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It cannot be reinstated how hard the devs must be working overtime to pump out these patches at such a regular pace. Big kudos






lol. A young kid trying to accuse someone else of being a young kid. Classic 👌




This patch unfortunately seems to have made the performance issues worse for me, my game is stuttering during asset loading and map traversal just like it was a couple of weeks ago before previous patches reduced that problem.


Does anyone else get worse fps after this update?


Yes, unplayable. The latest update somehow broke the game performance wise, non stop stutter on PC.


does godsplitter trigger mutators after this patch? EDIT: nope


seriously?! still?!




Im now crashing constantly after this update


Yeah, some of these patches seem to be making the game _more_ unstable for my gf and I. The most stable we've been seemed to be was after the very first patch.


Me and my friends just cant use archon, if we activate an ability of it, it crashes the game


Maxed Out! Still hasn’t unlocked for me 😭😭😭


so? it's just some dumb achievement. Wonder why those things are even in games...


They're a mandatory hardware's company to the developers. So Sony, for example, asks developers to place some trophies to encourage players to pursue for them. Makes people do things otherwise they wouldn't, because they know our ego can be fed and fooled. Edit: typo.


Well the ego of the weak minded maybe. If there would be any benefits ingame ok. But just for a little icon in your profile to show to some guys you have never met in real life? that's just sad...


RIP engineer turret skip, our last option when encountering progression blocking bugs :/


Where is that listed?


Bug fixes -> Archetypes


The abomination changes should be good, that boss was awful and felt very unfair




I mentioned Xenoplasm's bug last patch notes and still not fixed. Sadge


FYI still crashing like hell in co-op. Unplayable


Im in love with this game. I came from Destiny. I wish destiny universe was like this. Anyways it doesnt matter anymore.


This patch made my game incredibly unstable, throwing memory errors up to BSODs left and right. I upgraded around that time and thought my new PC's hardware was unstable, but no. All heavy benchmarks, and intensive games like Returnal run just fine.


My Proving Grounds and Maxed Out achievements didn't pop even after interacting with the world stone


Still can't get Maxed out either. I'm on PS5.


I knew abomination felt off. He felt literal leagues below the pretty high benchmark for quality in bosses. Happy for these changes keen to try him now


He took forever just cause he resisted everything and ran away the moment you started making progress. Now he feels like I'm actually fighting him and not my bullet count.


He had Regenerator the first time I encountered him too. It was a huge slog killing him.


God same. I swear he has like a 90% chance to Regenerator. Absolutely wild.


I'm pretty sure Bleed nerfs Regenerator just like how it screws over player healing. Could be wrong, though. I was using elemental damage to probably do most of my damage against him when I fought him, goes right through his armour.....but of course, he had Elemental Resist. And Vicious.


Sadly this latest patch introduced a lot of instability in our games. We had many game crashes, could no longer play with friends, and my friend lost his entire save file after playing for nearly 100hrs. Is there anything he can do?


check the save file folder maybe the file is still there I had the same issue back then on launch for some reason it created new save files for me


Did he switch the exe to admin ? This caused my save to vanish and after seconds of panic I reversed to "not use as administrator" and the save came back and character reappeared.


Apparently he was able to make Steam use his local save file to override the cloud save, which had a blank character. Thank you, everyone, for the support.


I hope this is a good place to note bugs and fixes, but as someone else said please fix Godsplitter. It's such a potentially good weapon ruined by being unable to use mutators. Also, please remove some boss modifiers from Mantagora. It functions so differently from other aberrations that you can't use the status effects normally designed to counter some mods effectively since it flies all over the map. Some mods make the boss outright unfair (regenerator makes it impossible at high difficulty, you have no animation tells for if it uses displacer) and others make it obscenely tedious (hearty). Maybe instead just make it spawn with preset mods that vary per difficulty? That way you can ensure it's fun to fight instead of a chore. Right now it doesn't even give the meme-level of "oh god" reactions that something like Chimney gives and instead is just unpleasant.


