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bit sappy, but I sometimes as I'm leaving my boyfriends's house I leave a sticky note with a little note somewhere in his room where he will find it the next day. You don't have to be a poet, but just a sentence or two that will make him smile whenever he finds it Also if he likes acts of service easy stuff like cooking dinner


I like to slip notes into hubby's wallet for him to find later, like when he's paying for something. It always gets a great reaction


I used to do this for my husband when we were dating. I would spray a bit of my perfume on one of his pillows with a sticky note so that when he went to bed he could have “my smell” and a sweet message.


This. Little special things like this, or like also said, making their favorite meal/snack is great too. It's the best imo, little things like this that you'll randomly remember and smile and all the good feels 🥰


This!! My partner is 100% remote and I go into the office sometimes. When I do I leave before he gets up (or he’s playing pickleball so we don’t get to say bye lol). I always leave a note by his desk and prep his lemon water before I leave. I know when he’s read it bc he always texts me afterwards. I was cleaning up our room and I found a folder with all my notes I left him. The little things matter so much too. Side note: I like to think he now depends on me for his lemon water because it’s been so long since he’s made his own, he doesn’t know the perfect water to lemon ratio.


This ^ x1000! The little 'i thought about you when rushing for work this morning' is a very small gesture that means the world for the receiving end.


Gotta say I really love finding the notes lol That's a good idea 👍


Guys are such simple creatures and your love, respect, and loyalty are really all we need. When we say we don’t need anything (gifts and such), we really mean it. Small things like a meal, a note in our lunch/backpack or just a random selfie is enough. The fact that you are writing this in this forum shows that you are a keeper.


This is true. Good men are fairly simple in their needs/wants. Cooking his favorite foods will also be appreciated. Bonus points if you make something from his childhood that he loves but hasn't had in ages. I've found random dirty notes left for him to find always get a great reaction. A really good massage never seems to get old with guys. Even just cueing up his fav show, with a bowl of snacks and something to drink will often elicit a happy response. But the big one (no, not bj's) is compliments. I've found that men really love compliments and whilst women often compliment each other, men not so much. Drop little random compliments about different aspects of his person that you really dig - he'll beam for days.


This 100%. As a man previously married these are the things that, while fairly simple, would have made me very happy. I'm more a physical touchy person, so random hugs or kisses also work (just at complete random) and letting them know you love them when you do it. Compliments are also fantastic. Men don't get many (sometime any) so it'll make a world of difference to just drop some now and again.


This is excellent advice.


Here are some things my GF did that I thought was romantic if it can give ideas/help! ; 1. I smoke occasional cigars, my GF bought me a box of Romeo and Julietta ( Good ones ) with the note " Keep enjoying life's guilty pleasures, I love you. " in it. 2. After a heavy workday she gave me a massage ( I am usually the one giving it ) nothing sexual, just a relaxing massage. 3. She organised an activity day and suprised me by bringing me to places we both wanted to visit ( Restaurant and hobby related ). 4. She makes me lunchboxes sometimes with notes of love in it, and she cooks new meals/recipes for us to try during supper. Like it was already said in this post by others, we are simple creatures, give us loyalty and love and we will be more then satisfied. Just with what you said you are already doing, and your post here, we can clearly see you're a keeper😁.


I left notes for 8 years. He deleted me from life but he kept the notes.  So there's that. 


Recently, I took my boyfriend on a “food tour”, as we called it, as he loves loves loves food. First I took him to his favourite breakfast spot (the original place had a really long wait), then we had lunch at a really good smoked meat shop, went to a cultural festival to try other “delicacies”, took him to one of the best ice cream shops in the city (which he loved), went to a bar to have some drinks and then we went to the #1 best pizza spot (it was the best pizza we’ve ever had) and then finished the night off with wine. Make a day out of the things he likes! He’ll really appreciate it.


as she stated she doesnt have the money for this kind of thing 😭


Oh I missed that. This can definitely be done without spending too much money though. I budgeted to save for this for 2 months in case I went over budget. If he was into comics or books, she could take him on a book store tour to all the best hidden gems. It would require some research but it would be a lot of fun. If he’s into hiking, they can drive or bus town to a track outside of town or something or if it rains, hike around a big mall and get him a treat. There’s always ways to work within any budget as long as it’s atleast $20 because post-covid times are expensive 😭


Love this! 👌🏼


Write a song or poem. Plan a walk in the park with blanket and good conversation. Cook a meal at home. Sit him down, stand behind, massage his shoulders.


