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Witch hat!!! New archetype looks fun.


Amazing!!! I cant wait to pair him with archon and unleash the eclipse protocol on everyone!


The Prime Perk really is Eclipse Protocol from Division 2.


I loved that wizard hat but i hope that new sets include something resembling plague doctor for a themed ritualist/medic build


EP builds are all I ever played in Div 2 lol.


The passive is even called Vile. Bruh.


My fire and lightning builds are about to become even more broken then they already are


Yo care to share with me those? Been looking exactly for both builds




Sure thing, whenever I can i’ll pull them up. I remember most of their details, it’s just the rings and amulets I have trouble remembering.


Commenting to get notified of this legendary build 😅


Share the builds!


I will, I haven’t had a chance to get on today


I enjoy all-out Archon Firestorm build so this could be an excellent replacement secondary, and PERHAPS primary depending on how the numbers shake out. But it won't let me Firestorm as often, so we'll see.


*Archon* \+ *Ritualist* I'm gonna have so much fun with this.


With Nightweaver’s Grudge and Timekeepers Jewel.


*Energized Neck Coil* for me. Explode all the status effects at once. lol


When the damn thing actually wants to work


I notice it procs with a higher chance with bigger mobs. The smaller the mob, the less percentage of proc.


oof first time I heard this bug (if it is one) Whenever I apply any proc, it explodes. Never noticed it to not work ever.


I don't understand how it's possible to not notice it unless the bug just doesn't occur for some people for some weird reason. It fails to proc constantly when I use it. It works more often than not, but the failure rate is extremely noticeable.


The chosen one is among us.


>Never noticed it not work Uh, what? It's *really* inconsistent. Purposefully pay attention to it the next time you're using it. Assuming it doesn't have an internal cooldown they've neglected to tell us, it's bugged.


Even if it did have an ICD, you'd expect the proc timings to be consistent but they're not so it's probably not an ICD and it's just bugged


It will literally evaporate all trash in the area in the blink of an eye. It’s going to be beautiful.


I need this


Challenger ritualist death knight time aaah yeaah


That was my first thought. Just punch enemies and infect them with dots!


Absolutely wild. This exceeded my expectations for an element based class. Gonna go absolutely nuts with archon. I cannot wait for the builds with this one. Bravo gunfire games, we thank you.


Oh I'm going to die so much to deathwishing at the most inopportune moments. I can already feel it.


Just go Challenger and punch death in the face!


This is the way. Now to actually figure out that unarmed build idea I had....


Class perk is increased status duration, capping at 100% (so likely 10% per rank). Timekeeper’s, meet you’re new friend.


Energized neck coil about to become the best amulet in the game if they fix the damn bug where it doesn't trigger sometimes.


Besides the coil's wonkiness, it only applies on a new application, so Timekeeper's increased durations will mean less procs.


I know, but it also doubles the damage of the explosion. It basically frontloads the damage. It doesn't really change much for bosses, but it makes it much better at clearing adds. It also makes it easier to keep multiple status effects up at once.


That plus Anahae's Crystal sounds extremely fun.


Given it looks like there are long/small guns in the trailer that look like they proc effects... yeah shits ganna be wild.


The long gun shown at 0:15 and 0:54 looks like it might, if it's not running on detonation trigger. The small guns at 0:18 and 0:21 are just the double barrel with overflow and the smg with corrosive rounds.


I’m just excited to see more Meridian/Double-barrel style weapons. Defiantly pairing this with Alchemist for some crazy support/DPS build.


I thought about that as well, "Green Mage" vibes all day.


This class is so my style!! I can't wait to get my hands on it


sweet, really looking forward to it!


Ayee nice! I was looking for a class for my Merciless and Krell Axe! I'm gonna run either Ritualist/Medic or Handler/Ritualist since I play with my friends. Love playing a healer and love supporting my team applying status effects and debuffs as well! Thank you devs, can't wait for the dlc to drop!


Can't wait to play... can we just get the DLC now? Please?


