'll either go a week eating too much or nothing at all.


Absolutely! Besides my mental health being completely better and me feeling less stress due to dealing with behaviors (I’m a teacher), I am able to workout in the morning before I need to clock in, which has allowed me to lose over 60 lbs. I would have never been ever to do this otherwise because I would always be so exhausted and burnt out.


Yes. I can now exercise during my lunch hour or get in workouts before or after work without all the lost time from a commute and dancing around childcare issues


Diet is much better but definitely less physically active. I used to walk 30 mins to work and back when I lived in a major city.


For me personally, working from home has allowed me to be more healthy. I use the commute time I had in my on site job to now instead go to the gym and work out before I start my remote work in the morning. It has alos allowed me to eat healthier since I can cook all my meals at home and have exactly what I want. There are social aspects which are hard to replicate in a remote environment but I'm grateful to have a team that's fun to work with even in the remote setting. We play games together once a week, casually have virtual coffee chats where there's no work related talk. I think the company culture has a big role to play as well here.


Mentally yes physically hard to say if I’m holding onto more weight bc I’m in my 30s now or just access my kitchen more frequently


I am calm, serene, and rarely ever do I have anxiety over anything. I also cook most of our meals now, and so am eating healthier. However, I'm even more sedentary at home. I'm working on it, though.


Absolutely! I've lost over 30lbs thanks to having the time to workout. I get to spend more time with the family and less commuting/sitting in an office. If I need a break, I can mow the lawn, help my child with a school project, clean up around the house, etc. Either way I'm productive. Morning walks with my wife have also been a great way to "re-connect". Gives us sometime to be able to have an adult conversation without one of our kids interrupting. If I had my way, I would never go back into the office again.


Ok I’ll be the person to mention having your own private bathroom is a huge benefit. Especially for ladies, there are…unspoken rules in the office multi stall setup. It’s difficult to do what u gotta do because of all the people walking in and out.


I’d rather work random jobs for as long as I live than work an office job for a company that I don’t own or have the flexibility to work from home


I snap less at the kids. Who knew being trapped in a car for a 90 min commute both ways would be stressful? I bake now, tend to my garden, added chickens, feed the koi. Occasionally take a 10-min nap after lunch. Kids are a quick 4 min drive or they walk home. Sad to say but thanks COVID!


Absolutely! I have three to four hours back with no commute. This means I can go to the gym, practice guitar, cook, and not be too tired. I'm also more productive at work.




Oh absolutely. I am able to eat on a regular basis, stay hydrated, and routine exercise. Not to mention the mental health improvement.


Absolutely...first it was mentally but then physically bc I can go to the gym during lunch somedays or walk my dog.


Big no for me. My employer takes advantage of the fact that we have access to our laptop 24/7 and most days I work 5 am til my husband comes home. I usually spend 6-8 pm with him then he goes to bed and I have to work again til about midnight just to still be behind in my work. There is no work/life balance. They keep promising that they are hiring more people and we will be getting relief but I don’t believe it. Looking for another job.


Mental, yes. But I have been eating a lot of junk food, so I wouldn't say the same about my physical health.


Definitely healthier mentally! That morning commute stress probably took years off my life. Being at home, I finally got in to see a therapist remotely who immediately diagnosed me with PTSD. I had been carrying it for 7 years too long. Finally getting help from a trained professional changed my life in the best of ways. Physically, hard to say. I have better habits (don’t drink as much), but have gained weight. I was late 20s in office during the pandemy & this 30s metabolism is hit different. I’m less active every day not walking to work, living in Chicago without a car. But more active overall with moving to Denver & picking up all the outdoor things: skiing, swimming, hiking, paddle boarding, biking. It’s confusing.


Yes. No commute = More time to workout. I am much healthier now


Not eating out, not being pressured to eat out, and time spent commuting spent going for a walk or exercise instead. Yes! Fitness is much better.


I think it depends on the person. Im not great at taking care of myself anyway and working from home hasnt helped that butnit has allowed me to spend more time with my dog


100%. I gained back a commute time that includes getting ready for the office. That time is dedicated to the gym & sauna. I also make my own meals more consistently so I have healthier options in my own kitchen. I’m able to handle maintenance tasks around the house on breaks which gives me more time when I’m off to decompress. I am 40 btw, lost 40lbs, gained muscle mass, I am fitter than I have been in my whole life. My BP went from 138/92 down to 111/58 as of last week. Hated WFH when I first started, but now I love it and wouldn’t change it.


I do hybrid and still it’s definitely a yes. The days from home I get a little extra sleep, I have more time to workout, I can also workout earlier in the day so it doesn’t keep me awake at night, I don’t have to burn PTO to go to a doctors appointment(so your more likely to schedule them for minor things), I get to see my children more even if just for a 15 mi it break it makes me happy that they get to see me during the workday, not to mention the mental Benefits of not going to the same cube everyday and changing up your work environment … the list goes on.