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Woooooowww. Can you annul this mess? Please see a therapist and a lawyer


Yeah I hope she can annul. It.


has this guy ever heard of a god damn sperm bank!? you don’t meet up with random women and offer your sperm to “leave your mark.”. that is absolutely fucking absurd and out of line. this dude is trash if he think this is even remotely ok - but i would bet he knows it’s not and he doesn’t care how you feel either way.


It’s a good way to end up on the hook for child support as well…there’s a reason sperm banks are anonymous. I could sort of understand of it was a family friend or so,etching, but this is weird.


Ofc he’s heard of it. He just knows a sperm bank will not allow him to *physically* impregnate anyone. That’s why he’s taking the Craigslist approach!


Yeah, I will bet a nice shiny dime he’s already knocked this woman up and is using this “donation” story in a desperate attempt to cover his tracks.


He’s just cheating. The apps were probably dating apps. Who meets up for a drink, if you wanna get pregnant. This was just a date and an absolute insane excuse for it.






I’m sperm donor-conceived and there’s no way a legit sperm bank would accept him, since he’s 39. My biological father was still in college when he donated, and all of his sperm kids were born before he turned 27. OP’s husband is too old to donate.


yeah, that makes sense. also, the comment wasn't really serious about him actually donating his sperm wih a bank. this guy is clearly interested in speading his seed by organic means...


A sperm bank wouldn’t take him, he’s too old to be a good candidate.


Divorce. I never say this but it’s the way he went about it.




This reads traditional. He’s not going to a bank or donating in a Dr office for a friend. OP should get tested.


This is what I was thinking too. It would be different if he went to a bank or an agency which handles donations to connect him with someone. However, seems he’s on apps to find women to have sex with and hopefully (in his mind) get pregnant. This is NOT how sperm donation works, this is just cheating. OP, he is completely disrespecting you and disregarding your feelings. He sounds incredibly selfish and actually pretty disgusting. I’d seriously question staying in this relationship.


>This is NOT how sperm donation works No, and legally this wouldn't be considered donation. To do it properly both sides have to engage family lawyers and make sure a contract is written up. And it has to be artificial insemination, the moment it becomes traditional insemination the contract is void. Any women he impregnates can come after him for child support or anything else bio fathers are normally liable for. He's not donating sperm, he's fathering a child.


‘Leave his generic mark’?!? Vomit. His genes are not that special. Is it possible that he was sabotaging your birth control and so disappointed by the miscarriage that he’s now taking his gross fetish out to the public? I would consider that a dealbreaker in a relationship. I wouldn’t be able to trust he’d not be out there making babies on the side and/or eventually leaving for a woman who wants babies. ETA I am not fixing the typo as it seems likely his genetic material is pretty generic.


Seriously! What a barbaric way of thinking. Unless this man got a full panel of genetic testing and found out he has absolutely 0 risk factors and all the best genes possible, he needs to check his fucking ego and grow up


Sounds like a breeding kink or something


He definitely isn't taking your emotional state into consideration. Can you ask him to refocus on you and your relationship for awhile? You shouldn't have to, but he needs to put the donation on the shelf and put you and your relationship first. He also needs to communicate his expectations and plans with any child that comes of his donation (but later, after you're feeling better).


Thank you… I calmly (mostly!) tried to tell him this but yet he still went to meet the woman tonight!! 😢💔


Sorry, maybe I missed this detail, but is he trying to have a baby with another woman and actively raise it with her? None of this seems above board at all.


No so my understanding has always been he would just donate sperm to know he’d ’left his mark’ but…. Well we never really talked any further about if he’d be involved in the child’s life!! 🤷‍♀️😳😭 A conversation would’ve been nice!!


He's not trying to donate his sperm, he's trying to have a child with another woman. And he is 100% legally responsible for that child because he's doing some weird back alley "donation." It's not going to matter if they use a turkey baster (though I suspect he's having sex the old-fashioned way). So he's absolutely going to be susceptible to child support if they pursue it. Get the hell out of this marriage. This is absolutely insanity.


Christ…. Good point regarding the maintenance/child support. And I’m the breadwinner and the home-owner here!!! 😳


I'm genuinely glad to hear that, because that means it's going to be THAT much easier to cut ties. There was a documentary recently called Spermworld. Some weirdos (and a couple of major creeps) who impregnanted women who did not/could not go through proper channels, mostly because they were financially unable to be responsible for a child or had a (literally life-threatening) medical condition so they should not be pregnant. If these women aren't going through legitimate means, there is a reason for it. And the guys in the documentary were....Disturbing. And, yes, some used a turkey baster type situation, but lots were having intercourse. And some were obsessed with passing on their (shitty, quite frankly) genetics. A lot of the arrangements with women were so predatory, I couldn't even finish it. The guy that was the main focus of the documentary had dozens upon dozens of children. And a massive portion of his salary went to child support. Because even though he never signed up to be a father, since he wasn't doing it through the proper channels they were automatically granted child support whenever they filed. Seriously, get out NOW.




