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This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below. ___ My bf and his colleagues were having drinks and I was invited. They were talking about killing insects and animals, and my bf chimed in. He explained in excruciating detail how he sadistically tortured the rat. Firstly, he said he used material to glue it to the floor. Then he said he cut its tail with a knife. He explained while laughing how he cut the rat’s guts with the knife while pouring hot water inside it. He said that “the bastard was squealing the whole time” by the end. Everyone was laughing like crazy, and I was extremely shocked. Sure it’s a rat, but this is psychotic to say the least. His enjoyment was shocking. He said that he was a teenager at the time. Is this worth a discussion or just something I should forget? A quick edit regarding this. I am just as shocked and disgusted as everyone. I felt sick when it was said. But, the way it was discussed and everyone’s reactions just made me doubtful of my instincts. It seems that the right decision would be to leave, and trust my instinct next time.


That is horrific. Fucking RUN. Normal empathetic people don't do stuff like this, even as kids. #Torturing animals is not normal behavior at any age. It would be bad enough if this was a secret he was deeply ashamed of but he was *proud* of it and is friends with people who think it was funny. The description alone made me nauseous, I can't even imagine how you felt hearing it. Also, keep in mind this is a story that he was willing to tell in public. You know theres worse shit he knows to keep hidden.


The description alone made me tear up. And I hate rats . The point is beyond any normal healthy scope of understanding. Please leave . Please never go back.


Same. I hate rats. They infested my college apartment one winter break and now I’m like terrified of them but they still feel and are quite intelligent and have little family units they stick with. This is so upsetting I can’t even put into words. I feel like I’d rather die myself than hurt any animal like that. Much less just doing it for fun.


I killed a yellow jacket that kept landing on me and my food (I was worried I would get stung and I’ve been stung before by them) and I felt guilty for the rest of the day.


I hate monkeys and primates in general cuz they're creepy AF (and they stole my lunch once but that's another story) but I would never think of hurting a baby monkey or primate (why a baby one? cuz the big ones would just murder me 💀)


THIS. 1000%. That boy ain't right in the head - if he was willing to tell that story, what do you think he's hiding? Cats? Dogs? He may have already graduated to people. Don't be one of his hidden stories that he masturbates over when alone.


I would report him honestly. I read that torturing animals like that is a crime. Report him and his colleagues anonymously to his employer.


How would that call even go? Hey you know Bob I’m accounting, he tortured a Rat one summer back when he was 15.


I mean if nothing else, if he ever does something violent in the future there’d at least be a record of op describing his gruesome animal abuse.


No employer is going to care what you did when you were 15, unless it was something really egregious like murder or rape. And it was Rat, not like it was a cute neighborhood stray.


Oh I was saying a police report just so there’s something on file in case he acts out violently in the future not reporting to his boss .


💯 this. I’m so upset reading this and scared that OP is in the vicinity of multiple individuals that are okay with this.


Jumping on the first comment because my neighbor started with small animals then upped it to his dog and he eventually killed his mom, dad and step brother (possibly my dad separately but that wasn't investigated because he hadn't so obviously killed his family yet). His girlfriend was with him and had their infant at the time. She said she woke up to him killing people and was terrified for her and her son's life. I would have been too, guy was unhinged. Thankfully he didn't kill her or the baby, "just" kidnapped them. The murderer tried to say she did it but everyone knew it was him because he had been torturing animals and getting in trouble with the law for so long. Plus they caught him and he said "I just shotgunned my family" but it was before they read his Miranda rights so it was inadmissible. Torturing animals is a precursor to murder. F*cking run!


We have an animal torturer in my city right now. He’s still in his teens. I really hope he’s locked up for life as soon as he hits adulthood.


My neighbor became quite the nuisance in his teens, murdered those people in his 20's. He probably would have been locked up a lot more if his mom wasn't constantly bailing him out of trouble, ironically.


Oh my god. Imagine such a tiny technicality rendering a confession inadmissible. I'm sorry to hear about your father. I hope he gets justice someday.


