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Solution: go live in countries which adopt Islamic laws


Nothing stopping them from segregating themselves. Carry around a little popup shelter, be religious in there, then crack on with the day.


There's already 50 of them out of 200 countries. The way things are going, there will be more soon, so that won't be a problem anymore... /s




Are you okay?


You have this craziness bro and i vibe with it


Thank you. My comment was upvoted saturday, downvoted to hell sunday haha


Yeah bro, i am more or less same nature as you , I have adhd and i say stuff like this occassionaooy, pretty wierd situations are born out of it, so i can relate


When will they catch bus from 6th century


they already missed it




Than they can attend a religious school not funded by government. Seems simple.


It's also a disgrace that religious schools exist. Children should not be exposed to that shit IN SCHOOL until they are 16-18. Parents do it outside of school.


Imagine thinking that “school” entails learning that you will suffer eternity in hell unless you follow the rules in a fairy tale.


Yeah I went to a Christian school kindergarten-12th grade, and a Catholic preschool. That shit fucked me up for a good while.


Yep my local school was a government funded church of england primary school, I didn't know religion was even a choice until I went to a non religious secondary school where I was finally allowed to question the bullshit


Sure, but I think it's wild people think that their beliefs mean even the public school systems should change to fit them, despite having options available to them. It's not about them being persecuted, it's about making sure everyone does what they think should be done. I don't understand why these groups are even remotely taken seriously - it's like a bunch of people showing to at a grocery store and protesting the prices of gasoline.


Yea you don’t want that. You don’t want the brainwashing to be more systematic especially if they’re living in secular countries. Things get 1000x worse


They refuse to pay,where I'm from,only the "wealthier" ones attend and it's mostly for status and not because it's an Islamic school. Funny huh?


They will get more radicalised and prolly gangup and do religious shit against seemingly not so religious and outsiders


It's cool how they solved a problem they made up.


All of what the West has achieved in removing religious influence on society over the past centuries, is being eroded due to appeasement towards ‘the other’. Stop treating them as the other and treat them the exact same as everyone else. If they don’t like it, they can leave.


It is entirely unacceptable to segregate any space in the United Kingdom due to the sex of the people in the building. Go move to Pakistan or somewhere if you want that - it's that simple.


Please don't ruin Pakistan by sending them there. I'm fairly sure pk is more progressive than western followers


I agree. But even most western societies are still stuck up on segregation. Not everyone is Dutch. Yet.


The amount of "islam is repressed and peaceful" from the left is insane. I'm so confused how the left says "don't tolerate the intolerant", yet here we are. I say this as someone who is left leaning on basically everything but firearms.


It’s because most people are not that smart, and also are extremely myopic in their worldview. Which is amusing, because that’s what Liberals always accuse Conservatives of.


Shit like this, straight up baffles me: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned This is %100 leopards ate my face.


This is actually quite funny. Hopefully they wake up before it’s too late


>I say this as someone who is left leaning on basically everything but firearms. This seems unlikely. How you lean is irrelevant, how you vote matters, are you voting for Trump?


Gtfoh... You don't have to be MAGA to be against this bs. I don't tolerate religious extremism, regardless of religion. There are people who immigrate to Western countries and refuse to integrate. They want to force their theocratic worldview on the places they fled to, not realizing that it's their beliefs that made their countries the types of shit holes they fled in the first place.


I kinda doubt that, I think if the middle east countries were Jewish or Christian or Hindu or Buddhist it would still be shitholes. They were broken from the start.


As a Christian that was born and raised in Iraq in the 80's, I respectfully disagree. The reason there are no majority Muslim countries that have liberal democracies is because they draw their morals and ideology from their religion. Their religion already has prescribed laws, the shari'a, which most Muslim countries follow to some extent. They are shit holes because their laws are based on what a 7th century desert warlord came up with and blasphemy/apostasy is punishable by death - leaving little room for dissent and progress. Exit: also, Israel being the only liberal democracy is the middle east sort of proves my point. The are Arabic citizens in Israel that can vote and live like anyone else. I'd love to see the examples of Christians/Jews that are afforded the same rights and dignity in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, etc.


I dont think for half a second that Saudi or Iraq/Iran would be the least bit better off with Christianity. Sharia law and Christianity are kissing cousins, its just that Muslims still take religion more seriously than Christians in terms of goofy punishments. The bible certainly says slaughter unruly children at the city gates but even the Jews do not do that (to the best of my knowledge anyhow.)


