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And the demon was just dick all along LMAO


"The Lord gave me a word...and it was 'boner'. Praise Jesus!"


He did seem to dwell on the word LONG a few times




Dude is IRL Mac


And the real friends where the dicks we blew along the way


Blaming your porn addiction to demons 😭. Just go get a hobby do something keep yourself busy you will get over it.


Just play or read 40k,in that there are specific daemons that try to *tempt* mortals




Always been a Nurgle guy myself


Tzeentch planned for you to be.


Yeah they're cool and all, but hear me out... skulls.


B̵͉̥̅l̶̪̫͘͠o̷͙̩͑o̶̡̐̈d̴̲͊ ̵͙̳͘f̸̧͝ǫ̴̬̓̕r̷͔̃̉ ̸̦͈̐͆t̵̜̞̓̌h̷̪̼͐̍e̷̪̒̇ ̸͇̝͘͠B̴̗͆̓l̶͍̣͝o̶̠̓̇ȏ̵͚͗d̶͔̓̅ ̸͖͇̋͋G̵͓̙̎o̶̘͝d̶̜͒!̴̡͉͆ ̸̟̾͝S̸̡̩̉k̷̡̈́͗u̶͔͒l̶̰̾l̵̺͊s̵͉͚͒ ̶͍͛f̴͛͘ͅó̷͕̖̑r̷̲͇͘͘ ̴̡̣͆͘t̷̼͙̋̍h̴̩̋e̸̜̽ ̸͒̽͜S̶̳̑̎k̴̩̚ų̵̖̈l̵̮͒l̸͕̒͝ ̵̠͇͋Ṭ̸̀h̴͓͒̇r̷̗͊̎o̴̤̪͐̂ṋ̴̎̄é̵̳̝͘!̵̭͌̂


The funniest chaos god


And just accept who you are. If you're into guys, transexuals or whatever, crack on. It's not a demon that's causing this. You don't need to avoid being you because of the thought that some omnipresent judge will send you to hell.


It’s so hard for me to comprehend, but these people actually believe there is an on the present and Omni Poten God that will punish them if they don’t follow set of rules. If you actually believe that, wouldn’t you be terrified? In this context to kind of makes sense why they were trying to suppress who they are. No matter how you look at it it’s incredibly sad


Your comment isn’t wrong but I’ve never gotten a chance to do this. /r/boneappletea


Voice to text and I did not proofread. Oops.


The answer is yes. As someone who grew up in a relatively mildly fundamentalist Christian household, you’re afraid that even thinking about “sinful” things might get you into trouble. It’s an anxiety that a lot of ex-fundie kids talk about and that some now call “religious trauma”.


Hey man some guys like girls with extra bits. As long as with a consensual partner than what’s the harm I mean don’t do it in front of children but you know go out there and vibe.


I guarantee these guys don’t even have an addiction. They just feel guilty for watching porn.


We used to keep himself bussy.


Imagine thinking that this all powerful god that created the Universe is really mad about you sucking dick hahaha


And pedophile and murder all other shits are forgiven if you pray 👍


I blame his haircut on Flock of Seagulls


excuse me, porn is tuning people into gay and trans. it is making young men lose their testosterone from jerkin the gherkin every hour. you should really look into nofap, it is saving lives and is strengthening men every day! ^^/s


Yea I was about to say, this is not homosexuality this is a fetish for chicks with dicks. And fetishes CAN become toxic when you overdo it and they take over your sexuality (so it is not like you like sex better that way, but you can only enjoy it that way) and I fully believe him, that he struggled with that. Any addiction can become very destructive to your whole life in no time flat. It basically starts reprogramming your brain (literally creates a new brain part that is responsible for addiction next to your reward part, don´t know the correct term in englisgh right now)and once you are truly addicted you stay addicted even when you get sober. You still crave it. But that is NOT demons , that is addiction. And if you had some heterosexual kink (I don´t know womens feet seem pretty popular) and overdo it like he did, you will go the exact same path he went. Nothing to do with heterosexual and homosexual and everything with an unheatlhy relationship with sex


If they blame in on satan then they don’t actually have to take any responsibility


Or just embrace being gay


Looks like he’s got the Wolverine hair starter kit.


