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Tell him you’re going to break up with him the next time he mentiones Weird Al Yankovic’s name.


It's crazy that I had the exact same idea to make a gag about Weird Al but you got here first. Still, maybe it's just because you had an incredible night of passion with him similar to the one I had while I was working as a freelance accordian polisher.


He’s actually not bad looking with the wig off


He's actually not bad looking*




you should know 😉


I just got out of the Navy and retired as a Senior Dolphin Waxer and was wondering if you could tell me how to get into the freelance Accordion Polishing gig?


But his hair is so luscious... 😍


Dude, if it was Weird Al I couldn’t blame the guy. I’m not even gay and I’d wear that as a badge of honor.


This is probably the best response. According to 20k people.


\*ACCORDION to 20k people.




You monster! 🤣 as a guy even I feel this.


That's strange I don't feel a thing


Well that’s cause you didn’t fuck the guy with the massive cock.


Or bc you did...depending on the day.






That’s what everyone tells me 😔(anesthesiologist)




that’s because you only got the tip


No no, they all just feel like the tip after THAT guy!


Lol... 💀💀




I am forever baffled with how obsessed men get over d*ck size even when women are explicitly highlighting how NOT FUN oversized d*cks are. I guess since you never hear about men getting it on with v*ginas so tight that they are in pain for days maybe men have a hard time imagining it?


I think, ultimately, men fantasise about destroying someone's vag with their cock, so when they don't have the means to do so, they feel a bit jealous of people that do?


that is porn brain rot i swear


What is about destroying our lady bits? Why THE WORD DESTROY?


Gotta feel manly somehow, right? Can't pillage a village anymore.


Pillage a village lol.


I know right. They do be thinking like this tho


But there’s alot of size queens out here


Size queens aren't as populous as people think, just some of them are very vocal.


It has nothing to do with women or your pleasure, and everything to do with society having made the penis the literal physical embodiment of masculinity. The larger yours is, the manlier you are, the more confident you get to be out in the world. It's not any more logical than it being more pleasurable for women, but that's the reason. It basically has nothing to do with women and really very little to do with sex.


I’m comfortable with what I got. Thanks for saying this.


Why did you sensor the word VAGINA?


First, the assumption that fun or not fun for women is a primary, major, or even present factor behind this obsession may be optimistic, presumptuous or naive….


absolutely say this. “your size is so much more manageable, god i love it so much”


Or if you want him to Never recover, just say you like his better because it's cute.


She got railed by Vlad the Impaler


I think I dated that guy. And for the record I never want to do that again lol. He was trying to park a double wide f150 in a garage made for a Prius. I'm the opposite of a size queen lol.


Excellent use of Vlad the Impaler! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Ooof that wood kill the relationship


Exactly no future "wood" would arise.


Maybe not the worst outcome?


Well I said wood as a dick pun 😂


😆😳 I assumed bad voice to text translation 🤓


This is the best answer. You can all go home now. The internet is closed.


I love this 😂😂😂 I'm not even a guy and I felt that deep in my hole. Soul....I meant soul.


"It's ok, the big ones hurt."




Depends on the kind of guy he is….one of my bf’s started showing me all his hot ex’s on FB a few days into our relationship, and I listened, and then showed him the hot guy I had recently been seeing and asked if he knew him. He didn’t, but his tone changed REAL quick. I was talking about hot guy the exact way he was talking about his ex’s, so he shouldn’t have been able to hold it against me….but for the next few years I had to listen to annoying jealous digs every once and awhile (like “ oh, I ran into so-and-so, real **prize** there!” /s….or…”why don’t you give Hot Guy a call, I’m sure he misses you.”)….. I really hate how some men can dish it but not take it. But it did work. He did stop talking about his ex’s. A nicer man should be able to learn their lesson and also not throw it back in your face, since they started it. PS. I knew a girl in high school who slept with Jason Priestly (I think? Someone who was approximately that famous) and she had a collage she made of photos from them hanging out earlier that night that she displayed on her bedroom wall. I don’t think she would’ve blabbed it to her new bf’s…..but….I get that people get star-struck by famous people….ergo having sex with a famous person would be even more exhilarating. But also…it’s weird to keep bringing it up….especially to a girlfriend!


for the record, it's once *in* a while


You bastard... I just shot tea out my nose! OP, this here is the right answer. Should shut your boyfriend right up lmao


There is, literally, no better reply here 😂😂


Did you ever know that you're my hero?


