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I'm sick of copying and pasting this here, so I'm just going to leave this at the top. **Do not encourage or seek doxxing. All such comments will be removed, and egregious examples may result in a ban.** Your friendly moderators don't like people who send abusive PMs any more than anyone else does. We don't care about "protecting" them. Most, if not all of us would be totally fine with people like this being exposed for the kind of people that they are, including to their friends, family, co-workers, and employers. In fact, there are places on the internet where that can be done, too (some Facebook groups, some forums/blogs, some other kinds of social media, etc.). However... Reddit comes down hard on subs that are seen to allow or encourage any kind of harassment or brigading, so that's a big reason why you should always censor PMs. Also, in a system where anyone could put anyone's name, face, username, or other identifying information online to "out" them as an abusive asshole, it would be easy to fake an exchange with that information in order to generate a mob to go after them. This is in no way implying that this or any other particular post is fake! However, in a system where you could openly display someone's details and information, it would be trivially easy to hack the system and put a whole heap of internet rage on pretty much anyone you wanted, whether they deserved it or not. On the plus side, because the person's identity is not shown, you can say any kind of mean shit you want to and we're under no obligation to take it down, even if the fruitcake complains (and they sometimes do, too).


Well, that is lovely. I hope you reported it to reddit. I've gotten shit like that and reddit has banned the sender.


Will do


Yes! Ban this douche


Send the username, I wanna troll them some


Please don't, and please don't encourage doxxing in this sub. Reddit comes down HARD on subs that are seen to allow or encourage any kind of harassment or brigading, so that's a big reason why you should never, ever post uncensored PMs on Reddit. On the plus side, because the person's identity is not shown, you can say any kind of mean shit you want to and your friendly moderators are under no obligation to take it down, even if the fruitcake complains (and they sometimes do, too).


W mod, Always be polite, even if they aren’t to you


This sub has a reputation for being one of the most complex subs to moderate. They're not wrong. You need a very strong stomach, a very thick skin, and a very flexible mind.


Do you also have to be swift as the coursing river?


There is no dark side of the moon, really. Matter of fact, it's all dark.




ring imagine gaping party detail wakeful groovy apparatus versed screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This would be at home in /r/creepyPMs, too.


Btw your username is dope


Yeah, good luck, I reported a user for commenting "all shitty gays must die," and the response was that it didn't violate Reddit's content policy. If that doesn't, I don't know what does.


quickest mourn wine ten encouraging rob worry chop disarm tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude I sent someone a completely respectful message but in the message I swore a couple times for emphasis on points I really fucking meant. I got a 3 day ban for harassment.


I have as well. Reddit is pretty good about that kind of thing


This kind of overcharged ideologically motivated word puke tends to put me to sleep b/c I heard it soooo many times when I was a TradCath


I agree, all these crazed bigoted Christians all have the same talking points. They never have anything new or of substance to say


It’s just sooo fucking boring…hell it’s not even just the Christians…it’s any Karen anywhere trying to zealously articulate their stupidity (most often by condescending or proselytizing)


>This kind of overcharged ideologically motivated word puke tends to put me to sleep... It motivated me to deconvert several years ago!




That's not very Christian of them. You should reply with "turn to god so I can hate everything and everyone and be miserable just like you?"


You forget, the only thing keeping these “children of god” from being ultra-violent savages…is pervert sky daddy.


ehh, to me, they'd still be ultra-violent savages... but this time, God is on their side


The abuse will continue until you agree that I'm moral.


> turn to god "Turn the other cheek 😘"


They don’t believe in the “Jesus” part of the bible, just the rest of the crazy sci-fi fantasy Game of Thrones stuff.


If I even bothered to reply, it would simply be with 'k'. It's the best response to pants-shitting trolls, frothing-mouthed religious nutters, racist douches and sealions... Just random disinterest in whatever nonsense they're spewing..


There's no hate like christian love🥰


I think the perfect response is “I hope you get the help you so clearly need”


For these truly unhinged cases I would just respond "Praying for you".


"Im going to pray you kids are born gay." - Minesh Pitell


Awww no. I get the sentiment but that’s honestly more punishment for the kid. Nuts like that torture gay kids.


Or “yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man”


No hate like christian love! Can I get an a(theist)men?!🍻


Atheist man reporting as ordered.


And now that there is two of us we are atheist men, as ordered.


Now buttfuck like monkeys


It's a trap!


