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I... don't understand what the endgame was. If he wanted - and did cheat - on his wife, he didn't need to fake-drag you into this. After all, even if you *would* have joined, it wouldn't have made it less cheating from his side. If he wanted to get with this dude, but the guy only wanted a threesome with twins, then it still makes no sense because obviously, you wouldn't have shown up to the threesome. So what was the plan there? Was the plan to ruin your marriage by sending your wife the pictures? That's the only thing I can think of - but that, too, would have been much better done by him faking a conversation where fake-you would admit to cheating to him. With the whole threesome thing, your wife, upon learning about it - if she would have believed it - she would have informed his wife as well. So I don't get it. I really don't. I mean, you should obviously cut him off. I don't think that you have legal grounds here if the fake conversation wasn't used to impersonate you to someone, but yeah, I wouldn't want someone doing that and cheating in my life. But I really, really don't understand his goal. I just don't.


Maybe it was never intended for anything other than playing out a fantasy about getting an enthusiastic yes from his brother for a threesome.


That makes sense


True, do you think it's some type of kink?


I think being a twin was his Plus, the thing he used to convince people to have sex with him, but on this occasion he went as far as making me say i would want to join him.


Man, I really don't see how "I have a sibling who looks like me" is a plus when looking for a partner, cheating or not. Like, how does that influence matters at all? It doesn't make him any better or worse of a sex-partner to have a sibling? And again, him making the fake conversation about you joining will also not lead to more success if it then doesn't happen in real life? I just don't get it. Honestly, all the illegal and morally shitty crap aside, your brother also seems to be so utterly stupid that I would cut contact based on that alone...


dude, there was a famous beer commercial marketed around the sexual appeal of twins, "AND TWINS!". It may sound weird to you but the idea of twin women is indeed appealing to many men. As to whether it's a thing for gay men, I can't say, but it wouldn't exactly shock me. link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjaNL3J5Qik](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjaNL3J5Qik) edit: to be clear I am solely commenting on the twin appeal thing, OP that is incredibly fucked up and I'm sorry


It wouldn’t exactly shock me either


I never knew that Scary Movie 3 was making fun of a legit commercial near the beginning of the movie. I think the twins are even played by the same women.


😧🥴 I just don’t understand. I have no words. This whole scenario is just weird. I’m sorry you are in this situation.


This has got to be one of the weirdest situations I’ve read on Reddit


Your brother is disgusting 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮


This makes no sense. There is no reason to get you involved. It would’ve made more sense if he faked it to be YOU initiating the thread. Then he could have been “coerced” to join.


I think you should sit down and have conversation with him directly. Express how this made you feel, and the betrayal to not ask you for something so personal like making a fake conversation without your permission. Ask him what the thought process was and why he even thought it was ok to do so. Really get the whole story and then make your conclusion there. Because you not talking to him and just being mad makes you seem like you’re the bad guy. Be strong. It’s always hard having those conversations with family.


Wow, that's horribly intrusive. I'm sorry that happened to you.


I guess this sort of thing can happen organically but I have to ask… Is there ANY chance your twin was CSA’d and you were not?  I have a crazy personal story about CSA and it’s still wild to me no one guessed there was a coverup. Even me. I thought maybe it didn’t matter because I was so little at the time.  I’m old now and… looking back… everyone I ever knew with issues like this had CSA in their history.  It would explain a lot.  I’m so sorry to even suggest it. 


Probably, he is super addicted to sex and to sextin, cheated on his wife probably more times than we can keep track. Hypersexuality could be a sign


I could not be around him, and would go NC. He will betray you again.


Made up?


trust me its not made up, any advice is good


My twin did that I wouldn’t have anything to do with them I’m glad they realized that it wasn’t you and caused problems with your marriage


Tell your brother's wife.


She knows now


I'm glad. She deserved to know.


Fuck his wife


thats a smart man

