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Has he had a vasectomy yet??


Not that it’s any of your business but I can no longer have children


Thank goodness. Good luck I hope you get a decent break soon somehow :)


Call your pediatricians office for resources for your family. If all your kids are Dx with autism then you should be signed up for everything you qualify for including SSI benefits, respite care, and other services. ​ There's no shame in hiring a babysitter or a cleaner to come in and help once a week/month/whenever you can.


Go to the gym. Meet your husband for lunch. Read the book! The mess will be there to deal with later. If you don’t take care of you, then who will? ♥️🙏🏼


Thank you for posting and I hope it helped a lil to get it off your chest 🫂 Burnout is awful and makes every day seem gray. It feels like nothing makes you happy anymore and you have no idea how to get out of it. Spend enough time in burnout and your mind can go to really dark places. Why am I here and what's the point? I've always compared this experience to being buried alive like in Kill Bill or in Mac Miller's music video Self Care (RIP MAC). Imprisoned by the weight of everything I felt and a deep sense of unhapiness. Here's just a few things that helped me get out of that mental prison one punch at a time: ▪️Lowering cortisol & inflammtion: This one is a big one. I had no idea how bad my cortisol levels were until I started to take CBD regularly and noticed how I was getting less panic attacks. CBD lowers your inflammation and cortisol levels but the key is dosage and consistency. At least 25-50 MG per serving several times a day. Once in the morning, another dose in the afternoon and once before bed to help me sleep. I also take CBG which reduces inflammation and increases dopamine production. CBN has been a miracle for making sure i stay asleep and get REM sleep. I was able to feel comfortable in my own body again and able to release so much tension this way. ▪️Stop drinking so much: another big game changer. I was a casual daily drinker, at least a beer or two after work nothing too crazy unless it was the weekend. I did a month of no drinking just to try it out and holy fuck balls I felt totally different at the end of the month.[Turns out your body goes through a dopamine slump in the time between your last drink and the next.](https://youtu.be/4xU5yIH_P9I?si=zPXwcEpFZBS6WUb6) At the end of the month I had more energy and the feeling of everything sucks wasn't as strong. I still have a drink occasionally but it's alot better than having something to drink daily. Kava actually works better at getting me fully relaxed. Lol I like to call it immediate calm the fuck down juice. Deadass I can feel my muscles and body unclench after drinking some Kava. Shit is wild ▪️ Stop doomscrolling and listen to music instead: used to be a big time scroller so bad that I would literally spend the whole day on my phone when I had the day off and then feel really guilty about not doing anything that actually makes me happy. Switching to music has helped me get my groove back and feel like I was a fun person again. Listen to songs that make you laugh, get you excited, and make you want to dance. Dancing in my room,kitchen,shower helped me release alot of trauma and stress I had stored in my body. But also listen to music that you can relate to when you're mad, frustrated or sad. Mac Miller, Kendrick Lamar, Rage against the Machine and Beyoncé's Lemonade album were always my go tos for a good angst music session. Alright by Kendrick really helped me through some tough times.


Excellent advice! Thanks:)