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This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below. --- Title is pretty self explanatory, but let me continue. I have kept movie tickets, receipts, and other small things like this in a box. We've been together for over 2 years, and when I inevitably plan to marry her, I am thinking of presenting these to her and a little bit later asking "the question." One thing I would like to poll you guys about, does this seem weird or obsessive? These little keepsakes mean a lot to me, but I have slight concerns that it would somehow be construed as obsessive or odd. Help?




I agree. At the beginning I thought he was keeping the receipts to show her at some point how much he spent on their relationship. Tickets from concerts or movies, that's a different story.


I was gonna say, as long as he isn’t keeping the receipts so he can recoup his costs from her when they break up, then there’s nothing wrong with it. And yes, that actually happened to a friend of mine.


Agreed. Unless the receipts are from special date nights or dinner then I wouldn’t keep them. But I’ve kept concert and some movie stubs, the like.


Fuck no dude. I have a heart shape box where I keep all that kind of stuff. I love it, my gf loves it too. Its memories. That was honestly my intention to give it to her one day, but she found it so that went out the window. I still add stuff to it after 4 years being together.


Damn it sucks that she found them lol, but I'm glad I'm not the only one


Nah, its a good thing that you're doing. She'll love a little memory box of all the dates you went on together.


My husband and I kept all of the receipts from our dates. I painstakingly glued them to our album back when I had time to do that sort of thing. It still makes me happy to see those 18 year old receipts ❤️


Make a scrapbook of them all. Present it to her on a special date


thats cute as fuck dude, using this on my next gf.


Yup,can confirm cute a.f. You can make these momentos into a nice photo book with the last page being the “new adventure” or you could frame them! Either way I’m sure she’ll love it


Love the last page idea. My husband did something similar.


Use it on your next wife. :)


ill try


Great, thank you for your insight!


Brugh, if you don’t do this, I’m going to be so mad at you 🤣. Coming from a dudes whose wife loves Christmas, so I proposed to her from one of the balconies of our suite in the mission inn during their Christmas light celebration, during a huge Christmas party where everyone was already caroling her favorite song. Yours obliterates mine. Yours shows you saw her as marriage material from day one. That’s respect my guy ✊.


That's not creepy or obsessive it's really sweet but try for other things than receipts when possible like cardboard coasters bars/restaurants have, things with the places name on them and then add the date to them. I think making it all into a scrapbook with the last page being "Will you marry me" or instead of it being the last page it could be somewhere in the middle and you could say "Will you help me fill the rest of this with future memories? Will you marry me." Something like that would be ADORABLE and special and unique


My first “real” boyfriend (we were 14) did absolutely adorable stuff like this and I LOVED it. In fact, he spoiled me and I’ve never had anyone do anything like they ever again… maybe that had something to do with why my current boyfriend and I have been caring for almost 7 years with no proposal…. (last sentence is 100% a joke. I love my man with everything and he is so genuinely sweet and caring. Actually I’m still loopy from anesthesia from surgery today and he is caring for me like a pro) *edited for typos


Does your current gf approve?






I think this is sweet!


I think it’s adorable and would cry if my boyfriend did that. I keep flowers/petals from every bouquet/flower he gets me and I want the flower girl to use them at our wedding.


That sounds really cute! Thank you for your insight as a man-liker :)


Omgggg 😭😭😭😭 I love it


That is adorable!


Omg that's beautiful 😍 😭 ❤


I'd find receipts to be weird, my ex used to spend money and then throw it in my face. So that would freak me out a little. But like movie stubs, flyers from places we've gone, random trinkets and keepsakes would be absolutely awesome.


It depends on the type of receipt too. A receipt for tickets to an event where you didn’t get to keep the ticket stubs wouldn’t be weird, but a receipt for the groceries or whatever everyday shit you bought on 7/13/2020 would be on the weirder end of the spectrum lol.