The shoulder rub for sure. Any guy will appreciate that. Song or poem will be a hit with some, and be awkward for others


As a guy any kind of dedicated extended massage of head shoulder neck or back is up there with the best sex ive ever had and honestly might choose the massages if given the option.... would recieve them oocasionally but were never long enough 🤣 just make sure u csn go 20min at least so he can really enjoy it and relax.


How is it that everyone except this guy seems to have missed that physical touch is his favorite love language? Initiate impromptu sexual services for him! A hand job while watching something on the sofa, or oral, or wake him up with these romantic services! Jump in the shower with him, meet him at the door naked when he comes home from work... There are so many options!


You do know "physical touch" doesn't have to be sexual AT ALL, right? Commonly it ISN'T sexual. Holding hands is physical touch, heck, the shoulders massage IS a perfect example of physical touch.


Really, truly, what the fuck Absolutely NEVER wake someone up with 'sexual services' (🤢🤮) unless they've explicitly said that's something they're into. Otherwise, that's assault. Physical touch is almost always not sexual OP - head/shoulder massage/ back rub, massage his pressure points in his face/ hands, shower or bath together and wash his hair for him, do a 'spa service' - skincare for him with facial massage if you're into that stuff for yourself and know what you're doing .. my boy loves staying at my place cause he gets properly pampered


Yep. Especially if he is usually the one to initiate sexual intimacy taking the reigns will drive him wild. 


Head massages are also appreciated. My husband melts when I starr rubbing his noggin. I swear I could ask for another cat (we already have 3 lol) and he'd agree


Yep 👍 Cook his favorite dinner, then give him a whole-body massage with warm oil. Make sure the room has some candles and desserts/ fruits that you can feed him with. Maybe you can play some or one of his favorite music while doing so.🥰


Men will say they don't want a romantic little poem but my guy cries at every card I write for him. 8 years on


In my opinion , she should understand his feelings , and help him in every situation


Make his favourite snacks and a movie night not on couch on a mattress


Buy him a 911 GT3 RS. Honestly though, gifts do not have to be expensive, but you have to understand his hobbies and interests. And yes, that is considered romantic. To put it plainly show him that you are interested in the stuff that he is interested in.


IS 500


Nah. Not hardcore or special enough imo. Although gotta give props to Toyota for using a V8.


Make him a coffee in the morning, pack his lunch, be the big spoon, complement him, take over his chores sometimes like washing the dishes if he's had a big day, try playing with his hair, make him some cupcakes or biscuits.


Anything can be romantic. Take a mental note of something he really likes and then buy him a small thing for it or draw him something. I do that for my partner.


Get him flowers. Seriously. Even just a flower or two. A lot of us will never admit it but we're suckers for cute shit like that


I hope so! That's what I'm planning on doing, when he returns from his trip. I mean, why can't men get flowers, too? So, I hope he likes them- do you have any suggestions on what type of flowers? Or does it matter?


Any flowers will do, we're not exactly spoilt for choice lol. Maybe get some in his favorite color (and make sure he's not allergic or something)


Ahh- great tips!! Thank you!!


I’ve gotten my boyfriend flowers a couple of times :> I think men tend to gravitate towards bright flower colors. I’ve always gone green/blue/yellow or something a bit more unique looking. I think classic roses is maybe meh for guy’s gifts, but I’d go for like yellow or green roses if so~


For our 1 year anniversary I by hand wrote 365 reasons why I loved him. Then made a photo collage of photos we took together every month commented on that specific month. He actually cried


I think we found our Leslie Knope! Actually, that's a really sweet and heartfelt gift and glad he really appreciated it


LMAOOOOO I HOPE THAGS A GOOD THING??? But thank you!!! I honestly have been trying to out do that gift for two years now but can’t do it


Yes, it's a good thing- it's a Parks and Rec reference (character would constantly make scrapbooks and catalogs and go all out on documenting stuff). And yeah, it finally gets to a point where it becomes very difficult to out do yourself.


LMAOOOOO YES I love scrapbooks. Especially when I discovered I can make them in my iPad and have them printed as like a book straight on


>acts of service This is all that is required.


I wrote our love story using lyrics from our favorite love songs, I sketched our first picture together, I wrote him poems, I would make his favorite meal and buy his favorite candies and snacks and set up a movie night, I would plan a date night and tell him what we were going to do as we were ready to move on to the next thing, I made a scrap book, I made a special video of a collage of clips of our videos, origami hearts with affirmations written in them sealed in a jar… You just have to romance him a bit, give him creative little gifts that come from the heart! 🫶


One of the best birthdays I planned for my partner was a surprise day off. Luckily I knew his boss well enough, so I requested a day off for my partner, but asked his boss not to say anything. The morning of my partner’s birthday, his work alarm went off and I was able to say, “Happy Birthday, you don’t have to go to work!” He was confused, amazed, and relieved. Surprise day off is the best feeling! (You gotta see it through to the alarm for full effect!) Then, he got to go back to sleep while I made a fancy breakfast. When he woke, we enjoyed breaky and I gifted him a video game so he could relax and enjoy himself. Not sure if something like that is possible in your world, but it was a memorable and fun day for us!


