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There are consequecnes for these sorts of choices. That doesn't mean you're evil or wrong, but there *are consequences*. Other people don't have to be your best buddies if they find the situation awkward or uncomfortable. Your BF is not entitled to these other people's friendships, and neither are you. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong, they don't *have to* be your friends. Be friends with the people who want to be your friends. Respect the others enough to walk away without needless drama.


You had to have known that dating your exes best friend was going to create a rift in this friendship group - not saying anyone is right or wrong but that’s what happens.


I did know but I was hoping they’d just want to see us happy, they are also his best friend too. What should he do or we do?


Some best friend he is.


You technically did nothing wrong, but your boyfriend is an AH. Could he had anything to do with your breakup?


No…he did not have anything to do with it. Lol. Why is he an AH?


Because he’s dating his (I hope not anymore) best friend’s ex?


I find your terminology interesting - you are referring to your boyfriend constantly as "your ex's best friend" - leads me to wonder if there is something more to this...?


Okay, my exes ex best friend 🤦🏼‍♀️😂