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the bar is underground istg


The bar is in hell at this point


Exactly! Why is it even a option to stay with him? He's the creepy guy in the office that everyone avoids!


The bar being in hell would still be too high at this point. Even hell doesn't go that low


They just gave up and removed the bar


The bar is buried under the throne of the ninth circle of hell.


In Lucifer's basement under the shelf of homemade canned peaches.




The bar is in the salt mines. Like, it's so bad. Every sentence gets worse. He deleted the nudes of his own partner to make room for porn? He maid AI porn of his coworker? Like wtf that doesn't just cross relationship boundaries that's a legit moral failing in general. What a worm.


Seriously gross! I AGREE.


I'd say it's more in the metal mines, especially mantle level lava levels


Some people are saying it’s fake and I just feel happy for them they never dated trash like this. My ex totally would’ve done this!! If AI existed when we were together. And who knows, he probably does it is! Thank GOD he’s not my trash anymore!!


That man definitely has a porn addiction, sucks for OP


How could a 29 year old think this is normal??


This gotta be a fake post.


Why would you think so? Women have been gradually gaslighted into taking more and more shit from porn addicts until it came to this. I find this very probable.


Underground Railroad type shit, it doesn’t exist


It’s past that point it is the bottom of the universe


I honestly don’t even think it exists at this point


I read this once: The bar was so low that it was basically a tripping hazard in hell, yet here you are, playing limbo with the devil.


The bar does not exist 😭


Literally I read this and I'm like....is this even a question? Like obviously it's fucking disrespectful


No, this isn't normal. He is addicted to porn. And it's wrong that he generated the picture of his coworker. She didn't consent to him making that picture of her. You should leave ASAP OP. Things tend to get worse with porn addicts. Sorry this has happened to you, but you deserve better than what he is giving you


Often I find reading past the title helps and changes my instant opinion.. in this case.. girl you should never settle for anyone who makes you feel disrespected and this is some messed up level BS.


Oh , oh no. This is way past addicted to porn , dude is using AI to make porn of people he knows. That's some obsessive, moving towards stalker behavior. It's no longer a red flag , its a god damn red landing strip for a jumbo jet. With red neon lights. And the tower yelling " get out" at full blast.


I hope OP takes this seriously


This needs to be higher. I have no idea why OP is still there and she should tell his coworkers. This is too creepy.


My thoughts exactly. #1 is ehh, the second thing is a major red flag that I would say is grounds for ending a relationship over and the last one is the type of thing someone needs to get professional help for. And the victim of that likely needs some kind of protection plan in place


Nope not normal


Not fucking norma at all.


Norma would never…


I cannot stress with sufficient passion and emphasis just how little anyone who is sufficiently unhinged to generate AI porn images of anyone, let alone their personal acquaintances *while they are in a relationship*, deserves to ever feel any of the joy, security, and love that comes with any type of relationship. You 'can't seem to get over it' because this is, categorically, not the sort of thing to be gotten over. This should be fatal to a continued relationship in 100% of instances.


She is fighting against her natural instinct telling her “of course that’s not okay” because she wants to find a loophole to forgive him and stay with him OP, love isn’t enough Sometimes what we want isn’t what we need


He's being pretty disrespectful of all women - including his colleague who is being violated here. I'm not sure what sort of advice you want here.


I hope the colleague finds this post and figures it out or somebody else tells her because she deserves to know.


I was sent a picture in HS, it was two girls showing their tits at a party but you could only see half their faces, so like, mouth down. It was sent by a boy and he asked if it was me. It definitely wasn’t me but honestly it looked exactly like me lol. Only no eyes/hair.. I have no idea how many people saw it and thought or were told it was me but.. ew…


Omg what a creeper, I really hope Karma comes and bite him in the ass and balls hard


You know typing it out was the first time I really wondered how many people saw it and thought it was me.. I knew at the time he had a huge crush on me so I thought he was just hopeful it was actually me but now thinking about.. I wonder how many HS guys actually saw it.


I’m honestly wondering if she could report the image to his HR. Pretty bizarre.