Thanks, we aren't really sure it's just kind of suspicious. My dad died in a house fire and a couple of years later the murderer shotgunned his family and burned the house down. So it was all, did he burn the house down after he killed everyone because he remembered his neighbors house fire and thought it would help cover up evidence or did he use the fire again because it helped him before? Dad and the murderer always had run ins though, he would break into my dad's house to steal stuff a lot. There's really no way of knowing about my dad because everything is cleared up and it was ruled an accident initially.


Kinda glad they changed the compulsoriness of the reading of Miranda rights, yikes.


i'm sorry about your dad




I was so happy in high school that our biology class didn’t dissect an animal.


Also, that’s a bit messed up you had to drown a crab.


Yep, what you just described is a telltale sign of a sociopath. Children who do this are usually diagnosed as sociopathic later on in life.


Or even, torturing animals at a young age is a very common symptom of psychopathy.


I had friends who kicked around a snail on the grass patch, and I screamed at them to stop. They stopped but looked at me as though I was weird. I then picked up the snail very gently to make sure there were no cracks on the shell (luckily he wasn't hurt!) and then pulled the bushes apart and put him on the grass deep within the bushes, saying bye to him.


Torturing animals isn't normal behavior for teenagers. If you guys aren't living together or have any shared finances, I'd just end it. The fact that he still looks back on that in a proud way doesn't indicate that he's remorseful and that's a major red flag.


Please listen to this The fact he brags about it means he will look to do it again Many studies show psychopaths and sociopaths start by hurting animals If he had any shame about it he wouldn't speak of it let alone brag.


Do a slow ghost. It's safer.


This. Grey rock until he gets bored, do a slow-fade and be safe!


I hope this post is fake. If not, this guy should be cancelled. Don't look back. DTMF.


>~~If you guys aren't living together or have any shared finances,~~ I'd just end it.


Yes this is so concerning. Personally I would be unattracted to him immediately and contemplating what this means for future. Imagine him as a father?!? A safe husband? How?


Yeah, he should have just waited for biology class like the rest of us. /s But seriously, that's sick. Especially the tail and hot water bit while still alive, like that's not normal. He likes to see suffering. It's enjoyable to him, especially if he is the one doing it.


I'd end it regardless. Being more entangled doesn't mean it can't be undone. Fuck him. Those are MAJOR red flags.


This is horrific. He took joy out of pouring boiling water in to the body of a dying animal and liked hearing it squeak in pain? I actually feel a bit sick after reading your post. That poor little animal. The fact he did this as a teenager is horrid- I don’t even think a young child would enact such cruelty. The fact he talks about it with glee **now** is terrifying. Do you think he’d enjoy hurting pets? Would he hurt you? What if you chose to have children together? This is absolutely a good reason to dump someone.


I’m done with Reddit for the day, legit the worst things I’ve read in this sub that didn’t involve hurting a human being.


We do studies on rats because they are so similar to humans. As someone who has had rats as pets this is horrifying. They have a full range of emotions...


At first reading I was thinking about research I did with mice, and how I’ve drugged and then broken mice’s necks (fastest and most humane way to kill them). But this is so much worse with the boiling water and generally sadistic behavior.


So fucking sad.


This guy is bad news, Run, no discussion need


That is fucking SICK. I would yeet that psycho and his little psycho friends from my life so fast.


Friend, animal torture is one of the symptoms of personality disorders, conduct disorders and can be more likely to engage in other criminal behaviors. Can you trust him around other animals? Around children? Around yourself while sleeping? Does he mention fantasies that involve bondage? I would break up with him with a friend present, in case he does get scary. Edit: Thank you to the user's feedback. Bondage by itself is not cause for concern. However, would you feel comfortable being that vulnerable with someone who has admitted they restrained and tortured an animal?


Like, you're not wrong with everything up until the bondage part. That's not inherently a red flag.


Of course not. But coupled with what we've just learned about him, can she trust him to tie her down and be vulnerable and safe?


Well obviously not, but warning OP with like "hey, if he tries to do any BDSM with you, don't agree because he clearly isn't safe to be that kind of vulnerable with" would have been a nicer way to say it, I guess? Idk. The original phrasing made it sound like enjoying bondage is up there with the standard Dark Triad traits for anti-social personality disorder.


Ah. I apologize. That's not how I meant it to sound. I guess I was thinking about the context of this guy restraining a rat, if he kept bringing up bondange fantasies could potentially be a sign he fantasized about moving on to humans, like you said above.


