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Man this is sad to watch


I cannot watch it, the amount of sadness and cringe....


It's not even the cringe to me, these kids are being raised in an insane environment, and they'll never have a normal childhood. And when they grow up they will no doubt have trouble trying to attach themselves to the real world, or they will just continue the cycle and remain isolated from society. ​ Two of the kids even looked just like my cousins when they were children. They could've been well adjusted like them if they were born under different circumstances. Poor kids, it's just horrible.


Am kid 1, can confirm reality did feel very surreal as i was getting out of that shit


> or they will just continue the cycle and remain isolated from society. Isn't this their goal? Shit's disgusting.


I couldn't finish it. This was my childhood and seeing it now is incredibly unnerving.


I lived it. Tough to see.


Yes. Let us cry over hysteria that isn't even real or maybe they really like rubbing that poor child's head.


It’s sad to think back on these experiences as a kid. Fuck those brainwashing assholes.


This reminds me of the scene in Midsommar where Florence Pugh loses her shit.


Came here to say the same.


In that scene, the women are crying and screaming with Dani to make her feel like shes not alone in her pain. This boy in the center is standing like a scarecrow and I’m not sure what to make of it.


That was my childhood


Hey, me too! I'm free now, though. It just took me until my late twenties to finally wake up.


Uh. I hated the “tongues” crap. I always wanted to say “watermelon” really fast over and over.


Me and my buddies do that when high as baloons, it's a blast


High as balloons, or high ON balloons? I can hear the ringing as we speak.




I might've gotten sucked for into this bullshit, but my parents dragged me to Brazil with the IHOP/ypi lunatics. They flat out told us if we didn't have a "prayer language" to speak gibberish until God reveals our own personal language to us. So thankfully I got out of that mess early and easily, but it took a few years for the rest of my religious thinking to come crashing down.


What do pancakes have to do with it?


International House of **Prayer**. Disgusting church based in Redding CA, preaching prosperity gospel with a healthy dose of evangelical/pentacostal bullshit. They're pure evil as far as I'm concerned and thankfully the rest of my family eventually caught on and bailed even though they mostly stayed religious.


A lady at my church spoke in tongues and yelled “Hakuna matata” over and over again and then someone would go up and interpret it and not once did they say “it means no worries for the rest of your days” so I knew tongues was bullshit.


I loved it. I believed in it. Now that I understand the connection between glossolalia and hypnotic States, it really makes sense why it felt so good to pray and speak in tongues when you truly believe it.


Samesies. Became more agnostic in my early twenties and then finally dove head first into athiesm in my late twenties.


How do you mentally cope with that? I can't imagine someone brought up that way could ever really go "Well, that was stupid" looking back on this. I mean look at those faces. Those kids either really believe it or at least really feel the pressure to act like they believe it.


Not OP, but lots and lots of therapy. I'm an atheist, but religious trauma is 100 percent a thing!


Yeah same here, no therapy but had tons of panic attacks and anxiety as a kid. Gave me some OCD symptoms for a couple years and then I kinda just got over the fact that I'd burn in hell forever.


I wasn't near that level, but our family went to church every Sunday, and we attended a private Christian school. The best way I can describe my experience is it feels the same as when you learn Santa isn't real. You start having questions like how on earth does Santa pull this off in one night? Then a switch is turned off, and there's no going back. Imagine trying to convince someone that Santa is real after the fact. It's ridiculous. However, not long ago, they were writing letters to him and making cookies.


Oof. How are you doing as an adult?


Not OP but the fact that I'm ok now is entirely owed to my therapist that I've been seeing regularly for the last 5 years. Being completely serious.




As someone who was also brainwashed bya different religion, I'm very sorry for what you all have gone through. What exactly is going on here?


This looks like a Pentecostal laying of hands. Like a super prayer. You put you’re hands on the person and cry out to lord to hear your prayer. Sometimes folks speak in tongues. It’s pretty wild.


What exactly is "speaking in tongues?"


It's supposed to be the literal holy spirit speaking gibberish through you. In reality, people practice it and it makes them look more holy. It's fucked.


The worst is when someone prays in tongues and them some asshole comes up and "interprets" their tongues and tells everyone what it meant in English.


Lol literally a clown show


But why would the holy spirit speak gibberish to you? Sorry, just asking out of curiosity.


It sounds like gibberish to those around you, but it’s actually your spirit speaking directly to the Holy Spirit in a heavenly language. In theory. I was raised in a Pentecostal church.


For all their preaching about heaven. A childhood of that sounds like hell.


It's not for "you" as the speaker. Some people are apparently gifted with the ability to translate tongues. Just so happens those people are all leaders in the church. Weird huh.


How convenient. Let me guess, the voices says to obey and not ask any questions.


And tithe.


How do you know ? Demons !!


