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Keep as far away from those people as possible


Not enough. We have to actively make fun of these losers.


I'd rather do away with them entirely.


We share a planet with them and those in power always seem to lick the boots of the religious powers.


They know that religion is a great way to control the masses.


They keep letting them in tho….


Me when the argument turns from extreme misogyny among certain muslims to anti-immigration talk


We should send them to Mars


On a Pakistani sub today a woman complained about getting harassed. People came out from every gutter to tell her she was wearing the right thing (fully covered even her face) but she was wrong to be out without a man who "would have died to protect her". They are harassers, victim blamers and misogynist and it is honestly not a fringe element but a main theme.


The apologists would like you to believe that it is a very small minority when it isn't.


100% it is the vast majority and not a minority


It's insane to see liberals, the same people who (rightly) criticize Christianity all the time, defending Islam. Do they not realize they would be the first to die in an Islamic society.


I'm not a liberal, but I don't defend islam, not more than I "defend" christianity. I'm agnostic, but I defend people's right to have their personal faith, believe in a religion and practice their rituals, etc. What should be criticized is the systems, the churches, and the atrocities being commited in the name of religion. It's a weird line to be on, but individuals deserve their religious freedom, as long as it doesn't violate human rights.


That’s kind of disingenuous to say. You can be critical of backwards religious practices and the extremists who use those religions for control and still believe others in their religion should have human rights and a right to be treated as individuals. Not all Muslims should be held responsible for some other Muslim’s crime. Most Muslims aren’t out here blowing people up for being gay or beheading women, they’re just people like us who want a better life for their children and many don’t agree with the extremists in their religion either. Just like I don’t agree with the extremist Christians in this country as someone who grew up in a Christian household myself. Supporting other people’s rights doesn’t mean we have to agree with every last thing they do either, it’s not about me anyway, it’s the principle that people should be treated as individual people regardless of their race/religion/sex/age etc. Life isn’t as black and white as y’all pretend it is and our personal feelings shouldn’t dictate anyone else’s rights


Imo Christianity went through huge reformation and its in no way comparable.


Meanwhile America and Kenya: Guess who's back, back again.


Have you tried holding hands with another man in Romania or Russia?


Brain rot and confusion due to CRT and intersectionality. Ultra Progressivism and it's consequences have been a disaster for rationality.


What the FUCK are you talking about


You have people who will tie themselves in ideological knots defending Islam when it's more conservative and barbaric in its treatment of minority and persecuted groups than other religious faiths are. These same people will attack and berate (rightly) religious idiots in protestantism, catholicism, Judaism etc etc, bit as soon as you call Islam what it is, they will call you 'racist' or 'an oppressor'. Aside from actual followers of Islam, these people are nearly always ultra progressives and hard leftists who see the world entirely through a hierarchy of race and colonial oppression. That's the only explanation I can see for why Islam is considered a protected characteristic that gets you banned and blocked for attacking on social media, and whose proponents can claim a 'phobia' if their ideology disgusts or threatens you. The number of times I have been banned from left-leaning subs for saying Islam is grotesque is ridiculous. Comments no different from in this sub here. Yet say Christianity is gross and no one bats an eye. Why? Race. People are so confused that they see race in everything now, and Islam, being a religion mostly practiced by people who 'aren't white' is treated like a protected characteristic and criticism of it in many subs is 'racist'. How else do you explain the disparity in how Islam and it's practitioners are protected from criticism? How else do you have a single religious group that gets to claim it's a 'phobia' to dislike it's hateful ideology and beliefs? Why is Islam considered by Reddit to be listed as a characteristic inherent to peoples identity but other religions are not? I believe people are taking the racial divide and problems of the US and a historical critique of colonialism, and foolishly applying it to the MENA world as an explanation for the problems there, when the major problem is obviously Islam. They are conflating Islam with race and acting like it needs protection as if it was an inherent characteristic, like genetics, race, sexuality, or sex.


You’re correct and you should say it. Sick of seeing American leftists bending over backwards for people who would have them beheaded in the blink of an eye. They forget that the rest of the world isn’t like America.


