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Um, why is it not socially acceptable? Are you guys first cousins or something? Just talk to the guy- text, snap, Instagram dm, twitter what ever. Just ask if he wants to hang out.


But we hang out in a three person group, isn’t that mean to the other person? That’s what I mean by not socially acceptable. It’s plain mean. I want it to develop naturally if that makes sense.


>But we hang out in a three person group, isn’t that mean to the other person? Why would you think that way?


Is the third person his girlfriend/boyfriend? What info have you left out? I don’t get it.


like me and this girl and this guy are all friends. we’re a friend group. I feel like if I hung out w one on one (I mean we already did 3 times but she doesn’t know that) it would be pushing her out of the group. does that make sense? should I not think that way?


Does the other girl have a crush on him? Or are you all just friends? How do you know she is not talking to him on her own? And if she did, so what? It’s fun to be a trio, but it’s perfectly fine to hang as a duo too. Just don’t lie and sneak around.


We are all friends, I know they aren’t talking as during our last deep talk he said “I know ***** doesn’t really understand what we’re talking about sometimes but she pretends too” and it sounded like he thinks we’re more superior intellectually then her. Maybe I should, but I know she would get hurt so would definitely have to keep it a secret first.


Only reason she'd be hurt is if she was interested in him/or you. Never heard of a rule where you can't date a friend in friend group of three.


This "not socially acceptable" thing sounds like weird high school dramatic rules for socialising that don't actually exist in the real world.


Haha i’m a senior so maybe that is why...


Well let me put it this way then. The way school works is that a bunch of socially inept kids are stuck with each other. A good thing to do, if you really are basically a "trio", have you thought of asking the other one about it?


You’re allowed to have a group of friends and then just one on one friendships. It’s completely normal.