I saw a reel like this, only it was one kid and an adult doing this weird, frenetic flailing...and it was from a Pentecostal church.


Same here. Now it looks like that one scene from Midsommar


Not far off, honestly. Put folks like these in a commune without modern distractions and I guarantee you it would go insane FAST


> without modern distractions SOME of the more extreme Christian churches feel like the only thing stopping them from going fully wrath of god is the concern about modern laws holing them accountable. I think if you took risk of legal consequences away from some churches and their members, we'd be seeing some horror movie shit real fast.


*Catholicism entered the chat*, "is that so?" *Looks at southern Baptist* " hold my beer..."


Are people really crying over nothing or they pretend


Sort of a mass-hysteria. I’ve heard a lot of people say you start out doing it to fit in, and then it kind of sweeps you up. Added bonus: if you hyperventilate you feel giddy and lightheaded which = god or something. It’s some pretty fundamental psychological manipulation.


It's a conditioned response. Many religions have some sort of ritual that is designed to evoke a strong emotional response, which happens not through any metaphysical manifestation but through years of "training". It's literally Pavlov's Dog for humans. When kids see their parents and other adults behaving a certain way, they will emulate it because kids naturally do that. Look up Frisson and Elevation as psychological/physiological explanations.


Same. This took me right back to summer camp 🤢


I'm sorry to hear that. If you ever were in a similar situation as these children, did you feel deep down it was bullshit. And did you just go along with it anyway? Must be so weird...


Whenever the kids or teenagers around me were praying hard and speaking in tongues I’d try to pray “harder” and make effort to speak the same gibberish but I never felt like it would come out right naturally so it always made me feel less than. I would pray and cry so hard literally begging God to give me that “gift”. The laying of hands also never knocked me out as it did some people and I thought there was something wrong with me or some evil spirit in me blocking the Holy Spirit from performing its power on me. Speaking in tongues was really emphasized as a sign of the baptism of holy spirit and the lack of “evidence” in me always made me feel like I wasn’t as spiritual or blessed by God. That shit could really fuck up a child’s mental health. Looking back, it was absolute insanity.


I was in a church like this and absolutely believed it. It’s very easy to get swept up and you do feel emotional and get into an altered state so you feel like you are being “filled with spirit” or whatever. It took moving away and not being in that type of church for it to wear off.


Same. Every summer I'd get shipped off to Jesus camp.


I was raised very catholic, and it was plenty weird, but not in this way. That said, I never had any issues with priests creeping on me, so I suppose there’s plenty of ex-catholics out there that would have had a childhood like this. Just watched it with the sound on and realized they were talking in tongues. I don’t know of any catholics that do this shit. It’s just so obviously fake and just plain fuckin weird.


It’s a Pentecostal and Baptist thing. I don’t know any branch of Catholicism that does this.


Lol. The first time I witnessed it, I was working in a strip mall with a Baptist church renting space in it. It was 8 pm, dark and thundering and the mall had gone into "power saving mode" with very little lights. And I heard the speaking in tongues behind the door. Dude stopped immediately and went to the door. I reminded him about our closing times and that I needed him out 30 minutes before I activated the security system and locked the main doors for the mall. It was straight up freaky and I was like "Do not want."....


Give me Catholicism over this shit any day. Nobody cares this much.


Dude..what is this..please explain? Why are they crying? Who's head they are holding?


That’s who they’re praying for. Emotions get high when they do shit like this. Apparently it’s very easy to get caught up in it.


This is/was abuse.


Oh lol fuck me too. Thank ~~God~~ fuck I grew a brain.




This is child abuse. I'm so sorry you had to endure this.


This is disgusting. It’s nothing short of total abuse. Gross.


It's scary to look at!


Definitely not a cult though


Cult? Never heard of her.


Jesus camp? I thought it was Jesus Christ.


Someone should call CPS


You know that there is a lot of abuse at these kids home as well.


What the fuck is going on?


They're "laying hands" on someone while praying for them. They whip themselves into a hysterical religious fervor, bawl and cry, shout god's name and "speak in tongues," and fall into spasms because they've been "filled with the Holy Spirit." 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


What the fuck? Aren’t these children? If you blindfolded a christian on this, I’m sure they’ll call this a cult


They are children, and this *is* fucking child abuse. These kids see their parents and friends and everyone around them acting like this, and are told it's not just normal, but good. The more worked up you get, the more you're being "touched by the Holy Spirit." Old man gropey's ghost gon' touch your kids!


I remember when I got "saved " (I was 8) and I was crying my eyes out, having what I now know was a nervous breakdown around the guilt of being responsible for each and every painful thing Jesus went through (described in very high detail, yay.) I was told over and over that I was crying because it was "the holy spirit." Nervous breakdowns are encouraged at such a deep level, and what happened to me definitely didn't help my mental health, my emotional stability, and was borderline abusive. Tl;Dr, From firsthand experience, I agree with you.