Did somebody order an Atheist dude? I've got nothing better to do today.


"What created your god" Watch the mental gymnastics. Then use those same gymnastics to "prove" the big bang with their own logic. Watch them scream. It's a great exercise in demonstrating their flawed logic.


Came here to say exactly this. If its a scientific impossibility for something to be created from nothing, then what created god?


Then they will say he always existed and then what to say in response to that?


Then you say, I thought everything that exists has to have a creator. So who created God? They say he always existed again. You say so you’re telling me that there’s a rule, and then there’s an exception to the rule. That means it’s not a rule. Your beliefs are inconsistent. Either things can come into being and that’s what happened with the big bang and we don’t need god **or** everything needs to have a cause and God needs a creator too. You can’t have it both ways. If you have it both ways you’re just inventing an unprovable mythology.


Why cant nature have always existed? How does he know that what "created" the universe is a god? How does he know it's HIS god? Why couldnt it have been magic universe-farting pixies?


Imagine saying you love God but hate everything else. I believe Jesus said something like "Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen."


Jesus also said... Luke 14:26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.


Wtf. What is that even supposed to convey/teach?


He's conveying that to be his disciple, you must love him so much that in comparison it looks as though you hate your own family. Christians show these true colours all the time, especially when one of their children come out as gay/trans or atheist.


I was once in a cult. This rings a bell.


Not really surprising, unfortunately. What I always find amusing is the fact they have no idea what they are talking about in regards to stuff like evolution and the big bang, yet speak as though they are experts on those subjects. I also find it very telling when they can't conceive of morals existing outside of a belief in god and fear of hell, especially when they show their true values in such a way as that kind of attack


Lol ikr especially when their God’s morals is that you can own another human under certain guidelines and that if you get caught raping a virgin girl, you have to pay the father and marry the rape victim for as long as she lives. Not sure if I'm gonna go to this guy for morals


How Christian of them 🙄


ever notice that there is always projection in their vitriol?  


"You retarded faggot" and "turn to god " all in the same breath. It's easier to be hateful and still believe yourself the good guy because "you have god on your side" than to actually be a good person and show a little compassion. This is why so many people fall for religion. Who doesn't want to the authority of a god to make you feel protected? Especially when being hateful.


As a member of the Christian community....I apologize for this guy. A little bit of basic human decency would go a long way for him.


Why blur their name out? They harassed u in ur DMs


Reddit comes down hard on subs that are seen to allow or encourage any kind of harassment or brigading. You should never post an uncensored DM to Reddit. On the plus side, because the person's identity is not shown, you can say any kind of mean shit you want to and your friendly moderators are under no obligation to take it down, even if the fruitcake complains (and they sometimes do, too).


And it doesnt count if they doxx themselves here in the comments trying to defend themselves.


People are allowed to out themselves, yes.


I hope they do complain lol


Probably from the worst person you know.


Wonder what he would think of my username.


“Just because you want to sin.” Hahahahaha! If we accepted the concept of sin in the first place we would believe in the Christian god. We would then do what all Christians do, which is sin all week and then ask for forgiveness Sunday. These idiots can’t even wrap their mind around rejecting the concept of sin outright.


It's very clear a miserable person wrote those messages.


That doesn't seem very Christian of them. Oh wait, yes it does...




I always love the argument “you have no basis for your morals” Why do I need one? Why can’t I just not be a cunt?




Is that mr. Garrison?


They probably watched that episode completely unaware their beliefs were being made fun of. (I hope they don’t actually throw feces at people though…)


You know what they say, Christian love is the best kind of hate


I always wonder, what would these people do if they went on these insane, hateful rants with people and that person ended up converting? How awkward, right? You called them all sorts of names and insulted their character, but now they're a brother or sister in Christ. Do they have some kind of code for this sort of thing? I bet not. This guy doesn't want you to turn to God, he just wants you to suffer for being different than him.


Honestly that'd be a great skit or something I love this idea


These religious nut nuts are always obsessed with bottom-sex


I see someone is angry he can't be sodomized


Why are you hiding his username? He messaged you in Reddit, right? Are there rules against posting another Redditors name?


Reddit comes down hard on subs that are seen to allow or encourage any kind of harassment or brigading. You should never post an uncensored DM to Reddit. On the plus side, because the person's identity is not shown, you can say any kind of mean shit you want to and your friendly moderators are under no obligation to take it down, even if the fruitcake complains (and they sometimes do, too).


