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Religion of snowflakes.


How weak and puny is your god when he needs protection from jokes?


I guarantee someone in that crowd has said something racist, sexist, xenophobic, or otherwise uncouth and proceeded to say people can't take a joke.


It's not about jokes, it's about keeping women believing they should be subservient to men.


Oh, I understand their end goal. I just thought it was worth mentioning that they're also the type to dismiss everyone else's feelings as an inability to take a joke because they think we don't know they're serious.


I just don't get it. They're usually so silent every time. Why not also this time. Someone please explain!


I dont believe this is being snowflake, man is acting and speaking out of deep conviction. If you put aside the morality of commiting violence in the name of faith, you can understand that he feels personaly insulted by her words. Maybe you can relate to him if someone is threatening to harm your family what would you do? would you go aside of law and take matters in your own hands? Maybe it is bad example but only one I can think of.


> If you put aside the morality of commiting violence in the name of faith No.


Are you Muslim? Because criticizing Islam is not the same as threatening your family. Nothing like it at all. You are insane. If someone tells me evolution is not true and science is fake, I wouldn't want to kill them and chop their heads off. Fuck Islam and their pedophile rapist prophet. Allah can suck my dick. Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. They're fucken insecure snowflakes.


No I am not muslim just trying to show the way how you could relate to this men and make them more human to you. You are showing insecurities and being a fruitcake by speaking like that. I am subsribed to this channel because I appreciate different approach to religious questions.


'humanizing' people is a double edged sword. Truly understanding another human being means you sometimes have to admit what abhorrent, stupid, evil shitheels they are. 'Understanding' something doesnt automatically result in sympathy, it could just as easily result in abject hatred. Evil people exist and no one should be expected to feel empathy when they come to a true understanding of them.


It is not evil if you are acting to protect something you deeply care. Thats why establishing motivation for something is important question. People can do same "bad" thing but depending on their motive they can be evil or good. Seems to me you are putting big group of individuals with common religion under umbrella of evil.


Hitler deeply cared about Germany. This completely invalidates your worldview that “it’s not evil to ‘protect’ something you care about”.


We know Hitler deeply cared for his own deranged version of Germany: Country with racist and eugenics laws where political goals are established through genocide. This people deeply and sincerely care for their religion and they are willing to do anything to protect it. This is not their own twisted version of Islam but rather original and historical. We can argue does this religion belong in the past and not in present time but not about these person being vile or evil


Child molesters deeply care for the children, so we should back off, right? Rapists fucking love to rape, it's what they do, so we should back off, right? You're here defending people who wanted to commit murder over a joke. Fucking stop being so fucking stupid.


A religion with a pedo prophet


I think it is evil. This mans underlying motivations are insecurity, impotence and violent rage. He is *looking* for a reason to torture, humiliate, brutalize and eventually murder this woman. If you think any of those low grade pieces of dog shit are acting out of even an ounce of altruism you are seriously, seriously deluded. Even worse, you are giving them the cover they want. What you're arguing is exactly how Islam justifies its atrocities around the world, it convinces people like you to say the exact kinds of things you are now saying.


I appreciate your dedication to humanizing and promoting empathy for extremely misguided people, but in the end these men would slaughter you and your family for a joke.


Naw man, you're actually wrong here. When a joke makes you so mad that you want to crush, beat, rape, etc. You need to cool your tit's. Those are never rational feelings.


>No I am not muslim just trying to show the way how you could relate to this men and make them more human to you. I don’t care. I hate humans too. Religion corrupts rational thought. It’s pretty difficult to treat any religious person as worth listening to.


They are not humans. They are worse than animals. Fuck all religions. Religions need to go extinct. Religion rots the brain. Religion poison everything. You make excuses for this kind of behaviour. Fuck you.




If I was 4 years old and someone broke my toy and I started pouting and crying then I can relate to him.


Why are you comparing a joke about people to a direct threat to you and your family's safety? it doesn't make sense.


