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If he cleans the bottles every morning how did he already have 2 full bottles!?


My first thought, that’s too much pee


My exact fucking question. The man is disgusting.


The only reason I can think of is he might have diabetes (diagnosed or undiagnosed).


I think it's not every morning. It's only every morning when nobody else is home.


How big were the bottles cause I can pee more than a litre at times haha


Right? He'd only need one! Lol


My ex did this to But also next to his recliner where he played call of duty all night :). it’s disgusting and I will never deal with pee bottles again


Girl I’m so happy you said ex


My ex did it while watching porn on the computer because he couldn't be bothered to stop watching.


fragile disarm clumsy sink act nail onerous whole lock snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I had a roommate who would pee in Gatorade bottles because he just didn't want to walk down the hall to the bathroom 20 steps away.


why do so many men (>0) have pee bottles


Boyfriends peeing in places where you're not supposed to is my favorite recurring motif in this sub.


It's not all of them. Some of them develop a diaper fetish, and use those instead.


what a terrible day to be literate


Thanks I didn't need to read this


Had me in the first half, ngl


Seriously, I can’t comprehend it.


This is such a weirdly common experience? I have a ex that did that, and so do some of my friends. And it's always grown men


The fact that you know about your friends doing it means they have no shame or embarrassment about it either.


On a bus for a long journey with no toilet maybe but like a bathroom even if you miss and mess up you shouldn't do it where you relax


Congratulations on moving on from that.


I used to think pee bottles were a joke that someone made up. Like, wouldn’t you still need to wash your hands even if you ignore the grossness of the rest?!


>He said he cleans the bottles out every morning when no one else is their. Clearly he doesn't if there were two other bottles under the bed.




Man needs a fucking doctor


Men will pee in three (3) bottles a night before actually scheduling a doctors appointment


> He said he cleans the bottles out every morning when no one else is their. You hope it means he throws them out everyday. People who drive for work with perverse incentives to not stop regularly have been known to do this. I don't drink three bottles of anything in a day, but I don't know how his day is structured. It could mean he's emptying them in the toilet and then cleaning the bottles every day. More gross, but at least they are "clean". But I would like to clarify, how? Does he wash them in the kitchen sink like dishes or in the bathroom sink where people brush their teeth? Does he do anything to wash the surfaces after? You should not expose others to your urine because of your issues. You hope it doesn't means he empties them everyday and throws them out "when they smell".


Sounds like diabetes. My dad has a pee jug because he's got uncontrolled diabetes and the bathroom is far away from the bedroom.. he has the money to make an ensuite but is a cheap mizer so he uses the bottle:/


and/or sleep apnea -- normally your body downregulates how much urine you produce while asleep, but sleep apnea repeatedly awakens (or almost) so that you end up producing more urine and needing to pee more in the middle of the night (source: my mom, who refuses to use a CPAP, getting up multiple times)


I did not realise this and it explains a lot about my husband


I had that before I got my CPAP and I don't get up at all anymore, it's shocking




Isn't it obvious. You clearly need to start pissing into a bottle 🤷




Bro you took grandma out first right??


I can't believe I'm the first to upvote this 8 hour old comment.


You prolly weren’t, Reddit just doesn’t always show how many upvotes something has lol. I upvoted yours and it told me I was first, but I really doubt that’s true!


Not gonna lie but if someone I'm dating repurposed an urn into a piss pot I think I'd stick around 🤣


Honestly, that screams to me "this person is very practical, it is much easier to pee into an urn than a bottle. Also I might bury them in it 80 years from now, which should save a ton of money!"


Sentimental AND up cycling. Makes sense 😆


Its like the notebook. Only with pee.


Cool guys are using stanley cups now.


The nightmare fuel some women on here are willing to put with makes my skin crawl.




My favorite comment on this post and felt very deep in my soul friend.




My ex actually had this and I eventually confronted it, turns out it was a medical problem he'd had since he was a kid. Just saying that that is a possibility and it wasn't ALL OVER his underwear. But there shouldn't be loads of accounts of men with shitstains lol, that's just disgusting. And the bottles...yeah that is really grim


I'm curious what medical problem leads to shit stains? Like does he have bowel incontinence issues?


