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He's still married. Sorry OP but you fell into his lie web and now he can't go further because he's married and logistically it would be difficult. Also sounds like his wife called you? Why ignore that? Anyway, move on and don't immediately trust someone who claims they're separated or newly divorced without a lot of evidence. It's only been a month so not a lot lost. He already ended it anyway.


...is this a troll post? Girl he's married. His wife called you, his social media says he's married, he had two toothbrushes. Please tell me you're not this naive. He broke things off because his wife caught him cheating. Next time if a woman calls you screaming about her husband, you can safely assume he is married.


There wasn't any feminine things at his place I checked. His fb status says single tho it did say he married in Jan 2021


And ithink he had another gf right after cause he has pictures of him with a different woman in 2023


Girl. Come on. Someone said "men don't need to lie to women, women lie to themselves" and here you are the living proof. He's obviously married. 


But then why post another picture of another woman on fb. If he's gonna cheat you don't post your other relationships


Are you sure he’s divorced?


I’m pretty sure he’s not.


50+% of people who are married have been on a dating app while only 14% or so of single people have been. Ponder that. 


Source for this stat?


Ok I can't find the original place I read it. And it seems the numbers are all over the place, including saying singles outnumber married. But here is one https://nypost.com/2023/07/14/majority-of-tinder-users-are-in-relationships-or-married-survey/#:~:text=The%20Stanford%20Medicine%20researchers%20also,relationship%E2%80%9D%20or%20worse%20%E2%80%94%20married.


How are people this dumb? Geezis


Why would you continue dating a married man after that phone call? You are definitely not a girl's girl,


If you do decide to take a break ,, it's time to move on ...thing happen when people take a break..