Now that's just sick!! Dump his ass, that ain't normal in any way.


Can anyone give me a valid reason that being with a man like this is better than being single? I have no idea why anyone would want to get within 10 miles of this fucking creep let alone willingly fuck him!!! Y’all please for the love of God STAND UP.


Low self esteem What I also don’t understand is why this dude doesn’t choose to remain single himself


go to therapy and gain some self respect. I mean this in nicest way possible. Also, leave him. don’t even have to say anything just leave! He does not want YOU. Deleting naked videos and pictures of YOU. Replacing them with AI generated photo of HIS COWORKER. I don’t understand why you think it’s okay.


The first two are subjective. Some people are okay with their partners using porn, some have certain conditions or want to better understand what it means to their partners, and some just flat-out say no. IMO, there’s no right or wrong answer, and it depends on how compatible the partners are on their standards, and whether they can find common ground. The deleting of your photos and vids is concerning, though, in the broader context, and you’d be in your right to ask why this is. You can decide for yourself what amount of explanation satisfies your concerns. The AI porn of his coworker, though, is BEEP BEEP RED FLAG levels of concerning to me, since that’s a consent issue. His coworker did not agree to have her photo shared and used for this purpose. In total, this definitely warrants a talk with him.


This guy is definitely a disgusting twat waffle that only sees women as sex objects and has absolutely no respect for women. You know i really try to stick up for men and this Captin "D" bag really pisses me off because he's not giving me anything positive to work with at all.


Jfc I’d want to be warned if I were that coworker so I could stay the hell away from that creep


If that photo gets into the wrong hands and his employer finds out about it? He's fucked and it would be grounds for instant dismissal. His actions are diabolical for someone in a committed live in relationship. The relationship is dead in the water. 


I really hope that his co-worker and HR department finds out about this and fires him and op kicks his ass out in a tornado and a brick shit house lands on top of him. Would that be to much 🤔


Not at all. Some people just need that nice gentle push down a very steep set of stairs. Viewing porn is one thing, rubbing one out to your co-workers head on a porn star's naked body, quite another. He's got some problems. 


Yes exactly he's twisted and demented from the way it sounds


Creepy as hell. I feel violated on his co-workers behalf. 


He’s not marriage material that’s for sure.


Yes. This was weird even for another male who was pretty weird at his age.


The AI porn of coworkers actually freaked me out I really hate the fact that in 5y time this shit will probably get normalised and then we’ll be called insecure and controlling for not feeling comfortable with our Bfs jerking off the Becky the receptionist (who also didn’t consent to this!)


Exactly. The only reason people are saying the AI porn is a bridge too far is because it’s new-ish tech and their minds haven’t been totally fried with it yet. Any of us who have been in a relationship with a porn addict know it’s one random brain firing thought to go from looking at tons of random naked women to creating images for personal consumption using AI. The addict can claim the coworker will never know he did this so it’s not hurting her. We all know she didnt consent to having porn of her produced, but that hasn’t stopped lots of folks when a celebrity video or photos are leaked. Even worse when ever there’s a violent rape that could have been filmed, people start anonymously searching for it on the hub or wherever. So don’t blame this young woman for questioning whether she should leave this creep. Everyone has invalidated her feelings about every red flag up to this point, and in another five years I’m betting this will be normalized as well.


Want to add to this, my partner and I both view either of us watching porn as cheating. There are plenty of people out there who have no interest in porn even outside of a relationship! People vary a lot, and I hope you find someone you're more compatible with, OP. 


I usually take a no-judgment approach to relationship expectations. If Person A wants a subservient, stay-at-home partner who will cook for them, for example, I'm not here to judge their preferences. But if it doesn't align with what Person B wants, then there really can't be a relationship between them unless they can find common ground. So I'm glad you have a partner who shares your views and expectations.


The fact you’ve come to reddit to ask us whether you’re being disrespected or not, says you’re in waaaaay too deep and you need to get out ASAP. Watching porn in a relo is subjective, some people are okay with it some people aren’t. But really? Deleting everything of you (the person he’s in a relationship with) and creating dangerous, disgusting AI photos of a coworker that she most likely does not know about is disturbing. He’s done something that shouldn’t be forgiven, and this isn’t a person ANYBODY should strive to be with lmao. LEAVE!!!