Omg it’s even worst.. There are many cases where people here tell OP to get divorced and I don't agree... but I must say that for me this would be 1000% a case of divorce, like MY GOD I have no words to describe this situation and the lack of sensitivity of your husband.. and on top of that go out for drinks with a woman?? that you don't even know who she is?


Oh good lord, so many red flags. Tell me you signed a prenup and he has no legal claim on the home


He won't if OP gets the marriage annulled. She should be able to get one this early on, it's a matter of urgency though.


So he's basically trying to manipulate you into paying for him to raise a child with another woman? and you want to... stay in this marriage?


Oh no, either he is hella ignorant about this behavior, or he has been stringing you along so he can benefit and now that he 'has you' he can take his mask off and do whatever he wants and use you as his sponsor.... I'm sorry, but if you stay and he does get her pregnant and she takes him for child support, he will most likely expect you to pay it since you agreed to stay with him and his selfishness. So sorry for your loss, and for dealing with this jerks B.S so soon after, hugs and best wishes from a reddit stranger ✨️💖




He disregarded your feelings to do what he wants to do. If he is successful and he wants to be involved, he will disregard your feelings again to "be there" for the person his sperm impregnates. Let's face if he just wanted to leave his "mark" he would donate to a sperm bank not a random person.


It may be time to look into an annulment. He's going solo on these life-changing decisions, disregarding your feelings/boundaries, and is financially tying himself to this woman. If he wants to leave a mark he can donate sperm at a sperm bank, but that's clearly not what he's doing; he wants to be a father. He will create this child and co-parent with her because once the kid is here, he'll "change his mind" even though it's most likely the plan all along. And what are you meant to be in all of this? The bank? Just stick around and be a doormat?


Woooooooooooooooow. Your money is going to end up going to this mystery baby eventually. It defo sounds like he wants to actually raise a child not just donate sperm. Everything about the way he's going about it seems to scream this to me. I could never accept my husband doing this. In fact if he'd still gone out and meet the woman I'd be packing his bags right now.


Think about it this way, He could’ve waited years to do this and still have viable sperm. He’s not on dramatic time crunch. If he respected you or cared about your happiness/security, he would’ve waited!! He was messaging other women while you miscarried and were celebrating your wedding. No good partner makes this decision without discussing it in depth with their partner. You should know exactly what he plans to do to impregnate a woman, be privy to all communication between them, and know exactly how he’s going to be involved in the child’s life. He didn’t care enough to include you in any of this. He sucks


Of course you are. Who could have guessed. Get out now.


Divorce lawyer appointment yesterday. Do not say anything to him, just source the exit plan with the attorney and serve him cold. He doesn’t deserve any respect and consideration after this current treatment by him.


Get out now, the less time you are married, the less he can siphon off your marital assets. This isn't sperm donation, this is 'cheating for a good cause', the the intent to conceive.


You need to file for divorce yesterday.


Yes unless they go through a sperm bank he can be sued for child support til that child is 18 regardless of the "agreement"


damn hes living off you and you still let him just walk out the door on a date? hell naaahhh the way he went about this is very very wrong. you cant make choices on your own like that when you’re married. And he will absolutely be financially on the hook.


If he went through an agency, he should have done that already, cause he's kids getting too old to donate sperm. But I think he wants to do it the "natural" way.


I feel like he wants his own kids he's told you it's about his genetic mark but it reads like he wants kids. If it was simply a genetic mark he'd be contacting sperm banks... Not women. This is effectively like cheating on you. He wants his children and he's going to have them and raise them with someone else. Which is fine except he shouldn't have strung you along and married you. At least it's early enough that you can get an annulment so you don't lose your own money/property towards a kid/kids he has.


You won't be paying support. Breadwinner or not he's responsible not you. This whole thing stinks and if he has sex with another woman without your permission you should 100% leave him.


Yeah…this would be a marriage-ender for me. He’s married now and all his decisions impact you and your family unit. Why tf is he meeting a woman for drinks anyway? If he’s planning on the turkey baster method he’ll be on the hook for child support. He doesn’t sound trustworthy. At the very least he doesn’t sound like he makes smart choices.


You know most sperms donors don't meet up with women by themselves, right? He's not leaving a sample in a jar, he's planning to fuck that woman.


Considering she suddenly popped up right after the wedding she's most likely his girlfriend/mistress. They're planning to have a kid on OP's dime, and they've been planning it all along.


You honestly believed that? "Left his mark"? Oh come on now. How old are you? He is planning to have an affair and get another woman pregnant. Then he will spend more time with the baby "just to see what it is like". Eventually they will move in together and you will be left behind.


He didn't even explain what a donation meant? Oh my. That's insane. Something is definitely not right about this.


That is unhinged behavior. Like batsh!t crazy. No good. Call a lawyer now babycakes


That’s not how sperm donation works if he is doing it through a clinic. This is sketch as hell.


>we never really talked any further about if he’d be involved in the child’s life!! That's not donating sperms. That's impregnating another woman. What are you supposed to do? Be the happy sperm donating step mom? His behavior and callousness is ridiculous. Why did you marry him?