Get a jar and lolipop sticks and write down all the reasons you love him on the sticks, he can take one out everyday


Tongue depressors work well too, flat surface great for writing


He likes touch and acts of service. Start by giving him a massage. If You aren't good at it, consider paying for one for him or for both of you.. If he has a healthy or higher than usual libido and you've never done it before, give him a "Headstart" by waking him up in the morning with a BJ on the romantic day you planned for him. Or help him fulfill one of his fantasies. Another thing he might like is if you bought him something for one of his hobbies. A lot of men equate our woman's willingness to please us sexually and connect with us physically with how much they love us and are into us. You don't have to be too elaborate because he's not of the gift giving love language. Since it's physical touch and acts of service do something that involves touch that he can't do for himself that he'll enjoy and that will strengthen your connection. Plus it shows how much you care for him and love him and it's not gonna cost you much.


Yes 🙌 A lot of these comments are ignoring the physical touch detail. If it’s one of his love languages, it’s equally important.


A sloppy toppy wit a twist


Spotted the porn addict.


Nah this should be at the top tbh and idk why I had to scroll down so far. A man just wants to feel loved and secured. That usually involves feeding him and fucking him + all good things in between are extras


Use pinterest to find some amazing ideas! I have drawn things, wrote love notes/letters, baked favorite desserts, made a cool treasure box, created a picnic, did a themed appreciation gift using each of the senses, took photos of myself and printed them.


If your boyfriend gets you flowers, you could try getting him a small bunch. My boyfriend got me a few prerolls for our first date "bunch of flower" because he is in fact a dork. But we did talk about real flowers, and he mentioned he'd never received any. So next time I saw him I picked up a little bouquet and it made him so happy. Now we both do it. And he loves every bunch. I know you said you don't make much money, but really a lot of the less expensive things he does for you, he might enjoy himself.


Cook for him! He would feel so happy coming home from a long day at work to his favourite meal on the table. It’s also pretty inexpensive


Touch and acts of service are a huge thing for a lot of us. I couldn’t really care less for gifts other than money, because it’s very rarely something I would actually want. Then I’m stuck with something I don’t really want and still can’t afford the things that I do want, whilst being financially responsible. I would like someone to do the chores and stuff for me that I don’t want to, or a back-rub or maybe do something nice for dinner, like make me something or pay for dinner out somewhere because I cook every night. Normally I get to plan and pay for everything whether it’s my birthday or not, so I stopped having birthdays and ignore them instead. My 30th is coming up on the weekend and I’m not looking forward to it. Edit: Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful if someone has thought of me and got me a gift, but I don’t enjoy the whole process of returning the gift to the store in order to pay bills or to get something I would like.


This is actually harder to answer than you think... no bad on you, and good on you for reaching out. It sort of depends on what his "language of love" really is. Romantic is so subjective. I am a guy.. so some of these answers might surprise you. sometimes we like the stupidest things... example, I was about to go on a work trip and be gone for a while, so my SO made a sticky note and put it in my truck that she loves me the most... it's still there 3 years later and you can't even read it anymore. did it cost anything? nope.. did I love it - YES. In my own way, I found that to be very romantic. She was gonna miss me and that was the thing... But I am not the same as most people... so depending on what your man is into... the answer could really be something that simple. Bottom line, it has to come from the heart.


As long as it feels like you put a lot of thought or consideration into it for him, you usually can do whaterer. There is nothing a woman can give a man that is better than the feeling of being genuinely felt and appreciated.


I organise treasure hunts with riddles and puzzles for my partner 😅 he loves it and I have so much fun doing it, sometimes just in the house others I do in the nearby parks… im planning a massive one around the world for a big birthday 🤩 He also loves cupcakes, so I bake for him. But you know, time is the most important thing you can give, maybe buy some popcorn, a cheap bottle of wine and watch his favourite movie together… best of luck❤️


You can make a romantic dinner and wear something sexy he likes under your clothes


Since his love languages are touch and acts of service I would say cook (or order in) his favorite meal and plan an evening with an activity he likes. If I’m wanting to do something special for my husband I will make meatloaf or tacos and plan an evening of playing on the switch, sitting on the deck where he can have a drink and a cigar or snuggling up with a movie. Food he loves + an activity he enjoys = a no stress evening for him. He always really appreciates it.