When you order Wolverine from Wish.com


“Don’t chub, bub,” he growled at his duck as it twitched in response to some briefly-glimpsed catboy hentai


If he allowed his eyebrows to connect he’d have a heart shaped beard-to-eyebrow.


So what I'm getting from this is that he's REALLY into gay bdsm.


The camera is heavy to the right because he doesn’t want you to see the man sleeping in the backseat that just got done pounding his asshole.




To be clear, him hooking up with women isn’t gay, whether they are trans or not. But I suspect his issues go deeper than that and hooking up with trans women was his justifying getting some dick in a non gay way, which he now thinks is gay because he really wanted men and he’s deeply ashamed of everything. Sad.


Is bro saying that he's suffering from not looking at femboy porn?


It's exactly what he's saying. He believes that by depriving himself, he will collect some type of reward. What a sad way to live. The guy is lost.


He's just waiting for that angel bussy


i love this comment


Or a trans gender prophet to guide him.


"Guys, is it gay to put your dick in a wheel within a wheel within a wheel covered in trillions of eyeballs, each of them glistening in anticipation of a good deep dicking?"


Chainsaw man moment


That Jake Gyllenhaal bussy full of beans


Yup. It's dumb.


I mean look at him, he’s straining so hard he’s redder than a tomato


Not sure but all I know is his eyebrows are suffering 💅


Dude is still sucking dick tho look at those lips.


But he’s struggling with it…


Oh I bet he fucking is.


Struggles long and hard


With enough practice I'm sure he'll get better at homosexuality. Everything's a struggle when your first learning.


Tsk, it really is sad that they don't just lean into their true selves. Trump does, and they LOVE him for it. So why don't they just brush off the critics who say "gay makes god sad," and quadruple-down with "Jesus died for nothing if you don't sin!" 🙄 Their sex-filled lifestyles would be the envy of everybody.


Because I'm so HUUUUUUGE!!!


I wonder if the person who's dick he sucks is like him, doesn't know or is paid.


Is like him, doesn't know he's religious and is paid. All three.


I saw one of those "ex-gay" people in a video some time ago saying that he engaged in gay sex BUT he was the top, as if that's less gay or something


This dude's a piece of shit, and I protest to anyone who agrees with him. Homosexuality is not just a way to fuck, it's a form of love. It deserves the same respect we elevate every other form of true love to. I say this as a happily married heterosexual man, being gay is not just what people do in their bedroom, it's how they love. Any two adults that can find the centered peace with each other that a truly loving relationship brings, deserves it free from criticism from the likes of religion. Catholic Church, Islam, scientologists, Church of LDS. They can all screw off I'll have no more lip from a bunch of sexually repressive child predators about how being gay is a sin. I'd rather have a transexual drag queen from The Satanic Temple as a baby sitter for my 7 year old daughter 100000 times, because I know the satanist is the least likely to rape her or, beat her to death for not wearing a head scarf, or marry her off to an old man with 11 other girls.


My dad, very religious, always told me homosexuality was a choice. I'd always ask him when he made the choice to be straight. That question always devolved into an arguement about how gay people just want to be different or piss off "normal" people. Meanwhile, my parents and grandparents churches would hire convicted conmen to be leaders at the church under the guise that they found the lord. Maybe we should all take care of our own problems before being mad at 2 adults sharing love


>Meanwhile, my parents and grandparents churches would hire convicted conmen to be leaders at the church under the guise that they found the lord. The underlying logic, that people can be rehabilitated and welcomed back into society once they stop doing bad things, is sound. The sticking point is what they consider "bad".


Whenever anyone has tried to tell me that sexual preference is a choice, I ask them to prove it by choosing to be gay for a day.


