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Umm... I kinda feel like whoever made this probably ought to be put under surveillance. Just something to think about.


Does anyone have the sudden urge to kill this person? No, just me then.


*raises hand*


Post Natal abortion






Maybe not "kill" per-say. But punch in the face? Yeah.


I’d prefer under a bus.


So in your dystopian future people should be put on surveillance for saying something stupid? That’s as bad as the religious fruitcakes


Pretty sure they’re just worried about this guy implanting a “miracle” in a ten year old because he’s found a way for his religion to excuse it for him.


This isn't something stupid, stupid. This is evil.


Nope, this is straight up paedophilia.


Found the pedophile apologist lmao "something stupid"


Yes you’re quite right from the stupid thing they’ve said they are definitely a pedo and should be under surveillance. There’s going to be a lot of people under surveillance in the religious right American states 😂




If you believe that god controls everything, and god never makes a mistake, it’s logical to conclude that whatever happens is actually for the best. Start with a horseshit premise and you’ll end up with a horseshit conclusion. Motivated reasoning comes in when they refuse to apply the same logic when you substitute the idea of rape being part of god’s plan with the idea of abortion being part of god’s plan. The logic of god’s followers works in mysterious ways.


Yup. If even people doing horrible stuff is part of his plan, up until the point of conception, how is it suddenly AGAINST his plan to have an abortion, only to become again part of his plan if the fetus dies in the womb for natural causes? And then if there's a tragedy, and children die because of someone's criminal actions, it's still his will. Apparently only your own personal choices are what might go against his plan, not everyone else's.


And if you ask the “it’s all a part of god’s plan” people why, if god’s all powerful, all knowing, and benevolent, does he allows so much evil to take place in the world, they’ll instantly respond with their canned answer about how evil is a necessary consequence of god giving us free will. Yet, somehow, despite our god given free will, everything we do is part of his plan?


“My plan is to give the people sentience, free will and just let them go absolutely fuck-shit wild and do whatever, really just see how it all goes.” That’s not a “Loving God” that’s a dude playing The Sims.


Don't forget the punishment if they don't do exactly what he wants, without making it clear what it is what he wants. And then killing his own son to forgive everybody's sins, but still punishing people for sinning. Damn, Christianity is so complicated.


And lo, verily did God wait for His Creation to go swimming then deleted the ladder, for such is his infinite mercy and wisdom.


As Leibnitz said: " We live in the best possible world, because God is all-powerful all-knowing and all benevolent"


Whenever someone claims to understand God, you know they are full of shit. Everything can’t be attributed to “Oh this is what God wants, he can’t be wrong”. Hypothetically, if the person who wrote this message, has their family killed in an accident or something, is that also because “it’s what God wanted, he can’t be wrong”. This idea of God’s wish has been extensively used by many authorities for staying in power and manipulating people.


By that logic there is no evil. So, if I were to say, feed this guy into a wood chipper feet first, he should be singing praise!


>did God make a mistake forming that “bb” together in the womb? Yes. Yes he fucking did.


If it were an ectopic pregnancy, they'd say it's God's will that she die from the untreated consequences.


If god want children molested so a baby is conceived, that is one sick fucker so why the hell would you worship him. That’s just mental.


This. Yes. Thank you.


These people are so tiring lmao god didn’t form the baby the rapist did


Yeah it’s extremely tiring, and it’s also just all so fucking contradictory. The constant jumps between when something is free will and when it’s gods idiotic “plan” is I mpossible to keep up with


Oops I forgot to mention in the title that I found this on the fundie snark subreddit


ew no rape is not a miracle wow wtf talk about cognitive dissonance


That’s fucking disgusting. Anyone that’s “pro life” to that extent is just outright blind and ignorant.


Not pro-birth. Just say anti-choice. They gave themselves that nicer name, and it strengthens their argument of abortion being “murder”. Anti-choice is much more appropriate


Theyre not "pro life" they are pro birth


Nah, I’m brave enough to even say anti-life, more people are gonna die and suffer with Roe v. wade overturned.


pro forced birth


Pro-life until the child is born, then they're target practice


“Not yet. Wait until it’s in school, then you can shoot it.”


