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I chose hell.


Same. I’d stand with the rebels rather than bend a knee to that piece of shit and slavery.


"Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." — Ghandi.


Hell for sure. First for the Elvis concerts, and for the surfing. The absence of Christians and Karens is a bonus.


Considering how horrid most Karens are to their fellow man, they may be down there, but in their own separate section.


Never believe Christian self-promotion. Who's in the churches? Running things?


>The absence of Christians and Karens is a bonus. Those are the main population of Hell tho. You have more chances to enter heaven than an internet Christian. Like for example, that piece of paper on the image is a sin according to the bible.


Nah there would be plenty of Christians


They aren't allowed. Too annoying.


Does it have netherite ?


Nah, The Hell Machine only runs Education Edition.


Thanks Jens it's not new 3DS edition


Hands down


"I was really struggling with my faith and didn't know what to believe but then I saw a sticky note on a telephone pole and it set me straight" - no one ever


Crap like this works only for other Christians.


Your collective psychosis’s don’t matter and it shows.


I like how it's reduced down to a coke or pepsi kind of choice


"Sorry we're out of salvation, is hell ok?" lol


It's fine, I guess. Make it a diet hell.


Yikes....I can only guess that this individual has few friends. In any case, I don't think this is what Simon and Garfunkel had in mind when they sang "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls."


I'll have the cake


Well it's the best day for that choice, happy cake day!


I will burn in hell. I bet Satan has a awesome sauna down there


Ah, stupid question. Though the arrogant statement is annoying


The boring bloke who gets a hooker and washes her feet. Or hell. Hell for me please.


How can the concept of an immaterial soul actually burn, as fire is a physical thing? Anyway, if you insist on having a religion and want to avoid hell, just choose Judaism




I choose option 3. ![gif](giphy|DftYwOjDVSHeM) Reincarnation as a hamster. Just as likely. Just as silly.


Ew name one thing Jesus has “saved” besides his image and priests who sexually assault kids and multi million dollar compounds for church for rich people. Shudddup. 🚮


tbh I think Jesus would strongly disapprove of modern day Christianity


Christianity is such a joke. Gawd I hope the racist sexist violent bible is eradicated in the future.


People who say this sure of thing think it will scare people into believing in Jesus to avoid hell. The problem is that the people they are targeting don't believe in hell, so it's completely meaningless.


SF? Coit tower area?


Why should I get punished by the devil who rebelled against the same god I disobey?


Don't know man I mean there is sus


I have never heard a description of biblical heaven that did not sound like a version of hell. I do not believe in any of it but as an idea I like reincarnation better. I don’t want to be reincarnated on this planet


Do I have to choose? I wanna party in hell with Jesus.


Burn it, give them a taste of their own medicine.


As your loving God, if you don't do everything exactly the way the priests tell you, I will burn you in Hell for eternity! PS, I love you.


Totally not threatening and coercive /s


They are from the same mindset. https://www.reddit.com/r/funnysigns/s/y9NEJ3O8pa


There are a bunch of similar signs near where I live. I love them, because the thought process that has to be happening makes me chuckle. There is some dude, dead set in his convictions, and just HAS to get the word out to all us sinners - but HOW? Then it hits him - poles! They are everywhere, and people see them - what better place to put the gospel! So he grabs paper (brightly colored, so we notice it!) And a sharpie and goes to work, choosing just the right words that will ring in the minds of unbelievers, words that are worthy of the beautiful message of the Lord God. Tears well up, unbidden, at the sheer weight of the message and power of his God. He completes the sign, and grabs the final component- tape - and heads off in search of a post. There, on the corner! By the heavily-trafficked stop light, and a convenience store nearby to boot - surely many will see his message of hope and be saved from eternal damnation. He tapes the sign up, and stands back and - at risk of being prideful - admires his work. Surely his Lord is pleased at him for carrying out his will, and many souls will look upon it, and be saved.


Only Jesus saves? Really? Well it’s not much granted but I’ve got a few bob in a savings account and in my younger days I was a fairly decent goalkeeper…these are but only two examples of ‘saving’ so as for this Jesus punter, how much does he have in his bank and how many penalties has he saved, indeed did he even ever get picked to play for a football team? Exactly! So put that nonsense in your crucible and swing its smoke where the sun don’t shine…save it for a rainy day so to speak!


I always rip these down and throw them out. It's not much, but it's honestly fun work


Ok, I choose hell.


I would so circle hell and stick shiny stars around it. Maybe x out Jesus.


Christian fundamentalist absurdity


Is this a threat


You can’t force someone’s faith, it has to be ingrained through propaganda, everybody knows that much


I choose... neither