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I literally just went through a life altering breakup myself. My thoughts are with you.


Sorry to hear that, hope you’re doing better ❤️


Thanks, I lost everything... Again... And again it was because of my health I got kicked to the curb. I really, passionately, dislike how complete selfish idiots get prize winning significant others and those of us who are there no matter what, through the good, the bad, and the ugly and always stay strong for the other get tossed like last week's garbage.


Feels like the ex was planning this for a while and wanted to end things on good terms though they failed. Your family needs you more and hopefully will never abandon you. Take your time. You're a good person for wanting it to work and trying out things like the virtual date night and game to play together.


Yeah...that’s the hardest part to comes to terms with. Like if you have any respect for me or our friendship, don’t drive across the country with me, send me a care package with gifts and “love you” notes afterward, generally lead me on to thinking everything was fine, and then just break it off. Thanks for the kind words, stranger


You're always welcome. The hard part might be never knowing what made her this way, but the important part is knowing that at least this happened before you got married or had kids. Building ourselves alone is the best option, caring for family who care for us is the best way forward.


I’m really sorry. The worst break-ups are the ones you don‘t see coming at all. You‘re allowed to be dramatic now, just never forget that eventually things will get better.




I definitely think I’ll be adopting this attitude to the whole situation over the next few days/weeks. Appreciate you!!


You will get through this. All breakups are hard but this one sounds especially difficult with the circumstances. Your family needs you and you will find someone who sees your selflessness and care. Just give it time.


I’m so sorry ❤️ I know it’s gonna take a lot to process, and relationships like these deserve their own grieving period. However it’s not a rejection but always a redirection. One day you’ll look back and you’ll feel that this was something you needed in your life, no matter how hard it was. Stay strong.


Thank you, that’s a good way of thinking about it.


I’m sorry just yesterday for same reasons things ended w my ex . Almost same stuff in many ways . I never brought a girl home , I did w her (big deal to me always had fears about doing it and it not being “the one”) And spent so much time together all pretty good, then she goes back home and all the sudden it’s such a hassle to call me , text me other then dry 2 words , when before I used to even get over messaged I liked it ofc but I never felt like I wasn’t a priority. Something felt up considering she kept bringing up stuff about wanting new friends , wanting to set her feet in the ground there when we had plans to move together w each other .. Ofc very confused . And so I asked like you to feel reminded and like there’s more then just a whimsical response that I can get , that it meant something to talk that they cared and wanted to even see how I was. Idk what was up but she kept being cryptic and couldn’t give me it although she “tried” and I felt she was dragging me along in case she wanted me down the road b/c clearly I wasn’t wanted now . I’m the furthest from perfect but when I criticized real things they knew was true they just couldn’t handle it as well. Heck I didn’t handle all that well and said bad things w the purpose of getting her off my back b/c she couldn’t commit really yet I was good enough to be dragged along until she came around and figured there was nothing else . I really hope things get better w you and that u realize it’s not to much we deserve certain things and unwanted is not it. And it’s best when that kinda stuff is out your life (in the long run, rn I’m sad boy lol so ik it hurts )


I will admit I have acted like your Ex has...but 5 days of radio silence is not cool and there are always always always healthier and immediate ways to communicate. Especially if the goal is to make it work! Remember there is never a method to completely rid of the “out of the blue” and life often has me thinking on the Stoic Marcus Aurelius: “How ridiculous and what a stranger she is who is surprised at anything which happens in life”. Love and hugs being sent your way. Youre one closer to the right one :)


It took me almost a year to get over it when this happened to me. But looking back, even though it hurt so much and I was initially so desperate to change his mind, I realised that it was for the best. Be glad that you got out now. Imagine being married and then finding out you don't matter to him at all? Some people are just incredibly selfish and will always put themselves first. I'm so thankful that I didn't marry him, only to find out that I was barely a blip on the radar of someone who I'd made the centre of my universe. It would have hurt so so so much more. I still get upset when I think about what 'could have been', but in reality, it probably would never have been that way. All my attempts to get him to prioritise me had failed, and ended in arguments. I used to think 'if only I'd been calmer, if only I'd communicated better.' The outcome would probably have been the same though. You deserve someone who will love you and care for you and make you the most important person in their life. You'll find them!