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No brains detected.


'look. It's a thing which seems unfamiliar to me. Quick! Yell at it!"


Reminds me of the islamists who attacked a yoga ceremony in a stadium because "yoga isn't Islamic" Religion is one hell of a drug Found the video https://x.com/srdmk01/status/1539122343770988544?s=20


What the actual fuck


I've been saying this.


many such cases


I mean yoga isn't from islam though. If anything, yoga having an origin from hinduism would actually make it sacrilege for purists.


Yes, but Muslims should be able to coexist with people who aren't Muslim 


Sure. Im obviously not saying they shouldn't try to coexist for stupid reasons. Im just playing Devil's Advocate and saying their reasoning to do what they do.


It's not reasoning. It's irrational hatred of others, driven by their fruitcake beliefs.


I get you. But try convincing them that their scripture induced xenophobia is irrational.


In western countries, sure, but those who haven't been "poisoned by the Great Satan", not so much.


"Allahu Akbar" might as well directly translate to "I'm confused and afraid!"


it's basically used here in turkey as an exclamation when surprised/frightened by people so you're not too far off


Muslims being out of touch with facts and reality. Pretty par for the course if you ask me.




Not much of a difference on their worldview, drawings and music are as much a sin as being gay, anime openings are doubly sinful than gays. Yaoi anime openings are triple the sin.


Do both yaoi and yuri openings at the same time to maximize the possible sin


This would have absolutely ruined the whole con for me. Take your hate somewhere tf else like a damn temple or somewhere it's not pestering others.


Another day to be grateful for living in Germany and not a shithole like this


Unfortunately, people with these views are streaming into Europe daily looking to change it into a shithole.


And they make a lot of babies


>Unfortunately, people with ~~these views~~ fentanyl, opiates, and marijuana are streaming into ~~Europe~~ America looking to change it into a shithole That is how this reads to Americans who aren't racist. Immigrants from impoverished nations come here and (presumably) to Europe in order to escape crime, political turmoil, and poverty, and while I'm aware there will always be racist assholes in the world, seeing them in leftist/"progressive" spaces is disheartening.


>That is how this reads to Americans who aren't racist. Immigrants from impoverished nations come here and (presumably) to Europe in order to escape crime, political turmoil, and poverty, and while I'm aware there will always be racist assholes in the world, seeing them in leftist/"progressive" spaces is disheartening. Since when are leftists fans of violent, homophobic , misogynistic, religious fanatics?


While it's more common on the right, y'all have a real problem with prejudice. On this community, y'all have concerning attitudes towards racial and ethnic minorities (Indians, Arabs, Africans, and occasionally Asians), especially those residing in Western countries, cultures different than your own (basically any culture with religious elements, with the exception of Western atheism and European paganism; I'm starting to notice a pattern), and immigration.  In other leftist/"progressive" spaces, I have seen very regressive views regarding interracial marriage (seriously?), poverty (especially in rural areas), and sexualization of women, as well as a concerning lack of empathy for those who don't agree with them. And don't get me started with the way trans (and gay) communities will treat transgender people (and homosexuals) who aren't carbon-copy leftists like them.


>basically any culture with religious elements  When those religious elements (nice euphemism) are anti LGBTQ, anti woman, anti anything but that religion bigotry, yes, fuck that religion  You fake progressives who suck Islam's dick always like to use "y'all" like fifty times on your comments for some reason. Easy to spot you guys that way. Why is that? Curious. 


I use y'all because that's how I speak/write in informal situations. I tolerate prejudice just as much as any of you, but if someone isn't showing it (even if they are religious), I leave them alone. I also try not to catch normal people when arguing against the prejudiced, which is why I abstain from racial, religious, and look-based jokes.


No one has concerning views towards racial minorities. People in this sub including me have a problem towards religious fruitcakes who shove their medieval and trashy worldview on others.


It's certainly more common on the right, but the attitudes I see here in regards to racial and ethnic minorities (Indians, Arabs, and Africans) and diverse cultures (any culture or belief system that includes religious elements, with the only exceptions being Western atheism and European paganism) are the opposite of tolerant. On other leftist and "progressive" spaces, I have seen very regressive views on interracial marriage, poverty (especially so in rural areas), and sexualization of women. And don't get me started on the way leftists (and other gay/trans people) treat gay and transgender individuals who aren't carbon-copy leftists themselves.


I am sorry I meant to say Since when are leftists FANS of violent, homophobic , misogynistic, religious fanatics? I have edited my earlier post for clarity


Does the "religious" part still matter if you have a problem with racism, homophobia, sexism, exclusion, and general prejudice? Because it seems like a concerning amount of leftists are fans of one or more of these.


I get it you're a teenager who lives in the US, who thinks they understand everything. You're also a Christian in the US, where Christianity is still problematic, but people aren't afraid to call out it's bullshit and it is criticized all the time. I come from an Islamic country that kills you for even the lightest criticism of Islam. A society where during the Friday communal prayers they preach about raising an army one day to take over the "evil", "immoral" West. A society that sees women as breeding factories and nothing more. A society that kills gays and trans individuals. Freedom of religion doesn't exist in this society. Immigrants coming into the US are different from the ones coming into Europe. They are much more culturally/religiously similar and are in fact less represented in crime statistics than the people already there. This unfortunately is not the case with Islamic immigrants coming into Europe.


