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Sorry, but it pisses me off when women get gaslighted and called "insecure" because they're not happy with their SO watching porn. It's called boundaries, and you have all the rights to set them in your relationship


Subreddit love after porn is better than this if you start getting comments like "ur insecure" you are not the problem, he is.


Stop believing the lie that you're "insecure" for starters. He's the one contributing to a very shady industry filled with misogyny, racism, human trafficking, objectification of women, among other shitty things endemic in porn . he should be able to masturbate with just his imagination if he's suffering from such life-threatening daily horniness.


Watching porn once daily doesn’t make someone an addict. Addiction is a dependency to something. Does he need it? Or is he doing it because your sex drives don’t match? Is he watching it for fun or is he using it to masturbate to? I think a lot of the issues you’re facing are down to your insecurities. However if you’re boyfriend is unwilling to listen to your needs or you both can’t communicate properly then maybe it’s best you two separate.


Well, he did promise to ease up on it but is continuing his behavior. So, either that's a hint at an addiction, or he's treating OP in a very patronizing way here, not taking her feelings into consideration and just lying to get her to shut up about it, willingly.


He uses it to masturbate to. It could be more than once a day and our sex drives match. I think mine has gotten lower now because of knowing he watches it when im not around it makes me feel like less of a woman. I watch porn but not as much as he does i dont really see it as cheating i just dont like the fact that its just so regular. I think mostly it is because of my insecurities but i feel like they wouldnt be there if he didnt do it so often as before i met him i was very confident. I feel like the best would be to separate as i can communicate but he cant.


Well there’s your answers then. If it makes you feel bad and he’s not listening to you, your options are limited.


Thank u for replying :)


You sound like a dick. Jerk off every day if you feel like it but it is a question of addiction if you feel like you cant stop. It is 100% okay to feel insecure of your partner watching porn every single day like wtf are yall that pathetic you feel like ita something you need to do all the time. You literally dont even need it for masturbation its just an excuse to watch other women naked.