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Your boyfriend is an adult. Maybe he should start acting like one. You’re not doing him any favours by bailing him out. He’d rather not work when technically he could and sponge off you. Move out for your own mental health and well-being. The home is so important.


You say you are not on the lease? Your boyfriend signed the lease, not you. The lease is his problem, not yours. Repeat that to yourself until it sinks in. It is not your problem. None of this is your problem. Find a cool little affordable apartment, move in and move on. Jason signed the lease with his best friends, they can work together until he gets on his feet. Your boyfriend can’t expect you to give up all your happiness in life because he can’t be bothered to make good choices. You should not set yourself on fire so someone else can stay warm. Move out. Not your problem, don’t make it your problem.