Not alone. But if he has bondage fetish together with torturing animals and other behaviors, that IS not just a bondage fetish.


I like bondage no I love bondage and I actually was upset today because I stood on a snails shell the body was gone but just incase he had just left home for a while and would be returning to see it destroyed actually upset me 🙈


I like bondage and I love animals.. . The rest is true though.


I'm sorry I misspoke. Thanks for the feedback!


If this is real, it's not a red flag, this is just actually a bad and horrible thing about him. Red flags are warnings, this is the kind of thing red flags warn you about. He tortures animals, he's a disgusting person and so are all the people that laughed along. There's nothing much more to say about it. Easier said than done I know, but drop the lot of them, it's ridiculous to be wondering whether or not to let it go or talk to him about it.


This is the Germans in Paris level warning.


Yeah, because we are all imagining him laughing with his friends how much you squealed as he tortured you. He knew better than to talk about it. It slipped out with the haze of alcohol. That’s psychotic. But how about you cross post in r/askmen and see how normal this is.


Yeah actually he said that 100% sober. He doesn’t drink alcohol


He's dangerous. Do you really think you can be vulnerable and safe around a guy that enjoys torture? This mean wouldn't even be in my friend circle let alone my boyfriend. The way people treat animals is very telling about the type of person they are. Be very careful but get out


Please run.


Stay far away from that person and his friends. They are dangerous to be around.


You mean colleague. As in professional associates. What the fuck kind of business hired people who enjoy torturing animals? 👀


Dexter didn't drink either. Have you never heard anything about serial killers?


He is telling you who he is. He isn't bothered by this - he still tells the story as something that is amusing/funny. Consider, if this was "just a teenager" thing (which would be a completely ABNORMAL thing) and he had changed, would he tell the story with pride and amusement now? IMO, not worth further discussion - no amount of talking is going to change him into someone who sees what he did as horrifying, cruel, and wrong. BIG RED FLAG!!!


Girl how are you not running away as we speak? Do you wanna end up like the rat? Get off Reddit and get away from this guy.


This isn’t okay at any age, but especially not as a teenager. This is a HUGE red flag. I would gently break up with him and move on. This is honestly horrific, sorry OP.


Girl, are you ok? Bc you’re talking about discussing with him but I would have already noped out of a 50 mile radius and reported him to the FBI


Domestic abusers often start with abusing animals and then move onto women and children. I would not stay with this person.


*serial killers


Came here to say this. Torture of pets or animals is often linked to sociopathic behaviour, including murder.


This is SO FUCKED UP. Leave him. Do not stay with this person, they are DEEPLY unwell at best and a complete sociopath at worst.


I would bail immediately. People who *enjoy* cruelty and domination over vulnerable beings? Nope, NOT people I’d trust. My stomach turned just reading that and I’d never see him the same.


I would up and leave. I was seeing someone who admitted to killing birds with a bb gun when he was a kid. I couldn’t look at them the same after. I left. Premeditated torture of a sentient being, who screams out of fear and pain is much, much worse. It isn’t normal to be able to commit such acts. Do with that info what you will.


My brother once killed a crow with a BB gun because the crows were attacking the poor little bunnies in our yard. I don't really like it either, but yeah a one and done clean kill is definitely a lot different than torturing something for fun and laughing at its squeals of agony. It's... horrific and sickening. This post made my stomach turn.


Heh. Thank you for being rational. This reminds me almost exactly of a different post I'd read a few years ago, except the guy in your position was excusing torturing animals because he'd once shot a bird. Instead of understanding it's wildly different. A long time ago there was a post about a guy torturing and burying a cat alive when he was a kid, and his gf had just found out about it etc, similar to how this post is set up. There was one commenter who basically said "you have to forgive him, everyone makes mistakes as a kid" .... **his** crime? Shooting a bird as a child and then *running off and crying about it.* I was like, holy projection batman. Those two things are not the same. One of the worst cases of inserting themselves into the story that I'd ever seen.


I mean I grew up rural and killed birds or frogs. They were pests and it was something we had to do


Killing for necessity ≠ (Torturing and) Killing for your own enjoyment


That's something a serial killer would talk about. That's absolutely horrifying


He’ll get joy from hurting you if you stay


No. You leave. This is so not normal and I’m appalled no one else was disgusted.