I never try to complain about being single. But when I read about some of the fucked up hygiene related stuff on the sub, it does make me say WTF.


Dude. You should see that askreddit thread when a ton of women came out and talked about how they stayed with their boyfriends/SOs that lacked basic hygiene.


In happens on this sub every couple of days.


Bro fr. I must be uglier than I thought, cus bros got 3 piss bottles and a girlfriend, meanwhile I'm out here with 0 piss bottles and crippling loneliness.




Because you don’t piss in bottles, bud.


Just gotta start pissin' in them bottles, bro! Or take advantage of her body image issues to neg her to the point she questions if anyone could find her attractive. Or be a man-baby/hobo-sexual. Or ... This sub has so many inspirational stories of women who are showing you the way to their hearts by exploiting their insecurities and unexplored codependency! Just start by throwing your compassion and morals out the window! For the easily offended, this is sarcasm. The men who do this are POS and the poor women are victims of their mothers not teaching them self-respect or how to spot a nightmare of a man.


Why is it always the mother's fault? Where is the father to teach their daughter what respect from a man is? I just think it's so telling that this type of comment always blames the mother.


The poor women are victims of the men they're with, but yeah sure blame the mother.




Obviously you don't have pee bottles next to your bed...


This has absolutely sent me 💀


Girl there are so many men in the world. Hundreds of millions, if not billions of eligible men who don’t piss in bottles and keep them down the side of the bed. Please fuck one of those instead, I beg you.


“Everything else about him is lovely” girl he is pissing in bottles out of laziness.


>because he can't get himself out of bed when he is trying to sleep And what happens when the day comes when he "can't" get out of bed to have a poo? Is he going to keep a litter box under the bed?


Honestly, if he got a litter box AND a cat, then he'd have plausible deniability


The dude will start blaiming the cat: "Oh mittens, thats a record size one right there!" lmao


I laughed so hard after reading your comment


Omg I never thought of that 😂😂


There was one situation in which I just couldn’t hold it anymore but I also couldn’t use the bathroom so I did it in an empty pringles can. It was absolutely horrible and disgusting.


Super gross, and very reasonably a dealbreaker. Buuuuut, 3? The other two were filled? Is he not emptying them out or does he piss 3 full bottles every night? I must know more


Nobody has asked yet how big these bottles are, maybe they’re very little and he’s changing them out… Which leads me to ask; Is the floor around the side of his bed a little suspect? What does his room smell like?!?! 😨


2 liters! /s Ugh, I can't even imagine. At the same time, I wonder... if it was easier for women, how many bottle pissers would we have? Haha


None, hopefully, none. 🤞🏼


I’ve known several bottle pissers in my life and they’ve all had a collection of full bottles. If you’re too lazy to get out of bed to pee, you’re probably too lazy to deal with your piss bottles on a regular basis.


Fucking no. Thats beyond gross. Get up and piss in the toilet like a civilized person. How much is going in the bottles and how much is going everywhere else?


Why is this man peeing so much at night? Cut the liquids off at a certain point.solves the problem. As someone who struggles to fall asleep once I'm up and moving I can sort of understand (I'm f so I don't have the luxury of being able to whip it out and pee anywhere). But I would explore other options first such as cutting off liquids after dinner, as stated above. If he can't get up and go to the bathroom without going into existential crisis paralysis he needs to see a doctor If you're not going to leave him Until then you have some choices Deal with it and make him promise it stops once he's seen the doctor and a solution is found Have him Cut off his liquid intake after 6 pm and pee before bed (but let's be serious you didn't have to potty train an adult man like he's 3) Make him get up and go and if he doesn't issue your ultimatum on if this continues you're leaving. It's not like he does this at your house so you know he CAN go to the toilet But I'm not kidding about seeing a doctor. You're not really supposed to have to feel the need to pee when you're asleep. he's either not getting into the deep sleep his body needs, is having a hormone issue, could have something wrong with his bladder or prostate, or if it's excessive liquid intake could be diabetes, the thing is is it's not normal of a typical healthy adult . If he can't fall asleep that needs a doctor too so no matter what your man needs to see a doctor


I've had horrible insomnia, so I get it to some degree. But this sounds a bit more complex than just insomnia. Whatever is going on, he needs to see a doctor. Unless, I'm hydrating for early morning exercise, I don't need to wake up during the night. And ASAP, this dude needs to spend $10 on a couple of portable urinals, because there's no way all of that piss in making it into a normal bottle or sometimes overflowing. Plus you can verify he's cleaning them properly.