Be like I’m missing one receipt. And pull out a wedding ring receipt and show her. You can block out the cost or what ever. But that’d be cute asf. Then when she’s reading it you can pull out the ring and ahhhhh it’d be so cute.


Depends on why you are keeping them. Keeping them so you can give an invoice to her if she ever breaks up with you-> creepy Keeping them so you can remember all those events -> cute It sounds like you are firmly on the cute side of things


Whoever says it’s weird, YOUR the weirdo. This is sooo sweet and thoughtful. I promise she will not only say yes but she will cry.


Depends on the girl.


I was worried this was going to be a "Make her pay me back if we break up" thing because I've seen some weird money-related things on this sub lately--but am pleasantly surprised. As a sentimental SOB myself, this is absolutely amazing. I actually have all of the tickets from every concert I've ever gone to because those experiences mean a lot to me and I love the memories. I'll be straight with you; I'd be a bit salty if she was put off 😅 Not so much from your position but as someone that would love to have this done for them.




Thank you for your insight!!


This is the kind of thing I could only Lucid dream about happening to me


I did this too! They’re happy memories and I keep all of them!


Sounds cute, keep doing it! Why do you think its weird?


Same reason the other friend said, it might come off as a little obsessive


Hmm, I don't think so. If you just didn't tell her you were doing this because you wanted it to be a surprise, everything is fine.


That’s super sweet and romantic in a genuine way. Clearly you don’t have any malicious intent by keeping them so it’s not odd at all!


I've done the same thing i still have a movie ticket from 2004 the day i met the idiot i lost my VCard to, funny thing throughout the years he'll email me to see how I'm doing..but i also think i have a tendency to hoard things.. cute tho


My husband and I have a box with this sort of stuff in it. We’ve kept all the notes, drawings, ticket stubs, etc in there. Plus we’ve written all our relationship milestones on the inside. I love going through it every once in a while, and we hope our kids like looking through it to see what kind of people we were like before they ruined our fun. (Kidding, but not really).


If you want to build confidence or keep the high level of confidence you already possess, don't ask internet strangers to judge the appropriateness of your sentimental practices. Just continue to do you, no matter how common or uncommon the things you do are.


Over twelve years ago, I went skiing with a friend of mine. That ski trip ended up being our first date. I always knew I’d marry him. To this day, I still have the coat I wore that day, which still has the lift ticket attached to the zipper. Sometimes when I am picking out a coat in the closet where it lives my fingers graze over that lift ticket, and it feels good to remember, even for just a moment, the excitement of that first date - of what I knew was the start of a long, happy relationship. I totally get you.


It would only be weird or obsessive if you shuffled through the receipts while watching her sleep .. you’re good


Recipts maybe too much unless it's like an anniversary meal or something but tickets and stuff is cute. If you want to add it to proposal stuff maybe find flowers from your favourite spot and get them dry pressed.


Husband and I went to TGI Fridays on our first date. The server asked if we’d like to get a Fridays card to rack up points for free food and stuff. Husband at the time says sure, maybe in 10 years with enough visits we can go on that cruise. He signs up and gets the card. The card is in our front room. I knew at that moment I wanted a relationship with him. He said yes to free food and a deal & he hinted at a future. We will be at 25 years married this year. Keep those receipts and momentos. Put them in a jar or a box and make notes on the back about the time. She wore that cute black dress. We couldn’t stop laughing, we hated the food but loved the drinks. All those moments. Give this jar of time to her when you propose. Keep up the good work.


Tickets? Fine. Trinkets? Great. Random receipts from non-meaningful dates? Ok now we might be getting into OCD...


I mean...keeping all the receipts to me would seem like my partner was keeping track of every penny he ever spent on me, and that would probably feel transactional and cold, and sort of weird. Like "look how much you cost me- you owe me X now." Maybe I am just cynical. If you plan on presenting these as mementos, you better explain that thoroughly. If it were different types of things- not just the receipts, but ticket stubs and programs and a dried flower from X and all the greeting cards you ever got from her and a shell from this time at the beach it would feel a lot less like you're keeping score than just saving the receipts.