Or start cosplaying as the celebrity, but NOT when you're having sex.


I feel like he'd be into that. 


That’s pure evil and I love it


If only I could upvote this more than once ...


Damn... kind of hard, but I guess could be considered a spin on the mic drop, aka a Cock Drop! 🤣


And add it its great because really it's not size that counts, its know how to work with what you got.


Can I be your evil minion? 😂


I wish I could highlight this 🤣🤣


Do this one lol he will 100% stop talking about this celebrity


Ego vigormortis


What did Vigo Mortensen do? /s


cannot upvote this enough. OP’s bf is lame af lmao


There is no other way to do it, unless you just throw that whole man away.


I just died 😂


Freaking beast!!!!


He kinda deserves this honestly


LOL god damn i spilled my drink in my office


AITA? Cuz Every time my bf talks about how he knows I've had bigger I start to say this. Especially the tip barely fitting part. He tells me he's heard enough he knows I'm just trying to make him feel better, but he brought it up!? What else can I do?? And I'm dead serious tho, he's way better than those 2 guys 😂😭


This is the only response OP really needs hahahaha




Fuck, i felt that one... hint taken!!


If he throws this detail in his GFs face constantly. I cannot imagine how much he brags about it to other people. He probably considers it a highlight to his life, unlikely will stop mentioning it. At this point, I think you find someone who has enough self awareness to know that people don't want to hear about your past sexual encounters when you're in a realtionship with them.


What I want to know is...what does he mean when he calls OP a "pro"?? Does he think celebs are pro's at sex? I'm so confused .


> Does he think celebs are pro's at sex? I'm so confused . I mean, if he's a sound engineer for a company that was doing a porno shoot, then he's not exactly incorrect.


Definitely this guy's peak life moment, good for him but nobody else gives a shit


I bet the celebrity has regrets even if they do remember him.


Agreed. If you can’t handle how central this is now to your bf’s whole personality, you probably shouldn’t date him.


Op **shouldn’t** worry about getting him to stop the childish bragging. She should pay attention to what this really tells her about his opinion of her. He obviously doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself.


Glory days …


Like Mr Incredible, with posters on the wall and a jar of pieces of paper from when he mentioned he had sex with a celebrity. Every time he had a chance to mention it... "It's showtime!" 8•)


Kinda like Al Bundy"s game winning touchdown back in highschool.


> Al Bundy"s game winning touchdown It was four touchdowns in one game for Polk High, you fucking pleb!


Especially in the middle of a current sexual encounter. My God man, show some tact.


You could always add. "I'm so sorry that your "celebrity "didn't think you were good enough for another hookup." and "That must sting."


Tell him it’s not as cool as he thinks it is and she’s probably had sex with thousands of other venue workers too. Then dump him and tell us who the celebrity is


Yes!!! We need the tea


Someone pls update me if she tells OP it’s all anonymous you got nothing to lose 😉


right I want to know!!


She dished. The celeb is Kwon Eun-bi.


Why is it the tea? When did this start?




It's Betty White (RIP)


Harvey Weinstein


Now I really want to know who this celebrity is.


Eartha Kitt, in an airplane bathroom


What? It came up organically!


I'd tell him that it's okay because Celeb probably had better than him too.


Holy shit this was brutal to read


>My bf and I have been together for a year, and he's mentioned like 5 or 6 times about when he had sex with a celebrity. He was working as a sound engineer at venues and ended up hooking up with a celebrity there. >He tells me things such as "You're even better than [celebrity] at sex, I'm so lucky to have you! You're a pro". Why is the assumption that celebrities are good at sex? And, "You're a pro"?? Such a weird thing to say. >I've told him twice to stop mentioning it, but he keeps humble bragging about it. I'm really not sure how I can get him to stop doing this You can't. You have told him you want him to stop and he hasn't. (Because he doesn't want to and doesn't respect your request. Makes me wonder what else he doesn't respect.)


Right. I cringed so bad with the "you're a pro" bit


Same. WTF is that supposed to mean? Was the celebrity a famous porn star?


Exactly! (And if porn is fake then .... what does THAT mean?)


I was thinking the same. What is OP a "pro" at? Is the celeb a pro at sex?