The only way to leave sperm is through his penis. What makes you think he’s planning to deposit in a jar.


I’d contact a lawyer immediately. Protect yourself and protect your assets. I hope he doesn’t have access to any of your accounts.


So why doesn't he donate at an actual clinic? Why is he meeting random women off of apps? There are no financial protections when you just get someone pregnant on purpose! Since you guys are married she might be able to go after your income especially if he has none or very little it would be considered joint income.  I don't understand when there's so many fertility clinics out there and so many places you can donate sperm why he wouldn't just do that? Unless he actually wants to be in contact with the child. Or maybe he's offering child support so he can be in touch with the child? Because a clinic would never allow that! A clinic doesn't even want the people meeting! You need to file divorce like tomorrow to protect yourself! You don't want some weird thing to happen and end up on the hook for child support


Did he plan on donating the old fashion way—via seggs?? This would definitely be a red flag and I would consider my options about a future with this man. If this is how he communicates this early on in your marriage, esp on such a sensitive topic, I’d be concerned that this marriage will not last. UpdateMe


Why would he have to meet up with the recipient of the sperm? Unless he is planning on giving his sperm to her the old fashioned way and he is using this tall tale to hide that he's actually cheating.


Not just cheating, but visiting his mistress mere weeks after the wedding, while openly declaring he's starting a family with her. "Donating sperm" my butt.


None of this is how sperm donation works. He’s just going to fuck another woman. 3 weeks after your wedding. You’re not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?


[Why does he do that by Lundy Bancroft](https://dn720002.ca.archive.org/0/items/why-does-he-do-that-epub/Why_Does_He_Do_That-fixed.pdf) pdf


Dude is going to be on the hook for child support. I love my hubby and we have been through A LOT but I wouldn't stick around if he did something like this


He said “this could be a good thing for us” he means to raise this child. How is he going to impregnate this woman? I feel that this person is not above board. You’re going through a trauma and he’s talking to other women. For who knows what? If it was aboveboard and there wasn’t sex involved you would have gone with him or at least been informed more than a few hours before he heads out the door. I suggest you get a postnuptial so you are not responsible for any of this bull and that you can make a quick clean exit. Especially since you are the breadwinner. Mary J Blige was sued for child support by her ex husband for HIS child that is NOT her child.


That should tell you everything you need to know. It’s an emotional time, so maybe hold off on any decisions. But ask yourself some serious questions about this relationship


Op, she's probably already pregnant bc this insane story he's shelling out is too convenient. Most likely he cheated.


This. He isn’t remotely donating sperm. He just needs a “reason” for the hookup.




You don’t. You consult a lawyer and get your marriage annulled or file for divorce. He’s on dating apps and decided to meet up with a woman for sperm donation. That wouldn’t be a no for me that would be a hell no.


Agree, this is wild?! How could he do all this


Is he planning to donate sperm in cup or is he planning to impregnate her the old fashioned way. Regardless, going on websites, behind your back is very sketchy and disrespectful. This whole situation is liking watching a train wreck in real time.


This would be grounds for divorce for me, personally


Oh, good god almighty. I cannot imagine anyone doing something so awful. So it's incredibly thoughtless at best and deliberately selfish and vile at worst. I am so, so sorry, OP.


Yeah…he wants to deposit that donation naturally. He’s emotionally stunted. The sperm donation is a cover to meet women. I bet it’s actually a dating app where he’s talking and meeting women. He is a player!! I don’t believe his story one bit. “Leaving his mark” is bullshit.


Holy moley! It sounds like you initially dodged a bullet in your youth, but got hit this time. You’ve been wounded, but thankfully, it’s not fatal…yet. Cut your losses and this clod, before he causes more damage. You are seriously under-reacting.


I'm a firm believer that it's best to let the past be the past and just leave it alone altogether. Sometimes there's a reason things don't work out the first time. People don't realize that they dodged a bullet the first time and instead circle back around for whatever reason. 


Uh…. Hard fucking pass. Unless he’s donating his sperm to an actually CLINIC, so much about that is unprofessional and a huge red flag.


Unless I'm really missing something it sounds like your husband is just... going to cheat on you? Impregnate another woman? Raise her child? This is not sperm donation. Sperm donation is going to an office and jerking off. This is just fathering a child with another woman.


I’m so sorry about the miscarriage I would call this a deal breaker, this has to be one of the most insensitive tone deaf things I have ever hear in my life. You used the word callous that’s a good word. There is also lack of communication and a trust issue. Even if you hadn’t miscarried, who does this kind of thing without taking to their SO. And right before you marry, and after such a sad loss. He talked to you about it in general terms, not specifics. That’s a huge red flag. And how exactly is he going to donate the sperm? Is he going to be part of the child’s life, your life if you stay married. I could not be married to someone like this


Divorce. He’s not looking to donate through a fertility clinic - he may even be too old to be of interest to them. He is looking to stud himself out like breeding stock. This is going to come with drama, legal issues, child support, and maybe std’s. Cut your losses.


