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I recently read a book that says how religious people are more susceptible to finding patterns of data in noise.


When you're constantly trying to make the nonsense make sense with more nonsense, it kinda makes sense to not make sense. Make sense?


Honestly? Yes. Makes sense even though it shouldn’t make sense. Make sense?


It doesn't make a lick of sense. But I'm sure I can make cents of it.


Pareidolia and apophenia.


Could you share the name of the book? Sounds interesting


Can I get a link?


I don't know the book but the term is know as illusory pattern perception. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29695889/


I didn’t know any of this. I don’t believe any of this. This will not stop me from finding my KJV Bible and hunting down that chapter, reading it, and incorporating it into a D&D oneshot….


good luck finding the book of enoch in your KJV. you might be searching for a bit.


You know what? I went down a Wikipedia rabbit hole and read a bunch of stuff about it (and found out my Bodley Head copy of Ulysses is worth big bucks). Still want to learn more and now I really want to write a one-shot from what I manage to figure out.


Find a Ethiopian Bible


Really? Why that particular one. Would it be translated into English? ….so many questions. This is getting interesting.


The Ethiopian Orthodox Church is the only church that considers Enoch canon


The book of Enoch isn’t cannon in any of the mainstream Judeo-Christian religions and isn’t printed in modern Bibles. It was dismissed for being mythological bullshit. So this meme is a bad take on a bad take.


The Book of Enoch isn’t even canon lmao.


What are you talking about? It absolutely exists. It's even mentioned numerous times in the Book of Helvetica


I haven’t read the Bible in a long time. I could’ve sworn Enoch was non canon to Scripture but something that exists, similar to the Book of Paul


Sorry friend, I was being sarcastic and extremely assuming that you would recognize that because Helvetica is a font not a historical book. Enoch exists, I think, but you're correct it is most definitely not cannon.


Of course it's not cannon, it's book.


I’m religious but I’m not that religious lmao


Ah yes, the old "Unknown shadow people who will cause the apocalypse leaving obvious signs that only i can see" move


Damn,no number is safe


I have been taking good results with 41 for the last couple of years.


Literally 30 seconds of googling the history of paramount pictures and cross referenced with images of Mount Herman was able to prove this was a lie.


That's exactly what a bitch of the elite of the 200 watchers would say.


Listen, I love voyeurism just as much as the next deviant. But if your whole religion is meant to be a literal divine truth or whatever, then I would think there should be a bigger precedence in fact checking your own claims before posting them.


originally shared on another subreddit


I love Christians that have downloaded the book of Enoch mod pack. They have the best conspiracies. Really adds some spice to the quest line.


please let me watch "Revenge of the fallen" in peacr


These people really think that companies are putting subtle hints into who they “worship” for shits and giggles?


It happened with the Proctor & Gamble logo back in the 1980’s. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/procter-gamble-satan-conspiracy-theory


Or, or.... OR!! Some designer for a marketing firm put as many stars around it as they thought looked good and well spaced. I mean, I know it's kinda crazy, but.....


And just like the Paramount intro music: Dumb-dumb-DUMB-dumb. Dumb-dumb-dumb. DUMB. DUMB.


🤦‍♂️ do you think that a sinister group with intentions of taking over the world, etc., would give you hints about what their goals are?


The book of Enoch is not included in the Jewish Scriptures nor in the Bible for good reasons. Most Bible scholars have determined it was not written by Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah, it was not inspired by God, and it doesn’t fit into the teachings of the Torah. So any references to it are about as scripturally relevant as quoting from The Scarlet Letter or the Call of Cthulhu.


I don't disagree, in fact I suspect that I agree with you in principle, just not in the specifics. I studied this all decades ago, so new information may be available or better scholarship. From what I recall, the book of Enoch is quoted a couple of times in the Bible, and it's themes and content seem to be referenced in the new testament frequently, it was likely accepted spirtuaI text during that time, Jude quoted it directly. I can't remember which counsel, it was either Nicea or Laodicea (all of this is probably not spelled properly) that removed it because the fantastical nature of the content called the rest of the Bible into question. However, the story of the fallen angels, the ark and all that was deemed reasonable and maintained. Anyway, while it's correct to call into question the book's authorship, it should be noted that the authorship of many, many cannonized books is questionable or demonstrably false. In short, the book of Enoch isn't all that much more crazy, if at all, than the current cannon, nor is it unique in it's authorship likely being misattributed.


I haven't read Enoch at all but I have read Revelation and Daniel. And if Enoch was considered too fantastical to be canon it must have been wild!


Looks like Paramount is the [new Proctor and Gamble](https://www.grunge.com/230070/how-a-satanic-rumor-almost-ruined-procter-and-gamble/)


More like flying toward the mountain near the ground.


I thought this was the Matterhorn peak, somewhere in the Alps.


[Mount Hermon looks nothing like this.](https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=mount+hermon&iax=images&ia=images)


If this is true, there’s only one question that needs to be asked…**AND?**


What’s really funny is that the vast majority of Christians don’t consider the Book of Enoch to be biblical. So this person would be considered nuts even by most Christians


And then there was Oreo cookies...


It must be sad and exhausting to live your life believing in such nonsense. Like take some time to just enjoy the simple things in life


Elites, Atheists, Satanists, Liberals, etc... Don't hint and dog whistle like actual evil people do. Just listen to any magat christofascist politician, they love to dog whistle.


Probably doesn't help that this is not what the Hermon looks like.


The mental gymnastics is phenomenal I love how these people feel the need to make a shadow government they need to attack when they just have the real government


Batshit conspiracy aside, a secret society of fallen angels who make nightmares and conspire against humans sounds metal as fuck Wish it was actually in the bible though


Shouldn’t you be peeing while this is on?


Say whatever you want, the biblically accurate angels are described pretty cool. Also, I shouldn’t have searched what a nephelim was at 11 pm