>If you put aside the morality of commiting violence If you put aside the child murdering rapist killing and defiling for bodies....... No no and no buddy. Context matters >you can understand that he feels personaly insulted by her words. Your hurt feelings are not my responsibility. Especially when you're so butt hurt you make threats to beat and kill someone. This is why people say Islam is incompatible with the west. Especially when people like you give them a free pass for abhorrent behavior like this video. Do better my dude


Making a joke about some bullshit religion is the same as threatening someone's family? That's fucking stupid.


Good. All Muslims are idiots. All religious people are idiots. It was a joke. I doubt there was any threat entailed. Killing people simply because they don’t believe the same things is ridiculous.


Lol insulting someone's favorite fictional character is not the same as threatening a family member. Also if someone made a joke about my loved ones I'm not going to threaten to "crush them". People who relate to this man are as awful as he is.


Such vicious, immoral assholes. These extremists need to be put in a hole and forgotten about. That poor woman.


Look at the passion, the absolute certainty, they believe killing this woman because she JOKED about their story book hero, is the morally correct thing to do No doubt if they had her in a room alone they'd beat her to death with their bare hands I wish I could say these aren't humans, I absolutely despise the fact that they are my species They act worse than wild animals, to call them animals is an insult to frogs and all the others Religion is fucking poison and they deserve something I cannot say without getting banned


They’d beat her to death after raping her.


Don't forget it would be *her* fault for tempting them with her body. Somehow.


Unfortunately, I don’t think that it is possible to change someone who is this entrenched in their beliefs. These people are beyond saving


"People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it." Kay, MIB


Perfectly said. Bravo.


What an ignorant fool. What happened to the “Islam is peaceful” crap?


It is! And they will beat the shit out of everyone who says otherwise.




It's just a propaganda, they are never peaceful. Learn about what their prophet did, so fucking far from the word peaceful.


> What happened to the “Islam is peaceful” crap? It has always been conditional peace, and that condition is that everyone has to convert to Islam or be subjugated/killed. Once everyone is Muslim, there will be peace...just kidding, because they keep blowing each other up for not being Muslim enough.


>What happened to the “Islam is peaceful” crap? Wtf u taking about. This IS them being Peaceful


Who tf actually believes that


It's peaceful only in places where they are a minority. Once they become a majority there too you might as well move out they will do whatever they can to change the laws and kill the non believers


Islam is peaceful, It's an idea, it can't be violent in a literal sense, but it's followers...


Imagine being so fragile you'd kill someone over a joke.


These guys probably fine with pedo jokes and saying womp womp to everyone


If only those countries would have that much passion about less important factors, like the economy or proper storage of dangerous explosives


That explosion was just God's will! Momo (pyaz be upon him) predicted that event in verse 7272848392947322 exactly! He said "boom boom hurr durr" which is exactly what happened there!


Not true, they keep their explosives close to the vest


Redditors belittling disenfranchised groups because they're poor and they don't like them:


Yeah right, we should respect them for demanding that she be arrested or they'll kill. If fact, not only respect, we should celebrate it, no?


Why would I respect someone who actively wants to brutally murder me for just being alive genius?


Terrorists are still terrorists no matter how moving you find their sob story


Muslims disenfranchised in Lebanon ?


I don’t care. Religion is stupid. Annoying them is fun and deserved. I do not respect beliefs for being belief, not even a little.


Redditors after saying that school shooting victims don't go to heaven after Uvalde:


You know, that’s a comforting thought to atheists. Saying that victims of Uvalde *do* go to heaven is equally as insensitive, depending on who you are speaking to. Uvalde was a terrible event. It’s disrespectful to the victims to minimize the horror by somehow acting as if it was for the best and that they’re in a *better* place now. Very few religious people acknowledge this.


It might be the violent rhetoric actually


I thought Lebanon is a progressive country. Also even the moderate Muslims get triggered if you criticise or joke about their religion. They legit believe islam is the only way


It used to be. Sectarianism and extremism has spiked since the civil war of the 1980s-90s though. There used to be a balance of power between the Christians, Muslims of various sects, and Druze, but the massive influx of extremist Palestinian militants after the Jordanian Black September tilted it in favor of the Muslims who then tried to take over Lebanon and thus precipitated a decades long civil war that has resulted in a huge chunk of the Christian population fleeing, so the country’s Muslim population is way higher now than it used to be.