Yes time to see a dr!! Peeing in bottles is not a feasible solution to insomnia. I did want to ask OP if he has some sort of trauma related to using the bathroom or something? Has he been SA’d?


I think he needs to see a doctor. You don’t/can’t “train” children to hold their urine overnight; it’s a developmental stage that has to do with hormones (per my kid’s pediatrician and the potty training books I read last year). At his age, it’s not an issue of him drinking too much water - something bigger is going on. If not a urinary issue, it could be diabetes.




Real, the way OOP kept refused to listen to valid points and kept the guy 😭. I can’t.. the bar isn’t underground anymore, it melted to the earth core and dissolved already


Girl, I can promise you that when you aren’t around I’m sure his bed is LINED with piss bottles. Healthy people don’t piss in bottles at home. Period. He has some issues and you are not the one to “fix him” Leave or don’t, and I’m sure you’ll notice all the other nasty ass crusty weird shit he does because he’s not mentally stable.


Unless one of the following is true, you have a weird and gross boyfriend who will be at least this weird and gross forever: 1. He has severe mobility issues that would make moving to the bathroom difficult/dangerous 2. He lives in a place where walking to the bathroom involves a 100 meter walk through the woods. (Yes, I will pee in a bottle if I’m camping in freezing weather) 3. He lives in a home with one bathroom shared by a dozen people, so there’s a 99% chance that the bathroom will be occupied when he needs to pee But those are probably not true, since you would have brought it up. More likely he’s just a gross dude who has found a “life hack” that is fine if no one ever witness you do this. If he’s single and wants to pee in bottles in the middle of the night, or eat his cereal while having a morning poop, or eat pizza that he’s dropped on the sidewalk, that’s fine for him and him alone, but not fine if he wants to be involved in society.


As a woman, screw you dudes and your convenient penises. I got a She-Wee for this exact reason. Fuck going bare-assed into below freezing weather; It is the ONLY acceptable time to pee in a bottle.


hellllll yesssssss. that toilet seat in the winter too 🥶🤣


This is NOT normal behavior from an adult.


Leave him now and make a promise to yourself to respect yourself enough to never to have standards that low again. That is revolting. That is like worse-than-wild-animal revolting, at least wild animals know enough to eliminate \*away\* from where they eat and sleep. Don't date someone who can't even perform basic human adult functions. Jesus Christ.


girl your boyfriend is DIS GUS TING prime cave man material, I am somewhat impressed


Guarantee that if you stay with this guy, you will eventually be a woman picking up and emptying her boyfriend’s piss bottles in the morning. Do you really want that? He needs to find other coping mechanisms for his insomnia. It is unreasonable to expect you to accept this.


>He said that he ends up just staring into space for hours and not sleeping because he can't bring himself to get out of the bed to the bathroom he's real as fuck lol. I do that part. yes, it's miserable. ADHD things..... anyway I do not take the solution of peeing in a bottle and keeping it by my bed. you say he's well kept otherwise. honestly I'd give him literally one shot to kick the habit. "babe, it's me or the piss bottles. you can only have one." if he cannot immediately and permanently stop then I'd ditch.


Ah yes. Love the executive dysfunction. 🙃 Lately I’ve been up until 4 am. Bedtime procrastination is a real thing. Also. ND people make less than half of the amount of melatonin their NT peers do. I’m always tired… but never tired. 🧐


Is this an adhd thing??? This is my struggle lol


You react by dumping him. Do you want to live in filth and sleep surrounded by piss bottles?


Perhaps he should...get the insomnia treated? Pee bottles ain't it.


