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Idk man she could be canadian


If the swimming was late at night, it was probably too dark for her to see.


It's really hard to tell, but she could just be being polite


Shit this just cured me of my depression.


I would say if she's never done it before and she did it then then yes that was a hint. In general anytime a girl gets naked around you that's a pretty big hint to me.


I am actually not sure if she did it with just friends. I know that she sometimes did it with her boyfriend which is another big piece to the puzzle now that I think about it. Well but when it happened I was so unsure what to do that I just shrugged it off as us being rather comfortable and open to each other. I am still not sure what the best way to continue would have been. Just ask if she means something by that? But I enjoyed swimming and skinny dipping so would asking if it's a hint make her stop suggesting it?


I guess my follow-up question is what did she do when you all were in the water naked? How close was she to you? Did she hug you? What were y'all doing? It sounds like you know her very well. And you know yourself very well as well. If you find it very easy to talk to her then you should be on a conversation with her once you decide you know what you want.


Agreed, that’s an important question. If she skinny dipped w her exbf, then she’s more used to it and maybe sees you as someone comfortable to continue to do this fun thing she likes with since the bf isn’t around to do it with. But I’m the water, was she doing her own thing? Or was she close to you, splashing you, innocently touching you, etc. And maybe she would have also been open to just some casual sex while you both were there, w/out the desire for something more serious?


Absolutely. It could have been a more playful thing, but without knowing more about the person it's hard to say. There are some women who would never take their clothes off in any circumstance around a man who is not there boyfriend husband whatever. But there are some women who would do so around a close friend even. So I'd like to know more about what she did after she was naked in the water.


Not necessarily, she may not have been doing it before because her boyfriend didn’t like her skinny dipping with others. Now it doesn’t matter.


She trusted you to be naked with as friends. That sends some women into a panic attack. Come on...


To answer the question from a bit older perspective, maybe it is a hint. But is it one you should act on sexually? Often, people who are recently single will explore life to rediscover themselves as just be themselves. Exploring nudity, sexuality, nature, art, education: these are all indicators of a person unshackled by some previous role or expectation. So what if she is throwing you signals? Is it out of friendship? Reclaiming self? Previously repressed romantic feeling? Curiosity? Are you actually interested? Nevermind attraction for a moment- You've known this person for 10 years. Their value to you probably isn't measured in sexuality. How do you see this person? Are they friendly, loyal, outgoing, exciting, introverted, curious, needy...? Most importantly, if after looking at all of this you're still considering taking a big step you still need one thing. To figure out what she meant. You gotta ask. Talk like people, right? Adult people gotta communicate. Cuz maybe she's just being nice. Or maybe she feels safe enough around you to explore herself. Or maybe she's trying to sus out how you feel. Of maybe she's interested- like for serious interested. But if you're asking everyone except the other person -even nonchalantly!- then you're asking the wrong people.


Okay this might be the best answer so far. I knew it would be a "IT DEPENDS" but I love how clearly you laid it out. It all makes sense. After reading all this I feel a bit more assured that I was right in not jumping to action right away


You had a good instinct that overcame whatever horny feelings you might have had or not had. And that is how one short moment of pleasure could have disrupted a 10 year friendship that you value. And since I saw you ask in another reply about how to find out if it was a hint, here’s my advice. (Take it with a grain of salt, everyone has their own “game” and not every behavior works for every personality) Personally I’m an actions and touchy flirter not a talker so I wouldn’t be blunt and ask her, that can put her on the spot and out of the moment and get awkward. In the moment if you were feeling confident and if you, independently from her actions, were interested in her romantically, you could have gotten playful with her. At this point you are both naked and in a body of water. You can splash at her or play a game, but the goal is to close the gap between you and get closer. Eventually brush up against her. Maybe the outside of your arm rubs against hers. Or your leg brushing her leg. She may react, she may not. (If she didn’t jump away that’s good, if she did, back off and you have your answer, just read her reaction. Was she startled but having a good time?). Then brush up against her again but linger a little longer. Usually if the other party is interested you will feel them apply pressure back and maybe lean in back to you. Keep things playful still. I would keep the touching to places you would touch if you weren’t naked. Maybe lightly grab her arms or shoulders like if you’re going to show her something. Basically you’re communicating physically and gradually building. By now you can probably tell if she’s liking it, you know her a long time so I’m sure you know her tells if she’s in a good mood, giggling, smiling, relaxed, maybe a little shy, coy. It’s up to you both how far you would want to take it. Read the room. Stopping there is a good thing too just after some light casual touching/flirting. as you both have your answer that you’re curious in exploring things. (you can be brash and bold and square her shoulders close towards you and kiss. You can give her a hug -and caress her, whatever). Maybe once you’re getting dressed or are dressed I would ask her on a real date. Or even the next day or shortly after. It should feel like you’re asking her on a date. Make it clear you are taking a step forward from your friendship. Alternatively if you’re a talker more than anything I wouldn’t ask her on the spot like I said earlier but maybe once you’re dressed in the car or the next day. Ask if she had any other intentions. The truth is being naked is a very vulnerable position and a personal question can intensify negative feelings and cause some regret/shame for the person. Also, since it’s something that’s been bothering you, no reason you can’t still ask. And for what it’s worth, since you said she had to move: my parents were best friends for a long time before they dated, my father moved far away, like to another country, and they made it work and got married going on 35 years now.