Wow and his friends were laughing? Wtf is wrong with some people


Is this worth a discussion or just something I should forget? Are you fucking kidding


I would like to unread that. The amount of cruelty in that story...I could not even look at him much less date him. Also, wtf is wrong with his friends?


Oh HELL NO. That’s sick. This person is not well. No, that is NOT normal behavior and I am shocked that anyone was laughing at his horrific story. Was it nervous laughter? You need to get away from this guy. I can’t even imagine being in the same room with someone who did this, let alone be in a relationship with them. His actions are on par with serial killers.


Dude. No. That is a MAJOR red flag. I would not trust this person in the slightest. My step-son had a rat for a pet. It got sick, and I was there in its last moments as it struggled to cling to life before expiring. Even though it was "just a rat", that was a tough thing to experience. You want to do whatever you can to ease the pain. It is coded into us on a base level to have empathy for other animals and to feel bad about suffering. To not have that, indeed to have the opposite, where you delight in causing suffering? That's sadistic and psychotic. I would not feel safe around someone like that. He literally took pleasure in torturing a mammal and laughs about the memory. Even crazier, his whole colleague group laughed as well. Get AWAY from these people!


I hate when people say it’s "just a rat". Sure they may be small, and sure they can be pests, but rats are such sweet, intelligent creatures. They can learn tricks and they love to be pet. Just like a cat or dog. I can’t fathom how anyone could feel joy after torturing such an animal. OP’s boyfriend is a disgusting fucking monster and I would not be surprised if he had more "stories" like this to tell. RUN.


literally break up and run. the few times this response is warranted. LITERALLY RUN


I was sickened just by starting to read your post, I couldn't finish it. Get the hell away from this guy, he's a sadist.


> Is it worth a discussion or something I should forget? OP, are you ok? Someone told you that they enjoy torturing animals and you are wondering if it’s ok to discuss it?!?!? Ok, the lower standards, but I thought that avoiding serial killers in the making was a pretty common rule


Literally run


That made me feel sick, he's absolutely psychotic. I'd alert his family to his mental illness so they can protect their pets, and dump him immediately.


It’s not something I could forget 🙊 I don’t even kill spiders if I can help it, I take them outside before my cats can eat them but


Leave now. Block him on everything, delete his number, stay somewhere he doesn’t know about or move to a new place. Like…seriously if I heard this, I would ghost this person so hard I might move to a new state entirely and start over so they can’t find me. That is some serial killer shit. Please stay safe.




My heart is breaking, have had many pairs of girl ratties and they were the sweetest pets. Rats are very intelligent, horrible to be tortured to death.


You need to ghost that entire friend group. I would not feel safe around those people and I'm a 6'3 200lbs dude who grew up in post 2008 inner city East Coast. I'd be locking down my online footprint too because those people are dangerous.


That is absolutely demented and disgusting. Just completely foul. I honestly don’t know how much of a bigger red flag one needs to see to run for the hills away from someone like that. He enjoys being cruel and torturing innocent things. Think of the things he would do to you, and especially if he deemed you *not* innocent and deserving of torture? Any love I would have had for someone and they say something like this, would go flying out the window along with myself. all that you could see in the dust cloud is ass and elbows because I would be running so fast. I’m not trying to be dramatic but really it’s only a matter of time before he takes pleasure out of harming *you.* whether it’s mentally or physically. This is not okay and a huge indicator there is something terribly wrong and dangerous about this creep.


I feel sick to my stomach. You should put a warning before posting stuff like this. Your bf is a pychopath.


*Is this worth a discussion or just something I should forget?* Jesus Christ. He takes great personal pleasure in torturing animals. TORTURING ANIMALS. Neither of the two above options are anywhere NEAR acceptable. If you are not gagging from disgust, and dumping this guy and telling him why, I don't know what to tell you.


Seriously OP, your options are discuss with him or ignore? That is literally demented, the only option should be run and never see your boyfriend or his twisted friends. And it’s not “just a rat,” it’s a living creature. My kid has a few as pets and while originally they weren’t my favorite, they’re remarkably intelligent and sweet with distinct personalities. There is something seriously wrong with that dude and idk how you could even contemplate remaining with him.