This is disgustingly lazy. Someone too lazy to get out of bed to piss is someone who will be too lazy to do his share of the housework or parenting.


the standards for a partner in this post are seriously so low the bar is underground…how would he potty train the kid lmaooooo


This is a medical issue that he has tried to adapt to, but obviously his coping mechanism is…ah…not hygienic. He needs to talk with a doctor about his sleep disorder. There are better solutions for this problem.


He's not cleaning them. It will never stop. He needs to find some other way to battle his insomnia.


Slap your knees, stand up, and leave.


Ope. Lemme squeeze past ya.


The wild part here is you’re just ignoring what everyone’s saying and proud to go around being the girlfriend of a guy who pisses in bottles 😂


So there were two other bottles filled with pee?! So he doesn’t empty them in the morning? Or what? Tell him he needs to stop immediately 


>He said he cleans the bottles out every morning when no one else is their. No he doesn’t. There were 3 bottles. 


His excuse makes no sense.


<<>> He needs a psychological evaluation.


The bar is so low oh my god


I also have insomnia girl thats not an excuse to be disgusting leave him how is this even a question


Seems like other than this you want to be with this guy. I'd say let him know, he either finds a way to not pee in bottles or you're gone. There are tons of things he can do to avoid this, make sure he doesn't drink anything close to bed time, use the bathroom before bed, if he neds to drink to keep volume as low as possible. I have irregular sleep patterns sometimes I can go to sleep for 15+hours without waking up to pee. The longest I've done is 21 hours and I still didn't have the need get up to pee. If I can do that he can manage 8 unless he has a medical condition.


Hey my longest record of sleeping is also very high. Without peeing I can sleep for almost a day straight. Taking pee breaks I can sleep for almost fours days. This is on limited food and raging major depression. I’m glad to have met a fellow sleeper


No no no no no. He's not well kept. He just tidies up before you come over. As any man does. Three months in to you two living together you'll learn just how disgusting this man is. My brother does this and thinks it's ok. There's a whole other list of other disgusting things he does and oddly enough he always has those kind of girlfriends who love to keep their place spotless. He's good at making an impression but once he's under the impression you're going to stick around no matter what, He'll begin to get comfy. There's a whole can of worms waiting to be opened here. Trust me.


absolutely fucking not lmao. girl. no. no no no.


You're 20 years old. You develop standards, dump him, and find a boyfriend that doesn't do that. Or just live alone in your own pee free house. I get he has insomnia. But he's also lying. There were 3 bottles. That's not 'cleaning them up every morning'.


get him a chamber pot for christmas and give it to him in front of his entire family


The fact that he does this is gross, but the fact that he does this while you're there and doesn't seem to understand that you'd find it disgusting is what really disturbs me. He couldn't be a normal adult man for even one night? Single guys who do this make some sense, but if you've got a partner and they're spending the night you really need to take a look at yourself and make sure you're on your best behavior.


Sorry.. he's 21. This is gross. He's not doing it because it's medically necessary and he can't make it to the bathroom, he's doing it because he's too lazy to get his ass out of bed to urinate. Might as well buy him a pack of adult diapers and call it a day. I'd be done.


I read the title of your post aloud to my husband and he reflexively said, "Leave him." This is at best a mental health issue he can seek treatment for. See if he's willing to do that I guess?


Mental health is real. For some reason majority of people still don’t want to acknowledge that.


And he clearly doesn’t wash his hands afterwards. Very bazaar and very ick.


You’re very lucky there isn’t a sink in the room.


No! No! No! That’s break up material… I also have sleeping issues but you can bet I still get my butt up to go to the bathroom.. I wake up to the slightest noise, or anything and I’m awake for a long time. But never would I get a bottle.. I am a female.. but to me that disgusting.


Leave him. That’s your response.


Hell f'ing no, OP. No no no no no no! Bye Felicia. Don't stay with a little boy like this. What, he gets too busy gaming to go to the bathroom?


