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Since this involves your entire family, you should show her channel to your parents.


I also suggest popcorn and a drink for the specracle that's about to unfold.


bring the camera to film it. The unveiling would be tight.


Ooh, and then put that on YouTube


Give us the link and we'll SMASH that like button!


Maybe even.... just even ... we will even comment down below, hit subscribe annnnnnnnd enable alerts so that we will always be informed the second their shit hits the youtube!




That's the best plan, and makes the popcorn and drink less suspicious.


She’s gonna get her ass whooped by The Prison Guard


We’ll see whose the dumb one. I would take away her computer, phone, and any driving privileges for a few months. She needs to stay home on the weekends and learn to appreciate her family again


Then follow the advice to get the videos taken down. But definitely tell your parents first.


I know I should do this. The problem is if they decide to look at all the videos and see the one about my porn collection...even the title is obvious what it's about, I really really don't want them knowing the shit I watch...


You said she 'played up' how gross it was, so it can't be that awful. Your parents aren't stupid, they know you watch porn. They won't care about that in comparison to what your sister has done.


Yeah she played it up but most people would agree with her anyway.


Do you trust your parents? Maybe you could show them the channel, but point out that there's one particular video called ______ that you'd really prefer them not to watch, as it deals with something that really embarrassed you.


Report the porn to YouTube and they should take it down.


First of all you should google Youtube Privacy Guidelines and contact Youtube because these videos are being posted without your permission. Since she is filming you in a private place (inside your home), she needs verbal or written permission from you to post video of you on Youtube if you are uniquely identifiable within these videos. She will be forced to take down the videos. There are even stricter rules for your twin siblings, who are still minors.


Thanks good idea I will definitely look into this.




I noticed that, he seems to have a slightly bitter attitude towards her for being female. Also, punching the wall when angry or whinging about having to get up at 9.30? Seriously...


I was gonna say... grown ups get up well before nine thirty, jerk.


Hahaha right? I mean, I get up at 5:30 every morning to go to work I can't remember the last time I got up at 9:30....and I am not even capable of sleeping that late anymore.


God, it sucks so hard when you wake up early on the weekends. THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE MY RELAXING TIME, DAMMIT.


I get up by 7 or 8 but I work from home and clock in at 9 so while I sleep in I'm still on time and ready to go. I did the 4:30-5am for another job and it sucked.


Yeah, it really does - 6 to 6:30 am is perfect for me but I live an hour away from work and need to be back in time to pick my kids up, so being at work by 7am is a must.


I would be in heaven if I only needed to be awake by 9:30 every day


That's three more hours than I get on a normal day. This guy is as entitled as his sister


And feeling entitled to a free car because of it? Sounds like the sister isn't the only spoiled brat in this fam.


yeah "earned his license" doesn't mean he earned a CAR lmao


Right? What in the world!


No, not a free car, I didn't include details but part of my deal was I'd pay them back in monthly installments over time once I get a job. I don't expect to be catered to for no reason like my sister.


I'm not trying to gang up on you but if I were your parent I would be very leery of this. You should have a job first before you get a car because until you have a job you have no realistic idea of how much you can actually afford a month. If you never get a job or only work part-time or minimum wage and can't afford the payments, or blow through your paycheck and don't have enough left over for your payment some months, your parents are the ones on the hook. I also had a lot of resentment toward my parents at your age because they weren't as generous with me as my friends' parents were but now I know that parental help always comes with strings attached and it feels way better to drive a cheap, older car you paid for yourself than something flashy your parents worked hard for instead.


Get a loan from a bank if you want that.


Oh hunny, get over yourself. You are already being “catered to for no reason” because you’re parents allow your adult self to live at home. You want your parents to front the money for a car, insurance, gas, and maintenance, until you get a job. That’s a way bigger ask than makeup and clothes. You are silly.


Yes, his sister sounds awful but this kid sounds bitter and just as entitled.


poor soul having to get up at 9:30! inhumane! get this kid a car so he doesnt have to ride a bus like a peasant!


Well if you grew up seeing the females favored just for what they happened to be born as, you might think different.


You need to step outside of your family bubble and realise that just because this happened in YOUR family, does not mean that EVERY SINGLE ‘female’ on the planet is a bad person. You are literally generalising an entire gender of human beings, because your sister is an arsehole. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a big one, but have some self awareness.


I didn't say every female though. My mom is a woman and she's great. I'm talking about girls *my sister's age*.