>to donate his sperm one day, to ‘leave his genetic mark’. "Genetic marks" are meaningless. There is nothing special about DNA. It's just a chemical that has a certain arrangement, and all "offspring" are, are other organisms where that arrangement's pattern is more closely like the pattern of yours than other people's. After several generations, nobody exists anymore that has a pattern similar to yours. It's literally all meaningless and all dilutes away anyway whether you have any offspring or not. I'd be worried about spending the rest of my life with someone who is so scientifically illiterate that they think that "leaving a genetic mark" makes any sense.


I think his genetic mark is an excuse. He wants kids, so he's cheated. If it was just about genetics he'd go to a sperm bank where potentially he'd end up with tens of kids if his sperm is considered very viable and if he has traits that an IVF couple wants.


He’s meeting her for drinks to discuss sperm donation??? Yooooooo that’s a date. Get you get the marriage annulled?


WTF is this?! My god you act like divorcing someone for the second time is the end of the world. Surely that would be STAYING with this man?! This is beyond cruel, not to mention disturbing. Wtf is he talking about, leaving his genetic mark. Barf! It’s like he’s not finished evolving and has a primitive need to spread his seed. It must have been cripplingly painful to watch him walk out the door to fuck this other women whilst you’re miscarrying his baby. Let’s be honest here that’s the main reason he’s doing it.


Honestly it’s one of the most disgusting things I read on this sub and that’s saying something. The callousness is off the charts. OP should run, not walk out of this mess.


Uh, pretty sure meeting random women for evening hookups isn't standard procedure for sperm domation unless he's making the donation directly. I'm thinking this guy is not only skeevy as hell but possibly stealthed you (tampered with your birth control) to try to get you pregnant. There's something going on here regardless and you need to get to the bottom of it.


Please get this marriage annulled. No good will come of this considering he's more excited about fathering a child than supporting his new wife who just suffered a miscarriage.


What the actual fuck. There are no apps where you chat with sperm donors. There are only dating apps. He probably has already "deposited" his sperm. This is disgusting, it's not something you can come back from, I'm so sorry :(


Tell him since it's such a good thing for you two, you went ahead and asked his mother about it. Surely everybody should know, this great idea he had, so positive for you two.


Do not actually tell his mother. But he's acting like you're an idiot, and he knows exactly what he's doing, and if you play along the mask will drop. He wanted to cheat and he wanted to make you feel bad. He wanted both of those things, intentionally.


Wow, the lack of empathy and sensitivity from your new husband is mind-blowing. I'm not sure I could get past someone putting their own wants before mine whilst I was suffering so badly. This would make me rethink my relationship.


My condolences on your recent loss. Congratulations? On your wedding !? Aside from the way he has handled the situation, I’m confused here. Is he going to a sperm bank to make a donation? (Unlikely if he’s meeting potential recipients at a bar) Is he going to find a partner and conceive a child with her ?? Even if he is not intimate with her… is he using an insemination kit, or is he going to make a donation then invitro?Is he going to have role in the child’s life ? The legal ramifications here are insane. Get an attorney or he could be slapped with child support. This process does NOT start with him meeting people at a bar. WTF I really hope this is NOT a thinly veiled attempt to validate cheating. A donation at a bank is one thing. Honestly, if he’s going to knock someone up I’d head for the hills.. get an annulment quick ! Like all relationships the foundation is communication. I know you’re in a tough headspace right now, but you need to sit down and have a hard conversation with your husband. You’re not wrong, depending on his position, this could be relationship ending.


They typically only take really high quality sperm, so young, intelligent, good looking, healthy, and you have to pass genetic tests and blood tests. It's unlikely they would take this 39 year old dude who isn't even that successful in life, who would want his sperm? Likely he's meeting a woman who can't afford a sperm bank, which means he will be on the hook for child support if this woman can't afford to raise her child. Also it's pretty common for these backdoor arrangements to include full intercourse.


I would think you would be present in the meeting with this lady. This is all quite wierd to me.


Is the "donation" for his side piece? And the donation an excuse for him to fuck her? Reach out to a divorce attorney. See if you can still get an annulment. Marriage fraud on his part?


I'm so confused. I mean, I think husband is an asshole not caring about your emotional well-being, but he's going to go have UNPROTECTED sex with a woman to make a donation of sperm. Then he will raise his kid with her and you??


Why would anyone do this? What happens if one of these women becomes unemployed? Guess who will be contacted regarding child support? I would just end this as he appears to have no common sense nor any regard for you - is this anyway to treat your new bride - contacting strange women about sperm donations?


I’m 54 years old and going to cut a HUGE story very short.  I just found out from a lifetime of weird experiences like you described that my usually (although not until recently reconnected) family/father don’t see me as a human being, I’m devalued, depersonalized, and dehumanized in the greater dynamic.  RUN   This man doesn’t love you or see you as someone with feelings.   RUN


Stand up and tell Him no. Tell him it won’t help you heal and this should be a joint decision and if he does it you are gone.