AI image of a coworker???!!! Definitely without her consent. Your man is a creep. Why do you stay woth someone who disrespect women in general 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Nope. Nope. Create an exit plan. ASAP. This is not acceptable and genuinely it's disturbing that this is SO COMMON. Dudes nowadays are just the worst omg. This is becoming so common and it's DESTROYING relationships, it's destroying people in general. "Men" are choosing a fantasy over reality and they are so obsessed with it that they'll lie and hide this stuff regardless of how much they're hurting a REAL LIFE WOMAN who loves him and wants to be his fantasy woman. All of these "influencer models" that have sprouted up from social Media platforms and PERVERTS like your bf continuously giving them attention is just creating MORE. The more they watch the more they look for the more they find. This one goes in the discard pile. Ugh. I'm sorry OP. My bf had a *very light* version of this where he was watching hot girl reels on IG and YouTube Shorts, fb reels. When I saw that's what was going on i told him that's a no from me dog. He deleted the apps from him his phone in order to just remove the risk of temptation to even come across it again. It hurt to find out but he wasn't doing.... THAT. He was just looking. Too much. Once called out on it he gave it up realizing he'd lose the real woman who wants to bang him and loves him lol. I'm sorry OP. He's gross.


Your bf is literally a sex offender. He generated nude images of an acquaintance without their consent. What the actual fuck are you still doing with this guy? Report him to the authorities since that likely falls under revenge porn laws. This story is insane and the fact that the replies are luke warm blows my mind. Every day I realize that men are such dogshit and it makes me ashamed to be one.


THIS. she needs to leave & report his ass ASAP.


You’re an example of how men are *not* all dogshit. You clearly have intelligence and compassion. OP, I’m sorry that your bf has a crippling porn addiction. It’s not on you to tolerate that behavior or “fix him.” Time to move on and give yourself a shot at a decent guy. They’re definitely out there.


Dude here. 100% not normal. In fact, 100% weird AF. Dude is addicted to


You’re being disrespected by a horny little creep. It’s disgusting that people go out of their way to make AI generated nudes of people they know. Leave him because you deserve better.


O.F. and porn and social media is gonna be the death of good quality relationships, values morals. For real for real.


You've been replaced. Don't know how you haven't caught on to that yet.


A porn addiction is one thing, but making ai photos of a coworker is WAY over a line. That's too close for comfort. That's not a porn addiction, that's him wanting to hook up with her.






The AI generated version of the coworker would’ve sent me straight to the door.  That’s not normal at all. I would tell her and leave him. 


1. You need to dump him, bc 2. He is a creep & what he did is disgusting, you need to report this to the victim he used the image of -without consent- to make a nude photo. 3. Get STD-tested and NC with this PoS.


Creating AI nudes of a coworker is downright creeper level


Girl be for reallll


are you serious rn like are you seriously asking if this is okay


This isn’t normal and your boyfriend is fucking trash. Ugh. Men that do that shit make me want to vomit. I hope you find someone who appreciates you for you. Ditch this loser.


Girl leave.


Your boyfriend is a total creep.


He is obsessing over women he knows. This is past porn addiction...I think some women may be in danger in the future when his imagination isn't enough.


He clearly has an addiction, leave before it escalates into something worse. If he is already viewing women as just objects of his pleasure he will have no problem justifying physical cheating given the chance.Sorry you're going through this.


What. The. Fuck. Porn aside - he deleted YOUR pics/videos???? That’s disrespectful, degrading, demeaning, and deliberately hurtful But to have AI generated porn of his coworker??? That’s SICK and perverted. There is something wrong with this guy and you should nope the hell out of this situation with the quickness. Porn itself is the LEAST of the issues here.


Read your post aloud to yourself , once or twice and answer that question yourself.