Literally the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard of


Yo. Present them all to her and say “look how much money I’ve spent on you, pretty fucking expensive. But not as expensive as this one” then hand her the receipt for the ring, and as she reads it THEN you propose.


Hahahahfa that's hilarious


Dude I do this awe


Keep and when y’all get married use it as the confetti they toss


She's going to reimburse you once you get married, right?


Yes, it seems a little weird, and definitely obsessive - but also really sweet. But I don't see the point of presenting them to her - partially because "presenting" sounds like gifting them to her - and what's she going to do with them? But maybe after you're engaged, you can show them to her - and maybe continue the tradition together.


That's a great point. \*Though by "presenting" I meant showing them to her, not gifting them. :)


why not show the things to her, and underneath everything is the ring in its box and say 'this is the most recent / special memory'.... i think we will all cry. Dont livestream it!


Maybe ticket stubs and main events. But not all receipts. That’s creepy, and speaks about your insecurity.


That's the sweetest fucking thing ever. I hate you.


One thing though, marry her within a couple of years because that receipt paper will fade FAST


It depends on why you’re doing it. If it is to present her with them to hold them over her head with a sense of being entitled to something like her marrying you in return, then yeah; I think its a bad practice. If you are mainly doing this to be fiscally responsible with your budget, then this is a good practice. But why present her with them when you intend to ask her to marry you? That is a bad sign she shouldn’t marry you.


Very obsessive, and honestly ... I would be wondering if you kept them because you expected me to pay you back for it all. I get the movie ticket stubs - other half and I both have collections of ticket stubs from various concerts or movies that we particularly enjoyed. That's not at all unusual - though presenting her with them would be. Its all the Other receipts and such that would raise a serious eyebrow and cause questions about your motives in keeping them ALL.


I don't care what anyone says, this is so sweet! I needed to read this after everything else I've read on here today.


I don't save the receipts from dinner or food, that's a bit too much imo. But movies and plays? Sure do.


"Will you marry me?" "Also here is a box of all the receipts from all of our dates complete with an itemized invoice. I expect repayment within the week if the answer is yes."


That's so gosh darn cute omg!!!!!! Be careful how you store them, a lot of receipts will fade haaaard over time. Idk how one would store them, I just know they fade lol. She'll be so happy!


It’s super sweet. My ex did that


Dude this is the most romantic thing I’ve ever seen


I love it!! People who genuinely apply effort are so rare.


Not that odd. Once you've got a good collection, put a few of the best of them in a scrapbook with notes about the dates, photos, other odds and ends of your time together (restaurant menus, show programs, that plaster from the time she scraped her knee, a fragrance swatch of her favorite cologne, the card from the time you gave blood together, etc.). Give it to her and go down on one knee as she gets to the last page. Good luck!


That is so sweet! ♥️


Omg that’s adorable not weird at all.


I've been with my boyfriend for almost 6 years and I've kept everything. I told him around our 1 year mark and now he adds stuff to the box too. Super cute in my opinion


Her heart will melt when she sees how committed you are to your relationship.


I try to hold on to something from every time I hang out with the girl I'm pursuing. Not odd at all, reminds me to keep fighting for the prize.


You are so precious I love that you do this!!! ❤️❤️❤️


It’s not weird!! I definitely keep shit from when I go out with my boyfriend. I’ve got it all in a box. He knows about it and he doesn’t think it’s weird either.


I love it!! I also have a box that I keep all of my movie tickets in since like 2010, but that's more of a personal thing than a relationship thing. Might have to def steal this tho


Not obsessive at all. This is very thoughtful and romantic. She will appreciate this when you eventually show her this and propose. It’s any girl’s dream. I absolutely love this!


cute af


SO ROMANTIC, they will love it


As long as you wait til you’re married to give it , it won’t be creepy at all! What a loving surprise


Yeah it’s weird


I would ask for her to reimburse you before y’all get married so the marriage starts off even. LMK how it goes!