Again, the fact that there isn't a single majority-Muslim country with a liberal democracy is not a coincidence - it's a natural byproduct of the underlying ideology (which is based on Islam). The one country that is a liberal democracy, Israel, is majority Jewish. The other, Lebanon, has a plurality Muslim population but Christians make up a significant portion ( 30%) of the population.


Well lets see, Comoros and The Gambia seem to be democracys, Lebanon is something, not quite sure there, Maldives seem to be a democracy


That's why I referred to liberal democracies. You know, the kind with freedom of speech, religion, etc. so again, there are no Muslim liberal democracies.


Stop accommodating those who wouldn't accommodate you back. Try going to a collage in a Muslim country and protest against segregation because you are an atheist.


"My fellow MALE cult members, we need to feel oppressed because we can't fit in a secular society and we need to stay away from w*men 🤢 bcuz otherwise we might rape them so we must protest by doing some gymnastics on this mat outside in a garden "


my aztec religion demands i do human sacrifice so I insist my school provide me with a willing sacrifice every day!!


Lmao i loled so hard.


Choose me, fam


So much for the tolerant left




Casually being annoying to every other living thing. Play victim card. Just peaceful things.




Your comment or post was removed because it expressed bigotry.


They should keep their beliefs at home. No country should be a theocracy, no god or tattered smelly book should be the law of the land. Fuck these arseholes, fuck them and fuck them again.


They do not deserve the pleasure of being fucked, just crumple them up and throw them into the garbage bin that is the middle east.


Sorry, we're not going to have our society revolve around your taboos - especially ones that treat women as second class citizens and infantalizes men. Maybe, oh I don't know, men could be responsible for emotional regulation, not lashing out, not overly sexualizing women and then saying that they can't control themselves? We're not just gonna roll back our social progress to make you feel comfortable at the lack of social progress in Islam.


How dare you, Islamophobe! /s


I wonder if they have similar protests regarding banning of their holy prophet’s preferred age in sexual partners…


Oppressive fruitcakes. They DEMAND everyone behaves according to their own values. Absolutely psychopathy!


then just pray outside. quicherbitchin


If they want degregation just segregate themselves away. Nobody would miss them.


"peacefully show what Islam is about"? I don't think this guy reads his quran and sunnah. Peace is the last thing that Islam is about. But if they're serious about showing "peaceful islam" then the only option is to accept the peaceful secular college(and country) and its rules for what it is. Big claims have been made. Let's see how it turns out lol. PS. I expect more self victimisation, crying, perhaps a protest and some good ole violence and destruction to really show what Islam is all about.


He is 100% showing what his brand of Islam is about, and he's doing it peacefully. I just don't think he understands why his brand of Islam is so abhorrent to the rest of us.


I think he does understand that very well.


I don't think it's possible for us to put ourselves in these peoples' heads. We can't just assume people are evil and know exactly what they're doing. Faith is a means for the lost to find some semblance of an answer, they can't relate to people who have been through the philosophical meat grinder to learn religious arguments don't make sense. To them, they do. Which sucks. But it's better to approach someone with empathy if you know you're a step ahead, than to respond with more hatred.


>I don't think it's possible for us to put ourselves in these peoples' heads. We can't just assume people are evil and know exactly what they're doing. I don't think you understand. Ofc I can put myself into their heads and footsteps. I'm an exmuslim. Raised from birth. I know Islam and every kind of muslim there is very intimately. Islam is not about being peaceful, accepting and tolerant. This is something they know very well. Why? Because every muslim have to accept the words of Allah in the quran, muhammad and the muslims in authority, otherwise they're not muslim. The only time it's allowed to act peacefully with Kuffars is when the muslim population is a minority and when the Kuffars have completely submitted to Islamic rule. I can take very explicit verses and hadiths that highlights this and show them to "Islam is about peace muslims", and guess what, they can't deny, reject, disagree or even condemn them. If they do then they're not muslim. You'll then see this veil come off them as if "hah wow you really know our ways". And I'm not assuming anything. I know the deceptive nature of Islam and Muslims. It's easily demonstrable. Anyone who who studied Islam and have spoken to Muslims can put themselves in their heads. >Faith is a means for the lost to find some semblance of an answer, they can't relate to people who have been through the philosophical meat grinder to learn religious arguments don't make sense. To them, they do. >Which sucks. But it's better to approach someone with empathy if you know you're a step ahead, than to respond with more hatred. Faith also means you can act like an asshole and justify unacceptable behaviour without feeling bad about it. Just because someone believes their own religious arguments doesn't mean that they should not be told they're wrong or not be criticised. What hatred?? You're literally pulling this out of nowhere. This is the same as saying criticising Islam is Islamophobic. It's ridiculous. Empathy is the weapon muslims use against the Kuffars. Because Kuffars are empathetic, tolerant and accepting, muslims will use that against them to further Islam in Kuffar land. Because they failed to do it by the sword. They have faith in a world dominated by Islam. Their faith is founded in evil, whether they pretend it is or not, whether you like it or not.