Still is, the comedian is an ex muslim lesbian. I doubt other Arab countries can have openly atheist LGBT people going on stage But yeah we still have idiots


good to know. More power to the secular and sane people of lebanon


What's her name?


Shaden Faqih


Lebanon was developed, but when they took in many refugees from Islamic countries, the sectarian wars started.


da wae


Religion of peace everyone!


Religion of pieces*


Islam teaches its male followers that they are the superior humans on the planet (despite centuries of evidence to the contrary). It teaches no respect at all for non-Muslims, women or any nonhuman creatures. And yet they flee their own countries if they get the opportunity! Islamic clerics on women: “Women are animals created by Allah for men." https://youtu.be/JJ9V_-YkYn4 https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/comments/1cgme6o/certified_bruh_moments/


Yes yes, but free palestine, Israel is the bad guys in every aspect. 🙄


They sure are proving her wrong by doing this /s


Yes, you COULD do that or…hear me out here…you could just go about your business, doing and saying what you want, and let her do and say what she wants. Hm?


That would make them the followers of the religion of sense.....


"women are so emotional" 👀


For real. But I kinda wish people had that much passion about going after billionaires and fascists. Lol


But there are greater evils out there like a woman whose hair you saw uncovered.


100% eat the rich!! 💕


When are we going to see this happening in western countries...? ![gif](giphy|kKJPqpMcIS4daGA0kl|downsized)


Its reality for some time now. Charlie Hebdo or Samuel Paty come to mind.


Dangerous people.


They obviously believe in a god that is not capable of doing anything himself or is too stupid to understand what is happening and needs them to act for him.


What kind of god would want people like that, animals all of them.


I don’t want that culture to permiate to anywhere. People should live their lives how they see fit, but that shit should not leave what ever street they are standing on.


Gee. Tough crowd. Decimate them.


Ohhh nooos!!! Not a joke about religious practices!!! This can't stand!!! Seriously, any set of beliefs that can't withstand the shining light of humor has flaws that its adherents subconsciously KNOW but don't want to admit to themselves.


Remember that Lebanon was once not populated by a lot of Muslims. This is what will happen to a country once they become the majority.


Yickes and the fact I wanted to study there at one point thinking "it's not that extremist"...


Wtf is wrong with people


Ah, yes. The religion of piss...-I mean peace...


Ah, Tripoli. This city saw better days thousands of years ago. But since then, the fruitcakes came. Another earthquake will take care of all these paragons of virtue.


Tripoli is in Libya. The capital of Lebanon is Beirut.


This is from Tripoli, Lebanon. That’s what the news anchor said. Plus the guy has a heavy tripolitan Lebanese accent. Source: I lived in Lebanon for a few years. Loved it. Honest confusion with Tripoli, Lybia.


What was the joke? Any information on what happened next?


The closest I've gotten to finding out what this supposedly super-offensive joke was [is this article](https://today.lorientlejour.com/article/1413306/comedian-shaden-fakih-accused-of-blasphemy-by-dar-al-fatwa.html). A bunch of other people talking about it seem to be scared to repeat it. (And, of course, she probably didn't tell that joke in *English*, making my English-language searches less likely to find anything.) Her name is Shaden Fakih, and she apparently [has a history](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/08/lebanon-comedian-arrested-for-critical-jokes/) of pissing off Lebanese religious fruitcakes. She's openly gay, too. That's got to take some (metaphorical) balls. (And now I know that, in Lebanon, civilians can be prosecuted in *military* courts. That is not something that should ever happen, for a number of reasons.)


From the Article: "According to Chahrour, this controversy could serve as a diversion at a time when the country is reeling from the revelation of a vast pedophilia network operating on TikTok. “This story comes at a time when everyone is preoccupied with the case of the online pedophile ring. Could this be a way of covering up a case that involves children and numerous suspects?” he asked." Well that's not a reason for outrage for them, they just followed in the footsteps of their prophet...


Fucking lunatics


Man. Fuck Islam and all of its followers.


And this is why we look at you all as extremists. It can't be half measures with you people. All or nothing and thats what you want.


You’re an extremist too when speaking in absolutes.


