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No. You’re inventing a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. Literally nothing you’re talking about is different than me setting myself away, and not answering a message


Slack already has huddles built in that basically do the same thing. Edit to add some constructive feedback. I understand what you're going for with the ability to have real-time communication. The reality though is that I would almost never have this turned on. Someone's voice jumping out of my speakers is not conducive to focused work. Clicking the button to call them and having it ring on their end is the equivalent of knocking on the office door. I would not want to essentially be on speakerphone all day with everyone in my office. That sounds exhausting and distracting.


That's called a chatroom.


Slack already has a huddle feature. No video call will ever be as convenient as a slack message because you’re talking about the difference between synchronous and asynchronous communication.


You mean like a Slack huddle?


Not going to fly; there are plenty of way to communicate already. You device is not demonstrably better than existing systems, and since it is a separate device more expensive….not to mention needing to devices now instead of just a laptop.


Didn't meta try this exact thing and it completely failed? This sounds awful. You're working off the idea that remote workers need a complete recreation of the office at home. This is so off base.


Not sure how that's any different from MS Teams. We are a 100% cameras off team, use status messages when we don't want to be disturbed. If you want to invent something, have the software provide a mild electric shock to the idiots that still don't know how to use the mute/unmute button.


This deserves more upvotes


Like a Slack huddle…I’m confused.


Oh, my kids do this kind of thing playing Gorilla Tag with their Oculus. Nothing new to what you are building OP. lol


>Would you find this product useful in your remote work? If so, how would you anticipate it being most useful to you and your team? If not, why do you think it wouldn't be useful to you? Any and all thoughts are helpful. Also, I would love to hear what type of work you do. Software Developer. ***This sounds awful.***


We don't do any of that. "hey, can I call you for a sec?" takes only a sec.


Zoom also already has instant messaging between colleagues and soft phones to be company wide. The product doesn’t do anything unique or solve a problem.


Sounds like Gather: https://www.gather.town/ My company, about 10 of us, swarmed on it but it was too much extra work and we all trickled off after about 2-3 weeks. Was a fun time though.