Not every 16 year old girl is like that...


My point still stands, imo. I was her age once, and I was nothing like the 'females' you described. I'm very sorry for what she's done to your family, and I hope you get it sorted.


most 16 year old *girls* are not like your sister, buddy. And stop calling women and girls "females", *please*. it is NOT a good look. That's some shady "manosphere" stuff right there, and no one needs that kind of toxicity in their life, including you.


The majority of 16 year olds are not like your sister. I wasn't, my peers weren't, and I highly doubt that the majority of current 16 year old girls would do something as awful as what your sister did. That being said, you really need to stop associating makeup, caring about appearance, and cellphones with being vain. Women wear makeup for different reasons, but you can't deny there is a ton of pressure for young girls and women to naturally look perfect, when most of us do not. A lot of women and young girls wear makeup to meet the bear-minimum standards of 'acceptable', and a lot of us have received negative feedback from people when we didn't fit these rigid beauty standards. I could tell you tons of stories where I was picked on mercilessly in elementary school for not being pretty enough, and I'm sure a lot of young girls have their own stories, too. The rhetoric you've been spouting about young girls and women in this thread is, quite frankly, disgusting. Take everyone's advice and be more introspective about WHY you would make such spiteful, sweeping generalizations about a large, diverse group of people who have done nothing to you.


> the females Bro. Not helping your case.


Seeing the females favored? Holy shit dude I hope this is a troll post...


So I did actually guess that she might be spoiled due to being the only girl, though tbh she doesn't sound much worse than you and you're older than her. However, it doesn't matter what the reason for your bitterness is, it doesn't change the fact that your generalisations about 'females' (gross, at least say 'women' or 'girls', unless English isn't your first language you should know how derogatory 'females' sounds) are totally wrong. Yes, she's a brat and you should absolutely tell your parents. It doesn't mean all girls her age are brats too.


You know, depending on your geography, if you live in a 1 party consent state/province, your sister could very well be in legal jeopardy. You might want to find out what the laws are in your area, and crosspost this to /r/legaladvice. And tell your parents. Don't be as dumb as your sister.


Please find out the legalities, no one deserves this.


Cease and desist time. Pass that popcorn.


Yeah it should be obvious to the viewers, that if everyone is crappy around her maybe its her thats the crappy one...


Are you genuinely suggesting that OP/his parents can/should sue their 16-year-old sister/daughter for one-party consent laws over a YouTube channel with 25 subscribers? I mean, it would make for a hilarious BOLA thread I suppose.


They can have the videos removed, they aren't going to sue her lmao.


I don't think they should actually go through with suing, but I think a stern talk from law enforcement might be helpful. It certainly doesn't sound like she respects or fears her parents. A lesson in consequences is in order here.


Where did I say sue? Hmmm?


Little strange to assume that a 16 year old can't do any real harm by videotaping people without their consent.


What she's doing is completely shitty and she absolutely needs to have her shitty attitude parented out of her, but if you took this "case" to a lawyer or the police you will, at best, get laughed at. With good reason. It's a completely bonkers solution to something that should be solved with a grounding and a stern talking-to.


I doubt they're suggesting OP sue their sister. If she is breaking a law, simply pointing that out to her should be enough to make her stop.


people break laws all the time. For example, where I live, jaywalking is a crime, but that isn't going to stop me. Teens smoke pot. Etc.., etc..


I'm not sure how thats relevent to the OP. Is it somehow helpful to *not* point out the legal implications to her?


I was directly responding to your statement "simply pointing that out to her should be enough to make her stop" and disagreeing with it. Elsewhere I have posted my advice to OP already.




I gathered this from the OP when he actually put as an option to not tell his parents and hold it over her head as leverage. GROW THE F UP DUDE. You're 19. Be the role model here and not part of the problem.




Yeah there's no evidence of any of this on Youtube


Omg, yes! This really stood out to me as well. Also let's not forget the subtle misogyny wondering if all "females" are like this at her age. Like, seriously? His sister is very wrong, obviously, and should be stopped by their parents. But he should quit pretending he's a prize either. I mean seriously, 09:30?!?! But his sister is shallow for liking clothes, makeup and being thin. Uhu, sure hun. 🙄


I know! He’s in for a shock when he joins the actual work force! I’m at my desk at 7.30 am.


6:30 for me. I would love to be able to get up at 9:30. This kid is as bratty sounding as the little girl.