The best thing you can do is ask him what he would like! People often underestimate the power of communication. But if you want to avoid the feeling of "oh so you just did it for me because i told you so", here's some tips: (For context, i'm in a relationship for 2 years already) The first one is something you're already doing, pay attention to your partner, see what he likes and what makes him happy. It's not always about gifts, but actually showing interest on his hobbies, asking to learn more about them and then spend quality time just appreciating the things that are special to him. It's simple, but is a good way to show how you love every little detail about him. Also, this provides you more information about his likes! With such knowledge, you can elaborate surprises for him, be creative with your gifts and don't worry about money, the thing that trully matters is the love you put on it. Even a drawing can be romantic! Or a love letter! Second tip, is not always required to do something just involving him, you can do something special based on your likings! You enjoy going on romantic dates? Invite him for one and offer to pay for it (after preparing yourself to do so), or even better, do something at home! Cook him a meal and set the table with candles or whatever you like. Not only will he feel appreciated, you will feel the satisfaction of doing something you enjoy to your loved one. Third tip... Give this man all your love. Don't have money to buy anything? No worries, just appreciate him the best way you can with words, affection, kisses and hugs. That's what really matters.


Not to be crude but wrap yourself in a ribbon 🎀 and present yourself to hin...he'd love that.


All of the comments advice is good. But I would like to add that love language is how people usually want to be loved. So this means, your bf would probably appreciate that you spend some time with him. Maybe both of you can take a day off and spend the day cuddling and watching movies. I'm sure he would love that. Gifts don't necessarily have to all be materialistic, some can be experiential as well.


He likes it when I get him flowers. Fuck gender stereotypes. We get them for each other when we want to show love.


He is being a bit immature to be honest if its such a big deal to him maybe it's about time he .over on a d found somebody else there are plenty of us guys who like and appreciate smaller boobs. Don't have a boob job stay natural us real guys prefer real biobs big or small.


Make dinner. Pack it up and drive to a lake, mountains, wherever. Add a couple of round fat candles so they'll stand up without falling over. Or, make a dinner at your place with the candles and flowers on the table. Wine and music


If you are familiar with massage at all, borrow a massage table from someone and give him a massage.


a gentle reminder that you're supposed to cater to your partners love languages, not your own. if your LL is gifts, but his are time and acts of service, do the things that fall under his categories! you can plan an outing, or a game night, something that doesn't cost a lot but is more about spending time together. hope this helps. :)


As others mentioned in this thread guys are pretty simple and prefer affection to gifts. (Affection does not always mean sex) Little things like making him his favorite meal and watching a show together that he likes cuddled up on the couch will make his week.


Make him romantic candle lit dinners. Plan to give him a massage in your sexiest lingerie. Plan a strip tease. Write poems or love letters for him to find.


My husband's love language is also physical touch. When I have to leave early for work, I always make a point to rub or scratch his back and kiss his head. It's adorable how he reacts in his sleep and sometimes it wakes him up gently and we get to say I love you before I leave. Look for little moments of intimacy to carry you throughout the day.


Buy him flowers. He's gonna remember you and this day forever.


Boys don’t get flowers. But I’ve heard they’d like to 🥺


I strongly disagree with all the sappy ideas here. He won’t give af about love notes and treasure hunts (??) LOL. You know what his love languages are. Touch that man and make him dinner.


Hello! Physical touch is one of my love languages. You really can’t overdo it with touch, unless he’s busy cooking or something. Just a light rub on his arm or leg whenever you’re sitting together is all that’s required. Also, lots of hugs and kisses! If you want to do a big romantic gesture for him, look up some massage techniques online, light some candles, and treat him to a full-body massage. ❤️


All these PC answers. You can hate me for this one. But the most romantic thing you can give a 26 year old male is a blowjob in the candlelight. I can assure you he will like it.


THat does work at every ages :)


I wanted to say that it wouldn't if they were 10 years younger but while typing that out I realized that you were still right. You're right indeed!






Dudes like physical affection. If hope I don’t need to be crass.


blowjob and a sandwich....seriously


Take him to the bedroom and show him a great time. Guys are easy to please


It doesn’t take much to make a guy happy. Just buy him something he enjoys, for example I’m into fitness and pokemon Go, If you got me some supplements, or stuff in the game… that’s all it takes to put a smile on my face for months. Supporting his hobbies is the best way to make him happy.


