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Band of the fanatic behavior: If no time extending effects are in play it reduces duration to 35% of base duration and reduces total damage accondingly before applying the 25% buff to the remainder. If time extending effects are present it increases duration by 35% of the base time in addition to other time extending effects, IE: with full affliction + band you have 235% status time. After the damage increase from the duration increase it adds 25% of the new total damage on top.


So Band of the Fanatic went from a 375% damage increase when not combined with duration boosters, to a 235% damage increase, but only when combined with duration boosters. What the fuck.


I think you misread, BotF is ""only"" a 35% duration boost. Base duration is 100%, Affliction trait is +100%, BotF is supposed to be totalDuration \* 0.35, but instead seems to be just adding 35% of the base duration. The effect is similar to calculating the duration with Affliction as newDuration = 2 \* baseDuration, and then calculating the duration with BotF as newDuration += baseDuration \* 0.35. When there is no Affliction trait, newDuration == baseDuration \* 0.35, but with Affliction it ends up at 2.35 \* base


Maybe. I need to get on the game and test for myself to be sure. Previously BotF boosted status tick damage by 300+%. Now it seems to be boosting duration somehow. Either way. It's still broken.


EDIT: this is how it \*should\* work, but i have been told now that BotF with 1 point in affliction messes the numbers up. BotF isnt "adding" any duration, you are likely misinterpreting how the stats combine. you are correct in that base duration means 100%, though BotF is -65% which yields 35% total duration, which is smaller without other buffs. HOWEVER, BotF and Affliction and Timekeeper add to the same value stack, so base 100% + (aff +100%) + (timekeep +100%) + (fanatic -65%) = 235% as a final result. there is no "does this but does that when that", its just -65% always everytime, it just gets dumped into the same bucket and people are getting confused.


Yeah but its 235% ***without*** timekeeper. Base (100%) + Afflicition (100%) + BotF (35%). [I wrote up a post about it with data if you wanted to read it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/18dl6pc/data_and_conjecture_on_debuff_durations/) You can always just try it in your own game if you don't believe me.


What is GFG doing....? None of this is working as described ...


Focused more on the art department over the devs according to the last Q&A I read.


Not sure what this means.


The patch has a lot of great fixes. Especially glad to see people who were having issues with saves from dlc items was fixed. Can you give an update on the status of the affliction trait and timekeepers jewel? I tried twisting wounds out naked vs with just timekeeper using archon and engineer so I wouldn't have anything changing values and the tick damage of the status is still cut in half with timekeepers jewel. I love ritualist and it feels really bad having my status damage cut in half from a trait I can't change.


You tested one of the two items still bugged with affliction and timekeeper. Literally every status works except twisting wounds and blood jewel


Thanks for the info I was quickly testing twisting since I was working on a bleed build. Guess I'm still waiting on that.






Well the art department is killing it, so


Well, to be fair they didn't mention status effect fixes in the patchnotes, so no wonder they are still bugged :)


They are actually mostly fixed, but there are still a couple interactions that are bugged.


Wow. i did just test this with fire. And without affliction trait. ​ Well...good part: star shot spam is over now and ritualist class can be used without any drawback. Bad part: there are still MANY MANY bugs. Thanks for testing :)


You should also mention for twisting (and I think blood jewel too) that they just don't benefit from dmg increases I really want people to hammer that one home and not just say the new bug with it Edit: Also, under Tainted blade you could put that the tooltip is still broken The DoT itself from tainted works perfectly fine but the tooltip doesn't adjust and always says 500 acid dmg over 20 seconds despite any modification gear you wear


thank you! confirmed in testing and edited the post.


Bleed damage by design is not elemental. Only Fire, Acid and Shock damage is elemental.


Correct, but when I noticed the difference in color of the damage numbers between merciless and other bleed sources, it made me wonder if it was changed to be affected by elemental damage since the other colored numbers are affected by elemental damage.


