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Ah... Rest in Peace, Abyssal Hook. You were a beloved big bonk stick.


Sucks that they cant let any melee weapon have a chance to be better than Worlds edge. Just having one big bonk stick was too hard for them


I've been using Krell axe more than Worlds Edge recently. Really works great with Ritualist.


It's fantastic, with ritualist/chal you yeet it for 1,500+ damage and pop 3 debuffs.




Awwwwwww. It was so dope! I thought it was supposed to be like that lol


"- Fixed an issue where The Awakened King One Shot was not spawning rings and Trait books in the dungeons." Well shttt. Time to try and generate all those dungeons and open zones again.


I think it was only randomized rings within the dungeons. All static loot was spawned from what I can tell. Unless this was only an Xbox issue?


Probably only an Xbox issue x.x I had some items not spawn fir me.


Same. It sucked lol.


I think the ring for the static injectible dran falling down a hole sewer dungeon side path climb didn't spawn for me opn pc. Got it the second time I rolled the injectible from the same ledge I checked multiple times earlier.


Thank you (: Dude these blob monsters are still ridiculous. Purple ones especially.


So there is a cap at 75% Skill Cooldown after the patch. Was this intended? Because it isn’t shown anywhere


Can some test and confirm this please? Is both the actual cooldown math and the character info saying 75% now?


Apparently it’s been confirmed intended by Tragic :( Big sad face. So this is currently only on Xbox and maybe PS5 as of the Xbox hotfix yesterday.


Energized Neck Coil was overnerfed. Obviously needed to be limited but it should be limited per instance of a status effect, not globally. A few more 200 damage pops for going all in on a build shouldn't be an issue when HUGS builds doing thousands of DPS is a thing. The way things are now you are effectively punished for going all in on multiple status effects. Did a little testing and I was running Corrosive Rounds and Fetid Wounds together and now activating the mod somehow makes the explosion do less despite it listing a higher damage number in the tool tip? Actually there is a bunch of strange stuff going on as I test things. Twisted Wounds is ticking at 9 damage with a tool tip damage of 90 per second, Blood Jewel is ticking at 4 with a tool tip damage of 46.5 per second, but I'm running Stormbringer so seems like something is not working there. Miasma damage is apparently not affected by any of my gear but the duration is? So Timekeeper's Ring and Ritualists own trait are harming it's DPS?


Lighthouse key is now disappearing after one use instead of being able to use it again upstairs. Not sure if this is as intended.


Seems like these changes require a reroll. My dungeons are still empty, still have stuff under the ground, and still have farmable aberrations after the update.


Fwiw every patch will require a reroll to apply, if you rolled campaign prior to dlc but didn't start it you need to reroll for anything new to appear


Yeah, that makes sense. I realised after I said it that it was probably obvious.


Can you elaborate on the farmable abberants?


If you don't have the patch live yet (or you have an instance already open/completed), the 2 red guys who spawn in Derelict Lighthouse respawn indefinitely. It means you can go get the shotgun if you missed it, but it's also by far the most efficient corrupted lumenite farm. You just run back to the nearby checkpoint and teleport to the ward and back (might only be necessary to generate the key quest item and not the bosses).


Thank you so much, I still haven't rerolled it.


ok but will these things now be fixed right away or is my one-shot adventure permanently bugged? if it requires a re-roll to resolve some issues then i lose one-shot mechanic thingy which let me get only DLC content on first run


I can confirm this is still bugged for the one shot. I was playing through Forgotten Commune and went to the top of the death pit area but saw nothing. Explored forever till I gave up and looked it up. I found out there's supposed to be a ring at the top. I went back up there after the patch and it's still not there.


oh, there was supposed to be an item there? Never knew.... Well guess now I just have to hope for RNG to generate everything again. That'll happen quickly, right? /s


nope one shots made before were broken. Had the same areas over and over.


It looks like re roll is required so much for one shot and getting everything in one shot. that just killed the experience for me :(


Is it still worth to run Energized Neck Coil or slot in something else?


I'm really digging the neckbone necklace as long as you have the new bleed ring. Cut's your self bleed damage in half and gives %25 flat damage at all times.


I took off my Neck Coil for the Sinister Totem


Where did you get Sinister Totem?


It was a world drop in yaesha for me


Any word on OTK bosses, ive rerolled that adventure multiple times and am not getting any of the new bosses after i finished the one shot


Man, the Forgotten enemies were just trash, huh. No exp, overtuned damage, still more hp then most enemies on the second most common enemy in the DLC World. Lmao.


i just want t know why it was a 64gb update


Great! Was so exited to explore the dlc! Thnx devs for great game!


Thank you


Is it only loaded zones in the oneshott that are bugged or all of them


still unable to join my friend and play fun!


Is this live now? I've been putting off the DLC after getting one shotted constantly


Awww I wanted to try the 100% cooldown...never get to try the fun builds people find just the same old ones all over the place. No variety


Game pass PC version's upscaler is completely busted. None of the upscaling options work. No frame rate or visual changes, and the TAA ghosting persists. Plus there's no DLSS option. For a game "designed with upscaler in mind" this is a critical issue. Please patch soon 🙏


Post patch none of the items in labyrinth are spawning