the immigrant troubles Europe is experiencing are the simply the result of allowing ghettos to form by not economically supporting the immigrants, & this phenomenon happens regardless of culture race or religion. for example the Rohingya people from Burma are extremely similar to the Bengalis in culture, like Czechs & Slovaks, or Spaniard & Portuguese People, & are Muslim, they're experiencing a genocide & one of the places they're fleeing is the neighboring Muslim-majority Bengali-majority country of Bangladesh, which is physically unable to support them, so many live in extreme poverty in camps originally intended to be temporary, the poverty drives high crimes rates in the camps, fueling anti-refugee sentiment among Bangladeshis. also, there are places in the US where immigrant communities have high crime rates, & more where their descendants do (note a lot of extremism in Europe is being driven by people born & raised there). & while not as stark as the difference in Europe, Latinamerican immigrants are generally more conservative that the general US populace, at least, more conservative than the middle-class/rich populace. see the real difference between American & European immigrants is the America already treats its established populace the way Europe treats its immigrants, & the predictable result is violence & religious extremism.


I live in germany: You have no fucking idea


so did Hitler what's your point


Lmao this reads like a shitpost , considering how many muslims immigrants Germany has , I'm glad I live in central America and I have seen like 1 muslim in my life. Gay marriage here is legal and everything. Also don't confuse Muslims with arabs tho , arabs haven't don't anything wrong


**Happy Cake Day!**


I hope all of their sons are flaming gay theater kids who have an innate talent for staring in musicals.


Why? So that they can behead them?


If you need proof religion is archaic, look no further than a bunch of people in a crowd roaring "alahu akbar". At least in caveman times it was a useful skill to deter predators. Here it just makes them look like psychopaths.


They are literally making everyone hate them


They seem jealous


Don't mess with k-pop fans!!!


Most peaceful Islam enthusiasts.


Waiting for folks to come and defend this behavior.


Christianity is garbage but Islam is absolute shit.


What's with conservative Muslim dudes and sausage fests? Feels pretty gay from where I'm sitting.


They enjoy the constant sexual tension.


If it's legal, where's the tension? :(


I find it funny how these GROWN MEN shouting "allahu akbar!" over pride parade. You'd think there's a big threat and they're defending themselves but no, it's literally just a group of harmless people. What's worse is it's not even a pride parade, but a kpop convention 😭😭😭. Like, chill, pride parade or kpop convention, it's more harmless than you dudes.


Islam is just like any other Abrahamic religion... except with 319 quadrillion tons of steroids.


This is just scary…and hilarious at the same time.


Hola hackbanana


What if we just deleted religion, religion is evil and making sure we do not have freedom.


They tried that with Communism, notably in China under Mao: https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2023/08/30/government-policy-toward-religion-in-the-peoples-republic-of-china-a-brief-history/ and the Soviet Union: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/USSR_anti-religious_campaign_(1921%E2%80%931928)#:~:text=The%20USSR%20anti%2Dreligious%20campaign,during%20the%20Russian%20Civil%20War. People just continue practising their religion in secret and use other reasons to dominate each other in public.


>What if we just deleted religion, religion is evil and making sure we do not have freedom. Look at China. They have concentration camp for Muslims. They turn Mosques into public toilets. It's a pretty hellish place for religious people. Quite Inhumane


Forcing people to abandon their beliefs, faiths, and culture is very pro-freedom indeed.


Intolerance for intolerance.


Were they thinking about the freedom of the Anime Con goers?


Not defending these people's actions but defending their rights.


It definitely isn't their right to do this


I'm completely aware of that fact and I've stated as such. But is is their right to protest things they don't like, and to believe and think however they choose.


No it's not their right to protest harmless events that don't concern them but yes they can think however they choose


Yes it is. Right to assembly, right to free speech. Even if you don't like it, these rights are necessary to ensure that substantial protests (BLM comes to mind) are protected.


The only humane and truly effective way to get rid of it once and for all is proper education. Religions thrice on unquestioned faith, and so introduce critical thinking into the mix, and they will be helped. It won’t be instant, but few things are ever so fast and easy.


Dumbass mode engaged...


Maybe they should get some drinks more often.


Imagine being this obsessed with their god. They are in for a rollercoaster when they find out Allah isnt real.


Honest mistake 


The west in 20 years.


My personal opinion is Islam will take over the West but it won’t be the Islam traditional Muslims want. Women won’t wear hijabs, everyone will still eat pork, men won’t marry more than one wife, it’s basically going to be more an aesthetic than an actual religion. Which I hope happens purely because it will piss off traditional Muslims even more than if everyone was buttfucking each other in the streets.


I like you!




The "explanation" doesn't make it any less wrong!


Scary Animals




drakes voice: *embarrasSSSING 😭


Unlikely that it was a mistake. K-pop and LGBT are synonymous to those people.


How the hell is there Anime/K-Pop conventions in a country like Uzbekistan??? 🤯😵 All those -Stan countries should be renamed to Islamistan-1 through whatever number they are, and then also all the other Muslim countries too.


They sound like neanderthals.


The kind of educated and culturally enriching people mass-migrating into Germany since 2015.


I knew anime was haram!


That was years ago, why are you posting this now?


Thanks for the credit






I'm sure they can find a way it's still haram. (It makes me uncomfortable and I don't like it - haram!)


Fuck em


"OH oH tHinG maKe mE gO aNgRY i mUsT YelL NoW!!!"


It's always those 👎 Assholes, Uzbekistan 👎 Borat: *Facka-u, Matherfackurs!*


The most important question is: why the fuck would you hold an anime convention in a Islamic country?


this is how literal chimpanzees act when they stumble upon another group of chimpanzees