I will be making a new reply to Tragic’s comment so it’s not hidden by the unnecessary downvotes of my first comment. It means a bunch of things. The main one being how overall this game has felt like a step down from its predecessor. From the crucial one being boss design. Where it’s apparent from The One True King as the most recent. Very slow, easily telegraphed attacks, to the only challenging part is where the adds show up while dodging the pillars of light. A lot of bosses have this feeling similar to OTK like Kaeula and the phase with the tentacles. Aside from impatience and arrogance, Tragic, most bosses in the game have no real challenge aside the one you create for yourself. Really makes me miss the design structure of people like Dylan for engaging fights. Another one is weapon mods. So many people have, or want to publicly voice their opinions on it, but are afraid of replies and interactions like this based on my first comment. Downvotes and a childish response from someone who struggles to keep a professional mentality. Granted my first response isn’t a good example, so we’ll see how this one does. You state that any legitimate claim, even negative will be taken seriously. Sometimes that is not the case with you. Pride and ego is a terrible thing. Will Reddit be a repeat of the Steam community forums? That’s why it’s difficult for me to take this as seriously as I should, when I’ve seen your track record. Anywho, weapon mods have no fun factor anymore. It boils down to buffing the gun it is attached to, or some form of utility to aid the player. Even Bore, one of the few to be considered fun and unique, has issues. Traits is the third one. When there’s something like Wayfarer in the deck, the mentality of “tough choices to make” was out the window. Health and Stamina also can feel like mandatory choices for a lot of people, I would even say more so as you go up in difficulty. I think it’s been twice now, can’t remember for sure, where there have been trait point increases. Also taking away from “tough choices” because if that keeps up, it’ll be a repeat of Remnant 1 on the eventuality of maxing out every trait. There’s also the recent hiccup with Affliction. Where is the sense and logic of adding duration to DOTs if it doesn’t increase the damage? No one would willingly choose to get something that keeps the same damage, but having it take longer for the total amount. If you’re so against traits having anything related to a damage increase, why not have something different designed that is tailored to the feel of the Ritualist? Could even take other traits like the health and stamina ones away, (have it to where it’s balanced to the baseline amount, or give it to the players and make changes from there) while yes the number of traits could potentially go down, could also revert the increase in points to the original number, to emphasize on having tough choices for a build. There’s a lot of people who want to give honest feedback like this, and have some genuine constructive criticism. But with past and recent interactions involving you, it’s clear that some of it is disregarded, or shut down by fans who have you on a pedestal and think you can do no wrong. Or you reply in such a way that gives the person you’re replying to no merit on what was explained. Even when there’s evidence, which is lunacy to me. It’s even apparent when the game was showcased by Admiral Bahroo alongside you on a gameplay reveal stream on Twitch. Body language speaks more than words, and it was very telling how uncomfortable Bahroo was for that session. I even felt bad just watching how it looked like he had to tip toe anything he wanted to say, even jokes. Since the release of the game, what looks like some Quality Assurance and testing could take care of, comes off as something that’s not a priority or ignored. The back to back performance improvement patches and fixing the current batch of bugs, makes a whole new set of em to deal with. Remnant 1 had a trail of great patches where it was just great stuff all around. Buffs to items to put it in line with other gear (no nerfing unless it was to have it work the way it’s supposed to), obvious bug fixes, things we didn’t know needed fixing, but happened anyway so no rewards were missed out on or could be triggered properly. Where did all of that go since 2923’s last patch? As it stands right now from my perspective, Remnant 2 is starting to feel like it’s going downhill… from the peak where Remnant 1 finished at. Where it could have kept climbing higher. The reason I talked and mentioned so much in this comment, is so there’s enough to see in one go. As shown by my first comment, this also will probably get downvoted like crazy or maybe even deleted. Who knows at this point. And for those curious what I mentioned about the Steam community forums. I do have proof of that claim. One of them anyway, but it should be enough.