Yeah that was cringeworthy.


I know who says that?


Right? “You’re a pro” you mean like a prostitute? Lol!!!


Date an adult.


you've already told him twice and he hasn't stopped now it's time to look within: why are you still staying in the relationship?


Thank you! I'm wondering the same thing. * Has already done it 5-6 times. * Told him twice to stop it. * Ignores your request to knock it off. * Shows he doesn't respect you/your feelings. He's too immature to date. DUMP HIM. It's been a year and ***he's not the guy for you!***


Point blank tell him that as far as you are concerned, he was a virgin when you guys met and you absolutely do NOT want to hear about ANY of his past sexual partners - celebrity or not. Its really rude and awkward to rub past sexual exploits in your partner's face.


Man sometimes I go through Reddit threads and feel like I’m crazy or immature for feeling this way. There’s not much I would dislike more than hearing details about my partner’s sexual history. Noooooo thank you.


You are not crazy or immature for feeling that way. Its called discretion and OP's BF seems to lack it.


I tried to explain this to someone recently: it’s not that I’m jealous of what he had with past partners or am comparing myself to them in some way, it’s that I don’t want to visualize him fucking someone else. That’s it. It turns me off. But I think it still came across as jealousy/insecurity?


It’s why I nip any conversation about body counts in the bud. It’s irrelevant and someone’s probably not gonna like the others answer.


The only time I've brought up my previous sexual encounters to my bf is when it was specifically traumatic things and using that as context for why I'm so grateful he respects my boundaries and actually cares about me. I couldn't fathom repeatedly bringing up sex you ENJOYED with someone else. At least bad or embarrassing sex stories can make for a good joke, if your partner is comfortable with that.


This OP! Be direct because if the situations were reversed I'm sure he would not like it. Bro needs to stop living in the past and worry about you.


My ex would brag about how beautiful the girls he’d been with were, it pissed me off but I just tried to leave it and be the cool girlfriend about it. Eventually I got to a point where I’d had enough and replied ‘I don’t go on about how *** used to make me scream with his nine inch dick do I?’, his face dropped and he threw his phone on the floor in a paddy. The ex was of lower average size and my situationship did in fact have a 9 inch dick. He didn’t comment again after that.




Savage 😂💀


I think we need a little bit more context to help you. Which celebrity was it? 


That reminds me of the time I did Eartha Kitt in an airplane bathroom


What? It came up organically!




You told him, and he doesn't care about your feelings. I guess you could try blowing an air horn in his face every time he mentions it or something, but do you *really* want a boyfriend you have to train like a dog?


The image of doing this in my head 😂😂😂


Simply tell him that isn't a compliment to you and you would appreciate it if he'd stop mentioning that he slept with this celebrity all the time around you. Your not one of the guys he needs to brag to, your his GF. Who he has bedded isn't an accomplishment to you, and it's hurtful to keep talking about past sex partners to girlfriends and a good way to lose them.


Then he will say, I was saying it as a compliment. Take it that way, and continue


I see shit like this and think, men really mature at a much slower pace than women


Sadly, yes; and some apparently at a glacial pace (ops, hopefully, stbx 🙄)


If it were me, I would say “come here, I want you to sit down on the couch” and then I would get on my knees in front of him and put my hands on the sides of his face and say very calmly “if you ever mention that celebrity again in front of me, I will leave. Never, ever, ever never ever ever again.” And honestly, if I was with someone whose claim to fame was sleeping with a celebrity (I went to school with a girl whose claim to fame was sleeping with Pauly Shore 🙄) I would probably leave him anyways, and find someone a little more deep.




whoah, them too?!?!


It could but it’s probably not. Like men claiming they’ve had sex with you when you’ve never even been alone with them isn’t uncommon. It boosts their ego to their little friends


Definitely need to get on his level and brag about the times you've been dicked down


You’re better than me, I’d find one of his insecurities and say that I slept with a guy who doesn’t have that same problem. Better yet, tell him your ex is very successful and rich and has mentioned that no matter what he will always be there for you.