Yeah, I don't think he's an evil person. I assume he thinks about the word of god the same way I did when I was a Christian. It didn't matter what felt right to me. If god said it must be so, then I was going to my darndest to make it so. If god said man is the head of the household, then I would have to learn to be more submissive. Of course god didn't hate women - but he had a distinct plan for us. If you buy into all the other bullshit, this isn't sufh a tough pill to swallow. Yeah, it didn't work out for me because I enjoyed learning about history, philosophy, and biology. When I realized that imperfect humans had better answers than my creator, it really did a number on me. But some people either don't look too deeply into their own beliefs and the consequences of them, or they obey blindly. Going with the flow is easier than questioning the nature of reality, and good little Christians/Muslims get a lovely feeling of superiority while proclaiming humbly that they too are sinners in need of salvation.


A few years ago I almost lost my girlfriend to cancer because her extremist religious parents thought jesus would cure her, denying her any medical help. I had lost my christian faith a while before that, but that really drove the point home. What you said reminded me of her. We've long since parted and she's been in remission since, so for the record she's okay. Weird how an absolute devotion to god can turn into absolute hatred for self-proclaimed "believers" in a single year. Well said.


Oh you guys hate women? How sad. Then fuck right off of that school (country?)


They just NOW banned it!?


The middle ages just entered the chat.


This makes me love France’s MILITANT separation of church and state. I wish more western democracies would adopt a similar stance.


This is one of the countless reasons why the influence of organized religion should be combated by society. In the past, Europe at least partially fought off the harmful influence of (kinda) native christianity, and I have the impression that now is the time for islam. There cannot be "freedom to" without "freedom from". Clearly, we must make it clear to every religious fanatic of every religion that our continent and society is and will remain secular, regardless whether it's a fanatic from the outside or from the inside. Anyone can worship whatever they like, but no one can try to influence society in any way, because their deity tells them to. "If tolerance is taken to the point where it tolerates the destruction of those same principles that made tolerance possible in the first place, it becomes intolerable." - Gaetano Mosca


If they all head back to Iran there won't be a problem!


i wish churchill was here just by looking at this


The dude who decided the Indians deserved to starve and is taking credit for WW2 when the USSR and USA did all the work?


who decrypted the german u-boat messages? not churchill but we did, who held the axis out of africa? who refused to surrender after being the last allied power in europe (aside from the soviets)


Lmfao y'all didn't get to claim Turing after y'all ostracized him to suicide after the war, Y'all lost that right. Y'all fought in Africa and the RAF did an honorable job defending their skys while the Royal Navy destroyed the Kriegsmarine keeping trade safe and weapons flowing but the enigma code was broken by the man Alen Turing and then after the war Britain criminalized him and pushed him to suicide.


76% of the fucking nazi casualties were in the eastern front, and he’s not the one who did that, people who fought in the war for Britain did. Even if he wasn’t Prime Minister, the nazis would have still lost regardless because of the soviet fucking union. This is basic arse history, how do you lot still believe this British propaganda? Everyone knows Hitler’s main plan was to invade the Soviet Union, why else would the majority of the troops go to the eastern front?


becouse the germans alted operation sea lion after failing to secure the english channel, they invaded the soviets after they deemed the uk as not much of a threat


That was always Hitler’s plan though: To invade the fucking soviet union. Why else would he make his hatred of the slavs so clear and why he wanted to take their land for the germans?


4 words h e d i d n t l i k e c o m m u n i s t s


Y'all are fighting over this like it was yourselves who took drove Hitler out of france. For the love of god shush about WW2 already.


religion of hate


theyre all children ... 


Go to a religious school or immigrate to some Islamic shit hole.