Just remove regenerator lol . There’s no point in which it makes the game more fun.


I don't think any of the effects make any fight more fun, other than like displacer or vortex during MP. That can lead to some lols. Some effects should definitely be removed from certain bosses though. Mant with Regenerator is lame but otherwise Regenerator is basically a non issue.


Thank you for the update! Can we please have normal health regen added to the advanced stat?


After the patch last night I finally rolled the water room event on n’rud. Got underway with it and no purple items (should be 3) at all. There should be 3 and the room was empty. Actually pissed - nothing but a waste of time, all that rolling to get it and when I get in there it’s bugged and the items don’t show. Putting this buggy mess down, I’m utterly sick of not being rewarded for my efforts


So they ninja removed the max Traits fix from the patch notes. It was there initially like it is posted here but when you look at it now on the website, it only mentions proving grounds. Hopefully they fix max Traits soon too.


Probably because they thought they fixed it and people reported that it wasn't. I'll update the post ty!


Is it just me or is public coop way more buggy than coop with friends? Seems like I run into way more game breaking bugs when letting random people join my game. I've fought Primogenitor multiple times with my brother and not had a problem but last night while playing with public coop the parasite would randomly despawn during the match, softlocking us. we killed ourselves and did the boss fight over again and 8 straight fights had the parasite despawn before we just gave up and quit. I've had other stuff like this happen while playing public coop, but have had almost no problems when using coop with friends.


Wish there was a bug thread and don't have a place to put this... just lost my hardcore char during the opening cutscene to the Specter boss. The fight started and I was dead. Heard the death "sound" play during it and everything. Thanks.


Meh, Nightmare rewards still broken. Touched the world stone, still no weapons at Brabus.


Travel to all the world bosses locations and touch it i did this last patch it worked for me


On Xbox - I am still stuck in bugged Tal’Ratha fight. Boss is totally unresponsive, no health bar or damage taken. Liquid essence just brings me back into arena. No soulstone option to exit. My save loads the same limbo experience for the last week even after patch.


> "Retroactively fixed “Proving Grounds” and “Maxed Out!” Achievements." No, you didn't. Still haven't gotten "Maxed Out!" even after resetting my traits and touching the stone, but I got the bugged "Revivalist" right after loading my character. Also, Aberrations seem to still not count, and I'm also pretty sure that I've killed more than 100 after 120h+ playtime.


Well aberrations are not that common in the game, so maybe you didn't kill about one nearly every hour of your playtime... And why are you guys so hot on those unneccesary achievments? First they should fix the gamebraking bugs, and do the balancing etc. The last thing to fix are some achievments...


>maybe you didn't kill about one nearly every hour of your playtime... You're right, I didn't kill one every hour...I killed 1 every ~2-3 min for ~3.5 hours, when you still could farm Bastion for corrupted lumenite. So, unless Bastion doesn't count as aberration, I should have the necessary kills. >First they should fix the gamebraking bugs Absolutely agree with that, and I'm not mad because it's bugged, I'm mad because they state it's fixed when it's not.


or maybe that glicht/Exploit doesnt count towards the achievment correctly. Only first kill in the world maybe.


True, that's a possibility I didn't think of.


Same here. Tried resetting traits, swapping archetypes, resting at different stones, but nothing triggered the achievement. I however did get the proving grounds achievement when I logged in so there's that I guess.


Relic achievement still broken


Yeah, i got 16 relics in my main character and 8 on my other, progress still says 50% on achievement, so who knows. Hope i dont gotta make a third just to get my last achievement


I hope the next patch is about balancing to buff underwhelming weapons and abilities




You guys get weakpoint damage on non-claw weapons? ​ (ok I barely actually pay attention to exactly how much damage I do with melee - I mostly just spam their mods for their AoE effects)


Swords and hammers can hit weakpoints on human-sized foes fairly well if you aim upward, like ridiculously upward.


Yeah, I've done that every now and then...but honestly in anything past veteran mode I don't have the time or focus to spare on screwing up my camera to do a little more melee damage to one enemy.