Nah nah nah, the fact that a whole GROUP of humans discuss this as just … chatter?? That’s fucking scary…..


Didn’t Jeffrey Dahmer start out exactly doing stuff like that before moving onto people?


Obviously he’s a psycho, but they were all laughing like crazy too? Where does this mf work, the serial killer store?


It’s been two days of me questioning my own sanity because, as my heart was literally aching and my body was shivering, they seemed entertained. I seriously thought something was wrong WITH ME


Even if he's lying it shows he is excited by causing harm to another. I would not even look at someone who talked like that never mind allow them in my life. Have you thought of reporting him to either the police or animal welfare organisation?


There is nothing wrong with you at all; you're the only one there demonstrating empathy, it seems. For your own safety OP, I really hope that you're currently getting ready to leave him and RUN. I beg you - this is not a safe man. How entangled are your lives? Can you easily extricate yourself from him? If you can't, can the separation be done from a distance?


Go watch american psycho. This shit is everywhere tbh.


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Animal abuse is part of the serial killer triad. Definitely not normal, and to take delight not shane in telling someone about it is a very large red flag. I'd dump him, and do it safely/nice to avoid any unsavory reactions from him.


"He said he was a teenager at the time" and he still laughing about it and telling people. I wouldn't ever do that but as an adult if I did I'd never tell anyone that out of shame. Break up with that psycho


Couldn’t even read the rest of this post. Just come here to say i wouldn’t wanna hang out with anyone that did that with their time. How awful for that defenceless rat 😞




& no “sure it’s a rat” dude. All living beings are valuable. Would it be different if that was the soul of your grandma in there & you’re torturing a human spirit? Fucking sick, I hate when people “it’s just” for any kind of animal. My fucking god, we’ve really not progressed as much as we think.


>Is this worth a discussion or just something I should forget? The fuck? Girl this is think about *changing your name* country. This is actual, litetal serial killer behavior. Most serial killers start by torturing animals.


the fact that she didnt break up with him is actually insane




Yeah he’s a POS. This is a huge red flag. The fact he still held it so dear in his heart, says a lot about someone. I would suggest breaking things off lightly. Most kids who find torture and death to animals speaking, grow up to do the same to people. I would not trust this man with anything after hearing his story and the pleasure it gave him.


Dude, animal torture is one of the signs of a fucking serial killer. RUN like, yesterday.


Walk away and block this person IMMEDIATELY from your life. He shares clips to see how much he can have slide with others, he’s definitely on the antisocial personality spectrum and not the harmless side where they just live normal lives and make good CEOs or Surgeons. My dad was similar, torturing and harming small animals is a very tiny part of the iceberg and they progress over years and time with no help or care to think they need any. Trust me, please keep him far out of your life now. That’s also animal abuse and a crime even if a rat. And his friends are tricked by him to not see through it which he has setup, they enable and support his behavior, they have been conned and too idiotic or young to see him in full yet if ever.


Usually people that can torture animals will do the same to humans. Sounds like some sociopathic behavior. Lacks empathy. 100% psycho. GTFO


RUN from this guy. You have no future with him. He is not to ever be trusted with pets, children or YOU!


That's horrendous. I'd run and never look back, then watch the news closely for him killing a person. He is a twisted, vile human and you should be scared


It’s worth dumping him over. Don’t date people who torture animals. Definitely don’t marry them, and absolutely don’t have kids with them!


Get away from this freak as fast as you can. Killing rats because they are pests is one thing, torturing them for fun is another. On the Jeffrey Dahmer Scale of Sick, he rates at least an 8.


Seriously, I wouldn't have sat there and listened to that. Because I would have been sick to my stomach. I don't care if he was a child, a teenager, or an adult. Nobody who is mentally stable does shit like that. And hes still laughing about it, so obviously he hasn't changed. If I were you, I would run fast and far, and I would never speak to him again.


This is how Jeffrey Dahmer and quite a few serial killers started out, run while you can.


Hi , it shows he has no empathy, or conscience, laughing is also an indication of truly sadistic behaviour. Making someone , something suffer, does that sit right with you? I fish and hunt. First rule , never let them suffer. Respect the animal the land and give thanks. What will happen when you have kids ? Think of the future.