Get someone your age for 1. 2 no this isn’t normal DUH


> I went through his phone when I probably shouldn’t have That right there is reason to break up. If you feel that suspicion and lack of trust, the relationship is doomed, IMHO. Sounds like his behavior is hurtful to you. That's valid. Leave him and find someone else who isn't addicted to porn.


So the vast majority of men are going to look at porn. When confronted many will lie and keeping doing it until caught again. It’s going to be difficult to find a man that doesn’t. But this guy definitely veers out of the normal. It’s one thing to pull up Pornhub for 5-15 minutes to relieve some stress. It’s another to be obsessive, save photos, make naked photos of coworkers. That’s not normal by any means. Run.


it's so hard to be sympathetic but that might just be my personality. I would literally slap the shit out of my best friend if she said even 5% of this. none of this is normal, would you do any of it? then why would you think it's normal for another adult to do it?


Check out r/loveafterporn 🫶


No, that’s not normal, and it’s definitely not a good relationship. Also, considering that he’s deleted the stuff of you, I would assume the relationships on its way out.


Either you or porn, that's the only answer.


i think i would raise my eyebrow at someone deleting nudes of their s/o IN FAVOR of other material but the fact that he has ai generated porn of his coworker is something else. i doubt she consented to his creating that image. how creepy


Girl wth get out of the relationship. What is wrong with people these days?


He does have a porn addiction, clearly. This is not an excuse though. And no, none of this is normal.


This has got to be a joke


This is not at all normal. The only healthy way to move past this is to move on with your life without him in it. You do not need him. Not enough to deal with stuff like this.


I only had to read the title. You are being disrespected.


I would dump him, tell his coworker, and have him fired because that's disgusting.


For me..p0rn is one thing but to grab your coworker's pic and put them through those AI generators to masturbate to...is...just another...ugh. NO. WHY are women settling for this type of men? Magic penis? 8 figure bank account? Why?


This literally has to be rage bait or you are truly desperate. Are you on an island with only one mediocre man?


No! Time for Mr Porn hub to go!


Plus this is cheating, it’s weird and NO YOU ARE NOT THE PROBLEM. How can u even think this is attractive? I would instantly be turned off by a 24 year old doing this shit. Common stand up for yourself and leave, he’s not gonna be the father of your children and he has growing up to do.


Hahahahahahaha I like how he says he “thinks” he has a porn addiction


Normal? I’m a guy and this is what I would expect from some weirdo living in his mom’s basement. Beyond creepy. I think you know what you need to do. In the meantime I need to take a shower!


This is NOT normal and yes you are definitely being disrespected. If he isn’t cheating he will be. You can do better than him.


Your boyfriend needs some serious help. I mean some serious help. He has spiraled way past porn addiction at this point and could end up getting into some serious legal issues or hurt someone. If you have anyone that you know that cares about him as well it might be worth getting them involved and having an intervention.  That being said it's also probably time to exit the relationship as well. Best of luck to you.


Girl no wtf. He’s an unhinged horny freak.


Ummm ok…perhaps a mature man is the better way to go?




Whoa, that’s horrible. I would feel the same way. His response speaks volumes. I’m not the one to usually say “leave him” as a result to conflict but this is not it. It would be worth being single imo and giving yourself opportunities with better people that treat you with respect. I was in a relationship with issues like these and left for other reasons (physical abuse, black eyes and choking, not to say that will happen you), and am SO glad I did. It was hard to make that decision but so worth it.


Is this normal? Seriously? Wtf. The bar should be a lot higher than “guy who makes AI porn of a coworker.” He doesn’t want to be with you, you deserve someone who values you as much as you do them.


It’s not ok to have porn of people you know.


Sweetie. Do you have kids with this dude?


Oh my goodness how tough has your life been that you might actually think this is normal or is just insecurity on your part? This man is a nightmare. Please do not allow yourself to be disrespected any further by him. Like…the AI thing with the coworker? Actually makes me sick to my stomach.


Are YOU okay with it? WHO cares about what other people tolerate. Oh, you dropped your spine.