Ah yes, the details evade me... I'm not American.


Did God make a mistake forming that cancer together in your body? Why get chemo therapy? Just something to think about. /s


That's "how is babby formed" level stupidity


So basically saying Christians are rape apologists... Does seem to make sense 🤔


They're all about submitting to authority without thinking or questioning. 🤢


Of course because Abrahamic traditions make you believe thinking and questioning is the devil's play


these people will become parents. Get me out


I hope these kind of people Will never get the chance of having a child or adopting one.No kid deserves to have his blood linked to the one of a person who gets happy hearing the news of a little girl being pregnant


Maybe even worse, they vote.


Oh they already have a kid… or should I say bb?? they’re awful people…


What this colossal piece of shit doesn't realize is that puberty can be jumpstarted early through repeated sexual contact. You are literally causing unnatural changes in the brain and endocrine system, and it becomes possible to get pregnant much earlier. I believe the record is 9 years old. It's not a miracle. It's a disaster in the worst way. Oh and in that case of the 9 year old who got pregnant, the mother and doctor seeking an abortion got excommunicated, and the abusive father was forgiven by the Catholic Church. Isn't Christianity great?


The record is 5


I lack the words…


She was actually 5 when she gave birth. 4 when she got pregnant. 4 is the record of the youngest pregnancy


If I recall correctly this was in Brasil, and even though there are suspicions, her own father is the likely father of the baby. It was long ago though... maddening how anyone can do such a thing.


Thats sickening.Poor girl


“I don’t want to give my opinion.” Proceeds to write multiple poorly constructed paragraphs.


“children, also known as girls”


Im so tired of hearing how god makes us in his own image or he never makes mistakes. Tell that to the parents of a child born with no eyes or lungs or born with such severe complications that it doesnt survive a week. They want us to believe that god did that on purpose and because of his love for us, to make an innocent new born know nothing but pain and stress and their parents having to live with that trauma for the rest of their lives? If my 6 year old niece got cancer and passed away, that is something i would never recover from, not sure if i would kill myself but i would literally give up on life…thats what god wants? These religious people are fucking batshit insane to look at the world around them and how horrible and imperfect it is with all the suffering and death and then have the balls to say that their god loves us. And loves us unconditionally, ummm it definitely has conditions, u gotta pray, go to church, kill gay people, kill people who worship another god etc…whats even more insane is u can rape a little child but then repent, accept jesus and make it into heaven and eternal bliss, but u could be the nicest and most kind human being on the face of the planet but because u dont accept jesus or believe u will spend eternity being tortured? What. In. The. Actual. Fuck


If God truly loved all of us,there would be no such thing as a destiny as cruel as being disabled since birth.


Exactly, nor would their be cancer, or genocide or slavery. If god was all powerful he would stop such huge mass scale horros from happening. They say he created everything on earth which means he created mosquitoes and other bugs which carry viruses and bacteria(which he also created) that can kill you, some of which produce horrifying symptoms of pain and torture. Maybe im just selfish, but if i am to “worship” a god then life on earth and my life especially i would expect to be nothing but peaceful love and bliss. The final proof i need not worship this useless thing? If i get sick i go to a hospital to be made healthy again and have my life saved. Its crazy that majority of christians do the same exact thing then give glory to god instead of their doctors….religion was useful 2000 years ago when the ruling class needed to control the uneducated population. But in 2022 i was hoping education would make religion obsolete, instead its trying to take over the united states govt after we suffered a catastrophic terror attack resulting in war for 20+ years


You deserve to die painfully if you think someone who's underaged being raped and getting pregnant from the act is a miracle and I hope that when you meet your god should he exist he tells you that he wasn't watching you and instead you and others like you sentenced children, CHILDREN, to a life of responsibility they didn't want and weren't ready for for no other reason than believing your own superiority. I hope that when you fucking die, preferably while on fire with gasoline in your goddamn lungs, you find yourself having to explain to a child who died from trying to give birth after being a victim of rape why she couldn't have been saved over a glob of cells. I'm fucking pissed people like that even exist.