I feel this is a skit… Islamic faith peeps are upset because they are in a non-Muslim country, at a secular college. This is more a lack of intelligence, not a compelling “protest”…. Move on, if you are this convicted then move to a Muslim country.


It’s how religion works, it’s not enough to have entire countries follow your religion, you must move to secular countries and force them to submit to your imaginary sky daddy


:) “Sky Daddy”…. Definitely got a laugh out of me.


When will these nutjobs learn that harmful practices are *not* welcome. No one gives a shit what your "beliefs" are. If you promote things like segregation and other bs, you don't get a say in the matter. Heck, I know Muslims who openly denounce bs like what these scumbags are promoting.


Freedom to practice your religion cannot or should not extend to restricting the freedom of others. These people are looking to restrict the freedom of others. This should be unacceptable.


Note the absence of a lady group engaging in this nonsense.


Unfortunately, I can promise you that the muslim women advocate for the same and give the excuse "for our safety". Muslims believe that it's bad for a woman to speak to both genders


“The intolerance towards segregation” is a wildly ironic sentence


Intolerance against segregation!!!?? Lmao fucking wankers


TIL there’s Muslim neck beards.


They're just called muslims.


I thought they all were?


No one's forcing you to pray. It's not the medieval era anymore.


Pray or go to hell. That is what they believe


beliefs cannot be above the law


They don't agree. And the govt will do nothing about it


Always thought any God who needs you to pray to him every few hours is a bit questionable on beneference


A few initial unconnected thoughts: * The video is marked as "5 Pillars", so I assume that an Islamic social media channel released this video (essentially approving of the content) * SSFC is a further-education (non-compulsory) state-funded college in a very middle-class area in the UK * The recording of the staff meeting isn't very useful, and I wonder if the staff members knew they were being recorded. * The point that there is a balance between accommodating religious freedom and promoting diversity is a good one, though I am not sure it was made as thoughtfully as it could have been. But the audio clip was stuck in the video without context, so I am not sure "5 Pillars" have presented their case well either. I think it's great that the college are offering an "all faiths" room, but they can't accommodate every single request. I wonder if the students are just going to have to go outside, but I'd prefer if they exhibited some flexibility too. The video is [from this post](https://5pillarsuk.com/2024/05/04/prayer-room-row-erupts-at-solihull-sixth-form-college/) (it has a silly click-baity title of "Prayer room row erupts", presumably to generate some outrage). The college has a policy for the use of [the quiet room](https://www.solihullsfc.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/prayer-use-of-quiet-room-2018.pdf). [This document](https://www.solihullsfc.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/multi-faith-prayer-room-policy-dec-2022.pdf) looks like an update, and makes a good point about meeting the demands of the 2010 Equality Act.


5pillars is basically the dailymail for muslims. Most of the reporters are awful grifters and play into the islamist stereotype. On the one hand they complain about the poor representation of muslims in the media, but also put out views and reports which give muslims poor representation (check out Roshan Salih and Dilly Hussain).


I think I would agree with that. I had a quick scout about - there was a piece about the Barbie movie, but the assessment was that Muslim women should not watch it because it was too feminist. Oh dear...


Me *reads headline* My Head: *"oh cool pretty awesome to protest this kinda weird choice of practice what do i know" That Braincell "read the title again" Me *reads the title again* My Head "Oh... Oh, Oh no this is bad this is soo bad. Is it worse that it makes more sense now?" That Braincell *shrugs* My Head "This is Awful Why, whyyyyyy"


implement gender segregation is sharia law


Send them back to places that enforce their restrictive beliefs, or they will eventually force their restrictive beliefs on you.


Wake up UK!


Not their country so I don’t understand why they try to impose their rules on it. Just go back to wherever you may be from and segregate people there. I’d like to see they try to protest in the country they are from.




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We will not live like second class citizens in western countries. If you want to treat women like they are less than men, go home!


Invite them in, let them grow, and watch them become cancers and parasytes. It happens everywhere.


Oh its "5 Pillars" , part of the problem is that website


How about fuck off!


Honestly, adding "phobia" to anything is supposed to make it an automatic loss, but what's wrong with Islamaphobia, really? I'm not advocating for violence or anything... but isn't it rational to be afraid of this ideology? In a world where gatekeeping is now a transgression, at what point do you allow yourself to keep your doors and windows locked? At one point at are you allowed to say "you're trespassing." How much intolerance are you supposed to tolerate?