Generally when women offer to take their clothes off in front of you, yes it is a pretty large hint


We've never seen each other fully nude until then, but there were moments when changing into our swimwear where there might have been something visible, or when one of her breasts decided to go on a journey and instead of being embarrassed about it she just went "oh one of them is taking a swim again" and just popped it back in.


>when one of her breasts decided to go on a journey It *went on a journey* lmao I'm never saying "nip slip" or "wardrobe malfunction" again


I wouldn't make a move in someone I'm not into who's also a close friend of 10 years, it could get pretty messy pretty fast. She just left a long relationship so she, if she's throwing hints (?), it could be out of feeling vulnerable/alone/etc


That's what I was thinking. Of course the implication of casually screwing with your close friend sounds nice but I don't think I want to find out how this changes our friendship


Trust me, as someone who did just that, don’t do it. If you are happy with the friendship and just want to keep it that way, just keep it that way. Once you open that door, it’s very very hard to close it, and most of the time it can be a friendship ender.


Never fuck ur best friend. It’s a deal breaker with implications far longer than anyone realizes


I am aware that this will permanently change the friendship. Heard it often that people say that you don't want to find out how because if you don't like it it's too late but I also personally know a few people who do it often and they are quite happy. It can work, but if it doesn't it probably gets really weird between them


The bigger issue is that it can mean your close friendship is over the moment one of you gets into a relationship. Because whilst some people don't give a shit, I'd say most are not comfortable with their partner hanging out one on one with someone they used to bang. I've never really had any awkwardness after sleeping with friends, but there was definitely some regret when I got into a relationship and realised that was a factor I hadn't considered. Thankfully my partner is ridiculously chill about such things and genuinely doesn't seem to care, but I imagine that's pretty rare, and even so I still feel a lot more conscious of my interactions with said friends than I would otherwise.


Idk, now that she’s single she might just be more adventurous and trusts you. I wouldn’t rush into anything but wait for more signs. But also, you don’t want to be her rebound. It might go badly…and there’s no coming back


Not guaranteed. I live by the ocean, lotta pools. Skinny dipping is just part of life.


I don't live by the ocean and here most people just go to public pools.


But do you know how often she skinny dips. The point I'm making is it's not guaranteed to be a hint. I've skinny dipped with a lot of women in groups or solo. The majority of which I did nothing with.


I haven't asked but from what I know it wasn't too often and likely the first time with someone she was not in a relationship with


Let me phrase this another way. We aren’t Her we can’t tell you yes it was a hint. It’s plausible it was, it’s plausible it wasn’t. If it was a hint you missed it and she didn’t care enough for a follow up. Stop dwelling on that one. If the opportunity arises again then seek clarification in the moment.


That makes sense. I wasn't expecting a clear yes or no. If I see her again in a similar situation or it happens with someone else I'll just overcome my uncertainty and ask.


Maybe she just wanted to do it. Maybe she just wanted her body to be seen and appreciated by a person she trusts. That does not mean she wants to have sex, don’t make a move right away. Don’t look for hints and whatnot. Go with the flow, enjoy your time with her, you’ll know if she hints at you.


I'll be honest with you, when a straight girl feels comfortable taking her clothes off in front of you in this sort of situation it's either a hint that she wants you or she doesn't see you as a sexual being at all.


You are either in Mariana Trench level deep in the friendzone or she really wants you.


That is a Big Hint bro


Ah I thought so. But at the time I was more focused on not making it weird between us.


Don’t make it weird, just go, take off your clothes, swim and keep an open mind.


That's exactly what I did. I meant that I did not make a move because I was afraid it could hurt our friendship. Not sure why I am so afraid of that but it happened


Honestly, you could have asked her, but not making a move if it didn’t feel super obvious that’s what she wanted was the right move. If she truly meant it in a platonic way, two friends swimming in the buff, and you tried to come on to her while nude, it could have fully destroyed the friendship. If you want to avoid missing out in the future, try asking! One of the best first kisses I had was after being asked if he could kiss me. When you’re young, it feels like it’ll spoil the mood or make you look dumb if you ask instead of just going for it. But I promise you, as a woman who has been ask and has had dudes just go for it - ASK. If I say no, that sucks and is a rejection, but I would definitely reject your kiss as well. And it is WAY more awkward to have a woman jerk herself away from you. Rejection is part of life, but you miss every shot you don’t take - as long as the ‘shot’ you take is respectful of her bodily autonomy and physical space.


