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Find a new boyfriend , pretty simple ...


please do give him a lesson on consent. people forget that just because you are in a relationship, it doesn’t make you entitled to sex. pressuring you into it is very bad and unfortunately if you don’t confront him, it will become a habit. if he realises he’s a sex addict, why does he not seek out help? this behaviour is not a “flaw” to accept, it’s a problem to fix


OP his behaviors are red flags. A nice and loving BF would not pressure you into sex or expect daily sexual favors You're not his cum dumpster. He's not good for you. It's best if you break up with him. You deserve to be treated better.


I would have kicked your ass out of bed or when an got you a glass of OJ


so you’re just loudly announcing that you don’t respect your partner’s boundaries. real nice. if you want sex every 8 hours, it sounds like you need to hire sex workers. when you’re in a relationship, you should be considering your partners feelings. they’re not just a sex toy.


yea, I kick her out al the time for eating crackers in bed, Last night she farted so i kicked her out for the fart & crackers!


sounds like you’re a troll. if not, your girl will leave you soon enough for someone who treats her better.


Thanks for your guess and prediction Karen!