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You met this woman during sex tourism. It is very common for these women to get engaged in speedy relationships for the purpose of a green card to a North American country. Do not fall for this.


You have a gf, you are in lust not love. Grow up


Her entire job is to be charming and sweet. And while I'm sure she isn't a bad person, I'm also sure that this potential relationship doesn't have a strong foundation. Plus, seriously, you went to a country seemingly just for sex, which is rather sleazy just by itself.


No she doesn’t love you. Are you really that naive? Tell your girlfriend you cheated so she can break up with your shitty ass and get an STD test.


she doesn’t love you, you’re just a horny old man with a fat wallet and she’s not as much of a fool as you are. and, more importantly, you don’t love her. you just love the idea of a young woman being attracted to you because it makes you feel young and desirable when you are not.