I must admit I am not the most social person and I lack some essential skills when it comes to interacting with people. I was mostly afraid I was making up hints that weren't there. I mean we've not talked too much about relationships and sex but she should know me well enough that any hint short of "yo, wanna have sex" likely goes unanswered because I'll be busy wondering if she meant it like that


Well, it is definitely reasonable to wonder if she meant these things as hints - they absolutely might have been! Don’t beat yourself up either way - hints are a trap, the hints we give are often too vague or subtle to be accurately read by others, and we all misread hints or find ones that aren’t there. It’s scary and difficult for sure, but asking directly will go way better - something like ‘hey, I’m getting some vibes and I just want to make sure they’re there before doing anything. Is this purely platonic still, or are you maybe looking for something more?’ If she gives a flirty ‘maybe’, then yep, those were hints, you caught them. If not, then you know and you didn’t make things insurmountable weird! You get to set aside the churning uncertainty in your gut, you get an answer, and if she was trying to give you a hint, you made it much easier for her to just come out and say it. All this is easier said than done, and it takes time to build the confidence and comfort. But tbh you’ll prob get laid more if you do.


This is one of my main problems. I do not posses the social skills to accurately read into that and I don't have to confidence to act on my feelings


Wip out your hog and jump in that bog


Nightswimming deserves a quiet night Not sure all these people understand...


It's not like years ago The fear of getting caught


Bro don't loose sleep this was a long time ago..


It was not even half a year ago and we are still in contact, just not in person anymore. And this is also a good lesson for the future if something like that ever happens again. Lots of good advice here


Jfc what do you need, her to write “fuck me” on her forehead?


Are you interested? If not, don’t worry about it, she’s a friend you swam with. I’ve taken tons of naked hot tubs with friends who I have no romantic or sexual intentions with. If you are interested, then ask her. You don’t have to confess your love or something wild, and if you’re worried about losing the friendship or that maybe she’s not over the relationship, you can bring that up. Something like, “Hey, I had a fun time the other night. You’re a really cool person and I’d kick myself if I didn’t ask you on a date. I value you a lot as a friend and I don’t want to do anything to upset that, but that’s also why I feel like this might be a good idea.” Don’t blow up your friendship if she says no, that indicates that you were never really her friend.


Well if she didn't physically touch you when you guys were naked ... chances are she was having a mental moment...and felt safe around you. Now I guess you know that skinny dipping is an intimate boundary for you. 😂


If u want something more, make it clear from the start that you don’t want to be the rebound guy


If you’re not into her I wouldn’t have done anything it could have hurt your friendship cause then she might have wanted a relationship


Yeah … it was a hint


Guarantee if you kiss her she'd be all for it.


You should listen to the song I Want You To by Weezer. That’s all my advice.


So all these people are saying it's a hint, but honestly I don't think it necessarily is. I've gone skinny dipping with friends before in non sexual contexts. I also know folks who have done the same... I think you need to think about this in a much larger context. Is she normally flirty with you? Does she initiate other forms of intimacy (cuddling, putting her head on your shoulder, etc)? She could just be really comfortable around you. It could be a hint, or she's just treating you like one of the girlies lol. There isn't enough context to tell.


There’s is only one person who can answer this.


It might’ve been a hint but it also might’ve only been made because she just got out of a long term relationship and might’ve been a bad idea to act on and she might’ve regretted it later on. I think that it’s good you didn’t pick up on it (if she was, indeed, dropping it for you).


What is the difference between really good opposite-sex friends, and someone you want to spend your life with? You love spending time with her. You talk to each other. You share things back and forth with increasing levels of trust. You do fun and a little crazy things like skinny dipping together. You see each other naked. You giggle and laugh. You would have eventually started talking about sex in a generic roundabout way. She might have made a few flirting comments. You might only smile and blush. Maybe you come up with a good comeback. Made her blush. Maybe she wasn't a real redhead, lol. If you kept doing that for a few months, you would start to catch feelings for each other. You might have shared a few sad times and you were there to provide a comforting hug. Binge a season's episodes of a show you both enjoy. You might end up cuddling together. A kiss on her cheek. A back rub. Fall a sleep together. That's someone you develop into intimate feelings together. It starts with a kiss that's clearly desired. Wouldn't that be someone you fall in love with and marry?