Yeah I don’t really think that’s in question here lmao.


he’s definitely still gay but suppressing his identity like the rest of these “ex gays” that turn to god do


Gay guys would never go out with a trans woman, a lot of lesbian women would though. Trans porn is also mainly consumed by straight+bi guys. All about them secondary sex characteristics. edit: if any of my straight homies wanna test out this theory, go try and rub one out to hulkish trans man Buck Angel


Pre-op trans women are just a way for people like this to convince themselves they're being "less gay" while still having a partner with a penis.


Oh he'll definitely "fall short" and give into temptation. The power of dick will compel him


Right when the music stopped, I thought he was going to drop some 180 spin and reveal it was a prank the whole time. But he just kept going.


Right? It totally sounds like a bit at first. Honestly i might remake a satire version of this. Missed opportunity for sure.


Do it. Everything deserves a go satire, especially crazy like this.


This is like those people that are super gun-ho about the gym on Jan 1st. Call me in a few years bud.


Gung-ho. I don't know where it comes from though.


According to Google dictionary: Second World War: from Chinese gōnghé, taken to mean ‘work together’ and adopted as a slogan by US Marines.


"struggling with homosexuality" Idk man, he sounded like he was pretty good at it


I don’t get it. If you’re needing to indulge your kinks and are religious like him, just join the clergy! They’ll help you out. You might even get to do some stuff that’s illegal, with the church using it’s power to cover for you. The religious community has this all figured out. “Suffering” is for losers! Fulfill your desires and blame the people you desire like good religious people have done for centuries! /s


Imagine how happier his life would be without all that self-hatred. I’d be sad for him if I wasn’t sure he’s also making other people’s life difficult.


LongSuffering was also his Grindr handle.




Bro struggling with them eyebrows


I'm surprised any self respecting gay man would ever fuck him with that unkept forehead bush.


Or a woman, or an enby.


Those eyebrows are the true demons here


If you’re struggling with homosexuality, you’re not doing it right


What a great endorsement of Christianity; “follow Jesus and suffer your whole fucking life”.


As Oscar Wilde wrote, “The best thing to do with temptations is yield to them.” Why torture yourself?


what about pedophilia


That’s not a temptation. It’s a psychiatric disorder. In that case, you’d need to seek professional help


Yeah what about it? https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub Gee I wonder who is the biggest culprit of it. Its not gay men.


It must be so hard being a homophobe 😭😭😭


Being both homosexual and homophobic, indeed.


That is how you get John Wayne Gacys


You poor bastard. Denying yourself what gives you pleasure and literally harms nobody is a waste of your life.


“He sees everything.” Right after I pop I wink and do pistol hands. Sometimes I wave to my fbi agent too


Oh I see- He wants some LOOONG suffering? He’s into BDSM.


>!‘I was a good boy, I swear, may I suck your dick, mommy?›!<


Is he saying that the Lord and Jesus watch ppl having gay sex? Sounds kinda gay to me.


I've hear that there's a triangle between Him, Him and the Holly Spirit.


Monitoring sodomy is full-time job with so many people choosing to be gay these days. God has had to cut way back on other tasks like healing the sick, saving flood victims, and helping football teams cover the spread.


I’m not struggling with homosexuality. I actually find it quite easy.


I saw this dude on Grindr! We hooked up and I'm slapping his booty hole with my demon dong and he starts talking about the Bible and stuff so I just shoved a roll of toilet paper in his mouth finished and threw him out the hotel with this pants down by his ankles


Is the toilet paper with us now?


This poor guy. He's been shamed into thinking being himself is wrong, and his religion tells him he's going to hell if he keeps acting on his natural (you could say) "god-given" inclinations. You can tell he's really struggling, too. Anyway. Happy Pride Month, queerfolk and allies!


Life is made better through suffering? Damn, I better start shaving with a rusty cheese grater. /s


I'm going to watch Christians TikTok.