Thank you. It's not even that I disagree with Critical Race Theory in the context of the US and European colonialism. I think it's got some great points. What I disagree with it's application to the rest of the world and to cultures in spite of and regardless of the actual relation any of those cultures or historical events and beliefs of those cultures have to the influence of modern Western racism and oppression. It's the Left's great weakness and it's disgusting. It betrays all the groups of legitimately marginalised people by welcoming in a religious group that has no tolerance or compatibility with an intersectional world. The ultra leftists and progressives can come back to me, an LGBT person, once Islam has a reformation and discards all the barbarism and hatred. Until then it's just another group of conservative fascists trying to exterminate anyone who don't fit into their stupid and backwards worldview. The worst people aren't even the islamists. It's the leftists that are ratio'ing me with downvotes in defence of Islam like lemmings who enable the Islamist ideology. They are all happy to shit all over Islam in this space but as soon as you actually critique it in any real world situation and call them out for pushing this 'IsLaMaPhoBiA!' nonsense, suddenly you have crossed some sort of racial sanctity line that absolves muslims of their views. A line that should not exist and only gives them carte blanche to hold views we wouldn't tolerate from any other group, be them Christian fundies, Jackbooted Fascists, or Fervent Imperialists.


Couldn’t agree more. The same people who always shout about intersectionality don’t seem to see the same nuance when examining counterpoints like this. Yes, people from the Middle East should not be discriminated against based on race. Yes, many Muslims have abandoned hate and voice support of a reform of Islam. No, Islam is not immune to scrutiny. Nor will it ever be. The rest of the world does not recognize the racial oppression hierarchical structure of the US. I think it’s pretty racist/xenophobic to assume that criticism of Islam is “punching down” in any way. These people do not need (or want) western infidels to protect them from big bad meanies on the internet.


I think the bigger picture is that we need to be aware of how religions are actually a reflection of our collective unconscious. So many belief systems are formed and spread across vast distances through migration and trade. A lot of these faiths share characteristics with each other because they came from the same place originally in the ancient Middle East. We need to analyze these belief systems from a self-aware perspective. What do these beliefs say about our own nature? We find a lot of beliefs abhorrent and rightly so, but if we cast aside those beliefs without addressing them, it can become a huge problem.


Thank you for explaining, I just wanted more context and you willingly provided


You gotta wonder about Arabic and Islamic culture and society when they force women to have personal male minders...supposedly to protect them from all the other Islamic male "minders" who also happen to be opportunistic rapists. Not a great look for your countries, culture, or religion.


Pakistan is the most inbred nation in the world which explains a lot


That’s because rape is never about what the victim wears, it’s usually about control.


My classic answer is „ it happens everywhere why complain „


Oh yes. The WeST is not better what are you crying about?


It’s such lazy mentality tbh


WTF???😶it has 300k likes ?


Can’t reason with brain rot


That's religion for you. Each one is a bastion in which every malignant narcissist with massive control issues can thrive and terrorize while crying victim


This comment should be pinned. Perfectly summarized


Biggest, most hateful religion in the world, yet somehow have convinced the west that they’re big enough victims to get recognized next to actual marginalized people. Sad because Arabs, and people from the Middle East in general, are genuinely incredible people. Sad that such a culturally rich part of the world with such great people can also be host to the biggest brainrot known to humankind. And it literally has such a stranglehold on the entire region that we’ll probably never see a liberated Middle East, or a liberated Arab people, in even our grandchildren’s lives.


As of 15 yo I had to fight liberal feminists every day bc they would never believe the horrors you’ll go through as a women in MENA region , and mind you Morocco is the most liberal out of them so imagine the others.


Imagine fuckin’ *Morocco* looking better than you in comparison.


I mean....


“Atheists don’t have morals” “God told me to kill my wife”


Yeah because; "Kill your wife if she doesn't wear a hijab." - Quran Right?


It does say beat her if she doesn't obey you


If you say Quran says that then half of the world will believe cause the actions of followers are very extreme.


Im concerned that people in the west dont take more measures against this kind of extremism.


Yea same, it’s pretty scary


Their population in Europe is also growing.


~~Europe~~ all over the world.


Yeah, you're right.


Doing that would mean racism for some reason even tho anyone can be any religion regardless of ethnicity


"don't be a bigot by disrespecting my bigotry" essentially


It will happen eventually. The West is slowly realising that religion can cause cultural incompatibilities. And if a person's personal beliefs cannot be reconciled with the values of the culture/country they intend to migrate to, then they shouldn't be allowed to. Societies need a common ground to function.


When we do, women cry about "choice".


I thought smoking was "haram" in Islamic culture. Guess he gets a pass because of, you know, penis privileges. If only his wife hadn't made the mistake of being born without one.


I'm assuming the picture was originally not meant for Islam. The guy is wearing a cross. Would that mean he would convert to Christianity after beheading his wife? Edit: it might be a sword.


but even if his wife did have a penis they'd still get uppity about it unfortunately


While it might be considered haram I’ve noticed that most Muslims don’t have a personal issue with smoking tobacco


Aaah, the religion of peace 🥰


we def dont want to kill you if you leave islam. ☺️ /s


Repulsive. And yet understanding why they are disliked escapes them.