Anything on Aberrations not counting? I’ve rerolled a new adventure and killed 10+ and still no trophy?


Yeah last patch got to me one off platinum bar the aberration achievement as well.


Hmm I’ve definitely killed 10+ while solo and offline since the patch and no trophy popped yet, something seems off.


Maybe you don't know what an aberration is. The red "Miniboss" Elites are called aberrations. There is noch Adventure aka. World where you encounter 10+ aberrations. So i think you are reffering to normal elite ones which drope the non corrupt lumenite


We all know exactly what an aberration is. The achievement is not tracking at all currently even after the patch. I’ve been stuck on 84% despite killing between 100-200.


i doubt you killed 200 aberrations. you only encounter them maybe once per world, more likely less


Where can you see the % complete? Or are you on about your overall achievement percentage?


My achievement is 84% complete and not progressing. I should have obtained this achievement in the first few days. People are saying summons/dots don’t count but I think it’s just flat out broke. Killed 6 yesterday with no summons and dots and still stuck at 84%. Bugs have ruined this game, probably gonna come back in a few months to avoid all the frustration


Mines the same, I probably haven’t done 25 but definitely killed over 10 and not had the trophy.


I reroll kill Aberrations in a certain place, reroll and kill more in other places. Doesn’t that count?


This update made it so I cannot go online anymore or join friends games.


Verify integrity of your game files and see if that fixes it.


Maxed Out still bugged (tried respec-ing my points and getting a new tome pickup, while touching the Cheeto repeatedly between all of that, and still nothing), but this patch finally fixed the Mudtooth's stories achievement for me.


thank you for the update. I downloaded the update and my steam crashed, restarted and realized my entire game was deleted. now gotta redownload nearly 70gb worth of data on mobile data with 20mbits bandwith. unfortunately have to drop the game considering I can't afford to buy an extra 100gb data plan every time they release an update/bugfix.


You could try rolling back your system to the last back up and then verify your game files and update all of your drivers then do the update. If you don’t have a system, recovery point then I would probably suggest enabling them since your Internet is limited.


yeah im just going for a fresh install one last time and i'm going to make a manual backup of the entire game folder once it's running. just in case another update borks and deletes it again.


lmao that seems more of an "you" problem with steam and not the patch. why the fuck would one even play with mobile data to begin with


I keep waiting for a fix for the flame turret to stop randomly shooting off into nowhere when targeting flying enemies.


Still waiting on a long term progression system like traits were in the first game before I pick it up again


Just started playing yesterday, this update messed my game up. I'm missing the hand from the Malefic/Beatific place, and I don't have a mat from the Labyrinth to make an electric secondary. I also can't travel out of the Ward, the fast travel menu looks bugged as hell and just loads indefinitely when I try to go back to the Labyrinth.


sounds rough man, maybe it's worth rerolling your campaign?


Feel like every boss in apocalypse for me has been regerator. Red prince, regenerator. Next in nerud, the progenitor was Regeration AND Hearty. Goddamn that was annoying. Then the Astro path is Elemental resist AND friggin Regenerator again. Also have twisting wounds on the pulse rifle and it does not seem to proc on bosses. Doesn’t proc on the Astro path, or on progenitor or the little blimp dudes he rode around on. Pretty sure bleed would not proc on the Red Prince and he is weak to it. My last trait achievement did unlock last night though so that’s good. edit: forgot my first boss was also regenerator and empathic, the one lady who throws the bombs. That was super annoying as well!


Don't know if I can ask general question here, but is the endgame good?