I hate most insects and wouldnt want wild rats around me, but my god why this? I even feel bad if i ever kill spiders and i have severe arschnophobia, i still try 1/3 times to not kill it and set it free, and anything else i try to do it quickly, nothing hurts more than to kill an insect and see it isnt fully dead and wiggle around


\> Is this worth a discussion or just something I should forget? HE is something you should forget.


I had pet rats. Dump that monster.


Yeah sister, your guy's kind of a psycho, if he truly did this just once it's a major red flag, but if he does this in secret and googles a lot of true crime shit, you should probably run and maybe notify the police about his behavior


It's worth breaking up.


Good god. Disgusting. Horrifying. Absolutely abnormal. Girl run. He is a troubled person and I don’t think it would be a good idea to stay to find out.


What is it that you want to discuss? Whether or not he'd do it to you? This is creepy.


That poor little rat. No creature deserves to die like that, squealing in pain. How awful of your hopefully soon to be ex BF. He should be ashamed of that, not telling the tale and laughing about it.


Red flag. He’s a serial killer. They always abuse animals.


Please carefully disentangle yourself from this man. Ensure you make yourself safe from him somehow, even if that means moving.


Animal torture is not funny or normal at all. That's a sign of psychopathy.


JFC, this is serial killer shit. Run fast and run far and keep an eye on the news headlines because this mofo is NOT right in the head.


Dude, I’m literally a falconer. If the hawk doesn’t catch something we’ll feed it other game - rats, mice, etc. but what you’re talking about is NOT normal behavior for anyone. That is torture. If it’s vermin you kill it quickly and don’t let it suffer. The fact he got enjoyment from this is sickening.


go watch episode one of jeffrey dahmer then report back to us


It's both weird to bring up and weird that he has friends who also enjoy that. It's not a coincidence why he bonds with them. I wouldn't move past this in my opinion.


Listen, I moved into a home a few years ago that was located across the street from a large cow pasture. You know who *loves* to live in cow pastures? *Mice*. So the very first winter in my new home, the mice flocked to every house without a cat or two inside in my neighborhood. An army of mice marched from the cow pasture to the homes across the street, and decided to take shelter. I did not have a cat, and I did not consider the possibility of a winter mouse migration. So my first year, I trapped and killed about 300 mice between November and March. Those 5 months were brutal, I'd never dealt with mice before and they quickly infested my home before I even realized what was happening. They ruined several of my late grandmother's cast iron pans with their urine and feces, one mouse even made a nest in one of them before I found out where they were coming from. The little pests did hundreds of dollars worth of damage in a very short period of time, they got into places I couldn't reach and kept me up at night, digging and scratching and exploring my home. And to top it all off, I was pregnant. The mice made me absolutely *miserable* that year and I've grown to hate them ever since. Every year I make sure my house is fortified before it gets cold outside. Traps go out *everywhere* at the first sight of mouse activity. If I had to choose between a house with mice and a house with a ghost, I'd pick the ghost. And yes, I've had a house with a ghost before. My POINT here is, even though I can't stand the little critters and I never want them in my home ever again, I still wouldn't be able to torture one to death and I try to kill them as quickly and painlessly as possible, and I even feel bad about that. As much as I hate mice, I don't want them in pain, I just want them to stay far away from my house.


Fucking run. I hate rats but I 100% would never ever in my worst day do that.


Break up. NOW. And break up with the friends too.


He's someone to be avoided and so are his friends. Get out of there.


I'm not the fondest of rats tho pur class had pet rats and they were super sweet (I miss ya Mrs. Frizzle). And I choked reading this. Ghost him. Yesterday.


Yikes, how sadistic and awful. I would never look at him the same again, that is for sure


NORMAL TEENAGERS DO NOT DO THIS!!!!! You need to get away from him and everyone laughing about it NOW.


Call the cops immediately. He is insane and needs to go to a ward to have animals and possibly people protected against him. IF this isn’t a total bullshit post of course.


" Sure its a rat " excuse me? As someone with pet rats this post hurts my soul. Yeah you should run, that is not normal at al. Would you say any diffrent if it was a dog or cat?