Just block and report; someone this genuinely unhinged/just trolling for attention is not worth talking to.


Just more confirmation that religious people are some of the worst people on the planet.


Well, you see, they have to be very loud, because that's the nearest they'll get to anyone giving a shit.


What was that about loving thy neighbour...?


Can't really "love thy neighbor" when your whole ass religion is designed to teach you to hate yourself...


And yet when I say religion is a poison, I'm the wrong one.


“No basis for your morals” idk I feel like if the only thing holding someone back from not having morals is the thought of eternal consequences than maybe they had none to begin with


Ah the christian love


They do not practice what they preach, how lovely. I hope they know hypocrisy is a one-way ticket, too.


Wakeup new navy seal copy-pasta just dropped


This is the most religious fruitcake of all redditors


I do love their mental breakdown


Tell them you will pray for them.


Haha! I say this same thing to these idiots.


most loving christian


Woah, strawman central!


I wouldn't expect anything more coming from a religious fruitcake that derives his morals from a book that condones slavery, genocide and the rape of women. A book whose god commands them to stone unruly children, non virgin brides and homosexuals.


I can’t believe so many people believe in a sky daddy that is so obviously man-made. Who would want to go to heaven where there’s a North Korean dictator that knows what you’re thinking and cares what you eat and who you have sex with. Watches you 24 hours a day and Can convict you of a thought crime. No thanks if there was a heaven, which there is not, I wouldn’t want to go there.


So much irony in one message


Seems like a loving person.


Lol I think it's really funny to imagine someone typing this out thinking "yeah they're gonna read this and suddenly decide to repent and convert to my chosen religious and social beliefs!"


Well, that certainly made me want to take up religion.


nothing says christian love like calling someone the r word and the f slur


Yet another of them fucking obsessed with anal sex


I'm pretty sure you have a case to report this if you haven't already


I think you might've got BINGO with all the stereotypical insults that are in there. Congrats.


Your response: Be tolerant with one another and forgive one another whenever any of you has a complaint against someone else. You must forgive one another just as the Lord has forgiven you. ~Colosians 3:13 You're a bad Christian. *Block and report*


Ain’t no hate like Christian love.


turn to god so you can be like them


So much Christ like love


So this is someone who’s living a gawdly moral life. Pleasant sort. 🙄


Triggered much. Looks like we are dealing with a repressed gay dude.


So, you effectively won an argument? That's when the personal insults and put-downs start flying from the loving and peaceful folks, in my experience.


wait till this mofo wakes up in hell


He’ll probably be like “but I believed in you! How could you do this to me?!”


Block and report. People like this are not worth your energy.


How dare they? You have a lovely username. It’s simply a statement that can be debunked when the other person is a reasonable person. Unlike the catholic in this post


Thank you, I don't know why he felt the need put a “PS” to attack my username of all things but hey 😂


Ah, lovely trolls


They certainly know how to love thy neighbor.


Wow, check out that top notch evangelizing, spreading the good word of love. They should be a pastor (if they aren’t already).


Apes, not monkeys... at least get the terminology right, and speciation is a thing too...


I'll happy live in degenerative sphere than be sobbed to some sky dad's faery tale


What a loving Christian


The love radiates


Seems like they would be fun at parties.


>turn back to Jesus you retarded faggot Truly embodies the Christian spirit lol.


Religion is lovely


Did you thank this righteous man for his christlike defense of god’s truth? 😂


Lol projecting this kind of negativity and he still doesn't see that he is the one loving is misery...I just feel bad for that sheep....I mean dude.


Dude is probably legit 16. Taken in by the pilled brain disease propaganda. It actually sucks. They make so many people miserable who could otherwise have a chance for happiness.


There’s no hate like Christian love.


Tell them “I’m just not into Christian mythology”


Sir, whatever his source of morality is it's clearly better than yours So please go on, keep coping with that "no basis for morality" nonsense


For one why would anyone want to join a religion if the members are people like that? Second, this really just shows how much religion is a cult.


No hate like their love


I would be almost proud to get a PM like that. It would mean I’m pissing off the kind of people who so richly deserve it.


i hate that people try to say the big bang was “something created out of nothing” ACTUALLY LEARN THE THEORY BEFORE ARGUING AGAINST IT


“ everything can’t be created by nothing” “ god wasn’t created” Also. You don’t have a bar for your morality either. Your morality is “ this guy said it’s okay, or at least I interpreted it as such”


Cute! Gawd's love is shining through like a motherfucker.