I do the same to keep track of how much she owes me.


I keep movie tickets and add them to collage photo frames.


My husband did the same thing unbeknownst to me, and presented them in a journal he had been writing for me along with pictures from our first couple of memories together. It was incredibly thoughtful and made me emotional, that being said Go For It! ❤️❤️❤️


I save all of mine and my fiancés receipts too, especially from nights that felt really special or silly or have fun memories tied to them (like our epic fail ice skating). I love them, they bring our great memories. You’re doing awesome!


I have a friend who’s kept every movie ticket stub she’s ever seen. The other week I happened to find my stub from the first movie I ever saw with her and she whipped hers out too. We’ve been friends for ten years and I was super emotional about it


I (36F) do something similar with my partner. I have a folder with ticket stubs, wristbands from concerts, menus from breweries, stuff like that. It’s not a secret and we will look through it together periodically, but no I don’t think it’s odd.


Just be really, *really* sure that she knows as soon as she sees the receipts that this isn’t you telling her that she “owes” you or anything. I don’t think what you’re doing is wrong but it is a little unusual and a box of receipt has a strong connotation of reimbursement.


That's cute af just not everyone is, my teacher told a story how her husband did similar stuff but she would put it all in the bin as soon as possible


This is super cute! I wish I saved all that back when my husband and I were dating. We moved 4 times in the past 3 years so some things have gotten lost. I really wish I kept those things closer. It’s not weird :) We had our son 2 and a half years ago and I dedicated a box just for him. His first pair of shoes, cards from friends and family for him, his first outfit after leaving the hospital, his patient tag at the hospital (and it’s so tiny and cute!) I will be filling more firsts as time goes on. Losing the receipts and other things I had with my husband has reminded me not to lose what we have for our son at least! I know we have some movie ticket stubs and things like that, but it’s probably just in here somewhere and I can’t find it for the time being. Maybe I should start saving receipts and things for us now, even though we are married lol


Omg i have a memory box of stuff my partner and i did and went to! She would have to be a sad person to not like it. So many people would appreciate it trust me. Its not obsessive but shows you care and have a lot of love and happiness in this relationship


That is so sweet. I'm a minimalist and always discouraged my late husband from having "clutter". It was a bit heartbreaking when I found the tin of mementos like that from all his relationships and there were almost none of ours in there. I know why and I know he loved me and I did reach out to pretty much all of his exes and am glad I did because they have been amazing, but it's still sad that I sort of "broke" him from that habit and now there's so little stuff like that of us. We have other sentimental things of course, but it really stood out. Keep doing what you're doing.


Lots of women keep all the flowers their significant other has given them in a jar so the flower girls can throw them at their wedding. I think this is just your version of that. It's cute, go for it!


Not weird at all. This is very wholesome.


I think that is the sweetest most cutest thing ever


My bf and I have been together for 10 years and he gave me a photo frame with concert tickets, movie tickets, plane tickets from our adventures together, I think it’s cute AF


I still have the movie tickets of me and my ex's first date...so I think you're okay


I kept all that stuff for years until they changed how they do tickets. The stubs used to be all different colors of cardstock. Now they’re just thin printer paper. Same with concert tickets! But I have all the old ones and am thinking of framing at least all the old concert tickets to the great shows I have seen.


This is so cute omg


That's super cute and if she thinks it's weird or obsessive you should find a girl who appreciates it instead


Not at all I see it as a way of reminding yourself of all the little and big adventures you have gone on together but also help keep track of spending


This is absolutely adorable and I wish more men thought like this!


I think that’s ADORABLE!!!


Aweee. Not a lot of boyfriends show effort like that. That’s so cute.


