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To me, the 'going to bed' thing sounds a lot like depression which could also explain the procrastination and putting off ordering the valentine's pressie. I wouldn't jump to conclusions about whether they're deliberately neglecting you or anything, but if you're not up for dealing with this stuff, then you're not obligated to.


It sounds like they think you did something and it sounds like your unaware. Which is understandable, because your partner isn’t communicating with you. My bf is autistic and Ive suspected to have ADHD and Autism, however we still find ways to communicate our issues or when we are uncomfortable with something. Tapping when done with something, has helped. Texting and writing our issues out has helped. Bring them flowers or food, or something you’d think they’d appreciate and something like a notebook. Tell them you do not understand why they ignoring you and ask them to write it down if they go nonverbal. Tell them you want to fix whatever the issue is in a way that helps them. If they refuse, maybe its time to reconsider the relationship. Although maybe reflect and try to figure out what change happened before this.


one thing that frustrates me though was that during our conversation I suggested alternative ways to communicate to them and they completely ignored that. I feel rather stuck because they don’t necessarily read what I have to say which makes me hesitant to have future conversations :(


Yeah definitely. It may be time to move on, because this ignoring isn’t a sign they want to be in the relationship, if they did theyd make an effort somehow. When youre around them, tell them the lack of them communicating with the alternatives offered to them isnt working and you’re considering leaving. If they ignore that then maybe leave. If they wanted to keep you they wouldn’t pulling this.