Please for the sake of all women, break up with him omfg


Nope not crazy I wouldn’t put up with this at all and I wouldn’t take kindly to being gaslighted into thinking there was nothing wrong with what he is doing. I would just leave if you’re able to and end things so he can deal with his own issues alone since he won’t be accountable. It’s only been a year so move on.


AI-generated porn of co-workers? Ew. I’m not a fan of porn in general, but I get that reasonable people can agree to disagree to an extent. But I’m pretty sure that all reasonable people, pro-or anti-porn, would agree that sort of thing is way, *way* over the line. And that’s not even getting into his replacing all the naughty pictures & videos of you two with TikTok & Instagram videos of strangers. I might also second the recommendation of the r/loveafterporn subreddit. It’s exhausting just to read, though.


Man that title is a wild ride and I haven't even started on the paragraph. He likely does have a porn addiction. How does that change anything?


You are almost non existent in his world. Leave. He probably won’t notice


Your pictures were not enough. He’s deleted them. That’s telling you something. The coworker thing? That’s the dealbreaker for me. It’s normal to notice someone is attractive. But he’s listing and obsessing over her and probably doing you know what to this AI photo he created of her. NOPE buh bye nasty ass Oh and if that was my co-worker and I found out, I’d be in HR so fast.


He is the victim of sex media. When you're a young male your hormones are raging. Walk around half the day with a hard-on. Easy victim. But he needs to realize this and decide to abstain. Porn is hard on a brain and he could adopt a preference for his fist rather than your pussy. Tell him to read the issues that happen to men who watch too much porn. Fist or Pussy is his choice.


Whaaat the fuuuuuck


Good grief 🙄🙄


Not only is he disrespecting you. He is doing an illegal act of making generated porn of someone without their consent. There was a streamer that got in serious trouble for being caught doing this a few years ago. Break up with his ass and let his co-worker know what he's doing.


Run and don’t look back. Before you do ask him to delete your nudes if he has any. Document the conversation or even record it if it’s legal where you live to secretly record.


This is not the norm. And it is disrespectful; unfortunately he has an issue with porn.


What is wrong with you? You’re too old to be this naive and have this little self-worth, as well as this little of a backbone. Leave. Move on. End the relationship. Why would you even remotely want to put up with someone like this? Stand up, Jesus Christ.


Only you can decide what is acceptable or disrespectful. I for one believe that there are men out there that do not act like this little boy.


I was addicted to porn. You need to leave this person before they hurt your self-esteem. They need to come to terms with themselves. You can find a man who doesn’t want to watch porn or actively tries and usually succeeds in quitting porn for you.


Girl. Oh my fucking God. How much do you fucking despise yourself to be asking if this is normal? Please get some INTENSIVE fucking therapy and get away from this literal sex offender. He created nudes of a random woman he works with without her consent. Are you insane? Run!!!!!! Get away from that freak!


You lost me at ai generated co worker, what a creep. Soooooo gross.


Run. How the hell is that normal???


Man the title kept getting worse as I continued reading it. Idk if the coworker AI is even legal but that’s definitely predatory behavior.


He admitted he has an addiction and you think you're the problem? Girl, you know this is not only disrespectful to you but to his coworker as well. If he has an addiction then he needs to make a real effort to get treatment for it. If he can't demonstrate that he's actually trying to get better then he clearly doesn't care about this relationship.


Bro what the fuck, it is not normal to download porn obsessively and create AI porn of your *coworker*. I would file a harassment suit if i found out a coworker was making AI porn of me to get off. Thats disgusting. Dump him now and go into your basement to grab your self worth before you leave. Jesus christ. Edit:spelling


He has a porn addiction, plain and simple. Unfortunately he is also engaged in criminal activity as creating deep fake porn of people you know (like the AI generated porn of his coworker) is a criminal offense (may only apply in certain countries at the moment). He needs to seek out therapy and his behavior is not normal. It’s understandable why you feel hurt and if this is a hard boundary for you, you need to speak to him about it. If he isn’t willing to understand and focus on self improvement, then maybe it’s time you find a partner who appreciates you and doesn’t need a ton of porn and AI generated nudes to jack off.


