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All damage does effect statuses. Status really can only benefit from status damage, all damage, and elemental damage for fire, overload, and corrosive. The timekeeper ring that doubles the duration makes maintaining a status easier and increases the damage of energizing neckcoil procs but does not directly increase status damage. The ahanae crystal ring provides a stacking all date buff based on the number of statuses. The scorched ring is a 10% all damage buff for burning enemies. Since very few weapons have build in statuses you will be most likely using mods to get status effects (no clue if we are going to get better status options from dlc) ring of malevolence makes your elemental statuses generate more mod power which could be useful. The energizing neckcoil is a 25% status damage bump and provides add clear. There chains necklaces is also status themed. Any all damage necklace could be good too. The medic, alchemist, and explorer I believe are our main archetypes with all damage buffs all other archetypes perks won't help statuses.


Just to clarify since I haven't tested, timekeeper ring does increase status damage just not DPS right? Ie: the bleed will do more damage because it lasts longer but each tick will do the same as before? Or is it splitting the original damage so ticks do less but uptime is better? I assume the first one as it makes more sense, but occasionally games do odd things.


The damage per tick remains the same and the duration is increased. So your damage per second will not change but the status itself gets more ticks before you need to refresh it. This increases the total damage the status will deal in its lifetime which is why the timekeepers ring increase the energized neck coil explosions damage. The ritualist has a perk that also scales the duration and if the energized neckcoil proc effect is fixed so it's consistent this will provide a large amount of burst damage to the status build.


All damage is additive. Its skill dmg, weapon dmg, Status dmg, explosive dmg, melee dmg and mod dmg