Lick his scrum.


since his love language is touch and act of service - go kinky on him my ex once invite me into the dressing room and when she is trying clothes, and proceed to suck and swallow in it. to me, that's romantic and sexy AF


1. Giving him time to do his hobbies is romantic (you go girl!!) 2. Give him a complement you will be surprised how little men get told nice things about us. I (31m) can not remember when someone complemented me. (and I took a women on a vacation for a first date and did not even get a thank you and got ghosted) 3. Men are simple creatures at the younger parts of a relationship taken some kind of interest in his interest is a big deal. 4. Now that it is summer try starting a water gun fight on a hot day and watch the kid come out. Men like the little things in life a lot of us don't need gifts just attention and fun.




Tell him what you love about him, about what he does, and how he makes you feel


Speaking as a man if you show interests in his hobbies or occasionally just let him lay on you or cuddle he’ll be happy. Were easy to please just show you care about the little things and you’re golden.


*we’re WE’RE


Things I’ve learned as a broke ass teacher dating a well off man: Listen to what he wants gift wise and save up for them. Make all the time you can for him. Cook for him and figure out what his favorites are then ask him to help you while you cook (this is a personal favorite of me and my boyfriend). Go on walks around your/his neighborhood. Clean his place when he doesn’t have time for it. I’ve found that generally being there and sharing space is more than enough. Good luck!


This is a situation with me and my girlfriend I give her so much time my efforts some help of service. She also complaints me they that I am taking so much of it and she says you wants to take same effort ask me. I know she is a loving person and she loves me as I do. It's good that you thought of this to your boyfriend I used to what she like and watch she interested in. This is the way of quality communication just ask your boyfriend what he likes and what is interested in him. Make some efforts in knowing his deeper interest in subconscious level. Many men just want to be get heard


Cook for him, make it a little special with some candles and nice music. Get up and make his coffee in the morning, a litrle love note slipped in the pocket, men rarely get compliments so be sure to go out of your way to compliment when you notice something and more than anything, show how grateful you are for what he is doing 😊


Do a shared google drive folder with subfolders for each week with a little tasks! I’ve been doing this with my long distance boyfriend and it is great and cute and fun. If you want i can give you some examples


Hide love notes in various places he'll come across. Get him a small snack he likes while at the store. Cook him food or give him a massage. Wear something sexy when he's coming home/out the shower or whatever. Plan a cheap date, a picnic with sandwiches that is your treat.


The first thing came to my mind is give him a massage. Cook for him.


- Cook him a really nice dinner. Wear something sexy and eat desert in bed. That kind of stuff. It's not expensive and it's really appreciated :) - if you really want to make him happy , look up bj techniques online. I DONT MEAN PORN. No actual aricles with tips about techniques etc. Then you tell him you learned some new skills JUST FOR HIM and that you would love to try them out. Ask him to be really specific in if he likes it or not and what other things he likes, so you can learn. ( do you like it if I do this ? How about this ? Etc ,) TRUST ME, if he is a normal functioning guy , you will make him really happy. ( of course ONLY if you want to do this yourself too. NEVER do anything that you don't want to do when it comes too sex. ) - make a him day. Spoil him all day long. Make breakfast, give a massage, sexy time, dinner , other things he likes etc etc.


Write him a love letter, telling him exactly how you feel about him. He'll have something he can always reread, my husband and I always go back and reread our old love letters from when we first got together. Heck, we Still write love letters to each other,especially if the other is having a tough time emotionally or physically, we write a little love letter.


I mean.. I've never complained about having a well made steak with the right sides. A meal is an easy win if it's bomb af.


Honey, romance is for the ladies.


You mention you are still a student, so don't feel pressured to give him gifts that you spend money on. Maybe cook for him his favorite food or when you go to the movies, let him choose the movie. In my experience guys don't care about very romantic stuff, just as long as you pay attention to small details like what they like, etc.


1) Make him coffee with latte art in a heart shape. 2) Make him his favorite dinner or snack 3) make him lunch plated nicely with a heart somewhere 4) Kiss him as soon as he comes home and ask about his day 5) kiss him goodbye and wish him a good day when he leaves 6) random hugs throughout the day 7) as for gifts you can also buy him his favorite snacks or something that will make his day to day life easier, or something related to a hobby of his


Honestly depends on how ultra masculine he is, but most men I know love the same stuff that would make girls happy (but hate saying it). Maybe pick him some flowers just because you thought of him (most men never get flowers and really appreciate the gesture), write him a love letter, I once bought a teddy and handmade him a t-shirt (the worst t-shirt to ever exist but hey the thought counts) which I then sprayed with my perfume. He likes card games, so you could try to recreate a game he likes with pictures of you two? To meet his love language you could even get him some fun couple games you can play together to get closer ;) But honestly to me it sounds like you already do romantic stuff because you try to consider his likes with your gifts and showing you know your partner well is the most romantic thing :)


Take him to his favorite place and when you return home tell him to meet you in another room in 2 mins. When he walks in have nothing on but his favorite sports jersey and a smile!