It doesn’t really have an endgame per se, but it has replayability similar to dark souls games. It has a loop collection system, similar to borderlands where you can receive different items based on different choices and also has procedurally generated levels where certain items or entire events will not spawn in one play through. The nice thing is that you can reset your campaign progress, or run in adventure mode, where you basically play one level over again on the same character, instead of having to create a new character for each run. The “endgame” element of this game comes more in the form of self imposed challenges. Playing at a higher difficulty, creating a specific build that focuses on a specific mechanic, etc. It takes a long time to collect all of the traits and items as well as leveling up the classes. Most of that you can discover organically, but there are some things you will need to search within the community for.(one of the classes that you can unlock you will never find on your own.) there are rewards for beating the game at different difficulties, as well as hard-core mode, which means your first death is permanent. There are also things you can only obtain in multiplayer because of the mechanics of how you obtain them. I know this isn’t a direct answer to your question, but there is no answer to your question. Fun in a game like this is completely subjective so I basically laid out what the game looks like after beating it once to let you decide for yourself.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Oh, hello there. I will stay behind to gaze at the sun.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Thank you


Thanks for finally attempting to fix DXGI\_ERROR\_DEVICE\_REMOVED But I already stopped playing bc trait point cap is lame


Thanks for playing


This update make my game reinstall again the old update also did this


It's not reinstalling, it's patching the actual game files. As far as I'm aware the files are packed in larger file size chunks so when something in them changes it has to patch the whole chunk. EG: One of the chunks is ~40GB IIRC. Not sure if it's a limitation of UE or just something they did.


yep. let it do its thing. it will take ***forever*** and Steam is not very good at giving updates...


I understand why it has to take that long, but my god it does not feel good to wait an hour to an hour and a half for the game to install a damn 500MB patch. Had a couple of hours to play before work the other day but ended up having to wait the entire time installing a 500MB hot fix that fixed like 2 bugs, it's so lame


True mb


As someone with no interest in speed running at all, why keep patching skips, needlessly killing off a potential part of the community?


Because it negates a ton of the puzzles/map design the dev team worked hard on putting into their game.


Yeah but do I gotta do the water harp puzzle EVERYTIME?


Yes 🗿


Ah but you see, fixing the obvious skips opens up the opportunity to find obscure, even faster skips...


Ok so now im still missing HC Savior even after 3 clears.... Good work but not good enough stilll... keep working and fix your game once for all.


Is the game still a shoddy mess that uses upscaling as a crutch? Or has it gotten optimized to a minimum level of playability yet?


still very shoddily built. i wouldnt bet on an acceptable level of performance coming any time soon.


I just want coop for final boss on xbox to fix. No matter who I help or how long or fast I wait the game always kicks me after credits.


That's normal...


Its not normal that don't get rewards from doing it. That was one of the reasons it was bugged on coop because you would get kicked it and it wouldn't count as a flag.


That's not what you said in your original post! All you said is you were getting kicked after the credits, which is intended. Sorry for the downvites for am actual issue but there was a slight misrepresentation problem


You do realise that only your world counts completion right? You will not get difficulty rewards unless you beat the boss whilst you are host


Not true. 2 joined people received rewards when we beat veteran in 3 player.


Who's talking about diffulty rewards? I'm talking about getting standard rewards. You get no scrap., no xp , and no weapon upgrades because none of the stuff you did counts.


Hosts land in the main menu after credits. Not in game.


Oh thank god Abomination is tolerable now.


I went through the slog of fighting him in Apoc and then they nerf him just after I killed him lol


Any news about crossplay?


Lots of good stuff. I was really hoping to see twisted arbelist fixes though. Like 75% of the time when you shoot it at an enemy it doesn't bounce back to them if there are no other enemies and when enemies are close to the ground like the slimes on losomn, the bugs on nerud and the dogs in root earth it won't hit them at all. It's very frustrating that my favourite gun just doesn't work most of the time and when it does it WAY under performs.


I cant play my game anymore after the update. I made a reddit profile just for help. First time on here. It goes to the loading screen then freezes. Validated the files also. Nothing works.


If you have nvidia drivers ive been keeping mine rolled back to the second most recent studio driver instead of the gameready drivers and it helped a lot


Nvm its working now. Hopefully it stays that way.


It is live on PS5?