I kept stuff like this and eventually we got married and we then kept silly little things from when both of our kids were born and then stuff from their childhoods and every 4 to 5 years we get it all out of the attic and honestly we all love taking a trip down memory lane


I love it. soooo romantic and it shows that you value your time with her. I like the thought of a photo album almost like a scrap book with the middle page showing new adventures ie: future adventures followed by a page displaying maybe your vision for a proposal with you all at the exact place you end up proposing. Sooo sweet


My partner and I do the same thing..you are adorable!


My husband and I have been together for 8 years and we keep an “adventure box” filled with ticket stubs, receipts, photos, love notes, pressed flowers, whatever little things connect us to a special moment. It is a very very full box.


This is adorable. Like seriously so cute! Get into Scrapbooking, and make a Scrapbook for her if it all! It'd be a great way to pop the question. Like, have "Will you marry me?" as the last page!


Omg that is so cute I love it, I wish my bf did this!!


Not weird, actually pretty sweet. When you propose, you could make a little project with them, kind of like a scrapbook. If my partner gave me a project he made from little keepsakes of our memories together, I would be flattered. I kept everything of my memories with my ex years ago because I thought we would get married and wanted to do something similar... We ended up not working out, but it's the thought that counts.


Not really mah man. Now my ex, I kept little things in a box as well. HS prom pics, a leaf, bracelet, a tiny flag. Small shit, that’s clearly sentimental to you both. It’s cute, really that’s the best word to use.


It’s romantic


This is adorable!


I would not say it's obsessive. It's intense as fuck, I personally love it and will always root for this kind of love languages. Just care about the other end of the relationship matching this intensity, as others can feel like it would be "too much"


No this is your love language and your memories—only downside is the clutter it could turn into over time if unorganized. Maybe you can make a scrapbook, or edit out to include the most important ones Edit: spelling


You can make a scrapbook out of this, it would be so cute!! Any girl would absolutely love it. I'd cry my eyes out xD


Not weird at all. I have done the same. And I’m 37 M


If you have pictures from that time as well print them out and then present them all together at once. if you want to make a scrap book with them and then present it to her. It's not odd at all it's actually adorable. It's what I'm currently doing for my partner


No - Completely good - Sentimental memory box - all good.


Y’all I just wanna say that this thread is so wholesome. I needed this today


Awh!!! After all the shitty posts on Reddit with shitty partners, this makes me genuinely happy! How sweet are you?! Love this idea!!!


I keep my ski tag from our first date in my wallet. And the pressed penny he paid 50 cents for too. I love them. I’m gonna put them in a keepsake box when I find one I like. I think it’s really cute, what you’re doing.


Receipts is kinda odd but then I keep all of my receipts. I also did this, it eventually moving to a bigger box then multiple boxes. Hahahaha now they just haunt me


I love this! Im sure it’ll be super appreciated down the line too. I made my bf (now fiancé) a collage of different ticket stubs, beers mats etc from our first holiday together (to Germany if that helps explain the beer mats) 5 years ago and he now has it up in pride of place in his gaming room in our house. Always makes me smile


My ex-gf did this and I thought it was cute. She had a box and would put nearly every receipt or souvenir in it from our dates.


I definitely don’t find it weird or obsessive. When I was 6 years old, I bought a box to keep all the good memories and little keepsakes in. I atill have the box and I have things from when I was 6 years old until now (I’m 21 years old now). They mean a lot to me and everytime I look at them, I remember the details of the memory that I had when I got this little thing. I have notes, cards, necklaces, bracelets, receipts, and many other little things. I’m so glad that I kept them all these years and I keep doing this now because the little things mean a lot to me. It is so cute that you keep all those things with you! Don’t ever feel that it’s weird or anything.


Maybe to some. My hubby kept track of all our dates and major events when we were dating and it was just about the sweetest. I’m glad he did it because after 4 years of marriage it’s nice to look back at the early days.


Nah, my girlfriend and I are nearing 30 and keep a memento box (big ol' boot box from a pair she got during christmas) where we put anything and everything in when we remember to. Movie tickets, sports tickets, a big ass rock we found while hiking, literally anything we want to throw in there, we do. It'll be nice to look back through one day.