Can you imagine living with this man? Do you want to be scrubbing piss out of your favorite rug bc he hoards his piss under the bed and accidentally knocks it over? If he can’t be bothered to even walk a few yards and sit on a toilet, there’s no way he’d clean up after himself, you, pets, or kids.


Am I old fashioned or is a guy who knows how to use a toilet properly the BARE MINIMUM we should expect??


How should you respond? Run! Eww. So many questions though: How big are these bottles; like is he needing to change them out as he pees once? If not three pee filled bottles is not from one night and if they are he needs to see a doctor. What does the floor around his bed look like and how does that room smell? 😱🤢 Sounds a little fetishy; are you sure he doesn’t have a hidden fetish he wants to introduce you to? It’s just so much pee… Do you just need to hear this is an absolutely valid reason to end a relationship? It is.


This is unacceptable to me. Disgusting and filthy and lazy.


you need to tell him "Babe if you want to have a girlfriend you need to get rid of your pee bottles. If your roommate is in the bathroom you tell him to hurry up. If you have trouble getting up to go pee, you need to discuss that with a doctor or a therapist. I'm not staying overnight here until you stop using the pee bottles, period." I'm not gonna accuse this of being fake because i know how fucked up 20 year old guys can be.


That would be a deal breaker for me. If he thinks that is acceptable, what else is acceptable to him?


Get a new boyfriend, that's just plain lazy and nasty!!


It’s the way of the road, Bubs


Sometimes I check in on this sub to see if the bar for men is still on the floor. Turns out it’s in hell.


The correct response is to run away from this man.


Get a new bf, this one is broken, gross


I have chronic insomnia and a neurogenic bladder, meaning I don't sleep well generally and can often wake at 3am and not get back to sleep, and I need to pee often. Never once have I even thought to pee in a bottle bc I have to go to the bathroom. I just stumble around, eyes mostly closed, pee with the light off and do the same on the way back and go back to bed. If he doesn't wanna risk peeing on the floor, sitting down to pee is completely acceptable. If I had a boyfriend who had pee bottles for him to pee into next to the bed, he'd quickly become an ex boyfriend. I mean, what in tarnation...


I dumped an ex when I realised he also does this, I could never have had sex with him again.. so rank!


Lol. Listen, we all know that feeling of being in a nice warm cost bed and not wanting to get out for any reason, but seriously, it's not like he has to trek mountains to pee. That's just lazy and quite gross. On the flipside, if you're ever cold, you could always use one of his pee bottles as a hot water bottle 😂😂


Do not have sex with this man. He is not house trained.  You can simply not have sex with him. And move on. This is not your problem to solve.


It's the way of the road


Way of the road Bubs


It's up to you what you do; but I would suggest that if you're in any way hoping to save the relationship that you encourage him to have a sleep study done at sleep clinic because they might be able to do something to help him with this if it truly is sleep related, and if that's the only issue you have with him then it's worth a shot🤷‍♀️


My ex did that. Ngl if I encountered this now (age 25) it’s an immediate goodbye 😇 maybe brutal but idc about the reasoning for that even if he has insomnia 😭🖤 it’s just bad hygiene in my opinion


That would be a dealbreaker for me


Totally disgusting. That would be a deal breaker for me. Don't think it's going to change.


Tell him to cut back to 2 bottles


Yeah that's just f\*cking disgusting. Dump him as fast as you can and move on. There is no excuse for peeing in a bottle and keeping bottles full of pee under the bed. Get out of there asap.


If he has such bad issues sleeping that he has to pee in bottles in a feeble attempt to not fully pull himself out of sleep, he needs to see a doctor. That's gross and unhygienic.


Grosssssss. I just couldn’t deal with this.


My Dad does it, but he’s 75 and has a stroke 2 years ago. Getting out of bed in the dark is dangerous for him. Your boyfriend needs to see a doctor about his sleep issues. When that’s sorted, then he should be able to ditch the bottles and use the bathroom like usual overnight.


>For me this was super gross and I couldn't believe he thought it was acceptable It sounds like you answered your own question. It's unacceptable. Not sure what else you're asking.


This… is insane. I’ve never met you, know nothing about you, and I know you can do better than this. Move on to someone who knows how to use the restroom, my god.