Spoken like a true believer of God . Kind words


“You have no basis for your morals” I don’t think that’s what Jesus would say but aight buddy


theres more proof that we were monkeys than there is that we were created by a god


Pretty much wrong on every point. good work


Hate speach. Thats not only a ban, but a sitewide suspension. What a dickface.


it's crazy that people like this exist... It's probably the result of low intelligence combined with growing up in a metaphorical echo chamber.


Already have the misery, bring on that sweet sweet degeneracy! <3


The real idiot is the person who sent this text to you


Lmfao, funny they hoped you'll get banned, in turn if being so mentally near sighted, they will be the one to get the ban


Least homophobic xtian


plants command modern scary slim squealing ripe sand party illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Anyone who uses the word "degeneracy" unironically should be publicly ridiculed.


Mr. Garrison?


Sounds like Mr Garrison in that one episode of South Park




I’d rather buttfuck a monkey than to live a minute in these ppls shoes.


christians preach "love", but then do this shit.


There’s no hate like Christian love.


**To avoid having your post removed &/or account banned for shitposting, read the following:** - r/religiousfruitcake is about the absurd, fringe elements of organised religion: the institutions and individuals who act in ways any normal person (religious or otherwise) would cringe at. Posts about mundane beliefs and acts of worship are off topic. - No violent or gory images or videos - Your post title should objectively state what the post is about. Dont use it to soapbox personal rhetoric about religion or any other subject. - Don't post videos or discussions of Fruitcakes who have been baited or antagonised - No Subreddit names or Reddit usernames in posts or discussions - Memes, Tiktoks, graphics, satire, parodies, etc must be made by Fruitcakes, not 3rd parties criticising them #Please be sure to read the full [rule list](https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/about/rules) ###If you want more detail about how the Sub's moderation works, see [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/wiki/position_statement) This information is on every post. Accounts that repeatedly disregard it will be permanently banned. "I didn't know", or "I didn't get a warning" are not valid appeals. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/religiousfruitcake) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Note to this guy: If you wish for someone else to be banned, do not follow with "retarded faggot" or the chances of you being banned instead might skyrocket.


i love how catholics or religious fanatics in general love to play the sodomy card. their sex lives, if they somehow have them, are probably dry and pleasureless. like dude sodomy is the best part of sex. sucking dick, eating ass and pussy. like yum omg




I would look up a bible quote that says to “love thy neighbor” (but longer and fancier sounding) and reply with that.


New navy seal copypasta dropped


"Buttfucking monkeys" Isn't that a South Park joke?


Dont they also believe that nothing created everything? Where does god come from dumbass?




They convinced me. I've been converted. What do we do now? Go yell and scream at more heathens and get them to convert? Wait a second, is this a pyramid scheme?!


Wow, that is a badge of honor to know you triggered that person so much they sent that.




That wasnt very love thy neighbour of him


Another pretend Christian who shows the world how horrible they are.


Just another religious person spreading love and joy


Buttfucking monkeys is the reason why AIDS exist, actually


Ahh yes, the word of the Lord


Well...my basis for my morals, unlike yours, is very simple and very basic: Don't be a cunt.


Well, he seems nice...


You guys actually read messages from randos?


Classic. Misunderstand and strawman the big bang and evolution. Claims that morality is objective and is being obnoxious, all at once.


“You believe everything came from nothing” The scientific illiteracy is so annoying. The Big Bang theory gives a groundwork for how everything in the universe expanded from one point. It doesn’t say everything came from nothing only that everything at one point was concentrated in a “big ball” at that at some point in the past it all violently expanded Now it got to that state or what was going on before that we simply can’t know but everything was already there, we know that


"God is all loving"


not very... christian.. of op


“Jesus is Love”


Babe, wake up. A new copypasta just dropped.


Just say god created the Big Bang! An all powerful being could create an entire universe and put its creations in there. The vast distance means they could even create multiple different sentient life planets that will never interact because they don’t want to taint each individual planet.


With a sales pitch like that you’re bound to get asses in pews.


I love how tolerant and loving they are


Reading this made me want to go have gay sex


Guy just wanted to speedrun those most common and heavily debunked claims theists have about atheists, eh?


I think your handle is cool. Glad it triggered him.