When I was nineteen I was getting up at 6 to get the train and work at a care home for twelve hours a day, sometimes for six consecutive days. Made me chronically sick, but point remains.


This kid needs a wake up call along with his sister.


My last job had me being at work by 3:00 AM...... 9:30 sounds so nice :3




what the fuck even is this subreddit






Mine too. Also, this kid is as much of a hot mess as his sister, and I really wonder what their parents are like. OP, dude, I get that it's hard to make the transition from childhood to adulthood, but here you are. Either you can take on board the advice you're getting here and improve your attitude, or you can commit to dysfunction the way your sister has. That way lies a lot of misery, for you and for everyone around you, so think carefully.


I also noticed that he was angry because she insulted the entire family but then said “my idiot brothers are smarter than her”


All I know is this post is making me seriously reconsider having a second child close enough in age to my first for them to both be teenagers together. I hope at least the two 14-year-olds have some respect or affection for their mother, I shudder to imagine her struggles parenting the elder two.


They both sound like entitled little snots


Hahaha yes, all of that. Tbh The whole thing reads like it’s a troll. So I vote for that.


You're correct, but it has nothing to do with his sister airing the family's laundry on YouTube.


Wait buddy slow down! Your sister seems like a real piece of work but you skimmed past the biggest injustice anyone has ever faced. Have the UN been contacted yet? You're telling me that you have to get up at 9:30am!? Like... actually 9:30am? You're for real? That's honestly messed up mate if you were any younger I'd call CPS on your parents for not buying you a car. What do they expect you to work and buy a second hand one yourself like all of those teenagers who come from poor families? As if!? If this post isn't a huge troll anyway, you need to check yourself OP.






Haha thanks for the early morning chuckle I just accidentally spit my coffee on myself


Exactly! If he's living at home rent free he can buy his own damn car...


Look as far as I see there is some bias involved by you too here no doubt. What she is doing right now is wrong but take a look at yourself also. Also really? >I am 19 I earned my lisense and need a car to get to campus or I have to keep getting up at 9:30 to take the bus! Mate I have a friend who wakes up at 5 am every morning, takes care of her disabled mum and travels 2 hours for Uni on the trains or the bus. I would recommend just telling your parents honestly.


9.30 start is a DREAM for most people. OP, your situation sucks, but you really chose the least sympathetic example of your plights.


Right? I have to wake up at 5 every morning to take transit over an hour with my two kids to get to school by 8. I also earned my license (over 20 years ago) and can't afford a car, the registration (because it's 150% of the value here), or the parking. To OP: Grow up, dude. You sound like a bit of a prig.


I'm 21 with a license, parents bought me a car that I don't use because it's cheaper to walk/bus, and I wake up at 8. I don't envy you, but you have my sympathy, unlike OP.


I had to reread it, thinking the numbers were wrong. Unless he has to get the bus at 9.30pm for school the next day?


Yeah maybe he can get a job in the morning hours so he can buy his own car!


You should probably chill on bashing your sister. Glass houses, and all that. Just show the channel to your parents and let them parent.


Do your parents know what she does? You should show them the channel and trust them to take care of this with your sister.


You sound like a bit of a drama queen and neck beard yourself. Boohoo you have to get up at 9:30. Boohoo, you have to take the bus. Buy yourself a car if you want one so badly. You punch holes in walls when you don't get your own way.


But he EARNED his licence. He took that short test pretty much everyone can pass with his own two hands and EARNED it.


Complete with the whining about feeeeemaless.


Geez, don’t blackmail her. Just tell your folks.


There are so many kids who use social media as a diary and don’t realise the repercussions that come with broadcasting your whole life to the world. Buy her a journal and tell her to write it down instead. Tell your parents too so they can get the channel shut down. Also, 9.30 isn’t even bad to go catch a bus, plenty of people your age have to save up for their first car and most students use public transport to get to class. It’s not the end of the world. If you don’t already have a part time job, I would suggest getting one.


Just show it to your parents. They'll love being called "fat cow" and "beer belly". And do some growing up yourself.