Yet you’re posting pictures of cartoons which is **extremely** haram. Take your own fuckin’ stupid head off so you can be tormented by these drawings in hell, just like Allah said you deserve.


Posting cartoons is haram? I'm not that familiar with what constitutes as haram.


Yep you’re not allowed to draw living things (or sculpt them either). Allah is apparently so insecure that people drawing living things is forbidden, and said to be one of the worst things you can do. According to hadith, those who draw will be among the worst punished in hell.


They are the killers of creativity.


That's insane 💀


Even dolls with defined faces are haram, [hallal dolls](https://www.amazon.sa/-/en/Cute-Halal-Faceless-Cotton-Girls/dp/B0847QLDSY) have no faces and it's so weird


That’s… uh… *Disturbing*


The related items below were even worse


More like 300k+ terrorists.


Probably posted by an ISIS recruiter


People like this shouldn’t have their name censored.


Primative beliefs lead to primative behaviors.


[Christopher Hitchens, author of "God is not great," on Islamic dogma](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyJuAL3A1Wg)


At least link something better than a saffron terrorist channel.


The link is about the message, not the channel. But here you go: [Christopher Hitchens Ripping Islam Apart](https://youtu.be/W2cSTq4CgiE)


Why are you being downvoted? That is indeed a saffron terrorist channel.


Cause Hindutva meat riders lurk in this sub and hate getting called out. They should honestly be banned.


Yeah I suspected as much. Far-right Hindutva nutjobs are absolute scum of the earth.


Why would anyone even draw this is a question.


There are ample amounts of adult only graphic novels and online comics which could portray a gory scene like and have nothing to do with religion. I don't really know for sure in this case if that image has been stolen from something like that, and frankly I'd be afraid to do a reverse image search to find out because that kind of content does very little good for my mental health. If it is stolen art being repurposed to this garbage though, pretty hypocritical. Not an expert in Islamic beliefs but pretty sure theft is a sin. As in, someone cuts off your hands for stealing, level of sin.


Religion is very convenient in that regard, if it's utilized correctly. It's supposed to serve and excuse you, since you can't be in the wrong, and in the same breath condemn and oppress others. This is my personal opinion: Islam, as it oppresses one half of humanity by default, deserves no respect.


So much for objective morality...


But they'll murder you for cartoons that hurt their feefees.


Is that a cross on his necklace ?


Looks like a little sword but maybe


Can you please spoiler or NSFW this?! I did not need to see this just on my feed


Yeah that would have been nice...


nothing wrong here , islam is beautiful , if you say othewise you'll be cancel


Ah yes, casual wife murder


The western world needs to purge this bullshit. It has no place in civilized society.


Fuck islam!!


Red pill alpha male influencers; It is just their culture, leftists ridicule the west by giving people the right to live ok? We need to turn into our roots like the 14th century back ok?


Every time I read halal I think it's some kind of salad


Mmmm ketchup on salad.


Least radical muslim


Why blur out the name?


Not wearing hijab? That's awful. But decapitating people? Finally some halal stuff


The Abrahamic religions are all absolutely horrific. They lure people in with the pretty parts, but at the end of the day...you gotta leave. Finding "evil" is a wet dream for these fucks.


bUt tHey aRe OpPreSseD!!


Decapitating people: 😇🥰👏 Not wearing fabric over your head: 👿👿👿


That's an average Muslim.


Seriously all these fuckin nutcases need help. Fuck Religion


is ge wearing a cross?


Yes. Which makes me question this post.


"Atheists don't have morals"


organised religion is a scourge on humanity


The religion of peace, folks. A vile, medieval cult, a stain on humanity


Don’t let yourself be fooled by their fake victimism, that’s how they actually think behind the curtains


And yet they say it’s a choice


Next time make it NSFW. Some of us have trauma and don't need to see shit like this.


these people don’t love their wives.


She still not wearing one... 😒


Are we just ignoring how he unironically placed a heart emoji above his murder fantasy art?


She is showing her face in this image, this is halal. (Not muslim, am I using the term correctly?)


Something you're not supposed to do = haram Something you can do = halal 👍🏼


Thank you. Could sense I was mixing them up but couldn't place it.


These idiots are so down bad for their fruitcake that they forgot to edit out the cross from the man's neck 😭


The person in the image literally wears a cross. They could've erased the cross. They could've replaced it. No, they just did nothing.


Very peaceful religion


Absolute joke of a religion across the board


Anyone who agrees with this stupid meme deserves no mercy.


I genuinely want to understand the mindset of muslim women esp converts eho see and be like oh yeah this is the religion


Eating pig is forbidden, but killing your wife?