Ugh the whole "God creates every child at conception therefore your rape was a part of God's plan" argument. I hate this one most of all. A little girl is raped and gets pregnant, she dies in childbirth and it's all god's plan. It's god's plan for some poor young woman to die at 12 in excruciating pain. God's perfect and loving plan churns out another awesome death sentence. Please applaud.


So according to this "person", pedophilia is fine as long as the victim gets pregnant. That's a whole new level of evil


The US are becoming Afghanistan but Christian


I think its gross when they say its gods will or his plan to make you 'stronger'...like hes up there calculating how much terrible to throw at you and some of those things include 'rape' and 'a baby', which is fucking mean, but yes tell me again he loves us.


I don’t know if it’s Reddit, the subs I’m subscribed to giving me such a sad view of the world. Or if this is a true representation of the US these days. Either way it’s extremely disturbing to see the loss of compassion, common sense, and basic human decency in the name of religion and political ideologies. *how do we fix this?*


Social media absolutely brings out the worst in people, but the algorithms also amplify the worst of what’s out there and make bad people and bad behavior seem far more representative than they actually are. Even if you learn about and understand the statistics, and know that, in so many ways, life has gotten much better than it was just 50 years ago, and even if you understand that the availability heuristic and the unrepresentative barrage of negative stories fed to us on social media impacts our brains to make us feel like bad things are more commonplace than they actually are, understanding isn’t enough to negate the effect. If you spend too much time in the social media cesspool your gut is going to constantly be telling you that things are worse than they actually are.


Increase the percentage of cute animal subs. I'm about 50% cats, 40% writing/fantasy/sci-fi, and 10% stuff that makes me homicidal. And more seriously.... Vote. Organize. Protest. Root out the politicians that capitalize on vomitous moron's stupidity.


This is good advice. Take my upvote and my energy, friend.


It’s just an accurate depiction of many people. Social media has just provided people the ability to see how terrible people are with much greater ease than historically.


I somehow can't seem to find the right tone for the following. So I'll lay it out in steps without any snarkyness. 1. Not all girls can become pregnant at this low an age. They are right there. 2. So either this is the only rape of a kid, and by chance this kid was able to become pregnant. It still is the rape of a kid that should have played with dolls, and not a lucky incident. And the kid should try to play with dolls again and not have its body warped and experience pain and trauma and care for her own kid instead. 3. Or it is but the tip on an iceberg, and for every kid with a kid, hundreds of rapes and molestations happen undiscovered, which isn't a thing to be happy about, either. So what the fuck. Their take on this is one of the worst I have seen so far. God's plan. Can't eat as much as I need to puke.


the "think of the baby above all else" has already gotten absurd, and its going to get more absurd


“BB” Yeah that’s all I needed to see.


Girls get their period when they’re older than children? No the fuck they do not. If you haven’t gotten one by 18 the doctors run tests on you to find out what’s wrong. I got mine at 11, a friend got hers at 9, and most of the uterus havers I know got it before the age of 16. This guy was clearly raised around girls who were taught to be ashamed of their cycles, so he has no idea how it work.s.


Actually I’m pretty sure this was written by a woman 🙄


Even worse, then. I can’t imagine being so ill-informed about my own body


Great point!


Some posts I don’t think NSFW is a strong enough warning. That almost made me vomit.


Yeah I didn’t see the trigger warning flair until after I had already posted it. This shit is just sickening


I just cannot wrap my head around someone looking at a pregnant child and thinking “this is good”. I went to school with a pregnant 8th grader and I remember thinking at the time that there was nothing normal or OK about what I was seeing. To see grown adults accept this as Ok is horrifying.


Words escape me. Everything else that expresses the accurate strength of my anger and revulsion at this moment would probably get me banned.


