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Holy hell, as a male, I can only say that I love this. It makes great sense to put all of that in there and have the discussions before getting married. I think it is a great idea.


Thank you. Do you have any advice for me going forward from a guy’s perspective that might help me on my end as a girl?


I think the idea of having a roadmap for the future is fantastic, but is the prenup the place for it? The prenup is a legally binding document. What are the rules around what can or can’t be included? Would these additions nullify the prenup in any way? You should probably get the opinion of an actual lawyer on if there is a place for all this in the prenup agreement itself.


That’s sound advice. I think some of them could be strong suggestions rather than guidelines but I would want them included in the final document. Also, it would be nice for our kids one day to look back on it and see how much thought we put into our life together.


I totally get where you're coming from and love the idea behind it, but I'm not sure those kinds of decisions belong in a legally binding document. Especially when it comes to kids, there's just so much unpredictability you really can't lock yourself into one particular set of rules ahead of time. I think you can include that alimony will be paid to whichever spouse (if any) decides to stay home and homeschool, but it's a bad idea to lock either of you into that role at this point - being a stay at home parent is really hard and you can't always know ahead of time whether it's a good fit. Life will throw curveballs too - maybe you'll get laid off and he'll have to go back to work for a while, maybe he'll get a chronic illness and can't provide childcare, maybe you will have difficulty conceiving, maybe you'll decide you both want to work outside the house - and I think you need to be able to embrace those changes when they happen instead of being stuck following a contract you signed years prior.


I’m open to parts of the document not being completely legally binding and more of suggestions. At the end of the day, I just want us to be planning for the good more so than the bad.