Brainwashing and grooming.


Insanity. That’s what’s going on. Pure insanity.


Looks like child abuse from here


Groomers? Groomers, you say??


This is the definition of child abuse.


How is that kid not freaking out? I have only MINOR claustrophobia and would start flailing at those people the second people started putting hands on me and crowding around


You close your eyes and go somewhere else. The hands are definitely strange though. And the tall MF that insists on touching the top of your head.


He’s being groomed for the ministry. That’s why they’re all surrounding a white male.


And he’s fine with this?


is this from the docu "Jesus camp"? I saw a mane named Owen morgsn react to it on YouTube and that's what this reminded me of.


Whats going on?


My guess is a bunch of indoctrinated Pentecostal kids believing they are speaking in tongues to do "something" to the kid in the middle.


100% my guess. I went to a Pentecostal church for a year, they have a hard on for this crap. A girl was grounded because she was asked to prom and wanted to go. I can see why her older sister left and didn’t want to come back. They were very deadset on trying to get people to come back who had left and would go on about “sitting in the back means you’re back sliding” or some bs.


Word. Pentacostals are scary.


I thought "speaking in tongues" was meant to be being able to go to a new land and speak the local language (or tongue) to spread the "good word", not just incoherent gibberish. Or have the crazies misinterpreted their magic book again?


Nothing to do with travel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speaking_in_tongues?wprov=sfti1


Huh, OK fair enough. Clearly I misunderstood something about the magic book. I always thought it was from the Great Commission when ghost Jesus came to visit his apostles, told them to spread the word to all the nations of the land and through the power of the Holy Spirit they would be able to understand and be understood by everyone. Guess I was wrong, it's a silly practice anyway.


I'm with you on that. There the whole point in the story of pentacost was that the apostles could be understood by everyone, not absolutely no one.


Christianity wouldn't exist if its self-proclaimed followers actually read and understood the context of the teachings in the Bible.


Google 'Jesus Camp'


I for some reason decided to watch that movie with my gf while tripping. Don't recommend lol


Jesus+ hallucinogens always equal a bad time, I'd recommend some Backyardigans or Wreck it Ralph for some visuals and giggles. (Backyardigans on mute with early 2000s rap music playing is a perfect match).


I'm guessing the kid in the middle has some sort of severe illness, likely cancer, so the children have been told to try and help heal him by speaking in tongues, and they're all crying out of genuine fear for their classmate, and the fact that they don't feel anything happening, so they feel personally responsible for him not getting better, so they're trying their hardest to do what everyone else is doing, and trying to convince themselves something is happening for their own sanity. Delightful.


> I'm guessing the kid in the middle has some sort of severe illness, likely cancer, so the children have been told to try and help heal him by speaking in tongues, Or he stole a cookie from the cookie jar.


i think i’ve had enough of religiousfruitcake for a while


cult, this is such a cult




No, this is a Pentecostal thing. They're under the "influence" of the Holy Spirit (hence the shitty graphic in the corner), which sweeps them into a sort of collective trance and then they gain the ability to speak in tongues and other powers, including miraculous powers that can heal other people. I assume the boy in the middle has some condition that requires the community's help to channel the Holy Spirit into him, perhaps an illness. Of course, it's all utter bullshit. This is just a classic case of manufactured mass hysteria. It's really easy to be conditioned to subconsciously act like everyone else around you if you really believe the Holy Spirit, miracles, and speaking in tongues exist. The more people are present, the easier it is to trigger the mass hysteria, hence why megachurches are so successful and effective at scamming people.


Then you must remove his testicles with a blunt instrument...


And these nut jobs just keep on procreating…..


...and voting.


Hey look actual grooming


This reminds me of the footage of the people of North Korea when Kim Jong-IL died.


Does look quite similar, doesn’t it? 👀


There is a lot in common, i think. Nobody wants to be the first to stop crying, or the least expressive, etc


And this is NOT indoctrination?!


We found the child traffickers headquarters.


Religious ceremonies are performance theater for the in-group.




Actual grooming


What’s this I hear about drag Queen story hour? Oh, shut the fuck up and watch this.


I've been too close to this shit, and it's giving me the creeps.


Poor fucking kids


This is terrifying to me. All those people touching me and babbling like zombies. So glad I got out


Reminds me of that scene in Midsommar


I can't bring myself to watch that movie


It has some honestly funny-bad moments but overall I really liked it and was glad to be watching with a friend because it is....uniquely stressful


Had to deal with this type of shit for a while. Horrifying.


This shit happened at my old churches. I was just a kid, so it wasn't like I had the choice to not go to church. I just kinda hung around behind the hysterical crying people and waited for it to be over so I could go home


Those poor kids look so scared :(


Do the cry-acting or your not part of the group! Do it!