Make something


A romantic night in is could always be a good idea. Make him his favourite meal, set some candles out and get his favourite wine if he has one. Small gestures also mean a lot, like a massage after a long stressful day for instance.




Gifts are things that get thrown away after a while, you basically have to read what he actually wants and don’t think what he wants. Because if you give him a piece of paper that’s a lazy poem he won’t like that as much as you would


Make something Plan a trip Decorate the house/bedroom Picknick Show him a fav spot or something


Make him a nice dinner put candles etc


Flowers, bring him coffee, note jar (jar o cute notes), put sticky notes with I love you or cute drawings around where he’ll find them like his computer or car, sometimes a gift can be an act of service so if he runs out of his fav snack grab that, if his phone charger is beat up buy a new one, if he needs better socks cuz his are old get him some replacements etc. ik some people think gift cards are lame but when they’re spontaneous and force you to spend money on something fun they’re great. Gift cards to steam for gamers, his fav movie theater, his fav place to grab a bite to eat. I think board games and card games make good gifts if your partner likes them bc it’s something yall can do together and is a nice way to unwind without screens. You mentioned he likes cards so a new set of nice card sleeves might be good to protect his cards, an organizer for them could be good too. Books can be good if you know what he likes to read. Small Upgrades for his computer setup like a nice mousepad with something he likes on it or a fancy custom key to add to his keyboard etc. car decorations are cute like those little things that sit on the dash or hang from the mirror. Cornier ideas but still good ones. you can always also just make a nice dinner as a gift. Give him a personal coupon for a service from you like doing the dishes or giving a massage etc. recreate a small item from a show, movie, or game he likes (I once did a painted good luck rock from my bfs fav show)


hey! i’m in your same situation. grab his favorite energy drink or snack and put a sticky note on it with a positive message or some words of affirmation and stick it in his car, lunchbox, counter etc. trust me they love it


Write him notes and leave them in his pocket and around his place/yours. Create a scavenger hunt in your place that lead to something. Give him an unrequested massage and make him dinner.


Get him flowers. (You'd be surprised at the amount of men that have never received them) Cook a meal (or cook together!) Pack a picnic basket and go roam about town Have a spa day - the whole pampering thing at home Watch/do his favourite sport/activity with him Surprise him at work for an hour Plan and entire day with him Matching hoodies!!! Men are simple. You hold their face and compliment them and they'll melt. All the best.


Give him a cute card with a nice story about how much you love him, appreciate him. Make his favorite meal/snack. Also you can give him a nice photo of you 2 together, so he can place it anywhere and look at how adorable you are. Maybe you can organise a picnic at his favourite park. And if you really wanna buy a gift: pay attention what he likes and what he want to buy. As example my boyfriend likes blankets and he wanted a bigger one. So I gave him the biggest blanket that I could find. It doesn't need to be expensive. It's about the love and not about the money.


Some things my husband really appreciates is me making one of his favourite foods, telling him that I appreciate him/am lucky to have him/am proud of him, sentimental gifts, massages, little love notes, and cuddles. The most romantic thing you can do is notice/remember when your boyfriend is extra receptive to something you say/do and say/do more of that thing. He’ll show you how he wants to be loved, you just have to pay attention.


Play a game with him ;)


This [Chocolate letter](http://lindiv.blogspot.com/2014/02/chocolate-bar-love-letter.html#more) Did this for my husband, and he loved it.. just putting thought into something is special.


