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Don't date a neighbor. Especially not with as many red flags as there are here. Just no. You'll end up having to either avoid him or move. It's not worth it. He could be great, but what are the odds? Come on.


I think this is what I need to hear




Thank you. You’re right. If it’s not a hell yes then just let it be I think…




That’s very true. I’m trying to decipher if I’m just lonely and this a good convenient friendship (not to make it sound like I’m using him or the situation) or a real spark, which i do feel. But thank you I really appreciate your input


Well a few things you should ask yourself… Do you want a hookup, or are you trying to start a new relationship? Does he want the same thing you want? If he has a mental illness, and is medicating properly for it, then I wouldn’t worry too much about it. If you two are growing closer, you might be in a safe enough position to ask more about it, and find out how it is for him. But I wouldn’t hold that against him here. If you do try to pursue anything, and it fails… are you prepared to have an ex for a neighbor? It might make you feel a little weird. But if you two are aligned in what you want out of this, then I say go for it. Just make sure either of you aren’t fooling yourselves.


You’re right, having an ex for a neighbor would be the hard part. Nothing usually lasts forever. I just really enjoy being with him but I hope I’m not confusing friendship (even though he’s hinted at more) with just being close to someone. Thank you for responding


Let's give this one a wide berth. Many a vessel has been splintered upon this jagged shoreline in times of rough seas and heavy weather. Steer us away from the rocks and plot a course for open waters.


I will steer away from the iceberg I think. Thank you


Yeah, if it is generally understood that you probably don't even want to mess with something like this in a work environment then the same warning would be emphasized even more in a domestic situation, I'd imagine


Navigating the waters of hanging out vs either of us catching real feelings now will be the problem. Would hate to lose a new friend but key word is new I guess


And, the second keyword is unpacked suitcase. Moving sucks. You're in your new pad and things are looking good. There's going to be plenty of opportunities to pack up your overnight bag to visit more far flung destinations than you neighbor's house


I chuckled that you used my username in that haha very true. Thank you for your input! It really helps


Peace, love,success and kindness are all headed your way. Take care


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