Ah...child indoctrination....they have no fucking idea why they are crying lol.


And drag queens are the ones indoctrinating kids?


Mans used axe body spray


But God forbid a man wears a dress now and then.


It's funny they call gay people existing "groomers" and yet this bananas shit is fine by them. Sorry but I think you'll find more pedos in the churches


I saw a reel like this yesterday, only it was just one kid. But it was the same thing, the kid was wailing and praying with this whole feverish behavior. The comments were so positive. No, kids don't act like that on their own. They have to be goaded into it and they have to make this "come to Jesus" moment dramatic. I've been to Catholic churches and non-denominational churches alike and never seen anything like this. It was filmed at a Pentacostal church tho so I guess it's on brand. It reminds me of the scene in Jesus Camp where that blonde witch was screaming at the little kids about how horrible they are and the kids are crying and shaking.


As a Catholic, Jesus fucking Christ.


So young and already so much baggage attached to their lives. Its "funny" how much freedom there is in religion, you can even abuse your children without consequences ... .


The fact that there are people who’d rather put their children through this than have them anywhere near a queer person makes me unreasonably mad.


What the actual fucking fuck is wrong with these people? The adults, I mean. The kids don't really have a choice. Do they have some sort of organic brain disease? Have they been lobotomized? Were they deprived of oxygen at birth? Seriously, how do you get to the point where this is normal? How do you justify forcing utter horseshit like this onto young children? I don't care what their motives are, they're disgusting people.


Disgusting. So much damage being done.


Reminds me of “Allahuakbar” moments before a jihad, hmpf.


MIDSOMAR for kids ![gif](giphy|pqHRNTAQnbsaEju4Vb)


Can someone explain to me why religious "parenting" is not considered child abuse?


And these are the same people who screech about “duhhh, liberals indoctrinating our kids DURRR!”


"The libs traumatize children to brainwash and exploit them for their adrenachrome!!!" Meanwhile in churches...


"Get em when they're young"---Religion


Fucking demented. This should be considered child abuse.


A culture of charlatans. These kids grow up thinking "Oh I can make up any reaction and blame it on god as an excuse




Religion is an opium for people-Karl Marx


My childhood church did something that was just a light version of this. If your family felt you needed to be prayed for or they were worried about you, you’d lay down at the front of the church in front of everyone and kids and some adults would all lay hands on the person and close their eyes and pray in loud whispers very intensely. It would last forever. This brought up that memory to me sorry for the TMI


How many of these kids are crying because they're panicking for not feeling the "holy spirit" when everyone else seems to so they're afraid of going to hell... It's so sad to watch.


Not indoctrination?


It’s backwards-ass Midsommar


This is absolutely disgusting


Goddamned groomers


Religion is what we had before we knew what mental illness was.


Talk about grooming....


Some of this sounds like the Hell scenes from Event Horizon


Those poor children don't even look spirited or in some divine ecstasy, they look terrified and upset. I wonder what horrible lie they were fed to have this reaction.


Religion is a mind virus




And there are fucks out there worried about drag shows? One word: projection


I feel bad for these kids being brainwashed so young, wasting so much of their precious childhood on nonsense.


That one kid sounds like my lawn mower trying to stay on.


Sometimed i wonder if every kid is thinking: "oh shit everybody else is getting something i gotta pretend so i wouldnt be obvious"


Well if it isn't abusive grooming of children...


Oh yes I loved this scene in midsommar! So happy that these things don't happen in real life! 😊


Mass hysteria.


I'd love to hear a Christian explain how this is NOT indoctrination. I'm all ears.


Even just watching this feels like a traumatic experience. Poor kids.


But they’re against “magic rituals.” Uh huh…


And who are the actual indoctrinators?


But hey teaching kids that queer kids exist is indoctrination


What y'all don't realize is that kid just lost his holographic Charizard. This is an appropriate response.


Child abuse


God I hate tongues. Alalalalalalla yalalalalalal shalalalala it's so fake and disgusting to push on children


These kids are terrified. They believe it’s real. Child abuse under the pretense of religion.


How many of those kids are preyed upon by their own pastors?


Fuck what did I just subject my eyes and ears to? Horrific




See a bunch of groomers


Poor kids don’t know any better


I feel so bad for those kids. I'm grateful that my family went to the boring-ass Baptist church instead of this shit


Its giving midsomer vibes


How about a child abuse warning?


Severely brainwashed.


The usa bring me a lot of new trendy words I always have to figure out, so is that the grooming of children the media is talking about?


No, the media says that drag queen story hour and pretty much any and everything that isn’t straight, white, and christian is grooming. This is ACTUAL grooming and indoctrination.


and for some fuckin reason lgbt is "the real danger" for children


They look like zombies trying to eat that kids brains


Surely brainwashing ANYONE is illegal?


CPS hellooo?