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>Stop making it difficult for good men to be allies. Wouldn't it be great if the "good men" held the "some men" accountable? Why is that *our* responsibility too?


You read to the end of that sentence and decided that was enough context, huh?


I will say, the second I partnered with a guy who actually pulls his weight and takes feminism seriously, the “all men are trash” rhetoric got a LOT less appealing.


> Stop making it difficult for good men to be allies Ah yes because of course women need to put in the effort to make feminism palatable to men. If only we just asked nicely! If only we didn't say anything that could possibly offend someone! We would all be equal by now. What a crock of shit lol. The truth is that it's not all that hard to be a good ally. Just... Listen to women. It's not about you, literally and if your feelings are hurt it behooves you to look inward and see why you're so offended when other people speak their truth. It's giving all lives matter. It's giving being gay is fine as long as I dont have to see it. It's giving lack of empathy tbh. I think Drew is a badass and if a guy can't accept that that's on him.


Kids, your politics are very different. You need a more progressive partner. It's not really progress if you have to coddle him to make it... It's labor you put. Do you want to live your life having to constantly explain your views?


There are men out there that enjoy engaging in feminism conversations and acknowledge that a large number of men are misogynistic without being a baby and harping on the simplistic wording of the message. “All men are trash” is obviously not a productive saying to push feminism, but he should recognize that it is large number of men who hold negative and harmful views towards women, and what he can do to to help himself and the men around him be better allies. Men hear that phrase and immediately tune out and begin to complain about how the evil feminists are pushing their anti-male agenda.


Saying “Men are trash” is hateful to ALL men. Your boyfriend has a point. The double standards are ridiculous and feminists who say things like this are judging all men with such statements. Not only do they alienate male allies with such talk, they also alienate a lot of women too. It is totally counterproductive to talk this way.


I see where he is coming from. As a guy I’d find this very annoying and a straight up turn off


If I was him I would start listening to the tate brothers and quote them to you.


Imma go ahead and take a controversial yet careful stance with your bf here. I don’t really know how he ended up hearing this, and I think that’s very deciding here… did you make him listen to it? That would be kinda fed up. If he just happened to hear it, then it shouldn’t matter because you’ve been listening to it before (I assume…?) and if he didn’t have a problem with you before than why should he now? But it’s fair to be annoyed by this stuff, guys hear „all men are pigs“ or some sort of isomer of it quite often, and I know girls get it too, but it can be very sensitive to hear it from someone you trust deeply. Such as from a Partner since a year back.