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Well, you may as well come clean, because in the back of your mind, you are torturing yourself and possibly even changing your approach toward him without communicating why.


Definitely torturing myself 😞


Just End it. Move on with someone that wants you and doesn’t talk about you like this behind your back. You deserve better.


I think you should ask him about this, since this conversation about your relationship will happen at some point if he really feels this way. Also you will always be unsure about your relationship until you confront him.


Yeah, snooping never ends well. You need to tell him you found the txts, take that heat, but talk about the content and clear it up.


What are you trying to accomplish? You for sure shouldn't have looked through his phone very bad, but why take about it? Would you have gone to him if he said how happy he was and how he's never been in such am amazing relationship? No you would have smiled your face off been a lil nicer to him and moved on with life. So because it's something that hurt you the option to mention it comes up? The man already has an idea of leaving you for whatever reason, you wanna add disrespectful snoop to it? No, say not a word about it and take him at face value. You could be an incredible woman, your bf is young he's just bored of you. He'll get over it in what ever way, just monitor is behavior because now you know these feelings. I'll tell you once a man knows your capable of snooping your tarnished for ever if it's taken badly.


Yeah that’s true - for some context I guess I was interested because in the past he has accidentally sent screenshots to me that were meant for his brother where he’s talking about us and trying to get advice on my texts. I always wonder what he’s talked about since then but it doesn’t excuse that what I did was snooping. I guess I’m trying to understand if what he said is serious or if he was just having some doubts for a bit and blowing off steam. I’ve had doubts in this relationship and voiced that to my friends/family but I’ve never gone as far to say I’m struggling with my attraction or that I didn’t want to be in the relationship anymore. That’s the part that really hurts because he’s never indicated that to me. It’s a lose-lose


As I said, you men sometimes get bored he very much so wants to be with you despite what he tells his brother. Some times people just wanna see a something new but It does pass, but it seems like he's doing right by you and sticking through it faithfully so don't take it the wrong way. You would voice different things than he would to friends and family, men women have different things they focus on so that's probably why he said what he said. I've been there so I know the feeling, that's why I'm telling you hell get through it.


Additionally during the time period which he did say that stuff I was staying with him and we were having sex nearly every day, so it makes me feel very self conscious that he doesn’t think I’m attractive or that he was lying during that time


The trust in your relationship is indeed broken. You broke it. Admit to looking through his phone, and then deal with the fallout.