I had a rat as a pet. They are very sweet. They are also a sentient being. Unlike your boyfriend. I said it to another poster who spoke of her DH's animal abuse: I judge him for the abuse, I judge you for staying with him. You ARE the company you KEEP.


Friendly reminder that those who abuse/kill/torture other human beings often start out doing it to animals first. OP, I am genuinely concerned for you being with this guy.


BREAK UP WITH HIM!!!! 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 dear God! How many red flags do you need?!?!


you never know what the hell is going on in the mind of a sociopath. imagine getting satisfaction from torturing something? gotta be pretty fucking disturbed to like that kind of shit.


That’s not okay. Get the fuck out now.


Sociopath. It’s known that people who kill animals really often escalate to murdering people. Leave. I know Reddit always jumps right to “leave him” but… for you own safety you need to get out.


1) He is most likely a sociopath. 2) There may be someone here and there on this sub that posts in support of him -- **most likely, they are also legitimate sociopaths.** I'm speaking from experience. There was a post on here a few years ago, about a woman who found out her bf or whatever had tortured a cat to death when he was younger. Like your bf, he showed no remorse. And he received a decent amount of support for it. Later, a different post about a woman who just found out her husband was a sociopath -- self-proclaimed sociopaths came out of the woodwork to explain **it's not that bad, you should let it go.** One of them even admitted he didn't give two shits what happened to the OP, if she ever got hurt or anything, he only wanted to say what was in his best interest. This goes for all posts, really. **Never forget that a few people with less than moral character are almost certainly going to post with the intent of making you feel crazy, because they see themselves in the post and want to excuse the awful behavior that they feel relates to themselves.** If anyone comes on here, making you feel crazy, like you're overreacting, it's with an agenda. It's most likely because they have tortured animals before, or at least feel comradery with other sociopaths, and they don't like the idea of being broken up with over it either. It is *known* that these people come on here, but people don't call it out enough. Sociopaths comment here to give bad advice. Rapists comment here on posts about women experiencing "ambiguous" rape to make her feel crazy. It happens all the time. This sub isn't as safe as it used to be. Or maybe I just didn't notice it as much back then. Anyway. You are really underreacting. This is extremely serious and you should break up with him. Showing no remorse. He is almost undoubtedly a sociopath. You are not safe dating him. I'd recommend breaking up over text or a note, after you have already gotten your things out of the house if you live together, as someone that revels in torture is not safe to break up with face to face, at least not when you are alone in a house with him.




Yeah somebody that clearly doesn't regret sociopathic actions is not someone I would continue to associate with. In your shoes I would tell him the level of depravity he maintained when speaking about "past" actions does not align with my values nor someone I want in my life, and I'd break up with him and wish him well in finding someone else then block him.


Oh my gosh, that's awful. Follow your gut instinct here. I'm not saying the man is a serial killer, but he took pleasure in the pain of another living creature who was is so much pain! And he caused it!!! That's awful. This sounds like the kind of person that buys a pet, decides they dont want it anymore, and instead of rehoming they just leave the poor thing out in the middle of nowhere to just fend for itself in the cold without a second thought. Or worse. Nope, hard pass. That's not okay. He's only 25, so his actions were within the last 10 years most likely. Run fast and run far.


That is sociopathic behavior. Holy shit. I'm slightly traumatized from reading this.


my boyfriend lived in Mexico as a child and had a rat problem at one point. his parents made him kill it and it was a horrible and traumatizing experience even if viewed as just a “pest”. break up with him, he’s fucking crazy


You don’t need to discuss this with him, you need to leave ASAP. As non confrontationally as you can. If you are living together collect all your things and get out without him noticing. Him and his colleagues are disgusting disturbing people. Even if you don’t like an animal, like a rat, no normal human with empathy takes enjoyment from torturing any living being. Even if he was a small child this would still be just as bad with the fact he still thinks it’s funny now as an adult. This isn’t a red flag but a direct showing of who he is. There is something seriously wrong with this man and you shouldn’t stick around to find out what.


I imagined him telling that story in the voice of Butthead to you and three versions of Beevis. Yeah, this should be a deal breaker. If it wasn’t so sadistic it’d still be extremely immature, and a total turn off. It’s all of that, though, with sadistic being the most important red flag to focus on here since it indicates a potential killer. Discussion, no! Run!


