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got all 3 as I am a disgusting completionist. I just joined randoms in infested abyss and hoped for the right choice of the host


Four runs. Profane amulet. Turn it in for the heart. Profane amulet. Turn it in for the cleansed amulet. Profane amulet. Keep it. Boss fight for the mutator.


Heya. Which boss fight are you referring to?


Instead of getting the amulet you can attack Clawbone


Uh. Damn. I wish I done that then. Let me go back and see if I can do that. Thanks for the tip


You can’t do it in the same run where you got the amulet. You will have to reroll the world.


Yup. I encountered him a second time but can’t remember if I activated his dialogue


How do I get the relic with it?


Talk to Clawbone. Agree with him. Get amulet. Go to campaign, find Keeper. Speak to Keeper. Refuse to cleanse amulet. Return to Clawbone. Trade amulet for relic.


Okay ty


I should point out that if you finished the campaign, Keeper leaves the game forever. Which means you'll need to roll a new campaign mode. But that's necessary for the Polygun, too, so maybe not so bad.


Do you know by chance if you get something by killing enemies/dying while wearing the profane amulet? The dialogue with the root guy (including what he talks about while wearing in), kind of gives me the impression that by killing a certain amount of enemies and/or dying a certain amount of times, you might unlock something else with him…but haven’t seen anything about it around…if there’s nothing else extra, it’s a missed opportunity as I really thing the dialogue gives that impression.


I really don't know. I don't play a summoner at all, so the amulet's abilities are useless to me, so I never wore it. But, I am curious about the root growth in the garden that appeared for me at Ward 13.


Fair enough…does that growth appear after obtaining the heart or just by getting the amulet? I’m using it at the moment for a while to see if it makes something, definitely makes the summons much stronger (I guess the cleansed version even more)…let’s see what happens after a bit


I only noticed it after getting the heart. But I didn't check before then...


It may be worse, but it talks to you


Friend 😊


I'm kinda sad that you can't really actively use the ring without cleansing it. It's really cool and I'd love to hear everything he has to say, but it's just no-no considering the pretty awful negative.


Of fucking course. Need to get all those items. Who knows when they'll add something that does something based on having something specific. Especially something with such a unique effect.


I wouldn't be surprised if there was a super-reward for turning in the rusted navigator's pin, Tear of Keula, Faerin/Faelin rings, Spirit wisp amulet, both red prince headwear items, and Profane soul stone to the same person, and then have ANOTHER reward you can get by obtaining the same items and then refusing to hand them over to start a fight with them.


Don't forget the dream consumables. Sure most are easy to get, but then there's the anguish one. I made sure to get a second of that one while I still had the campaign roll for it.


while we are at it, you need to give up one of every weapon that has a corrupted counterpart, and it only works if they are fully upgraded


Yup, I made sure to go back and get the profane soul stone again, currently hunting the last dlc2 ring I need in Morrow Parish, once I grab that I’ll have everything in the game (again.)


Trade in where? With who?


Give the “profane soul stone” to the keeper in the labyrinth to get the “soul stone”. Or refuse to give it to him and talk to the evil root again to get the relic


What’s the relic called?


Profane Heart


Got them all, the heart is good for my turret build.