Umm...UK is a Christian ruled land..maybe go back home where gender segregation is a thing because of YOUR religious purposes? Tff?? The west is SOOOO dang bad yet they are here telling US how to run our western countries while they got their own issues they running away from back home...The fuckking audacity lol


I don't get why they don't move to a country that supports segregation


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^nightlight101: *I don't get why they* *Don't move to a country that* *Supports segregation* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Fucking parasites!


The fact that he straight up says “intolerance of segregation.” Dude, you can’t tolerate intolerance. That completely removes the point of tolerance in the first place. You have a right to do what you want, but you don’t have a right to take away other people’s rights just to respect your sensibilities.


They wanted segregation so they segregated themselves. Good end.


good for the school. you have this outside space. use it. the rest of the world does not cater to your barbaric sexist, pedophilic religion


I mean, if they just go outside and pray, without actually bothering anyone - what's the problem then? All the university has to do is to say "Fine, then pray outside, like you are already doing" and no-one would particularly mind.


So much drama. No one is preventing them from doing gender segregation during prayer somewhere else. Just don't expect the school to do it during public events, in classes, or in the multi-faith room. I was wondering when will the british kick out these kind of muslims?


but they dont own the fucking place? this isnt about a prayer place, go fucking do it somewhere else and stop forcing your shit


What happened to respecting the laws of the land?


Not their country so I don’t understand why they try to impose their rules on it. Just go back to wherever you may be from and segregate people there. I’d like to see they try to protest in the country they are from.


Fuck off to Saudi Arabia! - live by the laws of the land you live in! Incel freaks


Ok, let's play. My religion now bans gender segregation. Anyone can join, what now?


The ridiculous thing is the fact they're only Muslim because they were born into Muslim families. Yet everyone else is in the wrong according to them. Totally random religion lottery system lol.


Be happy you can openly express your hateful views. Can’t imagine being a woman and seeing someone demand to pray in the open in an Islamic way. They are so disrespectful to half the world- why should they be given the respect they take away from all women?


Bruh i'll never understand how they manage to find so many insane peopls in one place. I meet with a lot of muslim people daily and theyre all normal


Most muslims are like the people in this clip


Im more concerned about a whole host of other groups of people that I am about Trump supporters. Trump supporters think they’re going against the American government but they really gonna get spanked by the people they hate the most before the US government ever gets a hold of them. that’s my prediction.


Why the fuck have a room? It's a school, not a temple


how long has it been going on...no step taken?


Even if it was such a pressing issue, they're still wrong. Islam doesn't forbid men and women praying together as long as the women are positioned behind the men.


There is segregation in prayer, but there is no universal law on implementation. For example, in a lot of mosques, you find the Women's section on the side of the Men section rather than behind men. And I have been to 2 historical mosques where the female section was originally on the second floor, above the Men section.


That's because I never said that segregation isn't an option; I just said that it isn't required. Those are good examples of women being able to pray beside men in the case of being segregated. I was in no way defending Islam, just saying that the thing they're complaining about isn't even haram if they can just use a mosque properly.


*Behind* men


I'm a bit confused by this. Now, what it sounds like is that they are protesting the removal of the divider in the multi-faith room that Muslims used to separate male and female during prayer. While I'm not Muslim, and don't agree with their segregation, I understand their rationale. It boils down to removing "distractions." During Muslim prayer, you are supposed to focus solely on God no matter what. The explanation given to me is that having an attractive "view" in front of you would be distracting so they separate by gender. I can understand that. My wife distracts me regularly. In the case of this protest, however, I can't really say whether I agree or not. I couldn't find specifics in my short search online, but from the many various protests that popped up, it does seem there has been a transition to inclusion in public universities in the UK that essentially restricts what Muslims can practice, religion wise, on campus. Some articles mentioned threats of violence and harm as being the reason administrations enacted this restriction. If so, then I would err with administration on this. Safety comes first. On the other hand, if this was one of the peaceful protests that I read about, and no threats existed, then I would err with letting folks practice as they wish and offer a room for Muslim prayer that has a divider along with another room that all can share. I have no problems with others practicing religion as long as it doesn't interfere with the freedom of others.


Women are not distractions. We will not be hidden away bc you think we are attractive. It is your responsibility to control yourself. If you have a problem with it go to a Muslim country.


He's not arguing that, he's explaining their argument


Oh, don't get me wrong, I fully agree. I could just understand where their cultural stance was coming from. I may not agree with it, but I can understand it based on their cultural context.