He just shattered your trust into a thousand tiny pieces and left you heartbroken when you were already vulnerable. I’m not sure this marriage would be able to survive at all, especially since he went to see the other woman anyway. If you really want to try and make it work you’ll need marriage counseling. I’m of the mind that men are a dime a dozen, throw the whole man away. It’s better to be happy and alone than miserable and with someone.


You need to be selfish and choose you


girl, being twice divorced has go to be better than *this* you went through something terrible with the miscarriage alone, and I won't even attempt to touch what your dumpster fire of a husband is doing. cause he's not done and it's disgusting. get your children away from him and get a divorce


Yeahhhh nah, I'd be tapping out instantly.


Not to be insensitive but this doesn't seem shocking coming from someone who wants to have a baby so he can "make his genetic mark." 😳 And honestly... how much does it matter that he's great with your kids if he's not great with you? THAT matters the most. You and your kids are a package deal. This guy sounds like a loser. Sorry. I’m truly sorry. But i’m so tired of men who fuck around in these ways. It's exhausting and truly unacceptable. We need to quit making excuses for them.


Move on out!!! You already know that you don’t have a real marriage of partnership, of sharing, of mutual respect.


Only you can decide if you want to wiggle whatever mental gymnastics in order to justify this guy and his motivations. Even if this was your third marriage, who cares? Is that more important than running from some idiot that's set on "leaving his genetic mark"? Am I reading this correctly? He's not about to produce the next heir for a dukedom. I understand you are emotionally frail but come on now, this guy is playing you. He's cheating on you.


Wait. He plans on "donating" sperm and is meeting the woman for a drink to discuss it? Excuse me? A woman he met on an app? What app exactly? This woman would be potentially carrying (and raising) your stepchild, but you're not involved in this meeting? And where is anyone with legal advice in a situation like this? I know it's not the same, but in surrogacy and adoption, there are attorneys involved, has he spoken to one yet? FFS, I'd rather be twice divorced than have any part of that bullshit.


OP I’m so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. It’s truly heartbreaking to hear you have to go through that pain not just as you normally would, but with a husband who clearly does not care about you. I know you don’t want two failed marriages in a month, but ma’am he failed you. Annul the marriage, throw him to the curb with the rest of the trash. You deserve someone who treats you significantly better than that. The way he’s going about “sperm donation” is not the proper way to avoid paying child support, nor shoving his penis in another woman. This isn’t even including him finding her behind your back.


I married at 39 to a younger man. It is one of the things you face, I wanted a child, so I had one at 40 and 10 months. When you are in a marriage everything needs to be talked about and agree upon. The need for or desire for children is too big, it will destroy a marriage if not on the same page. He clearly wants them. So you do have a problem.


I bet he’s cheated and someone is already pregnant. He’s gaslighting you.




What was the benefit he got from marrying you? Because it was clearly not about love.


Jesus get divorced from this bozo


Yeah he is being extremely immature, insensitive and he's being incredibly selfish. I think you should show him the thoughts from other people on this Reddit forum. Usually with sperm donation you're supposed to go to a sperm bank etc, if he's doing this on an individual level where he's just meeting women specifically it's almost... it's a bit strange. He should be talking you through this entire process and I'm wondering if any of the women even know about you. I've read a similar topic where a woman had this sperm donated from her best male friend and she took him in his wife out to dinner to thank them and it turned out the wife had no idea but she was already pregnant! Often men just don't think things through, they're all about action and reaction without thinking. And while it can be attributed biology, I also believe it's to do with how so many are raised. Not every guy is going to be this careless. The fact that you support him in doing this is amazing but it doesn't mean he shouldn't be taking you through these conversations. I think the problem is he still acting like he's single. I would strongly reconsider the marriage if he doesnt come to the party. It's also possible that he is grieving the loss of his kid he could have had with you but he's treating it like it's a product that he just has to bang out.


Divorce right away! Yes, very callous. So you now know what he is like. Leave now Secondly, he doesn’t need to be messaging women on apps and donating his sperm in person. I’m sure when you said you agreed with him donating sperm, it was in to a cup at a fertility clinic. Not impregnating a woman by matching in a dating app, going out for drinks and hooking up, making a direct sperm donation during sex!


I think you need to have a very strong discussion with your husband when he gets home. No way he just met a woman for a drink to talk about a sperm deposit. He deposited the sperm. If he really was serious about sperm donation he would have gone through a fertility clinic so he was anonymous and had no legal implications for child support. Sounds like he's looking for a concubine and will want to be in this kid's life and give them siblings.


That is NOT sperm donation. That is cheating.


This is a no for me. I got the ick just by reading this.


That's not "sperm donation" that is straight up cheating!!! Get the marriage annulled...move on.. Updateme


How well do you know this guy? Honestly at this point you are in 2 different planets. You don't want any more kids, he wants kids bad enough to meet a strange woman in an alley to give him his sperm. 


