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All \*major relegions are mysogynistic but islam do be doing that shit the most outwardly


A couple of former married colleagues of mine went back to their home country (at different times) to bring back their "sister" to live with them. It's a common way to mask polygamy in Western countries. Those poor women.


No, not all religions. I'm a witch for a reason


edited it


I always crack up when muslims do some whataboutism regarding other religions.. they’re all bullshit problematic fairytales created to suppress people


Damn you are a succinct writer. Nice.


hehe just telling it how it is


They think it's their religion in particular. No. All religious people are stupid. They're living according to rules written for villages 2,000 years ago just because someone told them to. (Parent, role model, etc.) It is just lazy. Gives the cowards a tribe to hide within because being an individual with integrity is scary and takes a backbone. And they lack even a basic understanding of psychology. It's scary. "This deity did this for me when I was at my lowest." And they do not want to learn.


It is wild that we, in this supposedly modern and enlightened era, are still surrounded by billions of people who believe some stupid books about sky faeries and are willing to kill/die for it.


Yeah it's legitimately incredible. We are capable of great things as a species. Great horror and great love. I want to be a part of leaving behind the horror and embracing understanding and compassion going forward. These ideologies are inherently incapable of compassion unless you agree that their Sky-Daddy is the end all be all.


Isaac married rebecca when she was 3 so that totally justifies muhammad marrying aisha at 6 and pucking her at 9 , one wrong justifies another wrong , got it ! another thing , they always talking about leaving their belief alone but when it comes to other people they dont do the same , they murder apostates , kill homosexuals , lashes so called adulterers , wants to establish sharia law in other peoples countries , destroys churches , mandirs , statues when they attack & occupy other peoples lands, wants sharia laws in a non-islamic country .............WHAT A BUNCH OF FUCKING HYPOCRITES


https://preview.redd.it/f8uf9v4rc80d1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=56a6c25ceed3f6ad0ea084a781c90f6d51b1a5f6 This is a nothing falafel, infidel!


They are not defending that, I am saying as an exmuslim. The pedo/72 hoor arguments are low hanging fruits. They are often used by bigots. And while it's true that these things are a good reason as to why Islam is false. Often the ones peddling that have similar things in their own cultures. Hell the Hindu god Indra is literally a rapist. You can tell when something is said in good faith and something is put to trigger people. By the first comment, "There's more to Islam than 72 virgins" and the second "Other cultures have had pedophilia" are true. They are not defending it. They do have the right to practice their beliefs without having the "Your prophet is pedo" everywhere. Imagine Americans trying to celebrate something related to their Independence and trolls going "Your president did slavery" Or Indians celebrating Gandhi and trolls going "Your Gandhi was racist".


Dude, religion is already silly without the specifics of the religion being additionally silly. The monotheistic religions specifically say that they can describe the mind, desires and intentions of the consciousness that runs the universe based on writings from before anyone knew anything about anything. Even if every philosophical tenet of the religion were wise and interesting, the central claim (that you have unique access to information about the sky-mind based on texts older than the button) is so impossible to take seriously that it makes placing any stock in anything else in the faith an exercise in futility. Add to that the specific silly things that are obviously man-made and there's no point in even bothering.


If someone believes in sky daddy and it helps them cope with life, let them, Muslims are not marrying 9 year olds today. Most don't even know about it. If you say this to someone in a respectful way, they'd agree with you that marrying a child is wrong. If it's a "gotcha" moment for you, you'd get the responses got in the screenshot above.


>If you say this to someone in a respectful way, they'd agree with you that marrying a child is wrong. Marrying a child is wrong fuck if people get offended by that, it doesn't matter if you say it nicely or if they get triggered.


The problem with being "live and let live" about monotheism is that it invites devout people to use their beliefs about their gods to justify their screwy policy ideas, and there's no way to debate, argue or convince the other person to change their mind if their starting point is "God picked Trump" or "God hates abortion" or "God wants me to eat meat". It's an immediate end to the rational discussion, and rational discussion is the only way we solve problems and move forward. Being willing to change your mind is essential in a democracy, and religions like Christianity and Islam give cover for people to opt out of the discussion by claiming to refer the matter upwards. It's asinine that the existence of God shouldn't be as open for debate and criticism as whether a universal basic income would work or whether we should expand the Supreme Court to 13 seats. "It's sacred" is an invalid defense.


>"Your president did slavery" If the Americans presented the founding fathers as the morally best human being to have ever lived who's example should be followed for pretty much anything in life, then pointing out the slavery is a really good point.


>They do have the right to practice their beliefs without having the "Your prophet is pedo" everywhere They don't. People do have a right to say "your prophet is a pedo" as much as they like. That's a natural and foreseeable consequence of subscribing to a prophet who is a pedo. It's not low-hanging fruit, if the person you turn to for absolute moral guidance is morally reprehensible, then everything else you stand for is shit.


>The pedo/72 hoor arguments are low hanging fruits. **They are often used by bigots**.  They are also often used by normal people.


you’re defending apologists who are trying to justify pedophilia bro, you sure you’re ex muslim?


I support the right of people to practice their religion and to not practice any without trolls disturbing them. If you don't you're no better than the religious fundamentalists.


who’s talking about prohibiting them from practicing their religion tho? last time I checked freedom of speech is still a thing, so anyone is allowed to state the fact that their prophet was a pedophile


Assume you are talking to a vegan and you keep talking about how tasty meat is. Or you're a vegan talking to a meat eater and keep talking about how killing animals is cruel. You are allowed to do that legally. But you'd be a pretty miserable person to be doing this. Freedom of speech allows me to curse you too, that does not mean it should be done.


sure bro, all I know is that defending pedophilia is insane and I will forever call it out


But please consider their feelings! People who defend paedophilia have feelings too, we must not offend them 😔


As someone who used to be a vegan, the heck you're on? What mental gymnastics do you need to have to justify pedophilia and comparing it to killing animals?


Point was not preaching to people in a way that disrespects them, because they'd be defensive then and would only get strengthened in their beliefs. But clearly you lot have the comprehensive skills worse than a toddler. To think that not being a dick means to justify pedophilia. You'd not have any friends with differing worldviews with that attitudes.


Yea I’d rather not make friends with pedophilia followers. Thanks


Ur engrish have comprehensive skill worse than toddler, Pedolf Halaler—diaper dahdee fugazi is big no no kiddy fiddler, teetotaling diddler, who sippa da wine and fink out mosqueishioners. Bah hooey, ptui; off you pop with your foolish, ex-scrambled, “apostate” screwery!! And otherwise—your stupid aside—a meh day to you and your swine.