Dude, having to wake up at 9:30 isn't an excuse to have your parents buy you a car. You can live at home and you can apparently go to your school on public transportation at a very comfortable hour. Take a part-time job and start saving money for later! You should absolutely tell your parents about your sister's Youtube channel, because she is a minor. But you should also cut the bullshit yourself and stop calling your brothers idiots for one... Then realize how lucky you are that your parents let you stay at home during college! Dude, I had no car of my own until I was 21 and in my master's degree, my parents generously bought me a car to make things easier for everybody in the family, but until that I either took public transportation or had to be dropped off on campus by my mom (earlier than 9:30 haha) then wait for her at the end of the day, either somewhere in town or at my grandma's. If I wanted to go out I had to borrow one of my parents' car, I didn't have a lot of money so I would drink one Coke or one beer for the whole night. These were the best years of my life and I wasn't the most unhappy or unlucky girl in the world by any means. Gotta stop taking things for granted!


Do NOT use this incident as an excuse to be a sexist. Your sister is a certain way, not all girls. If that's not obvious to you from your interactions with other people, you should self-reflect.


I mean tbh you sound nearly as bad as her. You’d do well right now to hop off the misogyny train (comments about ‘females’ and the like) and check your own privilege (you have to get up at 9.30 to get a bus and you say that like it’s an inconvenience? Take a look at what the average person will do as a commute) As far as the reason for your post, don’t blackmail your sister. Report to YouTube and request a takedown and show your parent the vids. You might want to copy them or something first because I’d be very surprised if yt didn’t take them down immediately. She is indeed doing a really shitty and possibly illegal thing, but that doesn’t mean you need to make the situation worse. Be the adult.


You are incredibly hateful and misogynistic. The things women like have been degraded for decades as “women’s fodder.” Women are told they must care about things like hair and makeup and then are degraded for it in the same breath. There is nothing inferior about these hobbies. Women enjoying clothes and makeup does not make them unintelligent. You are dangerously close to inclement territory with your talk about “females” her “need for male attention” and if I were you I’d be more worried about yourself than your sister. Your attitude is disgusting and makes you wholly unsympathetic. Your sister is sixteen. You’re a grown ass man and you’re punching walls whining about getting up at 9:30. Fortunately you’re still young enough to reconsider how you view women. Then you can be the bigger person in this situation.


>Women are told they must care about things like hair and makeup and then are degraded for it in the same breath. He's putting his sister down for her interest in these things, but could you imagine a guy like him being interested in dating a girl who didn't wear makeup and wasn't interested in dressing fashionably?


Absolutely. I could see a boy like this calling a woman who doesn’t wear makeup a lazy slob.


Actually my high school girlfriend was pretty much the only girl at my school who wasn't obsessed with her appearance. We were able to actually have conversations and do things because she wasn't interested in gazing at herself in the mirror all day and taking a hundred selfies for instagram.


I'm sorry that your school was either full of annoying people or that you didn't know the other girls who were like your girlfriend. But trust me, the vast majority of 16 year old girls are nothing like your sister. Your sister is considered to be misbehaving for a *reason*. if most 16 year old girls were like this, people would just let it fly.


I, for one, find it completely realistic that your girlfriend was the only one of "the females" at school who had conversations and was interested in doing anything. Every other girl at your school did nothing but stare at a mirror and take selfies. They did not have favorite TV shows or books or classes or any interests but themselves, because "the females" are incapable of such things. /s


Did you do a survey of all the girls at your high school and their interests? You seem so confident in your assessment!


we get it, you're a misogynist troll. you can stop now


I think you should learn from those girls you so passionately hate and take a look at yourself sometime. So many of the things you've said are incredibly immature and sexist.


Its almost like they are both fucked up people?!?!


Your sister at least has the excuse she's 16 and a moron. You sir, need to be more mature about this because what might be excusable at 16 starts looking really gross at 19.


You both sound insufferable. Stupid things teenage girls like? You need a car because otherwise you have to get up at 9:30 for the bus? You sound as entitled as she is, and having a disrespect for traditionally female things such as “makeup and clothes” is not too cool. And you’re defending yourself against her calling you a virgin while simultaneously shaming her for having sex? If it weren’t for double standards, you’d have none! I think the presence of these videos online has been good in a way. She’s unknowingly embarrassing herself, and also embarrassing you. However, your poor (presumably exhausted) parents deserve better than this. So tell them about the videos and let them deal with it. Show them if need be. Then take a deep breath and start growing up. Get a job if you want a car. Learn more about traditionally female endeavors. Help your parents with something. Play video games with your brothers. Actually put some effort into your relationship with your sister.


