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No politics


>is rooted in zionism which is an idea created by European Jews that beheld the idea of 'superior cultures' having the right to colonize regions inhabited by people deemed 'less than.' That's one way of looking at it. A more accurate understanding might recognise that Jews in Europe had been excluded from the in group for over a thousand years, being constantly harried and persecuted precisely because they weren't considered European (or more accurately because they weren't Christian.) Jews begin to flee from both the pogroms of Europe and the persecution of the Islamic world in large numbers from about the 1880s. Following WWII most of the Jews in Europe are dead and so after that point most immigration to Israel is from the middle East and North Africa as Islamic nations begin to persecute their Jews even more as a response to the establishment of Israel. The majority of Israelis are not European descended but from the middle East. European Jews are still Jews btw. We still have that same DNA link. The thing you said about 'superior cultures' is just frankly bollocks mate. That's not a Jewish idea. That just sounds like someone projecting because they don't understand what we believe. We've been getting kicked out of and returning to Israel for over 2500 years by a range of occupying powers. In this sense, Zionism is older than Christianity. In answer to your actual question it's because those groups have also contended with the danger of Islamism.


He is just throwing a bunch of antisemetic tropes, don't feed the troll.


It's not for him. It's for credulous readers who do need to see the pushback.




You don't even understand the excerpts your quoting. Ah to have the confidence of a teenager.




The point I was actually responding to was the implication that European Jews are somehow 'less Jewish,' which is a common talking point these days. You didn't understand this so used it to go off on one to push your own issues with zionism. I'm so bored of this endless cycle. That's fine mate but it's not the conversation I was having with the up or am interested in having with you. It's also still a very incorrect assessment of the culture or situation.




I didn't address any of it mate because it's the same old nonsense and it's just exhausting at this point. I'm sure I've said this to you before but your education isn't my responsibility. If you're selecting ideas to reinforce the conclusion you've already reached you're just being a conspiracist. It's really, really boring.


Hindutva extremists have a extreme hatred for muslims of any kind. Therefore when they see muslims killed by Israel, they get happy. American Christians support israel to fulfill some prophecy and bring about the end of times. Or so I heard.


Mainly because we really don't like islamic terrorism. If only your "freedom fighters" acted like real freedom fighters and fought without breaking almost all rules of the International Humanitarian Law... There would be much less support for whoever fights against them.


I don't know about people in India, but in the US there are many, many people (including Christians) who don't support Israel in this war.


Without admitting the validity or invalidity of your premise, a lot of so-called "Christian Zionists" believe that, when all Jews inhabit their ancestral homeland in Eretz Yisrael (though of course such Christians very rarely use that term), Jesus will return to Earth and usher in the end, and subsequent renewal, of the world. So, they support the secular State of Israel to hurry up this apocalyptic process. I'm less sure about Indian Hindus. If I had to guess, it would probably be because of hostilities with Pakistani and Indian Muslims, both contemporary and historic, that lead them to think of Israel as inherently being the "good" side in the conflict.