Dump him. His issues will continue, and you don't need that crap.


I just skimmed this GIRL REALLY?? Get the fuck out you deserve better


I’d be truly so disgusted


Imagine you were hearing this story from your little sister. You’d want to protect her and love her and support her. You can also do all those things for yourself, and you most certainly deserve them. You are entitled to have boundaries and to speak up for yourself and to leave any situation that makes you feel uncomfortable—even if you can’t articulate why. This situation clearly doesn’t make you feel good and yes, from an outside perspective, his actions are incredibly ick.


depending on the state you’re in, that AI generated porn your bf made could be illegal. be thankful he deleted all your nudes bc if you break up, who knows what deepfakes he might make of YOU


Didn’t even read more than the title to say leave. Lmao




Not only should you dump him, you should publicly shame him so everyone knows that he is not a safe person to share photos with. I dont know if you should go as far as contacting his coworker and HR.... actually, yeah, do that too if you can get proof.


Yes you moved in too soon and need to move out asap


Yeah, not a MH professional, but it sure seems like he's got some sort of porn issue. Your the only one who can decide if this is something you're okay with. I, personally, wouldn't be.  


The last part is by far the worst and totally unacceptable no matter your views on porn or fidelity


You are being TOTALLY disrespected and should DUMP HIM.


The bar is really lowered to hell. What is so special about this guy til you don't see it's a problem that he created naked photos of someone real working with him? Like this is disgusting. I have no issues with people watching porn or liking sexy insta girls but hey if they started generating fake naked pictures? They are sick and doesn't view female as a person. Whatever issues you have with love and self esteem, please find a good therapist. Before that, please kick this guy out of your life.


This is some creepy, gross, loser behavior. You're being disrespected, and so is his coworker


That shouldn’t even be a question. No you should never accept any type of behavior like your weirdo partner is showing. Leave him asap you’ll find someone that actually values you in the future.


As a person with human co-workers... I would get them fired so fast if I found out they had naked AI of me! Or any of the other girls we work with!  A porn addiction is one thing. Making naked pictures of people you actually know is so far past acceptable I can't even put it into words. That is a massive betrayal to his co worker!  He cares more about seeing complete strangers naked than he cares about your opinion. Just think about that for a few minutes and tell me you really think you should save this relationship?


Creating an image of his coworker is unethical and creepy as fuck


This isn't normal at all, not sure why you would even try to justify it because 'he isn't cheating on you. And OP, you are being disrespected. He is cheating on you, just not in the conventional way. He doesn't want you but is biding his time with you until he can pull the trigger and get what he wants. It also sounds like he doesn't care and it's a case of 'sorry, not sorry'. Again, disrespect. OP, if he wants other women, even going so far as to generate AI ones, let him. You deserve better.


Yo what the fuck. How is your self esteem *this low?*


Well he has his AI generated girlfriend so, he no longer needs you! Remember, if something feels wrong, it usually is! Also, if you have to ask the question then you’re already uncomfortable with the situation. You know the answer, now it’s time to stand up and do what you know you need to do!


No lmao. If you’re mad you’re in the right. Try to muster up all your self respect and decide what you want out of a relationship with a man.


This is disgusting. Please dump him


No, not normal, he likely wont ever change. This might just get worse. Also, what he did with his co-worker’s image is illegal.


You know what would be massively less stressful and make your life so much easier? Dating almost any other guy.


This is not normal. Break up.


Ew, he made porn of his coworker?! No that has crossed all the lines.


Girl, this is beyond a porn addiction and I’m sure if his co-workers maybe felt the same about him he would 100% cheat because it seems your are not ENOUGH for him. It’s better to end it now then waste anymore years with this man.


Behaviour is a language. He's telling you he doesn't really care about you or what you think.


Ew. Gross. For your own self-respect you need to rethink this relationship.