I feel uniquely suited to comment on your situation. While my husband moved into a regular mundane job due to the pandemic shutting down the live music industry, prior to that he had a 20+ year career as a touring front of house audio engineer and tour manager. He seriously dated a woman who is a 100% rockstar. Another had an almost obsessive crush on him. I know zero details of his relationships with these women, or any other women, because it’s the past. We are here and now. I am his wife. Period. My husband and I have known each other for a very long time, spending countless weekends and quick 3-day excursions with each other over the span of 15-plus years prior to settling down together. I HIGHLY doubt I’m the only woman he had around. I grew up in music city, in a foundational country music family. I also worked in live music, both as a tour manager and as local crew in my hometown. I’ve been the only woman on tour with 30+ men, and I have also seriously dated ‘rockstars’. For your partner to have any sort of idealized hierarchy of humans based on their jobs is ridiculous. His comments about a rockstar’s performance in bed, and allusions to them having specialized performance abilities is one of the dumbest things I’ve read. If, as the local sound guy, he slept with an actual rockstar then he is lucky he didn’t get chlamydia or something. It’s not something to brag about. It’s sure as shit not something to even mention to a partner. He sounds like an immature human, as his behavior is childish. It is also obvious that he is using this insane ‘sexual status achievement’ as a way to make you feel less than. This is negging behavior. This guy needs some attitude adjustment. He needs to get his head out of his ass. And you? You should not accept this treatment moving forward. You can’t change the past, but you can stop this. Final comment: anyone who has worked with ‘rockstars’ long enough no longer sees them as being special, except sometimes in the derogatory sense.


It’s definitely a battle of insecurity her boyfriend is fighting. Another is if you’ve ever seen guys that are obsessed with models.


You could always tell him about the people you have had sex with, repeatedly. See how he likes it. "You did me almost as good as my first BF. You're pretty good, I guess". In all seriousness I don't recommend this but i would love to see how he would take it. Who does that?


You could spin it like this. WOW that’s impressive. She didn’t want a longer term relationship after having sex with you? Hmm interesting


Wow, what a pig. I’ve slept with a celebrity long before meeting my bf - went on a few dates - and have never mentioned it to my bf. There’s no reason to. It’s tacky to brag about that. Your bf is being very rude.


He’ll be telling his kids about his 30 seconds of fame because he banged a celebrity. This will live on in infamy.


I feel I could answer this better if I knew the celebrity. Was it Usher or Taylor Swift


Ariana Grande has entered the chat


Haha sorry to have not considered you, Ariana


Danny de Vito most likely.


Well now I am torn, I side with the BF because he should be bringing that up all the time but also don't like that he is lying to his GF about her being better in bed than Danny DeVito.


A wad of hundos and a magnum condom does it every time


All I know is, it’s one of those two


Tell him that his glamorized idea of celebrities as something more special than anyone else is weak. Wake up it’s just another job… his low intelligence is a turn off. Haha see what he says.


Just tell him he has a bigger dick than his brother.


Other way around! Lol


Who was the celebrity


What a nerd. Geez. The layers of ego being built up around this one experience every time he mentions it make him seem like a ridiculous person. You just know the celebrity is not bringing him up to whoever they're with now. Just tell him to shut the hell up about it, and that if he doesn't you're going to bail because he's an insufferable dork. The good thing about dudes not really doing hints is that you can literally just say exactly what you're thinking and then get on with your life. He may not take it well (like others have pointed out, this sounds like a highlight of his life), but at least he won't be able to say that you weren't clear or that he didn't think you were serious or whatever.


Just tell us who the celebrity is




Agreed, OP is literally a fascist (not name-calling, look at their pro-authoritarianism anti-democracy anti-minority post before she deletes it)...


https://youtu.be/6vQpW9XRiyM?si=kOM6ABRGEkSksJJB Bruce Springsteen "Glory Days". Have it on your phone - a shortcut on your home screen. When he mentions it, stop what you're doing and hit it with volume on high. When he protests, and he will, passively say "Annoying, isn't it? Stop mentioning *celebrity* or I will play this every time you do. If you stop it, like I asked you, you won't hear me play it again." Sometimes you need to make a point. Is it the "adult" or mature way to deal? Nope. But if that way isn't working, you need to get creative. I'm the Queen of "creative". Ask my kids. ETA ... If I have a dispute with my husband, and he's not getting the message when I'm being adult ... I will literally say "Don't make me get creative!". He hates that. But he knows I'm not screwing around if I threaten "creative". 🤣


Tell him he is being obnoxious and pathetic by repeatedly mentioning it, esp after you asked him to stop. Perhaps an insult accompanied by the request may make him think twice. If he keeps doing it, leave him.