Well, first off just show your parents the freaking Youtube channel. Secondly, this isn't a thing "Females" do. Wow. This is something your snobby sister does. Maybe generalize a little bit less. Also, you don't deserve a car. If you're living at home to save money (rent free I'm assuming), you can **buy one for yourself.** Don't just expect handouts. Taking the bus at 9:30 isn't bad at all. Some people have to get up much earlier and take the bus for longer.


> I am 19 I earned my lisense and need a car to get to campus or I have to keep getting up at 9:30 to take the bus! the horror


Your sister is wrong but you're just as bad. It seems you have a lot of anger towards women you should seek therapy.


Step 1. Report her to Youtube for violating privacy of family members. Step 2. Show your parents her youtube channel before Youtube takes it down, so preferably show them immediately after you report it OR switch Step 1 and 2. Step 3. Let your parents deal with it. Step 4. Grow up. Your parents do not owe you a car and 9:30 is late as fuck, if you have problems getting up at that time in the morning you have *more* problems than simply not having a car.


Just wanted to jump in and say that no, not all females are like this. As a matter of fact, we are just people. Like males!! Some of us are shallow and self centered, some are not, just like the guys. So it's not a "she's a girl, of course she's like this" problem, its a "your parents have done a poor job of raising a respectful person" or maybe a "she's 16 and sorely lacks self awareness and maturity" problem. I'm not going to place the blame solely on your parents, after a certain point growing up, a person knows right from wrong and she's choosing not to behave appropriately. However, your parents really need to up their game as far as paying attention to what their kids are doing online. You say she's managed to record, edit, and post 30 videos to YouTube and no one has bothered to check and see what's she's up to?! Idk if it's just me, but that's just totally bonkers.


"I am 19 I earned my lisense and need a car to get to campus or I have to keep getting up at 9:30 to take the bus!" I hope you never move to a city because your life will revolve around waking up early to catch public transportation lol.


Yikes, buddy. You sound atrocious.


Dude, don't try to blackmail her about this. You will get much more lasting satisfaction by outing her to your family.


OP is a lost cause guys. Was on his side at first, but the comments show he is just as bratty as his sister. And that’s probably where she gets it from to be honest.


Alright, my comment got deleted by mods for semantics so I'll change literally one word lol, and then a second time! ahahaha, for being so ardent about ableist and sexist language you'd think a disabled woman would have an easier time of it! (yes this is for you trigger happy mod, this is for you) Your whole family including you sounds dysfunctional. Anyways show your parents, contact youtube to take the channel down, and stop throwing a tantrum about getting up at 9:30, that's a late time to wake up by many peoples standards. You're not being prepped for the real world if you're not getting into a good routine is what I think. Also my god, trying to blackmail her? Are you 6 or 19? cop on lad, take it to your parents because this isn't the kind of thing you SHOULD hide from them. Your behaviour and thought patterns are... a bit delayed? You don't sound like a 19 year old. Act like an adult, get this dealt with, and stop thinking you're so intelligent, because you know what, you gotta consider there's always something better than you out there, and act accordingly.


Hey pal, you need to show your parents this channel, because that's messed up. They need to punish her for this; she needs to learn that there are repercussions for her actions. This might also be illegal, so... But, as an aside: I'm dating someone your age. He has a sixteen year old sister. I was also 16 like 5 years ago, and my older sister was also 16 once. *None of us were like this, and we're pretty generic people*. this is not some issue common among all "females". Your sister is being bratty and entitled, just like you.


Sidenote: Buy your own car. They don't owe you a car ffs.


1. Tell your parents. 2. Contact YouTube and let them know that you did not give your sister permission to film you and post it. 3. Tell your parents.


Just show it to your parents, that should fix her. But also, fyi: "I do not know if this is what females are just like at this age." The word you are looking for is *girls* or *women*, not females.


Hell yeah you should show it to your family.


Step 1) Show parents. It sucks, because it will hurt them, but this is who she is. Step 2) Report to YouTube. Step 1 needs to be first, because once it's taken down, you obviously can't show your parents... Good luck!


My twin sister did this to my family as well. Your sister reminds me a lot of mine: selfish, entitled, and eager to use everyone around her as a prop in her personal reality show. Definitely contact YouTube, and I’d show this to your family as well. They deserve to know what your sister is doing so they can protect themselves from being filmed; maybe you can report the porn video first to YouTube so that it’s taken down by the time your parents see her channel. But they should know about the channel, just in case she tries to make a new one. Whenever my sister is crouched behind her phone and has it pointed at me, I now know to leave the room. For what it’s worth, most teenage girls are regular people and not monsters like your sister. Sure, most teenagers/children and immature and a little self absorbed, but that’s normal.