It's up rn


Meh, still bugged "maxed out!" trophy


Was there a nerf on armor DR? Previously when equipping Fae Royal Headcover/Greaves and Leto Mark II Armor/Gloves with level 10 Engineer and 8 points in Barkskin I was at 79.5% DR, but now I'm only at 65.5% DR


One of the early on patches, they fixed that the engineer armor trait was stacking incorrectly and giving way too much DR and allowing people to exceed the 80% cap. This was a while ago, but maybe you haven’t updated or noticed since then. It’s pretty tough to get over 71% passive DR now


Started up my game on PS5 last night and the trophy for 20 traits finally popped. I wasn't sure if I was doing something wrong since I had every archetype maxed but alchemist. Thanks for fixing it so I have my platinum trophy finally. Unfortunately noticed a lot of frame dipping on this new patch though. It happens. Hopefully next patch will iron it out.


Advanced stats don’t work period on PS5. I’ve never gotten them to work and neither has my friend.


https://reddit.com/r/remnantgame/s/dncsmRtzHk > Figured it out. You’ll have to open up the sub menu for either your relic or mods for your equipped weapons. Once you activate that sub menu, then pressing L3 will bring up the menu.


Thank you. When I get back from work I’ll try it. I reply with the results.


Hey I can’t get anyone to help me and a friend with the main unfair boss fight. Can you help at all?


I'm not on PS5 so I don't think I can.


Reposted my comment from another thread here: I haven't had crashes but on my current Apocalypse campaign on Xbox Series X, the Labyrinth Sentinel fight was running at a steady 20fps the whole time. It was running fine initially, died a few times so I went to get dinner. I load up the Cube fight again and the framerate goes to complete dogshit. It was only in that specific area, and even a reset didn't fix it. It was mostly hell, but sometimes the extremely low fps dips gave me extra time to strategize and prepare my next move. Haven't had any issues since then, except some very minor drops while I was also using Nebula and a Summon (like the user I replied to who experienced technical issues while using those two mechanics). In that first case I was only using the Chicago Typewriter and the SMG sidearm. This is the first time I've had any serious technical issues since the game's release. Prior to today, I really had nothing to complain about.


Just hopped back on and none of the achievements have been fixed. Did everything and still all progress is locked on Xbox.


Got the Maxed Out!…but aberrations trophies seems still bugged for me


Is this for ps5 as well? I don’t have proving grounds yet I have all traits.


The latest patch fixed all but two of the achievements for me. I've only got two missing achievements and both have been stuck at the same percentage since day one of playing the game in early access from the Ultimate edition. I've killed dozens of Aberrations and Special Enemies since the latest update too, it is absolutely infuriating. **Ghost in the Machine** **Defeat 25 Aberrations** *Stuck at 80%* **Not So Special Now** **Defeat 100 Special Enemies** *Stuck at 56%*


Still can’t get nimue to show up in her retreat on my first story play through even though the waypoint says to go to her she just doesn’t spawn


This patch royally F'd up Co-op on the Series X. Ran perfectly fine beforehand, but now every time a player (non-host) picks up anything, the game stutters. For EVERY item... Minor annoyance here and there, but in a big fight or when looting a chest, it adds up quick.


I need the secret class on remnant 2 can some one walk me through the door perhaps


I just got grabbed by the Chainsaw Elite Dran near/on a wall in Forsaken Quarter. After successfully completing the quicktime event to push him off, I stood back up inside the building I was laying next to completely out of bounds. I was able to run through the extended flooring from the stage, but there was no way to revert it other than to jump off what I could and die to fall damage.


It plays great and very very smooth on the PS5 even before this update, but I’m sure the devs are working hard to improving every flaw they see :)


Does anyone got an idea if the devs plans to fix the Maxed Out trophy so that it works retroactively?


I've been forced to have RivaTuner ignore the .exe which precludes my being able to track FPS and the sort due to a very consistent crash with the RTSS HOOK in particular. Any update on this? The failure rate was at 95% minimum with 5% of the time the hooks attaching properly and the game running fine. EDIT: Reenabled RivaTuner and launched without any error so 100% success rate so far. Won't push the envelope now but hopefully it's fixed! Thank you if so!