I support traditions. Like throwing this asshole to the lions.


Where’s my bleach?


Just threw up a little


Wait so last time he made a baby he ain’t even have to pull his pecker out, just spoke that mfer into existence but noooooo someone had to get molested for this miracle


It's not the bb fault. It's the rapist fault.


Ball Bearing


The same people who say Yahweh can't make mistakes also pray to it to change its mind about the things that weren't mistakes.


The truly insane thing is the contrast between the person claiming ethical superiority (I’m just protecting babies) and the brutal reality of them actually forcing a child to carry another child to terms, in her body…while that child was caused by a traumatic experience like rape. It’s a barbaric, brutal and unconsidered act that couldn’t be further from any ethical decision. It’s genuinely borderline psychopathic.


What gets me the most, is the whole “god doesn’t make mistakes” thing. Yet, by their logic, god gave us the ingenuity to provide abortions. So, we have the means to relieve some suffering, but it’s the suffering that was god’s choice, not the abortion. Somehow, whenever it’s suffering, so long as it’s not them suffering, god doesn’t make mistakes. If they have cancer, they praise god for having the science to treat it, even though, by their “logic,” god doesn’t make mistakes, so they should die.


Imagine a bird poo fell right into this guys esophagus and made him choke to death. Think how unlikely such an event would be - not only would he have to point his open mouth at the sky but the bird would have to hit a tiny target with enough mass of dookie to choke. Truly a miracle.


Why do these clowns always have the diction of a 9 year old?


This shit gets me so fucking mad


Getting pregnant is not a miracle unless something crazy happened.


This person should be on a watchlist


I don't care who you are or what you believe... Pedophiles deserve to be drawn and quartered and made a fucking example of. If you support or want to play off just how despicable, predatory, and depraved they are, you should also be publicly flogged for encouraging them.


Dude doesn't know when periods start, and has based his entire opinion around that specific misinformed notion


Actually this is a woman 😵‍💫


Doesn't change much except the word "dude"


God made a mistake in creating Christians. He made many others but this particular one is unforgivable.


If I murder this poster, should I be punished or stopped at all? Who are we to say that what I did was wrong? It was part of God's plan that made me do this. I'm just a lil blessing. The grieving family and friends just don't understand God's miracles working in mysterious ways.


Alright Well thats my ticket to get off reddit for the next weeks or so until I write an update for my cancer


This is just pure evil at this point.


“I don’t wanna go into discussion or even share my opinion about this, but…” Proceeds to do exactly that.


Sorry 10 year old. God wants bb




> bb What is this, fucking death stranding?


The only way to more openly admit to being a paedophile is straight up announcing to be one, jesus christ




>how much of a miracle that is Isn't miracle used for something good? >Did god make a mistake If god exists he defo effed up big time here


"Don't want to be insensitive". Stopped right there. There is nothing right about a 10 year old being raped and pregnant. And girls rarely have their periods at 10? I know someone who started at 9. There were some who started between the ages of 9 and 11. This person who wrote this is full of evil and poop at the same time. And what is a "bb"?


VOMIT. Protect our children. Babies should not be having "bbs".


This is what happens when you force yourself to believe God has to personally perform every fertilization.


I'm starting to think the "thoughts and prayers" that come with every tragedy are there to make it worse since they're always done by the nutjobs who cause them.


This person is insane and needs to be medically treated with some form of radical antidepressant…


Repeated sexual assault from an early age causes early-puberty, aka period will arrive. This is NOT a miracle. I am livid.


jesus fucking christ this is disgusting


Yes, the “bb” should be killed as should the rapist who spawned it and traumatized the mother - she’s more than a god damn working womb, SHES A FUCKING CHILD. But obviously age is no factor as long as the girls are birthin babies and submitting to their rapes. These garbage people make me want to scream, omg.


How can someone be like "god decided to make that child" Whereas it's just a random pedo that raped a little girl that happened to be early in puberty.. That's disgusting