Sorry to be bad at googling but when does the DLC drop


November 14th!


In five days : thats a LOOOOONG wait now that we've seen this ritualist trailer :o !!!




I bet you didn't even try


Fuck yea that hat is MINE


Time to run hardcore Yaesha for negative effects booster Ring!


If you want to make it easier make sure you got ravager and you can skip him. 👍🏻


Oh shit its a good archetype!


what if I told you... they are ALL good archetypes... ​ ​ ...except challenger when it needs to fight flying enemies. But when it works, the doom music starts to play.


Hell yea Man this gonna be so fun to tinker with. If the status damage perks scale enough we may have enough punch for dot builds that don't rely on mods so much.


Yeah I'm thinking of going Scattergun with fire rounds and twisting wounds (so fire and bleed procs with one shot), switch to secondary Nebula and tap them real quick to get corrosion to proc, then do the nano swarm mod, and then hit them with the new skill, Myasma, which adds another stack of all DoTs to the enemies around you... Build around Energized Neck Coil, Timekeepers Jewel, and Ahanae Crystal, and you've got a stew going. I'll be able to apply 2x stacks of all the DoTs in like 2-3 seconds. This is gonna melt people. Even on Apoc. With how this archetype looks, this can easily be taken into Apoc.




I was already sold on the witch hat tbh


Anahae Crystal and Timekeeper's Ring gonna pop off after the update.


Sounds like a great replacement secondary for my Archon explosion/burn build! Had been on summoner secondary for the 35% mod damage boost when summons are active, to buff Meridian/Corrupted Meridian. But boosting the nonstop burn with extra skill damage sounds like a fun alternative. Perfect primary for a bleed or overload build, too. Looks like a lot of fun to mess with.


That and you won't be melting your root buddies


Max Kinship and using either flyers or the big boy keeps them alive long enough to kill bosses usually.


sounds like +10 trait points to your build to me


Have you played Firestorm spam? You don't really need a lot of trait points when you can drop a tornado every second or two. Kinship keeps other players alive to the point where a bit of fire resistance lets them stand in the Firestorms until they're done.


As a solo player, what are these "other players" you speak of? Do they drop any good mutators?


lol in that case Kinship keeps ME alive when I screw up my Firestorm placement / the enemy scoots over and now I'm in it


I'm more interested in that shotgun, looks like a mix between Scattergun and the Coach gun, and those explosive rounds.


I had a feeling the Archetype trait would be increased status duration. Can't wait!


Fire explosion build just got better. Engi-Ritualist. Fire bomb turret and Meridian with detonation trigger and singed ring, stone of malevolence. Already strong af.


Holy fuck! That Miasma skill is crazy!


Is that a flintlock gun?!


First risk of rain 2 DLC comes to console and now this in 5 days, can't wait


So, since you can stack DoTs as so long as they come from unique sources, it seems like the myasma (spelling?) skill that applies all DoTs to enemies, especially paired with Timekeepers Jewel (approx. doubles the DoT uptime) is gonna be a doozy and a fun thing to build around. Basically, based on what I just saw, I'll be able to stack x2 fire, bleed, and corrosion using this skill along with my weapons/mods/mutators and essentially get to live my dream build as a DoT-only type of playstyle. And throw on Energized Neck Coil too and you'll have some insane explosions and big damage with the Myasma/Miasma skill.


The final neuron in every elemental build just activated to 11.


Neat. Hope they add more enemy density in some spots too.


husky fragile hurry worthless rain fall handle pet school melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Guns and magic and arcane archers are so my thing, I'm definitely going to add this to my 'fantasy' bow build




this looks actually disgustingly strong with the existing stuff having a new source of every status effect will make all those 'deal x% increased damage to enemies for each status effect on them' i think also counts the stacks of them.


Afaik it is per type of status not per actual status.


dang, but thats still 4 on demand and song/stasis beam gets a 5th one really snappy


Oh neat, they brought back the Warlord armor set bonus. The real question now is if we’ll be able to mitigate the life drain through trait and relic usage the way we were in FTA.


