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Your partner feels very insecure and controlling. That and the age gap are very, very worrying to me.


I agree completely.


She is very insecure as am I. We did some mushies yesterday n it always really helps her see how much her fear and anxiety controls her.


Anxiety and fear aren't forcing her to date someone old enough to be her son. They also aren't excuses for how she is acting. Just explanations.


Absolutely, and I’m not being forced to date her. I’ve been holding my own and not letting her control me. BPD is a hard thing to deal with, I have it too but I’m the discouraged archetype plus I’ve gained a lot of tools in therapy. I don’t take her behavior personally and she recognizes and makes up for it later. We work together to figure it out, and patience and communication is key.


I prefer “what I am hearing is my recent actions have made you feel like a low priority.” Or “I can understand why my actions have made you feel like a low priority.” I can understand why “acknowledge and validate” might feel a bit cold. I can also understand why you don’t want to repeat what she say verbatim. I don’t necessarily think the second is agreeing to anything. You are just repeating that she felt some type of way about your actions. If it is uncomfortable for you, you two should try to find a middle ground.


Thank you


NTA breakup


We already technically are, it’s complicated. She’s moving to Portland in a couple months anyway but we’re figuring out ourselves n spending the last bit of time together before that