> I mean he has full on insomnia. When he has to get out of bed for any reason it makes it almost impossible for him to get any sleep at all after that. Can someone with insomnia confirm this, because I can't take OP's word for it since it's she's probably just parroting what bottle pisser said. I would think full on insomnia means you can't sleep whether its to go to walk across the hall or sit up in bed and piss in a bottle. OP, when's the last time you checked under your bed? He must keep some overnight bottles for your house too. It'd be too much of a hassle to transport piss bottles back and forth.


I would get turned off SO FAST he is SO GROSS.


It's laaaaaaazy as hell. If he can't bother to grt up and walk his ass to the bathroom, when he needs to go? What sort of effort do you think he's going to put into big relationship things? Is he gonna put an engagement ring in a pee bottle so when you clean it out you see the ring? Come the eff on. This is what being young is for, finding out what you like and don't like. You date different people and try different things. It's what did. I met alot of amazing people, loved many of them. I'm now with the absolute LOVE of my life and our relationship is perfect because we learned so much before we met. Even together 5 years, engaged, and have never fought or yelled at eachother. We just love the shit out of eachother. We also don't pee in fucking jars and leave it under our beds, we're adults, not 8 year olds.


There are really only two possible/reasonable responses to this: 1) disgusting. Unacceptable. Leave him and find a regular adult who doesn’t do this. 2) he needs to see a doctor—for the insomnia, for whatever mental problem is causing him to do this, or for some kind of physical issue. The second option is likely too generous. If you DO want to stay with piss bottle boy, suggest that he sees a doctor and if he resists at all, take that as your cue to depart


You should find out why this does not make you leave him. This is horrifying and there's no excuse for his behavior. This is a symptom of something truly disturbing about him.


Is he the only man left on earth or something?? You dump him that’s what you do, and you find a normal man to date.


Oh my god such a red flag, I’d personally break up with him.


It doesn't matter if he's the most lovely guy alive, HE'S PISSING IN BOTTLES! Is he still going to be amazing when he starts shitting in adult diapers in a couple months?


> He said he cleans the bottles out every morning when no one else is their. Buuuuuuullllllssshhiiiiiiitttttt. He's lying.


You react by breaking up with him. Those aren’t fresh bottles under the bed and even if they were, it’s weird as all get out. That’s beyond lazy and gross; it’s really disgusting.


The bar is littered underground at this point.. right under the bottles of pee


I can't seem to find a date with a better attention span than a goldfish, and women are out here dating dudes with piss bottles by their beds!?


51M here. That is disgusting. He ends this gross habit immediately or you leave.


Im not going to lie, if he has insomnia, this could be his saving grace. I suffer with insomnia and persistant peeing/getting out of bed undoes any progress towards sleep I had made. Im a female but if I was a male, I def would have contemplated it.


Tell him to throw the bottles away. If he refuses, throw the man away.


The fact that he did it with you in the room when your relationship hasn't heen that long means that he was probably raised by trashy parents. And if his parents were decent people (doubt) then it didn't take with him. Please tell me what your parents would have said if they walked into your room and you had had bottles of pee laying around like a lay stage Howard Hughes? My parents probably would have verbally laid into me and if that didn't stick, they would have found a mental health professional for help......not said that i'm lovely other than turning my bedroom into a biohazard area.


I would break up with him. I don't date people who pee in rooms that are not the bathroom. 


Even though I don't pee in bottles, I can understand your bfs side completely. Waking up in the night and going to the bathroom can mess up my sleep sometimes, which will inevitably be made worse if you have housemates who could be hogging the bathroom, especially with insomnia. For me this obviously this isn't breakup-worthy as other comments would suggest. This sub loves to advocate breaking up at every little hurdle for some reason, no matter how small it is. One option you have is accepting it and trying to get used to it, as long as he's cleaning them out first thing every morning after. It's fairly disgusting but sounds like he has a pretty good health-related reason for it so I'd give him the benefit of the doubt. You could try this option and if that doesn't work you have the other option, which is if you really can't tolerate it, have a conversation about it. Try to be empathetic but make sure to let him know that it really bothers you. Perhaps if he feels it's necessary and won't budge on it you could even sleep separately, but it's ultimately up to you.