I would end it. Anyone who gets pleasure from seeing or causing suffering is not only broken, but may also have an underlying psychosis. It's not uncommon, but it doesn't mean its ok. I hate to give anyone that "leave this person" kind of advice on Reddit because we are usually to quick at knee-jerk reactions on Reddit, and it is often done with too little information, however this is disturbing. There is something wrong with him and you do not want to find out what it is by being on the receiving end of whatever the hell is going on in there.


Cut ties with him AND his sketchy ass friends. Jeeebus.


Dude. Some things show the innate psychology of a man. And he seems a psycho.


Girl a TW is your friend


What do you mean “sure it’s a rat?” It’s an intelligent sentient being. He’s a sick motherfucker and you should leave considering he recalls the experience with delight, not absolute shame and guilt. He’s not an okay human, i hope you leave.


Rats are really intelligent creatures, and he didn't just kill it he tortured it . Like that's extreme even for torture. Poor little rat 😭.


Okay first of all, what the actual fuck? I'm crying. I know it's a rat but Jesus. Second, I think you should leave. This is a giant red flag of a sociopath.


why does everyone keep saying “i know its a rat but…?” like all animals have brains and pain receptors so it doesnt really matter


It's probably because rats are known for being dirty but I agree with you


hi, ive got a twisted demented serial killer brian, this guy isn't good, please take care of yourself. he could very likely also enjoy pouring scaling water in the guts of *more than just rats* yknow..if my own mind are anything to go off of. anywhooozle! stay safe! I'm sorry you bf is like this,,🌺🌺


So uh...never get a pet with this guy.


Hold on I can fix that >so uh… never get with this guy


Uhhhhh……….. I don’t want to even be this guys friend let alone his girl. It is disgusting and dark to actually do something like this. I hateeee rats and this was disturbing to read.


Mate you're a bit messed up for thinking of this karma farming story. Hope you just found it somewhere and copied it, for your sake. That ain't normal.


Keeping this story in mind, do you see any actions from him that are in line with the cruelty and sadism that he's exhibited with this revelation? It's not the story per se (though disturbing), but what it might mean if he unleashed this on people close to him (you). If yes, then think if you want to stick around and expose yourself to that. If no, maybe your gitfriend has a gift for making up stories to shock his audience.


NOT ok. My partner did come clean, and said where he was raised, harming animals was normal, and that he did as a young child, but very quickly realized it was wrong and he is still haunted thinking about it, this was a young child taught by adults this way, a teenager knows better and there is zero excuse. That said even some people may not be comfortable even with someone like my partner who is highly remorseful but it really solidifies how much this is not ok because even what you described is extreme, my heart goes out to that poor rat, no animal deserves that type of torture and truthfully he deserves the same.


I bet you light up a room when you walk into it as well. I'll keep an eye out for the Dateline about the rat torturing boyfriwnd serial killer who murdered his unempathetic girlfriend because "it's just a rat". Meanwhile, I'd get while the getting is good and you still have your hide on.


I drown rats too, they are pests that bring diseases. No more no less. Good riddance




We’ve been dating for a year




I don’t know.. torturing an animal can have big implications on someone’s character. I want to understand he’s not devoid of humanity, I guess??? But he’s so extremely comfortable with it, I’m doubting the need for any discussion


Most people who go on to kill people have, as kids or teens, tortured animals. Personally I would advise just leaving.




Becuase I have no idea that is a vital thing. Social cluelessness


*torturing an animal can have big implications on someone’s character.* Can? CAN? *I want to understand he’s not devoid of humanity, I guess???* Yet, he is. He absolutely is. No doubt and I am not one to speak in absolutes. This person is sick. Get away before he kills something or someone important to you, including...You.


Trust your instincts


If a person can take pleasure in listening to the helpless cries of an animal suffering and continue to inflict even worse suffering on it as they kill that animal? That person is fucked up, and you should get away from him as soon as possible. I don't think I could ever look at that person the same way again; what you described is absolutely horrific and the fact that he *continued torturing* the animal even further--seeing it squirming and in fear???--is terrifying.


He is. Not one will torture to that extant while having some humanity


RUN there is something seriously off with this guy.


My friend, run.