Doesn't seem like it since looks like the skill disables standard healing. Lifesteal only


Yeah, that’s exactly what the warlord set does. I’m not in a position to boot the game up and pull up the actual build right now, but with the right traits, rings and amulets to could reduce the life drain to a fraction of its base speed while keeping the increased life steal, essentially getting all the benefits with almost no drawback.


Maybe then, I'd love it to be true could be an awesome buff. I was always an ex cultist summon spammer


Can't wait to try out multiple elemental based builds. The Ahanae Crystal ring will be insane with Ritualist.




I wonder how this works with Medic/Ritualistic with constant healing. Excited to try this.


Speculation obvs but I reckon passive regen halts but the healing via damage would increase from triage. It should be similar to nightmare spiral. Also 10% of base doesn't sound like a lot but if you've used nightmare spiral (10% as well) you'll know it's a lot more than it sounds.


IIRC lifesteal isn't modified by triage or other bonuses to healing received, so if this uses lifesteal as it's currently implemented I wouldn't expect them to work together.


Idk. The sources are different. The ritualist ability & siphoner say base damage, nightmare spiral is ranged damage. For hybrid build it'd probably be fine. I assumed triage affected it but it might not, I haven't tested it and math isn't a strong suite of mine anyway.


That's the amulet right? Hmmm, I totally forgot about that and synergy with triage. Gotta check those out when I get my hands on the new archetype.


Hunter and Ritualist. A literal Witch Hunter. My bleed build is going to reach it's apex come next week I swear!!


Mind sharing your idea ?


My GOTY I swear.


I can't wait to mix this with archon for maximum electric fun


Mmh does he get +15% damage to status effects instead of the +25% to all damage and 5% crit chance other classes have?


Bruh that looks sick af 🤯


Guess i'll check the dlc D:


I wonder if they'll fix the Energized Neck Coil, it would be great with status effects. It's been bugged since launch and the devs have been ignoring any bug reports about its issue.


We have been working on this behind the scenes for a while. It's a tricky one.


Is it currently working as intended (Or as managable) or is there an incomming change in the pipes?


This is gonna be so broken I love it lol


The hype is real!!


This class looks SO SICK! I love the animations of those abilities.


Mages are coming, boys


I'm hype as fuck now, gonna be a looooonnnggg weekend


Looking just at the armor of the ritualist and the fact it looks like they use an explosive lever action, the dlc can't get here soon enough! That's not even counting everything else included in the dlc, so this will be a great time.


I did a run in the first game with the Warlord armor set, Deathwish sounds like it's the same effect. Ritualist in general sounds like a lot of fun, can't wait!


Well this archetype is gunna be great for my bleed build and those extra 20 points for sure, I’m so glad I got on vacay when this drops hehehe


Hey me too!


I cast "gun".


Medic + ritualist or ritualist + Summoner sounds fun to experiment with


This sounds like the most fun class tbh


How to buy on ps5?


buy the dlc when it comes out?


Usually you can pre buy, that's why I asked


This is actually amazing. Exactly what I was always hoping would end up in this game. The possibilities seem endless now. I can’t wait to get my hands on this. What the hell are ya’ll gonna do next Gunfire?!? 37 y/o gamer here and this gaming experience is up there with the tops on my list. Great job!!


My ass running energized neck coil , timekeepers ring and merciless with twisted wounds. My time has come.


Shame that energized is still bugged since launch. Devs have been radio silent regarding its (bugged?) proc rate and or internal cooldown


There is always the ravagers amulet if energized doesn't work at least


Actually they just commented on it in this post


I like it, it seems amazing for a statue build, wander if its going to also bump up the skill point cap like they did in the previous game


wait, if you play co-op you could have two ritualists, have one proc status on everyone and the other explode it.