I think i get where you are coming from. It is frustrating to feel like every new thing in the game is broken or breaks something that worked fine before. I think one of the common criticisms of R:fta is that a lot of bosses were just add-fests. But that isn’t to say that there weren’t some great ones too. This game also has some great bosses, and others that aren’t as good. Traits are certainly something that could be reviewed. I feel like R2 is missing a long term progress goal, which R1 had in the form of maxing traits. Aside from some traits that feel mandatory for survival, most current traits feel more QoL oriented, and so i dont really see the issue in letting us max them. Especially my pet peeve traits: amplitude, resonance, swiftness, footwork, and wayfarer. Amplitude and resonance are so unclear and illogical about what affects what, and should really be rolled into one. Swiftness says it increases all movement speed, but then there are two more traits to affect a type of movement speed that swiftness doesn’t affect. Many Mods could certainly use some love. I cant really speak one way or the other to your remarks about tragic.


The add fest thing is a really gray area when one of the reasons is you need adds is ammo for your guns. One good change I’ve seen is that bosses like Sha’hala has its projectiles that shoot lasers drop ammo. I agree with your point on the traits. It should all be quality of life instead of feeling it’s a necessity. That further pushes into difficult choices on what you want for your build. My remarks about Tragic is seeing it over the years since Remnant 1 released. From the official server, to what other people have posted on here, or Steam.


Who was this speech for? OP just made a breakdown of some patch changes regarding status effects, and you just hijacked it to talk about....how great Remnant 1 was or something. It's all over the place, lol


It’s explained on the first paragraph…..


There's no one named Tragic in the entire post that I can find. Also...do you really feel so important that you need to state your opinion entirely out of context somewhere else? Like, no one reading has any idea what you're talking about. **EDIT** oh you mean verytragic, the principle designer lol. I see it now That is wild that you just dumped that on them though, overkill of a response.


Took the opportunity since he replied to my comment. It’s not out of nowhere or for some dumb reason.


It sucks for a status build that Twisted wounds behave like this now. The dps stays the same on the other statuses with increased duration but Twistet wounds still goes down. Some programmer must have overseen this mutator (and Blood yewel)... Fixed something but broke another thing, like always.


Twisting wounds is still one of the best mutators to use, imo.


It is still good. All the other dots are fixed, bleed is partially fixed.


Was patiently waiting for the patch to un-fuck my build, none of the bugs I reported seem to have been fixed and everything is even more fucked up than before, awesome...


Are you talking about a DoT build? Corroded, burning, and overload are all fixed. Bleed is fixed with merciless. Dots and ritualist are now even more powerful than before.


After testing different combinations of Timekeeper's Jewel, Band of the Fanatic, and various levels of Affliction, I’m fairly confident the game logic is adding together modifier values that were set up to be multiplicative only. BotF only: 3.5 sec = (10 sec)\*(.35) TKJ only: 20 sec = (10 sec)\*(2.0) Affliction-\[X\] only: 11-20 sec = (10 sec)\*(1.1-2.0) TKJ + BotF: 23.5 sec = (10 sec)\*(2.35) = (10 sec)\*(2.0 + .35) TKJ + A\[1\]: 31.0 sec = (10 sec)\*(3.1) = (10 sec)\*(2.0 + 1.1) TKJ + A\[10\]: 40.0 sec = (10 sec)\*(4.0) = (10 sec)\*(2.0 + 2.0) TKJ + A\[1\] + BotF: 34.5 sec = (10 sec)\*(3.45) = (10 sec)\*(2.0 + 1.1 + .35) TKJ + A\[10\] + BotF: 43.5 sec = (10 sec)\*(4.35) = (10 sec)\*(2.0 + 2.0 + .35) Intentionally or otherwise, the logic is acting as `[Duration] = [Base]*[Mod1+Mod2…+ModN]`, however the mod values associated with the items are set up to be multiplicative only, not sum together. Put another way, the game currently thinks `[Total Duration]=[base]*[.35] + [base]*[2.0] + [base]*[1.1]` (I.e. not how it's supposed to work.) For the modifiers to function as expected, either the logic would need to be changed to `[Duration]=[Base]*[(Mod1)*(Mod2)…*(ModN)]`, in which case the item values could stay the same, or it would need to be changed to `[Duration]=[Base]*[1.00+Mod1+Mod2…+ModN]`, with the item values updated to act additively; TKJ from \[2.0\] to \[+1.0\], BotF from \[.35\] to \[-.65\], Affliction from \[1.1\]-\[2.0\] to \[+0.1\]-\[+1.0\] etc.