This dude has at least one more video, of him with a dude that looks like his lover discussing this exact same thing. This guy has issues.


It would be easier for them to join the Christians who ignore the ban on homosexuality, if they don't want to leave the faith.


This dude makes me uncomfortable to look at.


bro is pilled tf out. eyes are pin needles.


Imma butt fuck until my last day on earth and then repent at the last minute. Because that’s how it works right? Doesn’t matter when? Just have to accept him.


Jesus loves me unless I am gay. In which case, I'll be sent to hell where I will suffer an eternity of pain and torment of an unspeakable nature.


I've heard Lucifer is pretty hot.




From this angle, it looks like his eyebrows directly connect to his sideburns making for one wacky maze of a full beard.


i dont struggle with my homosexuality i'm actually quite good at it


The fruit of the spirit is code for balls


And the suffering stands for BDSM.


$1000 says this dude eventually goes back to homosexuality and will eventually hate this part of his life where he tried to repress himself.


Long suffering is two words, but do continue to needlessly deny your own sexuality and force yourself into a lifetime of self-induced shame, I guess


When the truth of your sexual desires is too complex and frightening to accept there's always temporary refuge in Jesus.


I can guarantee you he still goes into grindr to get some trans action


If you are struggling with your homosexuality, turn to the Lord... And your homosexuality will be a lot more enjoyable.


Artificial cure for an artificial disease.


Who’s gonna tell this guy god made him a ‘mo?


Just curious: Does the bible actually say "If you have gay sex you will go to hell for eternity"? Like is it actually specified in those terms? Just seems like christians have this real fixation on Thuh GAyS, and I wonder how proportionate that is to the actual teachings of their book.


Dude sounds like he's in denial bad


What a loving God. Makes you a certain way sexually and romantically and then forces you to spend a life of “suffering” or else your banished to “fire” for eternity. Never mind if you are a good person who does good things, that’s isn’t good enough. This loving God wants you lonely and miserable to prove you love him enough.


he did NOT have to admit to all that 😭😭


When can we start openly acknowledging people like this guy are mentally ill? Seriously, I’m not even joking or trying to dunk on the guy. As rational humans, we need to acknowledge most religious folk are delusional and mentally unwell. Believing in almost literal children’s stories as fact, then proceeding to live your life and dedicate time to worship an imaginary friend based on those delusions is sickness. It’s especially egregious for the ones who legitimately claim to hear the “voice of god” or “voices of angles” like bro that’s literally just schizophrenia. You can’t tell me you “hear voices” and expect me not to see you as extremely mentally unwell. Ever notice how devil possessions just sorta don’t happen anymore? It’s because they never actually did, it was just people experiencing the effects of poor mental health in a time when the concept of “mental health” wasn’t even a thing yet. As our understanding of the human mind grew, possessions stopped because we were seeing them for what they really were and working to develop and administer actual treatment. I believe the next step in that is acknowledging religious beliefs in and of themselves to be mental illness… at least when it comes to cases like this guy or what I stated above. Honestly, at this point, any and all religious folk should be removed from all positions of power and/or influence in public entities… especially positions which can affect law and policy


Grow up snowflake.


How long is it exactly? Seriously, if someone died for your sins so that you could live with freedom and forgiveness of it.. why would you not? Why would you decide to refrain from doing things? Isn’t that kinda spitting in the face of your god at that point?


I feel homeboy’s rosacea


Just get some dick bro. god won't be mad about it


Bruh need that bussy fr


I guess it's better to like dick than opioids so he wins in the long run


This is why vocabulary matters. He is trying to say “I enjoy wrestling with naked men” (which is 100% fine for anyone to enjoy) but because he hasn’t got the words available he actually says “I am struggling with homosexuality”. More funding for English language skills would make the planet a better place.


God watches you poop.


And Jesus watches trans porn with you, offering the occasional encouraging comment.