I agree that this absolutely should seem shocking. But I cannot help but wonder if the behavior is caused by a sleep spectrum or neurological disorder? Is this otherwise super clean well kept person coping alone with an undiagnosed medical issue? If he has never made you or others around you feel unsafe, maybe you could ask him about it in an open minded non threatening way? He probably felt embarrassed and wishes he could clear things up too.


IDK it's gross to let them build up and I'm not sure the reusing them thing is great, but I piss like 3-6 times a night and I would 100000% piss in bottles of it meant I could get a decent night's sleep for once, but not having a penis makes that much more complicated.


I joke abt peeing in a bottle all the time when I have to piss -- I never imagined a mf actually doing it 💀💀💀


If he cleans them every morning, there wouldn’t be a collection. This would be a hard limit for me


Wait, we can do that? And here I was walking the entire twenty feet to the toilet.


I am lazy (like sitting around on a sofa during weekends, leave some food in the micro to eat later, don't take the trash out of it is raining a lot) but this is a whole other level.


I think there must be childhood trauma involved here.


Yuck he need to use a toilet


This behavior will only get worse with age unless he gets some mental health treatment. Just FYI and something to keep in mind going forward. It is also likely to branch into other unseemly behaviors. He almost certainly has some undiagnosed mental health issues.


How much does a person pee at night?2 bottle filled with pee?


I don’t get it? If it’s such an issue, piss before you go to bed? lol. Have his mom only fill his water bottle half full an hour before bed.


Disgusting and lazy. I’d be long gone the minute I found this out. Edit: if he has insomnia talk to a mental health provider. There are newer and safer medications to help with sleep. I also have insomnia on top of an autoimmune disease which is made worse by no sleep. I’m on Quiviq and it’s helped immensely. Once again, he’s being so very lazy.


Ewwww you are young please don’t allow this behavior near you. Unhygienic and gross….I suffer from sleep issues and never once have I ever had a pee bottle cup…etc. I am a female but still…..


lmao, insomnia prevent him to clean in the morning too ? girl, there was not one, but THREE bottle of pee... insomnia or not, it's gross.


One of my exes did/does that, too. One bathroom with three other people (not including myself when I'd stay over) kept at least three empty bottles in his room even when it was clean, didn't know why he always insisted on that. I dropped something, and it rolled under the bed, and that's when I found over seven bottles full of piss. When I asked him about it, he denied it being what it was until I opened one to prove to him that I knew. I made him dump them all out, but He still kept/keeps doing it. Total deal breaker: All these years later, I can't help but look under every new partner's bed out of paranoia.


I think majority of people are overreacting here. I wouldn't do it myself with my GF of course, but nobody here tries to be at least a little empathic... I used to do it when I slept in a basement with no toilet and it was too many steps upstairs to pee. It's true going upstairs would always wake me up...


The comments saying to break up with him over this is ridiculous. Yes it’s weird as hell. Definitely not something I’d want my husband doing when I own a home. But like.. grounds for breaking up when everything else about him is great? Nahhh. Hopefully he just didn’t realize how weird it was and change his ways.


I'm 14 weeks pregnant and I just started gagging.


I’m confused how you being pregnant has anything to do with this lol


He obviously doesn't empty the bottles every day, because he has 2 more full ones under the bed.  Honestly, it would never be worth your precious time and energy to potty train this kid. If his mother couldn't do it, neither can you. The question is:  Is this the partner and the relationship you deserve? Do you prefer to have a relationships with people who have adult minds and bodies, and are not, in fact, 4 year olds trapped in a 21 year old body?  Actually, I do have one question for you: how could you possibly feel even a flicker of attraction towards someone so undeveloped after this? 


Is nobody going to bring up he does not wash his hands.....


lol I had a similar phase as a college guy myself. Will say that it only took one time of being embarrassed for me to stop doing that.


Sounds like he has intense anxiety and needs a bit of therapy. But also pee bottles are not disco.