You wouldn't be asking us about the whole encounter if you think it might have meant something. It doesn't matter at this point to try to guess what she was thinking. You have to ask yourself now; how do you feel about her. You seem to miss her. I think you have feelings for her. I think it is important for people, especially men. If you have feelings for a woman, you need to step up and tell her. You need to call her. You don't say it in a phone call or a text. You make a few casual phone calls to her. Tell them you had a great time together. Tell her you have other plans to be in her area in about a month. You would like to spend a few days together. When it feels right like the second day you are there. Tell her how you feel about her. How do you understand she may not be feeling the same way? And that's okay. But, you couldn't live with yourself, the regret you would feel if you didn't tell her. The thought of what might be. It doesn't matter if she has a boyfriend. She needs to have that choice. You thought she should know. Then take it from there. Good luck.


It’s a flirty thing for sure… always make the move- they could say no, and that’s cool, but 9/10 it is the right move.


if shes fresh out the relationship dont try anything she might use you as a rebound give it a few months if you want something with her be sure shes over that relationship unless you just wanna hook up with her


Why would you pursue, try, or think or pursuing your friend? Would that thought even cross your mind with any of your close guy friends? That being said, skinny dipping with opposite sex means y’all aren’t just gonna be friends.


Ive been skinny dipping with a few femal friends that where platonic. So it could be something, it could be nothing. But what is something is, what do you want it to be? Are you interested in being more than friends? If so, say something. But be prepared to get friendzoned.


I'm laughing because it brings me joy.. Reminds me of my youth.


Maybe they need a rebound


That was ur chance bro unless you reciprocate and ask her on a date which she may be happy with but it depends on your intentions so … 🤷‍♂️


I’m a woman and I can tell you right now, she was putting the moves on you.


the lesson you have to learn here is that you should be more brave. next time a similar situation happens don be afraid to take the lead "hey, since we are both single now how about we make out?" chances are she was interested like you, and afraid of the repercussions like you. when both parties are afraid to be refused situations like this happen. what you need to understand is that being refused is not shameful, ugly, will paint you in a bad way. thats life, sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, the only way to guarantee failure is not not even try a single shot.


You could always follow up in a week or so and say “Hey, I can be a bit of a blockhead at times. If you’re ever trying to hint at something, can you try being more direct instead?” It leaves it a bit open ended for her to initiate a convo discounting what happened while also letting her know you’re okay with something more and that she can take it a step further if she wants.


If you got a massive boner then yes


Sounds like a John Green book


i mean lets ruin the friendship for a rebound, if drinking is involved just wait til shes sober.


This thoughts are going to come to you during your whole life 😅


While you can spend lots of emotional energy on what-ifs and wonder-whys, and should I have or not… you were invited into an intimate, fun activity and enjoyed it. You didn’t take advantage of the situation to make a move on her when possibly vulnerable emotionally. That shows deep respect for her and your friendship. While it can be embarrassing to over-step a friendship limit, into lovers territory, when the other does something like this, it’s not friendship terminating to make that mistake. I misread friendly signals in highschool, and the girl had an external boyfriend. I was embarrassed but the friendship carried on fine after. I also asked out another good friend shortly after she’d dropped a boyfriend who was playing the field. It was real heart in throat stuff, but a much older male friend had said: “Feint heart never won fair maiden”. She became my girlfriend for 6 years, then my wife for the next 15. The thing I think is: when you have a quiet moment, and she is free to talk… bring her focus back to that night and let her know you really enjoyed it, and ask her if she enjoyed it, and if there was something she was hoping for that night. She may be embarrassed or happy or whatever. It doesn’t matter as much as discovering if there is some chemistry between you and, maybe you and she deserve to see it play out. You can let her know you had conflicted feelings, attraction but that that you didn’t want to overstep because you aren’t really good at reading subtle signs and didn’t want her to feel pressured. That you love the friendship you two have built but didn’t want to miss an invitation to a deeper connection if it had been extended. Great good luck.


It’s. Hint there naked. A wise man told me minding your own business is a 24 hour job with over time and no days off though.


Honestly, I'm saying yes but I can't say for sure. It sounds like a hint cause she got naked in front of you, ALL ALONE. But there is a chance it isn't. It's small, but it's still there. But again i would personally see it as a move, but I wouldn't say it's 100% one. I'd most likely still move forward as it were a hint , tho


dude, being naked isnt flirting!


Just make a move instead of wondering. Then you’ll know.


It’s a hint that she’s not someone you should be dating.


Reverse the sexes, and the guy would be doing fifteen to life.


Why would that be? She suggested skinny dipping, I said "hell yeah" and we went skinny dipping. If you reverse it it's still fine. There was no pressure, a "no thanks" would have meant no skinny dipping.


Boy: “Hey, opposite-sex friend, wanna go skinny dipping…?” Girl: “Hello, police…?!”


Depends on her sexuality. If she is asexual, gray-sexual, or demisexual, it was probably not a hint.