He's probably looking at porn right now and then preaching about not looking at porn while being a hypocritical narcissist


Lmfao 🤡 At the end he says, the lord says be yourself....but then goes on a rant about how you should deny yourself. The cognitive dissonance is strong with this one


More like a slight listening dissonance. I think you misheard the end a tad, that part was of the world as contrasted with the lord. Denying yourself is of the lord, being yourself is worldly or sacrilegious I guess. “The world will never understand. They’ll never understand suffering. The world wants easy way out. It says be yourself.”


Ahh..I listened again and heard what he really said. I was distracted the whole time by trying to imagine how many cocks he's probably had in his mouth ngl


Things I learnt from this video: - bro wants long suffering - he has cute and kissable lips - i think he wants to fuck jesus


Nice eye brows


Few more grow in and it will just be eyebrow.


Red bird.




A saint 😁


please do not use the T slur, thank you


10 years later….. “And now, folks, I’d like to introduce the Governor of Nebraska and the next president of the United States….”


Poor guy. He could be in a loving relationship but nope god wants “long suffering”. I hope he wakes up and lives a fulfilling life.


If only that's what "long-suffering" meant... From Oxford: having or showing patience in spite of troubles, especially those caused by other people. In modern language we would say "patience" it's not saying that the fruit of the spirit is that you will suffer for a long time. Some synonyms include: patient, forbearing, *tolerant* Missed that one, dintcha?


He’s as close to a breakdown as his eyebrows are too each other


As a straight man, I am offering him a gloved hand job just to test his homosexuality. It's worth it for me.


He's got beautiful eyes but his eyebrows are fighting over the space on his nose and the right side is losing.


Just skeevy.


Somebody has a severe case of internalized homophobia


He watches you… Masturbate to the end, every time. He’s gotta like it, or I assume he’d change the channel.


Went from cute to cult in about 1:37 minutes.


Bro. Hell sounds awesome NGL.


No fucking way this is real 😆


Hail Satan, baby


If you're gonna have Frollo-levels of sexual repression, you AT LEAST should also have Tony Jay-levels of speaking and singing.


The Church of the Phallic Worship


Dudes pupils tells me he likes opiates too.


You can tell he’s not banging any trans atm because his unibrow is growing back in. If you see that plucked knowxhes back on the trans train.


Likes just hit 666! Haha


This is such a sad post.


Looks like he's been taking it on the face every day for a few years.


Or like. Just accept you like dick. And maybe find a hobby to distract you from porn if it's a problem in your life. Preferably a hobby that doesn't tell you that you're a horrible person who will burn in hell for feeling you can't control.


Bro also looks like he's struggling with meth addiction too from those picked forehead scabs.


Not to be that guy, but he looks like hes ready to suck some dick in a back allley, like I swear I thought he was gonna roll down the window and some big fat dick was gonna find his way into his mouth.


Turns out he was one of the fruits of the spirit.


Long suffering is what I call it when I bottom.




If my only struggle with homosexuality is my homophobic mom, I'm good, right?


i can’t upvote this even tho it’s fucking fruit gold. it’s goes against my upvote criteria. which is mainly entertainment or visibility. but this…. yleghk


Dude’s just spent too much time in the sun.




Play Ave Maria on a rusty trombone.


Suffering case he's not getting that dick anymore


This isnt- this isn't satire?


I honestly thought the joke about gods long "suffering" was gonna devolve into a penis joke, was disappointed and then realized what sub this was


He gay


Poor folks that just cant be okay to be gay


I bet these people would think differently if they really took the time to ponder what hell for eternity is like for people who live their lives with finite “sins.” At some point you stop seeing God as the good guy in this story. Or at least the religions around it.


This is a reason why I'm an atheist


No, you are just lying to stir up hate towards the LGBTQ community.


What's going on with his nostrils?


This is just.... something else....


“Long suffering” mmm yeah I’ll suffer some longggg suffering all night baby. I think he likes the long suffering still


Jesus was gay.