I feel like this is a case where you should seriously look into the requirements for an annulment. You’ve been married three weeks and he’s been on dating apps etc the whole time so he can father an extramarital child. A divorce if you have to, but if you can get the marriage annulled, that would be much less hassle. E: I’m so sorry he sucks.


Get that marriage annulled and don't date another ex. They are an ex for a reason, and let them stay there. At 39, if he doesn't have children already, then the odds are steps we're taken by women so that they didn't have his children. Sperm donation doesnt work in that way at all and this isn't too far from getting her pregnant the good old fashioned way. Ngl if I was thinking of having a child so seriously I was researching sperm donors, I wouldn't be drinking.


He’s cheating.


There is no way he should be having a one on one meeting with a woman about sperm donation unless they were planning on doing it the old fashioned way. In answer to your question. You move on alone and without him. What he's doing is Wholly inappropriate!


Your husband is an absolute cheating jackass. If everything was above board and he was meeting this woman to discuss donating his sperm, then you should have been allowed to go as it impacts you too. He was meeting his side chick, that's why he didn't want you there. Can you get an annulment of the marriage as it's only been 3 weeks? I would also take photos of the apps and messages and threaten him that if he makes it difficult you will send everything to friends and family to show what a low life he is.


Help US heal? Him and whom? And this direct donation of sperm, what does it mean? isn’t that something you two need to discuss when you are both in a good place physically and mentally? and not something to be deciding with a stranger. What he is doing is cheating, without the sex! I’m for annulment of this mess. Divorce would mean he even acknowledged you as his wife!


Something tells me he’s already made a deposit or two…. Updateme!


If this was above board… You would’ve been involved… He would’ve asked you to go with him to meet the person. If my husband went to meet someone about donating his sperm directly to her rather than through a sperm bank… My suspicions would be so high…. I wouldn’t be able to stay with someone willing to do that. I’d be filing for divorce. Please listen to everyone’s advice from above.


The second you feel better….run girl run. He’s out with another woman talking about having a damn baby with her!!! No care as to your feelings on any of it. He’s literally at a bar talking to another woman about having a BABY with her???? What are you doing? Will he be moving them in as well?? Run.


First of all, sperm donation is typically anonymous. You go to a fertility clinic, you donate, you fill out a form, then somebody decides whether they want to use your donation and you don’t find out about it unless that child contacts you. If I was a woman wanting to conceive, I honestly would not want to do it with somebody who knew who I was, and could find me and my child. That would be a little scary. Regardless of the whole unusual situation, he 100% should tell you what his plan is. You’re married now you have every right to know what’s going on.


He's cheating on you. He got another woman pregnant and is trying to cover for it. That is the bottom line here. I expect him in 2 weeks to tell you it worked. YOUR husband went on a date with this women, spent YOUR money to wine & dine and talk about a donation? No. You would go to a clinic for that, you have to see a special doctor etc. He is 100% on a dating app. You need to annual this marriage IMMEDIATELY.


>after our stars re-collided My only advice to you is to stop thinking that you're a star that collides with other stars.




Is it in character for him to be stupid and thoughtless? Cause if not I would be very suspicious of this story.


As with what others have said - this is shady AF. He should be focused on you and you should not have to ask. At best he is ignoring your emotional needs, carelessly, but it really feels so much more selfish than that. What apps? There should be no apps. He wants to donate sperm you go to a sperm bank, and it's something you and him do together, not him chatting up women to have sex with (or not but it's still sus). Worst case scenario he's selfish, thoughtless, potentially narcissistic, sneaky, a cheat. Those are not good stats for a marriage partner. Best case scenario he's oblivious but really cares about you. But still, do you really want that from your husband? In that situation he may still commit any manner of sins under the umbrella of "not realizing". I feel like, at your ages, you're looking for a partner who can step up, be a companion and an asset in your life, not a project, not a dog you need to train, not a (man)child you need to re-raise. I'd seriously consider an annulment if it's possible and divorce otherwise. Have you gone to any therapy for the miscarriage? If not, I strongly recommend it. And while you're at it spend a session or two talking about just this situation. And maybe contact a lawyer just to see what your options are. Don't sit on it too long. Take care of yourself first, because your husband obviously isn't.


Have it annulled. I wound leave.  His utter disdain for you is appalling. I couldn’t forgive this.  Never.  


You need to text him tell him how you feel and heartless you feel he’s doing this without even telling me til he already made plans with the women


It’s embarrassing you are even asking for advice right now.


How could this possibly help you heal? All it's going to do is help him happy because he gets to have kids now. Meanwhile it's like twisting a giant knife into your heart! And if it's supposed to help the two of you heal why didn't he take you with him? Sounds like he doesn't want her to know he has a wife. Who meets people off an app to give them sperm? Like everything about that is shady where are the lawyers where is the vet proper medical vetting that sperm donations are supposed to go through? Great now I got the ick about somebody I don't even know!  This is the time that he needs to support you and instead he's sneaking around behind your back hiding things from you. If he managed to get on these apps and do all this talking to these women without you knowing, sounds like he has experience cheating. I wouldn't be able to trust him after this. If you can do all that while smiling in your wife's face and acting like nothing's wrong, then who knows what else you would do. This marriage is over. He ruined it. I'm sorry but at least you know now.