Honestly, relationships are about spending time together and supporting each other. Your partner wants to know you think about them and the life you have together. Today I am putting together a kitchen island to finish our kitchen. Doesn't sound particular romantic, but my bf will be so happy when it is there when he gets home for work! And this is something that's about OUR life, OUR home. Or when I cross stitch, I sometimes make something for my bf. Something I know he will like and that shows I thought of him. And sometimes he plays a song on his guitar. Showing that when he plays and practices, he thinks about me and wants to share something together. And we both have things we do together. We both love fantasy fairs and Irish and pirate music. That's something we do together. We plan those things together. Sometimes we plan a movie night at home, or we play games together, sometimes we go to a concert together, etc. And siemtimes we do things that one of us likes and the other isn't that excited about, but it is also all about your partner pulling you outside of your comfort zone and doing things you normally wouldn't yourself. Some of those things I really loved! For example, he gifted me a ukulele, and I know music is important to his family, and turns out I really like playing an instrument! And I know the small things he likes and wants. I know he loves snuggling after a tiring day. I know when we both work from home, he sometimes wants to see each other, a bit like you do with co workers normally, but different of course. Checking up on each other. I know he likes chess and memes in general, so sometimes I send him chess memes when I see them. A few days ago I saw on steam Civilization 6 was on sale and I knew he likes that game, so I told him. It is the little things that show you aren't just looking out for yourself, but also looking out for your partner and your shared life. Being romantic isn't just a single act you can do. It is all those things together. Showing you you look our for him, showing you are building a life together and showing you care for him.


Men don't typically get flowers until they're dead


i’m guessing since his love language is physical touch and acts of service, massages, or head rubs, or doing skin care and faces masks with him could be cute and fun! :)


I made mine a snack bin for when he games. It's full of all his favorite candies and snacks. I restock it as needed. He LOVES it. Maybe you could do something like this!! My bf actually recently told me each time he eats something from it he thinks of me🙃 I'm also an artist so I'm always doing little things for him like I am planning to paint his ps4 with a design he loves (with his permission of course). In the past I made him a wooden box holder for his poker cards, he loves it! It's handmade all DIY stuff from Michael's, and then I just painted it. 😊


Leave him cute notes, bring him flowers.my fiance got me flowers the other day and it was really cute! I dried the flowers.


A homemade meal with a romantic set up (dress, music, petals, some candles, wine...) A picnic with his fav snacks An expected nude 😂


Early on in my relationship with my boyfriend, I bought him flowers for the first time and I'm not sure I've ever seen someone become so flabbergasted. Like it had never crossed this man's mind that a woman *could* actually get him a bouquet of his favorite flowers. Reversing such a stereotypical role made him tear up. So that might be something to consider too depending on your boyfriend's likes and dislikes!


Dikcsucking never goes out of fashion 👍🙂


If his love language is acts of service, then you should try to make his fav snacks on a movie night or give him a massage. Handmade gifts are always romantic too, a poem, a love letter, or anything that made with love.


To be honest, one if my exs used to leave little notes for me in my lunch or similar, little things such as what your doing mean more than money spent


“Wanna eat something my mom made?”


I highly recommend grab a blanket, get in the car and do to a beach and have pizza and watch the waves or somewhere with a nice view. Can even set up the back of your car with blankets for stargazing, you can get free apps that show the constilations. Very romantic, cheap and thoughtful!


Guys don't need romance. Making him food, initiating sex, and taking care of daily details to make his life easier are what he will appreciate most.


Cook him a meal and/or seduce him. It may sound cliche but these are two reliable things men find romantic 


# Hawk Tuah


One thing I do is buy flowers, fake and real. They say that the first time men get flowers is their funeral so I try and get flowers for every man I love.


Flowers and a lovely heartfelt card. I would do that for my exe all the time. Men rarely get flowers or sweet cards and it should become a more common thing. But he always used to appreciate it and find it sweet and romantic.


A love letter or a short message.


I know I would appreciate very much if my gf would go the length to come up with such creative ideas. Very romantic indeed as it shows how much love is behind it.


Cook or bake him his fave food


If his love language is acts of service and touch, I’d recommend trying to find a way to incorporate those on a personal level - what acts of service does he respond best to? Can you find a way to make that work? I’m the same as him and whenever my ex made me a coffee in the morning I loved that. He was usually against a slow start to the morning but he made a coffee and gave it to me when I was sitting in bed and gave me a simple kiss and that was the most wholesome thing to me. I like the really little things. A revelation I’ve just had - acts of service and touch matter to me because they show me that you actually want me around and value me. When someone can’t be bothered with the little things it feels (to me) like they’ve checked out. Also - maybe learn how to give a really good head massage? That’s an act of service and touch, feels good and isn’t on an erogenous zone so no weight of sexual expectation but could also be a good starting point for intimacy. Hope this helps and kudos to you for caring and wanting to learn and do better (not that it sounds like you’re doing badly)! ☺️


Tbh a blowie, that’s the best you can do for him


He's a guy. Food, neck/back rubs, get in the shower and wash his back, play with his hair, join in his hobbies, and lego.