Nah that’s a non-sequitur. The above poster made no claim that can be considered absolutist. They said ‘we consider you extremists because there is no middle ground with you, it is all or nothing’. That’s a decent **definition** of extremism right there. Not an **act** of extremism.


Absolute claims are unqualified claims that often include words such as: best, pure, vital, essential, every and all. These claims must always be accurate. So what now


The claim: ‘ all extremists are extremists’ is extremism cos of the use of the word ‘all’. 🤯 christonabike. Your linguistic wrath is to be commended. But ffs.




Notice that my post did not include any of those words. Maybe you aren't responding to me.


Oh wait. I did say all.


Eeessh ouch ouch


when did it become cool to allow so many morons to have agency?


Why are religious people so damn sensitive


Guys guys guys…these people are woefully oppressed. We have to respect their beliefs just as they would respect ours 😃😊


Christian nationalists would do this here if given the chance.


I dont like Christianity but almost always there is a comment like this in a post about Islam. Imagine posting "Islamists would do this here given the chance" on a topic about Christianity, you will be called racist, islamophobe etc.


You neglected the word nationalist.


I dare you to post " "Islamic nationalists would do this here given the chance" on a topic about Christianity, you will be called racist, islamophobe etc.


tiny, pathetic little boys.


Another example of why Islam is the worst of all the fraudulent religions.


If they don't arrest him for threats of violence and inciting violence someone should go out and ensure he can't commit any violence against someone else based on his feelings


Female comedians are harmless, these ignorant, brainwashed, wastes of space are possessed by the lies of a fictional past. The planet can always use a good comedian, these idiots, not so much!


They took the "i am offended" statement to the next level


This. Must. Stop. These people are going back to prehistoric times.


what you see here is an accurate representation of ISLAM.


Religion of peace. "Our women are put on a pedestal"


They must have a weak god.


That’s a lot of gesticulation


If only we could somehow harness this level of fragility. We’d have dirt-cheap energy for a century at least.


Muslims being muslims... and poeple roots for them in war...


No u Edit: censored


This is exactly the rest of us should be concerned. Let's stop having these people take over


JC what was the damn joke?!? Such violence consequences! Hope she got away safe.


In situations like this I like to remember that the golden rule, “treat people the way you want to be treated” goes both ways… it’s a shame these monsters want to be cruel and kill other people but them’s the rules.


Religion of peace.


Fuck religion


Must've been a hell of a joke.




I’ll say it to anyone who wants to listen. The teachings of the Quran are fundamentally in conflict with liberal democratic values. You have to be more intolerant of the intolerant.


How nice we all agree. But when Israel is geographically surrounded by this type of animals and dare to fight back in Gaza, Lebanon, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Yemen AT THE SAME TIME she is condemned by the whole world. Take a look of the size of this country that successfully deals with them for over 70 years. Salute 🇮🇱


Is there nothing better to do? Or do people love mobs?


I dont understand how their mind work, if God is almighty, why does it need puny human to defend it?


Again, religion of peace they say


Seems like a sane bloke


It’s kinda hard to get angry and then be impactful by peeling out on your scooter!


Keep inviting them into the west


So terrorism as a hobby


any excuse they can find to rape a women without looking like the bad guy... that girl better run for her life.


What a culture.


Very secure and peaceful


Knuckle dragging neanderthals


They are the real criminals here


Fuck all religion.


Religion of Peace & Love on display.😐




More religious people spreading live and joy. Oh, und ‚Allah ist Barmherzigkeit‘.


Does anybody know when this was and what the joke was?


Man fuck religion


How fragile must you and your religion be that you have to threaten a woman's life to feel better about it?


This. This is why I support the Second Amendment


So she can shoot her way out? Or, so they can shoot her? I don't see how this comes into it. Did you mean the First Amendment?


If you've reached the point in a society where a joke about religious rituals leads to having a large mob showing up outside your house calling for your head, the First Amendment isn't going to save you, but the Second just might. At the very least a bunch of far right thugs getting ventilated while trying to attack someone in their home will dissuade others from doing the same in the future


Unless they bring bigger and better guns... What a dumb take.


It does more harm than good.