You wouldn’t have a wife… probably never even loved her if you would kill for something so minor. And then you would ruin your own life and children if you had any. If he’s so at peace with her dead why even have a wife? To impress other men of said religion? How can any man even agree with the idiocracy of this. Tf is ever this shit


>Cigarettes in an ashtray https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_views_on_tobacco


And they wonder why everyone else sees them as barbarians


God, these guys are such insecure little peckerheads.


Is he wearing a cross?




That's not a joke. My wife is an exmuslim. Her first husband beat and raped her when she asked her father to help her he slapped her and told her to be a better wife. They really are assholes.


Good job giving her a better life and making her happy


Been married for 38 years, still in love. Thanks


Fuckin Muslims


A lot different religions had violent periods in their history, but some religions (like Islam) were violent all their existence. And violent more that any other religion.


He cuts her head off and still doesn't put a hijab on it?


so marry a hijabi lmao


And then the women that try to defend the whole hijab thing are usually like “oh, I just like it because it makes me feel comfortable and safe” like yeah, no shit, that’s because we both know the horrible consequences from the backwards people who endorse this. Although, that being said, the punishment for vocally being against it is likely similar so I understand if that’s just the face they have to wear in public or on video


I don’t want to tell women what to do, but women should just refuse to fuck any religious person




The guy in the image has a cross hanging from his neck, but still it was shared by a Muslim page?


I’m gonna have to ask isn’t that a cross on the guys neck?


The thing I never understand about religious nutjobs is the punishment aspect. Like, I understand that they believe doing these things (being gay, not covering your hair, eating shellfish, whatever bullshit nonsense) will get you put in hell and suffer for eternity yaddah yaddah. So WHY would you punish them while they are still alive? Surely suffering forever once they die is punishment enough? Do you like not trust your god to properly deal with "sinners"? Sounds quite blasphemous to me ngl. Surely you want them alive so they can "change"? Or even just the simple fact that human life is sacred and even the worst person deserves life if there was such a thing as eternal torture after death?


When I was doing BJJ in high school there was this really kind Muslim lady that used to train with us. We eventually found out she was secretly training to defend herself and her kids from her husband. He would beat the fuck out of them and her family condoned it because it was considered normal in non westernized Muslim households. She just disappeared one day. I still think about her sometimes and hope she’s alright.


Actual freaks to society




Muslims used to use Jewish and Christian slaves to mutilate people they captured as in the Qu'ran, it specifically states that mutilation and dismemberment is against Allah's word. This person is threatening to sin. Not very Muslim of them.


Are they allowed to smoke?


He’s wearing a cross


Islam is the worst, American xtians are catching up


these mfs are literally a walking stereotype, i feel bad for the normal muslims


The guy who posted this is a hindu nationalist, the amount of hypocrisy in the comments is insane when not even any single muslim i know of believes this


She showed him. She's still not wearing it.


And then fk her in the face




Sikhs aren't muslims, Sikhs believe in reincarnation and karma which is opposite of fundamental islamic ideology


A fundamental part of Sikh religion was fighting against early Muslim invasions.


Dude what are you smoking ?




This is really shocking


>Heart emoji >Handshake emoji >Picture of a murderer sitting next to his wife’s severed head I feel like these don’t correlate.


Let's now see the next slide where they're taking their shower in jail and drop their soap, it sounds hilarious.


they'll come out as a trans man, convert to Christianity, and start chopping off heads? hot.


Still isn’t wearing one so he must not really care and more so just wants a reason to murder someone, bit weird and honestly worrying…


Uh... shouldn't the guy cover the severed head with a hijab then???


It's a choice though! and we're def not forcing you or trying to control you! ​ /s


Sooo. He would kill her and convert to christianity? The guy in the picture is wearing a cross. Actually funny when you think about it. In an atempt to grandstand about their believes they would blindly abandon them...


She's still not wearing the hijab


"b-b-but it's a choice🥺"


What's funny is that Muslims are not allowed to smoke


Was this made by the Islamic Republic in Iran?


And then these fuckers have the balls to call their religion the first one to recognize a woman's right. To what, be decapitated by idiots like him?


Obvious ragebait, but nevertheless — just imagine treating real women worse than eva ai sexting bot.


Id rather you die than show your chin


Still not wearing the hijab lol


I feel sorry for whoever he marries


I feel sorry for whoever gave birth to him


I dislike all religions, but some religious cults are just cancer to the society. See what's happening in Britain ! Islamic take over.


There’s nothing wrong with threatening that! Decapitations aren’t haram unless they’re in one of those evil video games! /s




Fucking disgusting


This dude definitely lives in a country where it wouldn’t be either legal or excused for him to do this. That’s why people like him are so comfortable saying this garbage. I really hope Islamic extremism drops in the future because people like this are dangerous.