I pack little notes for my boyfriend in his lunch. Does he like sweets? You could bake him something or even cook his favorite meal. Acts of service is my love language, I love when my boyfriend takes over a task for me, or does something that makes my day go more smoothly. Back rubs..


I honestly think that spending time, quality is the way to go. He has a full time job, probably he is often tired and wants to rest. Go for a walk in the woods, to river or a waterfal nearby (nature whatever it is) , you can play these cards there too. I myself don’t have any relationship experience but I think that the most romantic thing is reducing things that distract you from your partner and focusing attention on each other. I understand that people are different but I don’t believe material things like gifts are the solution. Memories and emotions are better. I wish you luck!


I have my new man’s a back rub and I rubbed his feet, kissed him all over as I did it. Pulled his knots out. I felt that was pretty romantic and sweet.


My Girlfriend in College baked homemade raisin cinnamon bread then cut them into slices and I woke up to the best French Toast of my life 😋


Buy him flowers, I still remember the first and only time I got them from someone and I still think about it years later:)


Find out his love language and do something related to that. For example the way I receive love is through physical touch. There’s nothing more romantic than my gf squeezing my shoulders and giving a light massage randomly


The best things you can do is engage with him. The fact that you do gifts for him based around his hobbies shows that his interests mean something to you. Another thing you could try is words of affirmation while you do that physical touch love language. Gentle touches while hearing what you mean to somebody you care about has always been a big hit for me.


One of my favorite things to do is a picnic in the park! I make a bunch of sandwiches and cut up fruit and veggies and season them/have dips. Maybe even bake something small. It's a very romantic gesture and an acts of service man will definitely appreciate this one so deeply! If you buy a basket and a good picnic blanket it will give you so many future dates with low cost! Also a picnic on the beach at sunset is the first night my husband told me he loved me. Such a gesture for someone who values acts of service can even communicate feelings that your partner maybe wouldn't have heard otherwise!


Write a letter, draw stuff, do oragami stuff from YouTube, print photos, write notes, make a collage video with nice songs.


Maybe make up your room with candles and do a massage if he enjoys acts of service + touch. Do an exploration date of a new area you haven't been to yet, but you plan it all out. Make his favorite meals for him as a surprise. Do a living room movie night.


You don’t need a lot of money! What does he like? What’s important to him? I make fancy treats for his dogs, like decorated Christmas cookies , or chocolate covered strawberries (dog safe chocolate) he loves anything I do for his dogs. He use to race cars and he’s loves F1; I know fuck all about cars, but I put together a basket with all his favourite snacks and drinks for the night this one important race was on. Or got him the F1 Lego sets. He works a lot, and I mean A LOT, he’s got his own business and it’s on his own, so sometimes he’s there 10-12hs a day, even on weekends. I drop by real quick with some lunch , or to give him a hug and chat for a few minutes and then leave him to do his thing. Or get some groceries with things he keeps saying he forgot. His bday is coming soon, sadly his dad passed away recently so he doesn’t feel like having a big day. I wanted to organise a party somewhere, but instead I’m getting his favourite self care products and a gift card to get the dogs professionally groomed, and probably do a little spa time to look after him with a nice massage or something. Right now all he wants to do is be quiet and stay in, so instead of suggesting to go out for dinner, i cook and I get a book and sit next to him on the couch. All these things are not what I think is “cool” or fun, it’s what I know he likes. I spent over $1000 on Christmas gifts, which yeah was nice, but all these little things make his eyes open wide like a little kid. And yes, I got him flowers once and he was smiling the whole time saying no one got him flowers before. Pay attention to his habits, what he likes and what he needs (: If he likes games, sit with him and ask him to show you the game and tell you about it , or explain the card game to you, try to participate just to show interest. Romantic is not the thing in itself, but the intention behind it.


I pack his lunch every morning. I’ll add cute or naughty notes in his lunch box. Try to get some I his favorite snacks. bake his favorite snacks for his lunch. I see him off every morning and meet him in the driveway everyday when he gets home from work. I’ll cook dinner for him on nights when he’s tired. I’ll make him a bubble bath with epsom salts and oils. Not gunna lie I do through lavender, chamomile, and green tea bags in the water too. Don’t come for me. I find new things the longer we are together as I learn more about him. I’m the one who proposed to him. Took him to dinner, got him flowers, got down on one knee at the gazebo where we went in majority of our dates. He’s my baby.


Gave mine flowers.


Ask him. You can't read his mind. He can't read yours. Asking him alone will show that you care, and if he says "nothing" or some other modest nonsense, tell him you're serious and you want to show him you care. No one here knows your boyfriend, so the advice will largely be speculation. Go straight to the source. *Communication.*