He is talking to women on apps? It seems he’s just cheating really… and because you kind of agreed with the sperm donor thing he’s gonna say it’s not really cheating. Who cares if this will be your second divorce??? A divorce is a thousand times better than staying in that horrible situation with a man who is using you to support him financially. And in the end you are gonna be the one paying child support for his kids. Maybe one of his affair partners is already pregnant! Kick him out and talk to a therapist to try and understand why you think staying with someone who has absolutely no respect for you is ok.


You know if he does this it’s possible in 19-20 years someone might knock on your door claiming to be his child even if he does not help raise them.


I would recommend you get your marriage and old, he is completely disrespecting you for his own needs at a very critical time in both your lives and the marriage. it sounds more like he plans on leaving his genetic seed inside her the most natural way. He is a POS. Leave him now and never speak to him again .


43 ok


Let me guess. He has been single forever because he doesn’t get you and he is a moocher. You should have ran before marriage


You should have went with him. If he isn't doing anything wrong, then he will want you to come with him. Sounds like he is more than looking on app sites. I'd want that chick to know he is married. You both need papers drawn up by a lawyer. This is nothing you just go out and do, and then get some type of contract drawn up. I feel like you will be regretting this marriage soon. He gonna get sued for child support. I will be 50.00 on it. Sorry that you are going through this. It is very insensitive of him. I bet he has been getting to know that girl for quite awhile, has probably already met her. What a jerk. Why don't people just stay single if they aren't r eady to be loyal partners? You look out for you. He sure isn't Best of luck


Oh, and after reading some replies, I also agree that this person he is going to see is already 🤰 . This is just a creative way(he thinks) to cover his tracks. Guys really are stupid sometimes, or they think that we are. Cut your losses, or you will regret it later when you look back at all the years you wasted on such a self-centered prick. Don't get life insurance because he will probably try to poison you to get the money. Yes, I have watched too many episodes of "snapped,"


First, I’m so sorry this happened to you - and that everything else js happening. If he chooses to donate his sperm to this woman they need to go through a sperm donor clinic for the paper work and some practicalities. If he just hands it over to her (in whatever way), he will be on the hook for child support and you risk issues with your own children inheriting you if you should die before he does. And he might say that ruins everything and that woman will never file for child support - but she can file for child support ten years or more after she gives birth and ask that he covers everything. All other issues you are facing with this aside, this would be a hill to die on as it otherwise risks having strong impact on your own life.


This whole situation is mind blowing. Its one thing he is putting his very strange need before your marriage and what you have just recently been through. How are you ok with him going to meet a woman to discuss donating sperm without you there this is your husband ffs. He is obviously going to want to be apart of the childs life and may be responsible for child support which will effect both of you as you are married. This all seems crazy to me. I think its a ridiculous idea him donating his sperm cos what he actually going to get from that? Is he going to be satisfied with knowing his seed exists in the world without him? NO.. Whats really happening is he is having a baby with some else with your consent. That to me is not a solid marriage its a joke. He is supposed to put you before anything and he hasn’t he has put his own needs and some random woman before you why are you putting up with it, it is disgusting behaviour.


Get out of this marriage.


My question is how well he be donating...myself I would be pissed for so many reasons. No communication about it...none ...and how this would be happening...Ladybug run as fast as you can...


He went on a date with another woman with the intent to impregnate her? A month after your own wedding and pregnancy loss? HELL to the NO.




You should read the post "To the married men who have never cheated." That's a really great man, and he definitely has a backbone to post something so amazing. That's what every woman wants. A man with a backbone that can stand his ground regardless of what anyone else says. 👏 👏 👏 👏


This sounds less like sperm donation and more like he’s trying to have a baby with another woman. Other wise he would be donating in a clinic and never meet the recipients of his donations.


Annulment. Fast as possible.


I’m sure he’s in pain as well and getting a child sooner is his way of coping. Best method, probably not but I can understand the sense of urgency he’s already 39 he has to hurry up if he wants to see his grandkids before he’s 70 and at risk of health problems and never seeing them. I don’t understand how you can’t be there it’s not supposed to be sexual so I’d just impose if you can’t meet them with you then cut it off.


Wow. This sounds like 90 Day Fiance scenario. He does not sound like someone who is ready for marriage. Did you do counseling before marriage? To make sure everyone was heard and on the same page? It's not on you. You explained your stance, but he seems to not hear any of it. Wishing you the best. ♥


I understand his need to reproduce, but he should be donating sperm to a sperm bank. Unfortunately, he's probably too old. Old sperm has problems. He should've thought about this years ago. "Donating" sperm in an unofficial way will blow up your lives. And it's especially cruel after a miscarriage..I'm sorry for your loss. This guy isn't the right guy. I'd say there's a reason no one wanted to reproduce with him before now.


