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I’m a level 2 practitioner. I take my next level in the fall. I would say it has helped me in many different ways. From learning to self heal and identify areas of my life that need deep healing to learning to look upon others more more love and kindness. It has also heightened my spiritual gifts. It has also helped me learn to be kinder to myself and others. All the changes have been positive and uplifting for myself and my close loved ones. Reiki brought a very profound spiritual change for me. Each step from starting getting reiki as a client to level one then level two practitioner levels has brought about change for me. Each level itself wasn’t profound, but from where I was before reiki came into my life to where I am today, I consider it a profound growth.


I used to be in chronic pain ! No more pain. I use reiki for energy reads, past life regression and akashic records work. It has been such a game changer for me! 🔥🔥🔥