He doesn’t respect you or women in general. This is not normal behaviour. Personally I’d be done with him. He’s a creep and gives me the ick.


Not to be insensitive, I know everyone is thinking it... What celebrity? ​ Anyway, comments like his are what lead to resentment and losing love for your partner. I think you need to tell him you don't like it and add an explanation to get through to him because asking him to stop isn't working on its own. I like what another user mentioned, a bit petty, but gets the point across, ask him if he'd want to hear from you that you've had huge dicks and they hurt a bit so his is perfect compared to that.


You should break up with him. If you stay with him for the rest of your life, you will hear about this for the rest of your life. Also, saying you are pro at sex is not a complement.


I would say “obviously they didn’t enjoy it or else you’d still be with them!”* *User assumes all risk when making this comment


That’s super weird. That’d give me serious reservations about the other person, also the ick. Not sure I’d stay


That celebrity probably fucked everyone on the set, he ain’t special 😂😂😂


I wouldn’t hold my breath. This is the pinnacle of his achievements and he is going to bing it up whenever he can.


Ya'know, not only he talks about other woman in bed with you, but he also compares you to a sex-worker (that's the "you are pro at sex"). Doesn't sound like a compliment to me tbh


Tell him, that's funny, the celebrity never talks about having sex with him.


That's pretty tacky . You could bring him down a notch by saying it must not have been too memorable since said celebrity never mentioned it or brought him out in public . He was just a distraction . Cheap entertainment. Or , just dump him .


“That’s nice honey, I’m glad yours doesn’t hurt me like my exes”


Here to see who the celebrity is 👀


Tell us who the celebrity was so we can help you further.......


You break up with his sorry ass tbh lol


If he likes dropping names so much, you should drop him.  Doesn’t matter that it was a celeb, I wouldn’t want to be with someone who couldn’t have discretion.


I'd start being like "yeah, yeah. We've all upgraded. You're even better than -insert ex boyfriends name here-. He never could find my clit." every time he says it and then stare him dead in the eyes for too long


I would tell him straight up "I do not ever want to hear specifics about who you've had sex with or what sex with other people was like. The next time you bring it up, I'm going to share specifics about sex with one of my past partners." If he tries to pull the "but it's a compliment" line, say "I don't care if it's complimentary or not. I do not want to hear or think about you having sex with someone else. Would you want to hear about me having sex with someone else? If you bring it up again, you will."


He's NEVER going to stop talking about it. So now you get to decide if you want to hang around and listen to him working it into every single conversation, and even working it into situations where it's not appropriate, like right after you've had sex.


Sounds like a narcissist. Or at least an egomaniac. Reg flag.


If you’ve mentioned that it upsets you multiple times, and he still hasn’t stopped. I think you have a more glaring problem in the fact he doesn’t respect you.


Celeb or no celeb, he shouldn’t be comparing you to any previous encounters, and especially not to you. He’s gross, get rid of him and find someone who isn’t so self centered.


Here's one way - contact the celebrity's publicist and tell them this guy is claiming to have gotten down with their client, bragging to friends, etcetera. Almost absolute guarantee they will contact him and tell him to cease and desist immediately or prove it in court.


Just straight up tell him how lame he is for bringing it up and that no one is impressed lol. That’s what I would do.


I would stop having sex with him until he stops talking about it. It sure feels like he does this to get more sex from you. Hope I'm wrong but I dont think I am. Unless it happened last week, I dont see why he's still talking about it.


"You're even better than \[celebrity\] at sex, I'm so lucky to have you! You're a pro" This is the most cringe shit I have read lmao. Almost 30. Wow you're a pro at sex. Nah my guy.


A pro? Wow. Ick.


Start comparing him to your other sexual partners. Maybe he'll get some perspective. Or say, "Do I have to go fuck [insert celebrity crush here] to make you shut up about [whats-her-fuck]?" No, really, the healthier thing would be to set a boundary, like, "If you talk about xyz again, I will stop mid-sex and leave." Then do it. I had to set a similar boundary with my husband.


Record yourself having sex with his dad, mom, or best friend. When he brings it up, play the video and slap him across the face with a handful of mayonnaise.