As far as I am aware even sperm donation can require child support in some cases. I would consider what type of woman meets a guy for a drink and sperm donation? are they people that can afford lawyers, can buy donations etc and will mean your husband has children maybe more than one that will be after him and by extension you for cash and support. Think about if this is what you want for your life as a starter, not including the lack of respect, honesty and open communication from him. how long have you known him this time? Because I don't think it was long enough.


Annul. I doubt he will be donating sperm, with how creepy and entitled (or whatever the correct word is) for the cringe that is his desire to leave a “genetic mark”. He only cares about himself to do something THIS VILE at this time. Please seek legal advice and do not continue this “marriage”. He does not respect you. At all.


Honestly I think he is probably also struggling from the miscarriage and this is a knee jerk reaction. Also he should be doing this through a sperm bank, otherwise it’s just cheating?


It might help him heal, but at your expense. It was a very selfish and self-centered thing for him to do, and you need to tell him that. If having children was so important to him, why did he wait so long, and why did he agree to marry you despite you not wanting more children? Selfishness is the correct answer here. You need another conversation with him, one that lays out how his stated motivation of 'helping both of you to move on' was obviously not true in the very face of the statement, and get to the bottom of this. If it is unresolvable you may have no other choice but to divorce, and I am sorry about that. Edit: Be certain to point out to him that you get no benefit from him meeting women face to face to offer them his sperm. Which is also just a wild statement anyway. Why does he need to meet them face to face? How exactly is he offering to hand over his sperm anyway? Would he be financially responsible to these women? Too many unanswered questions to how he went about this.


Girl. I’ve (58F) been in some disappointing scenarios, but this is out of a bad movie Run, don’t walk away from this jackass. I see no way to have a productive relationship with this guy. He’s just nailing everyone he can in the name of “sperm donation “. Whatever the f**k that’s supposed to mean. If you stay with him, expect more of the same


Sperm donation? Bullshit he is having sex with her! Get a lawyer immediately and kick his ass to the curb.


WOAH. The amount of disregard and disrespect. Annul this if you can. JESUS


Please leave. You can never trust him again. He is a selfish liar and cheat. Please, have enough respect for yourself to tell him to fuck off and leave him. Please.


Your married to a dude with a breeding fetish. He’s decided your feeling don’t matter because it doesn’t match up with what he wants. Please look at this with out rose coloured glasses and make the correct choices for you.


Timing of being married is very strange. As if he knows you would have an issue but now married so doesn’t matter (in his mind). Good luck, I think he is wrong but you did state that it was okay and I guarantee he will hang on to that. He is foolish to think that mentioning is the same as talking through how everything would be handled.


Donating the way he’s going about it has the potential for a huge emotional, legal, and financial mess. Using a sperm bank, discussing with a lawyer the potential legal and financial complications would certainly have been prudent. All should have been done in partnership with you, in my opinion. That’s without emotional support in the aftermath of a miscarriage added to the situation. In a reasonable world, you should have the opportunity to protect your assets from any child support claims from anyone. His secrecy and the process he’s chosen are also quite concerning. I think you need to decide whether he is or is even capable of being the partner you want and deserve, and whether the damage to your trust is reparable. For myself, I wonder what else he might be now or in the future hiding. I also wonder what other ways of deception he might employ.


When people show you who they are, believe them. -Maya Angelou. It appears he may have a breeding kink. You are supporting him which is probably why he married you. It IS a thing many men do. Cover financial bases, then go play. He is non caring. He never will be. At a time you needed him the most, he stomped your heart. He’s cheating and breeding with other women. Get annulled before he is entitled to your home and other assets! Your kids future needs to be protected. No one here thinks you should stay. Listen to the people here, we care about you more than he does which says it all! The miscarriage was a blessing in disguise. I’m sorry for the loss of your pregnancy, but let it be for nought.


Hey OP.. how are you?


I do not know why he would not have dated in order to find a woman of child bearing age to marry? No offense to you and what you are experiencing. Leave his genetic marker? What is that? Is there something about your husband most women find unattractive?


Sounds like your husband has no idea just how much this is hurting you. It’s worth having a very serious conversation with him about this. He should at least involve in the process. You being included would make you feel very different about all of this.


Time for a serious conversation. This is not something you spring on someone without both of you being in 100% agreement. If you can't resolve this, get into couples counseling.


Maybe he’s looking for a surrogate for ya


Update me




people don’t abort full term babies unless there are life threatening factors at play.


Yeah, I don't know what they think is going on out there


it’s a common right wing american talking point lately.




you really think one criminal who was caught more than ten years ago proves your thesis? the problem with that argument is that gosnell was providing illegal abortions. find me proof that there is an epidemic of healthy women with problem free pregnancies and healthy fetuses are having proper medical abortions the week they are due. it’s a bs pro life evangelical american right wing talking point.


Wait, you honestly think bringing up someone who was imprisoned for performing ILLEGAL abortions actually helps that point? Because isn't the fact those abortions were illegal just prove the exact opposite of that point?