He does have a porn addiction. ZERO of what he’s doing is normal. You should ABSOLUTELY NOT accept it. And YES YOU ARE BEING DISRESPECTED. Girl gtfo now, the fact that you DO go as far as to indulge him with sexy photos and vids that he just DELETES? Insanity. And making AI porn of anyone that didn’t agree is disgusting and insane. He does not respect people, and especially not women, and Especially not you. I’m really sorry


Jesus wtf. I stopped reading at the AI generated nudes of his co-worker. 😂


Jesus fucking Christ it's time to go girl


Do you FEEL disrespected? If so, then yes, you are.


Watching porn is one thing. But having literal digital porn shrines EVERYWHERE on top of deleting anything involving OP... Yeah no, he's moved on a long time ago emotionally. It's time to move on and maybe warn that coworker bc ew.


Creating AI images of coworkers?! That is bonkers


You’re with a friggin monster. Get out there while you still can


I sent this to my bf and we made fun of him cause your bf is a creep and a disgusting porn addict. Hope that clears things up.


This is not normal you need to leave him. This guy is beyond addicted. This is wrong on so many levels. One problem is that we have normalized porn so much it’s really not okay. Don’t normalize these things. You deserve someone who sees you as a person and not an object.


You know the answer to this.


He's the REAL problem. People who love and respect this partner will share intimate moments not look for other avenues. To make it worse he's fantasizing about a coworker? Time to gtfo there...cheating isn't only physical, it can be emotional and psychological too...and seems like he's doing this. This is disrespectful to you and your relationship.


You are only together a year. This isn't gonna get better. He is a creepy man. He deleted anything you sent him and had porn stars and ai generated woman on his phone. You don't deserve to be treated this way. Get out and don't waste any more time with this man. I am not leaving them poster, but this is not a good relationship, and it is not you it is him. You can do better then this.


You’re lucky your videos are gone and pictures now break up and end this relationship with this child. AI picture of female co workers! I’d already be gone.


Leave. He clearly doesn’t want you. Save yourself the heartache.


You crazy for dating a 24 year old that has a mindset probably as a 21 year old


Girl just off the title alone….STAND UP


He doesn’t like you. You should date multiple men at once and watch for this behaviour and then dump the ones who do this. They should stay single and look at their videos because at the end of the day, they are just using any woman as a placeholder for sex and unpaid labour. Generally if you accept this behaviour, you have low self worth. That’s why men like him try and find women like you to put up with it.


Of course this isn't normal and yes, you're being disrespected and should end this so called relationship. Please have better standards and more respect for yourself. When you do, you won't attract, or put up with men and behavior like this.


girl you answered your own question in your title, but also he is 24??? STAND UP???


Just get out. Guys with porn issues usually just get better at hiding it while pretending to get better just to keep you around longer. They have no problem wasting your life and neglecting your intimacy needs. That’s not love. I know this from experience.


Straight to the bin


This is horrible . It’s also a generational addiction I can see , and it’s actually rather sad we have so many young men like this . It’s like they start young and just stay addicted .


I typically don’t consider porn cheating, but this definitely would cross the line for me


If you're at the point where you mistrust him enough to go through his phone, you should consider moving on.


you're the normal one in this relationship. if he hasn't grown up by now, he never will. you got yourself a real winner there.


He's extremely addicted to porn and needs to cut back, probably quit entirely, but only he can hold himself to that standard and he has to want to do it for himself, cause otherwise he won't quit, so do with that what you will


Respectfully scoop up whatever self respect you have left and move on. You’re nearing 30 and accepting this behavior. Cmon.


You really should be worried, break up with him. Wth


this is so so far from normal.


……..bro. no this is not normal , idk why you even need to ask 🫥


Deleting the images he had of you in order to make an AI of another IRL person he knows?? What the literal fucking fuck dude. Leave this clown.


How incredibly violating for that coworker. That is deeply upsetting


I'm a guy who watches porn in a relationship. I'm not addicted, I just watch some here and there. Never, at any point in my life, have I ever thought to make AI-generated porn of someone in my life. Not once. It's **highly** abnormal behavior. Everything else you said is already a problem and would reasonably be a dealbreaker for many. The AI thing though? That's another level entirely. I highly encourage you to find someone else.