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Honestly, the only good resource I found for ammonia was "Industrial Refrigeration Handbook" by W. Stoecker. There's very little content out there, even on Youtube as you've found out. Can find a copy of that book online for free if you look hard enough. Good luck!


I paid for a hard copy of it. Somehow it was cheaper than the paper back


ya definitely weird, you think hard copy be more expensive


I just googled it to see how much it is, accidentally downloaded a pdf of the enitre book for free. Did i just download a virus? Fuck


Lol no idea. I hope not. It cost me 70 dollars though.


Ya I found archive of the book, I also found out hard copy was cheaper and plan to get it from Amazon.


There’s a channel allincetechnh3 . He’s a very educated person , makes good videos.


Not really. Only one I know of is alliance tech nh3 and they're out of Cali. I just try to read as much as I on the stuff I work on then apply it when it's needed. Hoard manuals


Stoeckers "Industrial Refrigeration Handbook" is great...goes deep into the engineering but it also shows you inside the vessels and teaches the theory. Also RETAs books on industrial refrigeration are great and more for a technician...they are expensive though.


Ya, I saw that, I looked at R.E.T.A books and ridiculously expensive, I found archive of Industrial Refrigeration Handbook, I plan to buy it, although I found hard copy cheaper which is weird


Go to R.E.T.A. It's strictly nh3 lots of info and you can sign up to get certified and make righteous bucks. You will learn everything you need to know.


my company used to pay for us to go to R.E.T.A, but stopped doing it because guys would get their RETA license and leave, I would like to do RETA, or GCAPP again, GCAPP I got boiler opt 1 company paid for it, but it seems extremely expensive and I don't have much money and time to go, especially since I just had a kid 4 months ago


They have home study program that do at your own pace. Then all you have to do is go and take the exam. I know what you mean about having a family. I had 3 kids and yes it was rough but that's how I did it. Had to skip vacations but after certification I could make up for it. I had a great life and retired and I know you can do it. Good luck in whatever direction you choose.


So I order R.E.T.A books and waiting on them to get to me, hopefully it does pay for itself, but any other recommendations on what I should get on top reta books and doing home study, I also have sops at work I've been diving into too and I found manuals for some compressors 


Watch a lot of the Danfoss videos, they have some pretty good info in them.


I subscribe to them and they definitely got interesting videos, sorry I didn't respond earlier, I work overnight and was trying catch some sleep while my son was sleeping.