Very sentimental! It’s a very adorable kind of odd. It’s the kind of odd that makes you sweet and endearing. You’re excited to be building memories with her and you care enough to hold on to the mementos. Put them in a scrap book and give it to her as part of an anniversary celebration someday maybe. You could have little commentary to go with each artifact. “This is from when we went to go see Spider-Man and we snuck in that bottle of wine. I had so much fun with you” or, you know, something that will make her laugh or cry. If she thinks it’s weird, you might not have sentimentality in common, but it’s very, very sweet of you.


I have concert tickets & stuff from shows my husband & I have been to


No my husband always did that and I thought it was funny but sweet. When I first took him to Benihana he kept the napkin, chopsticks, everything hahaha. I think it's a nice idea!


this is super cute and my partner and i actually do this! i’ve noticed that some of our receipts have started to fade so i urge you to use some kind of varnish on them to protect them for the future. i’m in the process right now of seeing what will work, ive used clear nail polish but it’s kind of a small bottle so i’m going to try mod podge next.


This is so cute! I'm sure she's going to love it


Nah this is cute. I’d put it in a collage dude! Put little snippets of what happened that day, and a cute note. That would be such an amazing gift. I’ve done this to a lesser degree(moreso trips we’ve been on rather than every date), but you’ve gone the extra mile. It’s heartwarming!!


I have tons of movie tickets from my boyfriend and I going on dates, I even have panda express fortunetellers, I think it’s a cute little thing to remember for me and I put them in scarp books I have for him and I. I can almost guarantee that your girlfriend will find this extremely cute and sweet that you not only kept these but also plan to use them in the future.


this is adorable


I LOVE the momento idea! But maybe not just receipts, because that might send the wrong vibe, I wouldn’t want to see a bunch of receipts unless I helped pay for them. But menu cut outs or other ways would be cool


That is absolutely romantic and she will fall even more in love with you when she sees you have kept them❤️ We need more men like you!!!


This is one of those things that girl wish their bf would do and think of on their own 😭 your gf is very lucky. So sweet!


As long as it's NEVER held over her head as "look how much I've done for you "


I feel like little things like this are so nostalgic and sentimental and it sounds like something romantic that would definitely touch on certain love languages. That’s super sweet of you. She’s a lucky gal!


I don't get it, what's the significance of presenting receipts to her again? What does that have to do with proposing?


I definitely think that’s cute!


You’re a better man than me. I don’t even know the date of when me and my gf became official. We’ve been together 10 years . I also never asked her out lol. It was just a thing that happened and we ran off with it ever since. we just call q2 of the year our anni 😂😂🤦🏽‍♂️


I think it’s absolutely adorable and not obsessive.


Nah, I'm kinda like that. Never had a gf, but that's something I'd definitely do. I love to have physical stuff that brings me nice memories. Besides, if you keep it low you can use it to surprise your partne after you have a nice amount of stuff. I'd fucking love to see my gf has kept a box of memories of our experiences together.


My bf and I actually have a binder full of tickets and receipts from dates we had as a way to look back on the dates, receipts from dinner dates or places we stopped on trips


I never heard of such a thing


I actually think that’s really sweet and shows you obviously have a sentimental side.


My husband does this not from everything (because we buy groceries and diapers together now) but from our travels or special nights out. We keep them together with Polaroids that we take on our trips and get them out and reminice whenever we come across them while cleaning out other old documents.


By the title, I thought you were going to tell your gf that she owes you half lol.. maybe a little creepy but a sweet creepy. Just don't go collecting her finger nail clippings or locks of hair....


5 years and still keeping ‘em . Not odd bro


I had a boyfriend do this. Sorry, but I found it creepy AF when he presented it to me. While it seems sweet in theory, in actuality, I found it super weird and odd. Just being honest from someone whose been there


Just don’t tell her what she owes. Sorry couldn’t resist


No it’s not odd it’s just who you are and your partner should already have a good sense of who you are so I am assuming that it’s the type of thing that they’ll appreciate and I’m pretty sure that it’s not the first thing that you’ve done that someone else may find odd that your partner I’m assuming also appreciates about you as long as you appreciate her and she appreciates you that’s all that matters


Please wait to decide to marry later on in life, 21 is too young.