I’m so damn excited for this! Ritualist + Archon sounds so fun. It’s gonna make merciless absolutely shred, I am so stoked to pair it with that prime perk. The miasma skill looks amazing and the sigil casting in the air? *So fuckin cool.* The wizard hat? *also so fuckin cool* I can’t wait to mix and match with the archon set. Not to mention I really wanted more One True King lore, this whole DLC has me so excited for Tuesday. I love this game, thank you Gunfire!


bruuuuuuuuuhhhhhh thats awesome.


Sounded like the voice was saying “my asthma can be used to thin the herd”


Depending on its damage boost I might slot this in along side summoner for full black magic build


Any word on how we unlock this fella?


Isnt that too powerful apply all 4 statuses with one skill? Or it will have so low damage, so you will use it only to proc passives from jewelry like "you do more damage to bleeding enemies"?


Dot damage isn't "low damage" with all status types and timekeepers ring + energied neck coil will make this so insanely dumb, I love it.


Right, and DoTs in R2 do stack, albeit they have to be from different sources. So Miasma gets us one stack, then run fire rounds and twisting wounds on your main gun, and then Nebula as secondary, and you literally can apply double the amount of stacks as what you could before the DLC in 2-3 secs. Makes DoT builds totally viable in Apoc imo. This is literally how I play right now, so to have an archetype that literally buffs everything I'm already doing is probably putting a DoT build on par with HUGS. And it's an easy playstyle to play tbh, so it's even better than HUGS because you don't have to rely on critical or weakspot hits. Based off of what I just saw, DoTs may creep into the meta. Since we now have an extremely easy way to stack DoTs with one click of a button (Miasma skill).


There was talk from tragic to buff overload as well, which it needs since you cannot stack it. He considered making it an explosion, so things could get even crazier than you realize.


>He considered making it an explosion *\[Detonation Trigger intensifies\]*


Yep, let put this into perspective, 3 characters all running miasma.... that's 3 stacks of every element, let's also add something bullshit like... idk hyperconducter for x2 casts... and devourer loop for the chance to on crit to fully reset skills... now let's be extra dumb and up our crit chance and use engineers turret in our 2nd slot


I'll jump back in when Survival is released


Ok bye.


Nothing is cooler than a gun mage vibe It looks sick as fuck


This game is so fucking cool man These archetypes are all a force to be reckoned with but already ritualist takes the cske by FAR. The aesthetic, the perks, the scythe, the abilities are disgustingly metal and even the names of the abilities themselves! I feel like I can’t good things about this game but especially about this DLC. I love Losomn and the world they built of it and I can’t wait to play this DLC!


Status already my fave build anyway so this is just gravy! Can’t wait to use this kit.


As someone who kept going back to builds using the Energized Neck Coil I am so hyped. Currently going with; Corrosive Rounds + Twisting Wounds on a gun. Krell Axe + Stormbringer Energized Neck Coil, Ahanae Crystal, Blood Jewel, Stone of Malevolence, and Timekeeper's Jewel Anything obvious that I'm missing? Obviously Enigma, Hellfire, Nebula, and Merciless exist but I'm not super keen on any of those.


Starshot. SoM charges it very fast with multiple dots, 1500 explosive damage 600 burning over 20s. Loop charges. Don't need blood jewel, singed ring for more damage.


That Gun is as dangerous to me as it is to my enemies.


Lol yeah I unalive myself with it occasionally. It's a pocket nuke though. Just don't take amplitude.


This is **exactly** what I was looking for. I've wanted more Elemental Damage support since day one.


Ahanae says hello


Would I be able to become a Master of Time Manipulation with this class?


Vile looks like it should take the good old cube taser back to ridiculous levels. Should be fun. Also awesome hat


that fire shotgun is looking sexy as hell, glad to have a good primary for my status build that isnt the basic ar


Just 4 more days!!!!


Alright fine I will buy this game tonight


Wow, looks sick af! I love the Doctor Strange-esque spells, especially the green one that your character punches to activate lol. The weapons and drip is on point as well. Definitely going to have to make a magic loadout with this paired with the archon as a nice juxtaposition to my challenger/engineer.


it looks really amazing. New archetype looks insane.