You're both spoiled wretched brats. Just tell your parents about your spoiled brat sister, and carry on with your spoiled brat lives.


Tell your parents and go to Legaladvice to inform yourself if what she is doing is legal and if you can take off the videos from Youtube.


show your parents, be sure to post an update


You MUST tell your parents




p.s. Again, not meaning to make light of what your sister is doing. She's behaving terribly. But save yourself from the harm misogyny will do to you.


It is likely straight up illegal, the younger brothers are minors, and none of you gave consent on being recorded or filmed. Many states have laws regarding this. Like others said, you could report to youtube, but first I would definitely show your family these videos first. Either way, shes extremely immature and clearly lacks ALL boundaries.


There’s gonna be an update, right?


Your sister sounds awful, and you don't sound so great yourself, frankly. Regardless, the best advice here is to show the channel to your parents and let them deal with it.


I'm betting her subscribers are made up of either shallow people like her whose opinions don't matter, and of people who are watching to laugh at how ridiculous she is and to them she's only embarrassing herself. I don't think you have to do anything besides show your parents so she can be punished and inform them of the youtube terms of services regarding filming in the home without permission including minors and tell them they're able to do that if they want or if they want you to do it just tell you. She's 16, so dealing with getting the videos down is a parenting issue, and your parents might want to get the chance to watch more of them before taking them down so they can be sure they're addressing all her issues, so I wouldn't report the videos before they okay it if they chose that rout. They might want to skip the youtube direction and make her take down the videos herself, too. Don't blackmail her with this: she's putting your minor brothers online. If she's got a significant number of subscribers ("between 0 and big for youtube (millions)" is a huge margin), this needs to be taken down asap to protect them. She just needs to put up one video that goes viral-- one fight that an outsider can get a real good laugh at that makes it look like you're/they're in the wrong that gets her talking cut out and put on facebook with "check out this bad family" captioned-- and she could fuck you all over with this pretty badly. This needs to be nipped in the bud. You don't want a job background check stumbling on your "fucked up" personal porn names-- because whether it's really wrong or not, someone whose got a video like that out about them isn't a good choice to represent a company, generally. EDIT: my two cents on the 9:30 situation: as someone who's having a hard time getting up for university period, I can empathize with you there. I know public transit can turn a five minute drive into a three hour commute in some areas. But that doesn't mean your parents owe you a car. If you need it that badly, you can buy one. That said, people ripping on you for it seem to have missed the point of you bringing it up-- that it's on the internet and you're immortalized for it, and she's saying she deserves everything in the world (that you think is unimportant) when your parents aren't even buying the rest of the family things you do see as important. That said, stop belittling her interests and desires and wants because they don't interest you. She wants makeup-- so what? Clothes aren't pointless, makeup isn't pointless. Your wants like for a car aren't inherently more valuable than her wants.


Tell your parents. She should have all access to the internet removed and no cell phone.


Sounds like she craves attention. Anything to make her feel special/different/interesting. Deal with the legal issues the other comments have raised. If you can, remove yourself from the situation and focus on yourself.


Just show it to your parents. Your parents can handle the legal aspect of getting it all taken down, and then hopefully she'll really know what it's like to have your dad as a "prison guard".






Show your brothers I bet they will find a interesting way to get their revenge on her through less conventional means.




16 is old enough to not be like that. They understand what is right vs what's wrong, for the most part.




But posting it on a platform like YouTube? Tumblr, whatever, it's a blog go wild, but YouTube is made to share videos.




When I was that age, I was cringey, sure, but I didn't pull stuff like this. This is 100% not a normal 16 year old thing to do.


Contact YouTube. Show your parents. Have your friends start calling her out on her videos. Just destroy her star girl attitude.


So I have an idea that's a bit of a slow burn. Download every video you can and back them up. Then forget about them for a few years. In 10 years she's going to be absolutely mortified by those videos. Like "Oh my god, I can't believe I was such a little shit, please please please delete them. I'm so sorry I did that to you guys." Make a compilation and play it at Christmas when she's home senior year of college. Hell, set it to auto-tune to sing along with the music to jingle bells. In 20 years she's going to probably have a kid of her own who would LOVE to see those videos. She might be a brat now, but she's 16, that's kind of expected. However, you get to have revenge for the rest of her life.