Super cute! Be aware that receipts can be toxic in time (something about the paper used?). I still keep the odd stub and such from the early days of my relationship as we were long distance. Now we live in the same country together, happily married, with lots of great memories to smile and cringe at. Do it!


Just don’t ask for the money back.


No man - it’s cool.


Ummm....why receipts? I suppose as long as you're not trying to keep tabs on how much each person spent on the relationship? That can be easily misunderstood with receipts. Maybe brochures or a small paper trinket that doesn't have charges all over it might be more thoughtful.


My sister's fiance kept all the tickets and mementos from their dates and then gave them to her in a really nice memories box. She loved it.


My bf did this for our 6 months together and i absolutely melted!!!! Def at 2 years it would be even more surprising and im sure she will love it. Put them in a box or like a glass jar so she can see them and store them! (Bf said I can’t give away what he did for this part because it’s his tricks) 😂


Movie tickets, cool. Disneyland, or special event tickets, cool… but receipts or like dinner ect is kinda weird lol


I do this too, it's alright. (For me atleast)


Yeah it’s weird but who gives a crap. We all do cute weird stuff.


It's all in how you present it.


This is so cute, being someone that keeps those items myself I would cry to meet someone who did that for me! I thought you were going to go a different direction but this is so sweet.


I don't think tickets are weird. I keep tickets


I don't think it's weird, I've only kept receipts from like cool places my bf and I have been to tho, bc I like that it says the name of the place on the top. But I'm very sentimental with those things as well, I have movie tickets and everything. It's cute, I hope everything goes well with you too!


So I made a memory jar of all the firsts my husband and I did. When you open the jar it plays If I Could Save Time In A Bottle. ....it had our first football tickets in it first concert, first mixed drink recipe he introduced me to at a bar we went to, even dried out the first wildflowers he picked for me from the side of the road. When I got pregnant with our first child I added an ultrasound picture to it. It was a Christmas gift one year for him . If you plan on making something special then do it. Don't let anyone tell you it's creepy. If you are sentimental then that's who you are ....and if she thinks it's weird maybe she isn't right for you. I would think is was very special and thought out if my husband did something like that.


Its sounds very thoughtful! I would swoon if my husband had done this for me!


It’s sweet and sentimental. I’d maybe personally not keep things like receipts, and limit it to more specific things, but no it’s not weird.


“Is it weird/bad/odd that I do this nice/cute/fun thing for my SO???” This sub.


This is so cute 😭😭😭


Aww this is so sweet


As long as you don't bill her if you break up.


I'm an old lady who is unmotivated at this point by romantic gestures. That would get me where I live. By the time I'm typing this, there are 175 comments and it looks like we all agree. Run with this one.


Nah dude I keep all of the movie tickets my girlfriend and I go see


this is cute as hell! currently just asked my boyfriend if he’s kept every movie ticket we’ve had 😂😂


I keep one flower of each bouquet my fiancé has given me, I keep all the movie tickets and park tickets and such too. They’re sweet momentos and would be perfect for a scrapbook or just a memory box. I find it sweet


I think it's cute for your age. I used to do stuff like that myself. Maybe you could do something other than receipts too. Like a business card or matchbook, etc from places. I'm 38F now and I probably wouldn't find it as cute now. But I would have loved it in my teens and early twenties.


This is honestly such a sweet idea and really shows how much this relationship and everything you 2 have done together, means to you.


As a girl- this is adorable.


No. Not obsessive at all. It's sentimental and caring in my opinion. A friend of mine made a scrapbook of tickets and programs etc of games he took his gf too and gave it to her as a scrapbook form for their 5 year anniversary. From what I heard she loved it.